You: Are you Bob?
Stranger: hi
You: Hi
Stranger: what? No im not bob lol
You: Too bad, I was looking for Bob, have you seen him?
Stranger: Who are you?
Stranger: no.. idk who is Bob.
You: Bob is bob, you know..
Stranger: oh okk... yeah
You: How are you 
Stranger: amazing. todays a good dayy for me
You: I'm bored.. so not that good x']
Stranger: haha 
Stranger: where are you from?>
You: Holland, you?
Stranger: Poland 
You: Wicked! I've never been to Poland, is it fun there?
Stranger: not really... haha
You: Too bad
Stranger: i mean, its ok but i wish i lived in the usa.
Stranger: nothing ever happens here in poland.
Stranger: What about holland?
You: I have family in the usa
You: Holland is fun 
Stranger: Ur lucky 
You: Yes I am, but I want to live in ENgland, I love England!
Stranger: reeally? I heard its rainy there.
You: It is, but Holland can be rainy to, and I won't melt 
Stranger: hhah
You: You know, it is fun talking to you 
Stranger: thanks
its nice talking to you too...
You: Haha
Stranger: what language do people speak in holland?
Stranger: Sorry,idk much about holland
You: Dutch, it looks like German. Kind of
Stranger: omg i learn german.
Stranger: its so difficult for me 
You: You do? Wicked I speak a little German
You: German isn't difficult for me, 'cause it looks like my own language
Stranger: yeahh i also speak German only a little. I dont really like german. I prefer english its wayyy easier for me 
You: English is easier for me too, because I learn English for ten years now and German like 3 years
You: We learn French to, but I hate that language
Stranger: me too. i learn german like 4 years, and english...i think its 6 yrs now.
Stranger: How old are you btw?
You: 16
You: Almost 17
You: And you?
Stranger: almost 14... im turning 14 in june 
You: Congratz 
Stranger: hahah thank you 
Stranger: WHat is ur name??
You: Lieke, it's a really dutch name x]
You: Wat's your name?
Stranger: Looks nice.
i have no idea whats the pronunciation of ur name though..haha 
You: I hate my name, it isn't international 
Stranger: my name's Ola. hah really simple. But i like it, almost every foreigner knows nhow to say it.
You: Ola, is an icecream brand in the Netherlands
so I know how to say it, I think 
Stranger: hahhah really?? good to know haha ;P
Stranger: ola its like oh-la
Stranger: haha
Stranger: and what the pronunciation of Lieke?
You: Hmm.. how do I have to explain it.. let me think 
Stranger: ok ;p
You: Like Lily only the second l is an k. Haha, I don't know an other way to explain it 
Stranger: its like... lee-lyke?
Stranger: or lee-leek?
You: Lee-kee
Stranger: oh i get it 
You: It looks weird that way
Stranger: i know haha 
You: Haha
You: But I havo to go, my favourite show begins!
You: X-factor 
Stranger: Ok... 
Stranger: Bye 
Stranger: We should talk sometime soon 
You: We should 
Stranger: hah 
Stranger: Bye <3
You: xByeBye
I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.