You: Hellooooooooooooo
Stranger: Hii
Stranger: Hw r u?
You: I'm fine
You: Do you know bob?
Stranger: Sorry
Stranger: i dont know
You: To bad, I know a bob 
You: How are you?
Stranger: Which bob?
You: My grandfather 
Stranger: Hanha
You: Why are you 
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: Never Mind
You: I love nothing
Stranger: whats ur name?
You: I know, but you don't 
You: No just kidding, my name is Alyssa
Stranger: Cool name
You: Thank you, what's your name?
Stranger: My name is Jubin
Stranger: Jubin
You: Jubin, that name I haven't heard before
You: Do you live in Europ?
Stranger: My full name is Jubin Jose
Stranger: no,
Stranger: asia,India
You: Cool, I wanna go to Asia one day
You: I live in the Netherlands
Stranger: u are welcome to asia
You: Thank you
Stranger: hollond?
Stranger: thats cool
You: Yes, holland
You: You're welcome in the Netherlands/Holland
Stranger: I wish to visit amsterdam
You: Amsterdam is really cool, I don't live there, but I've been there
Stranger: Thnks Alysaa
You: You're welcome
And Thnks back
Stranger: Netherland is a very beautifuk place
You: It rains a lot 
Stranger: Beautiful country with beautiful flowers
You: The flowers are really beautiful, yeah, but India is more colourful and has better food 
Stranger: Oh here too
Stranger: Rainy day,Its summer but ..rain is here
You: Here it is Spring, but it looks like summer, very hot (but that won't last for long
Stranger: really in India u can see lots of different cultures
Stranger: So if u travel one state to another its feel like another country
You: Maybe thats a good idea
Stranger: yes
You: Here in the Netherlands every house can have a different culture, but they are very... How do you say it?... They took or "culture" (we don't really have a culture)
Stranger: Alyssa ..what do u do? studying or working?
You: Studying. Why?
Stranger: I mean ur profession?
You: No, I'm still in school.
You: I learn so I can become something later
Stranger: k..I am studying Mechanical Engineering
Stranger: 2nd year,College
You: I'm studying to become a writer for scripts
Stranger: Oh..Thats a good ambition.
You: I know, but after I finished that study, I have to write a script, send it to a company and then hope that they want to film it
Stranger: Do u like Hollywood movies ?
You: Yep
You: Do you like the Twilight movies?
Stranger: i like too 
Stranger: Yes, I saw the three movies in Twilight series
Stranger: Who is ur favorite in that movie?
You: Eclipse
You: Like, c'mon Wolfpack *drools*
Stranger: I like the first movie
Stranger: Thats the most romantic, I think
Stranger: Which type movies do u like ?
You: That's true. New Moon sucked. The wolfpack is really hot, but that's it
You: I like a romantic comedy and I like fantasy
Stranger: K..I like every kind of movies
Stranger: I like romantic,Horror,Sci-fi,Action everything
You: What is your favorite movie ecer made?
Stranger: Brave Heart
Stranger: May be Troy
Stranger: May be Titanic
Stranger: Swashank Redempion
Stranger: so many movies have same standard.
You: Thats true
You: I can't choose either
You: I like the Horse Whisperer (I love horses), I like Twilight and Eclipse I like Mama Mia
Stranger: Who is favorite actor/actress?
You: I have two favorite actors: Boo Boo Stewart (Nils Allen Stewart Jr.) and Kiowa Gordon
You: I have also two favorite actresses: Ashley Greene and Amanda Seyfried
Ik mag naar India(yeah) Van haar dan
Edit: Ze is er ineens mee gekapt
[ bericht aangepast op 12 mei 2011 - 19:37 ]
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful