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    Veel plezier:BAD Translator

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    UPDATE:ze hebben BAD Translator geüpdate en spreekt nog altijd geen Nederlands

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 mei 2012 - 15:51 ]

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "Waarom kan je geen Nedrelands?!"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Village green Iran?"
    Original text:

    "Dus je kan geen Nederlands door een groene stad in Ierland?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Do not use the E1, brachtig, and the Dutch company, taking into account the DHS research in Ireland."
    Original text:

    "Wat?! "

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    Original text:

    "Ik bump speciaal voor jou je topic en jij begint over DHS onderzoek in Ierland?Ik lees vaak jou hele topic en dan moet ik hard lachen maar nu moet ik echt bijn huilen omdat ik je kwijt ben."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "The space is the same as the period of validity of IerlandIK the hot waves it, you know that the DHS Bell Research Institute from the g-code, silice"

    Ze passen de pagina aan en nu praat hij alleen over onderzoek in Ierland.Ja,ik bump dit topic.

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    Ik ben moe, moet zo naar school en heb daar dus echt geen zin in... weet jij wat ik er tegen kan doen want ik heb dus echt geen idee...

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    Using ELISA schools level I do not know what happened. I really ...


    Life is like a novel, you're the author and everyday is a new page

    waarom is hij gek geworden?
    30 vertalingen later
    Jack Gordon away.

    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.

    Original text:

    "Ik vind je een vervelende nerd"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Transfer error and ceiling only"
    Original text:

    "Hoe gaat het in Ierland met dat onderzoek?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Now, you can discover Ireland?"
    Original text:

    "Je kan Ierland niet meer ontdekken dat heeft al iemand gedaan."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Fundamental rights, ayimand and auntdikin towers (multiple tracks of km and the Earth), the private sector, as a reference, not the child."
    Original text:

    "Wie heeft je in een nerd veranderd? "

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "A Suspect"
    Original text:

    "Een verdachte?Is het Bavarf Strafrecht uit Denamarken?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "In connection with the application of criminal law, estimated 15: the third war Kunch, Metro, see: Bavarf."
    Original text:

    "Wie heeft je zo slim gemaakt ik vond je leuker toen je dom en Nederlands was."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Netherlands or Switzerland, this low fat sources: navel citizens 4 Lok Ma 2 coffee or"

    Wie begrijpt hem?

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "I hope you get dumb if i talk to you in English and nerds.So you have heard about global warming.And the ecological footprint in belgium we have: 5.1 hectares and the fair earth share is 1.9"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Its tail, in Los Angeles, California, United States, the United States sent in two of the world's réchauffemen because he was listening to the province of parish. 1.2. our ecological footprint in Belgium and 2 1-5"


    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "Als PI 3,14 is is PIPI dan 6,28?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "6.28 BELS m cache server in the game without the title of the transfer price calculated?, 3.14"
    Original text:

    "Dus als ik het goed begrijp heet het dubbel van PI,BELS?Heet 12,56 dan,PIBELS?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "I know that this does not mean that some bibels my NN120D562."
    Original text:

    "Wat heeft de bijbel met wiskunde te maken?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "-In the Bible is Wiskund grams."
    Original text:

    "Dus als ik het goed begrijp is de bijbel geen boek over heiligen maar over wiskunde?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "For me, good metal and ch and destroys all of the dos Santos Inc. all Bible wiskund."

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "So do you like pudding or can`t you love something? Wait! If you can`t love things you have never loved HEAVYMETAL"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "You'd or. Hivimital do not need something to protect, I applaud."

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "meh. i like trains"

    ...21 translations later Bing gives us:

    "To positive... Looking to connect Utilisateur"

    26 - 02 - '16

    Original text:
    "what do you think of SOPA?"
    ...22 translations later Bing gives us:
    "Halten Sie, Karl, SOPA te genyen?"

    Original text:
    "who is that Karl person, is that your friend?"
    ...20 translations later Bing gives us:
    "He is a member of the brothers, Carl?"

    26 - 02 - '16

    Original text:

    "Are you able to love?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Do you want to do Sth?"
    Original text:

    "What is Sth?"

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Manhattan (New York)"

    Sth betekent Manhattan (New York)?

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Hoe kan je nu nerdy doen bij pudding?
    Original text:


    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "By signing the Convention, information"

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Mijn signature
    Original text:

    "Adele might set fire to rain… But SpongeBob can make a campfire under water."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Water, sprinkle Minutieusement Qch nobility."

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multi-national agreement for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. "

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "The international agreement in the form of a protocol to the international standard of vanadium."
    Original text:

    Original text:

    "Good to now?"

    ...37 translations later Bing gives us:

    "。 Zaima Sigessseubnigga Jigeum"

    Die nerd gesprekken zijn best wel leuk.

    Mijn username is een kopje, geen plaat

    Original text:

    "Blabla blablabla blsblabla blabla"

    ...20 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Bulabulabulabula Belsblabla"

    "NOOOOOOOOOOOO He is behind you! Look out, he've got a knife."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Nouuuuuuuuu, you should have before?"

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor

    Original text:

    "I can see a bird flying."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Reflections on history."

    Original text:

    "Gimme some cookies. 8D"

    ...36 translations later Bing gives us:

    "Galletas Αλλά Інтернеті Dens. (d) 8."

    Original text:

    "Hi, my name is Lisa and I'm bored."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "I mixed a su wo sa ri na ra mu, ta chi ko ko to sa ha ni ga to ru se nn. education Mix xili sunshine, and Islam"

    Original text:

    "Cool story bro."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "New brother desire"

    Original text:

    "You are maaaad and I'm Sparta."

    ...35 translations later Bing gives us:

    "If all of the tools, as I did."

    lolll I love this. (baby)

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 feb 2012 - 18:16 ]

    Full of envy behind that anonymous mask