Stranger: hey
You: hey
Stranger: m
You: both
You: how are you?
Stranger: finee
Stranger: u?
You: 2
You: :]
Stranger: good
Stranger: from?
You: a country far away
Stranger: hhhhhhh
You: It's a magical and bewitched countje
You: country
You: I mean
Stranger: ????
You: I'm a witch
You: a good witch
You: being bad is dangerous in our country
You: and illegal
You: you go to jail
You: when you're bad
You: I don't want that to happen to me
You: But much witches are bad this year
You: So, there are more trolls protecting our town
Stranger: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You: It's true!!
You: Believe me!!
Stranger: nooooo
You: How old are you??
Stranger: 18
You: I see
Stranger: u?
You: 694
Stranger: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You: Born in the middle ages
You: no one believes me
Stranger: u are sexxy??
You: But people from our country are immortal
You: yes I am
Stranger: goood
Stranger: soo
Stranger: iwill to fuck u
You: but it's forbidden in my country to have a hot chat
You: It's forbidden
You: And I follow my country's rules
Stranger: emmmmmmmm
Stranger: u hace faacebook??
You: The trolls will get to my house if I do this!!
You: what is that??
You: we don't have it in my country
You: But I have Glitter
You: you can place Glits there
You: like short messages
You: about what ur doing at the moment
Stranger: chating
You: not chatting
You: like posting messages from 1 sentence
You: like a little blog
You: it's: glitter.snr/
You: my username is BobTheGoodWitch
You: You have to put your specie in ur username
You: and ur name
Stranger: khaled
You: register at Glitter today!!
You: to follow me
Stranger: i dont know
You: Listen to me
You: I'm always right
You: I'm 694
You: A wise, magical girl
Stranger: i ,like
You: I can send you some leprechauns
You: We use them as slaves
You: But I treat them nice
You: U want one??
Stranger: noo
You: They're very nice if you treat them right
Stranger: yeah
You: in which country do you live?
You: I will fly to you with my broomstick
Stranger: u are welcom
Stranger: soo i fuck u
You: NO
Stranger: i like
Stranger: im tunisian
You: I may be a good witch, but I can cast dark spells as well!!!
Stranger: by
Stranger: beach
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
There's power in the words you whisper.