• Vorige was vol, hier kan je met vreemde mensen praten.
    Ken woord voor Quizlet is Bob.
    asl= age sex location

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 mei 2011 - 16:41 ]

    It's not because I smile, my life is perfect. It's because I appreciate what life gives to me, and what God has blesse

    You: BOB
    Stranger: you mean boob?
    You: NO.
    You: BOB.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

    Ik vind Omegle echt leuk. Ik zat er laatst nog op school op, met een tussenuur. Een vriendin en ik gingen echt helemaal stuk, iedereen zat echt zo te kijken x'd

    Ik zit nu alleen maar te BOB'en tegen iedereen, en iedereen disconnect me dan xd

    Whaha ;D;D

    You: BOB ;D
    You: Bob ;o
    You: BOHOB
    You: BOB
    Stranger: Spongebob?

    Stranger: hey!
    You: BOB ;D
    Stranger: JKL?!
    You: BOB ;D
    Stranger: lol wtf?
    You: BOB ;D

    Epic moment; Ik kwam Publisher tegen op omegle :Y)

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    Haha, ik hou hiervan.

    Gradually, then suddenly..

    Stranger: hi

    Stranger: horny?

    You: no

    You: bob?

    Stranger: im m

    Stranger: no

    Stranger: who bob?

    You: Imabob:P

    Stranger: bob is my dick name

    You: BOB :O

    You: IM from Holland you?

    Stranger: dont call my dick...it start wake up.

    Stranger: im germany

    Stranger: u f?

    You: maby:P

    Stranger: lol

    Stranger: im like girls...

    Stranger: espicially hot girls!

    You: do you live in HAMBURG?!!!

    Stranger: no

    You: than you arent a HOMBURGER:P

    Stranger: lol


    Stranger: so funny!

    Stranger: ;)

    You: wieeerrrddd!!!

    Stranger: u tooo!

    You: kontegeilelolly

    Stranger: whats that???

    You: heheheh do you realy wanna know?=D

    Stranger: yes...

    Stranger: ;)

    You: to bad you never gonne know:P

    Stranger: plez begging u

    Stranger: lol

    You: nope:P

    Stranger: u pussy name?

    You: :O

    You: NOO!!!

    You: MY pussy name is bobo

    Stranger: so...

    Stranger: hi bobo?

    You: :_P

    Stranger: meet my frenz bob.

    You: ...

    Your conversational partner has disconnected. .


    If you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: frank?
    Stranger: Jorg?
    You: is that you?
    Stranger: no its santa claus
    You: santa?
    Stranger: yeah
    You: ive been looking for you for ages! :D
    Stranger: ah i really dont want to give you the thong u asked
    You: this year im gonna be a good boy :)
    Stranger: i hope so
    Stranger: maybe you'll get the barbie
    You: BARBIE?
    You: yeeeeeeeeeeey
    Stranger: and the thong
    Stranger: you'll be happy
    You: i'm sure i will be pleased with that :)
    Stranger: huh. parents wont approve?
    Stranger: do they know about your little.. problem?
    You: no? :(
    Stranger: aww thats a shame
    You: kinda :'(
    Stranger: maybe the homeless next to your house will adopt you
    You: the homeless with the golden voice?
    Stranger: is that your boyfriend?
    You: no
    Stranger: ah..
    Stranger: then i guess no
    Stranger: anywaay gotta go give presents to ppl
    Stranger: cyaaaaaa
    You: ciao
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 juli 2011 - 18:24 ]

    *klop klop* Penny! *klop klop* Penny! * klop klop* Penny!

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hey
    You: are you Bob?
    Stranger: no
    You: are you Bob?
    Stranger: are you looking for Bob?
    You: yes!
    You: why can't I find him? D:
    Stranger: sorry , im not Bob...
    Your conversational partner has disconnected

    He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: I'm m
    You: I'm f
    Stranger: Age?
    You: Age?
    Stranger: You first
    You: no, you first
    Stranger: I asked first! Rawr!
    You: 15, you?
    Stranger: 18
    You: location?
    Stranger: Earth
    You: -__-
    You: where on earth?
    Stranger: Lulz
    Stranger: Western hemisphere
    You: where in the western hemisphere?
    Stranger: USA!
    You: AWESOME
    You: which state?
    Stranger: I dont feel comftorable answering this question
    You: D:
    You: I'm from Belgium, btw
    Stranger: Cute
    You: haha, why's that cute?
    Stranger: Cuz you're cute
    You: u don't know me
    Stranger: Yes I do
    You: you don't even know my name
    Stranger: Name?
    You: ?
    Stranger: What's ur namr
    Stranger: Name
    You: Kato
    You: yours?
    Stranger: That's a cute name
    You: haha, stop calling me cute!
    You: now you gotta tell me yours
    Stranger: Nope
    You: I told you mine
    Stranger: My name is Reginald
    You: Reggie (:
    Stranger: Yaaaaaa
    You: :D
    Stranger: You believe me?
    You: you believe me?
    Stranger: Ugh
    You: haha (':
    Stranger: Send pics?
    You: noooooo, dude
    You: I don't know you
    Stranger: Then why are you on this website?????
    You: because I'm borde
    You: bored*
    You: duh
    You: wie denkt hij wel niet dat ie is, man
    Stranger: Doubt it you're at least a little bit horny to get on omegle
    You: wtf
    Stranger: Was?
    You: was?
    Stranger: Auf deutsch?
    You: nein man, dutch
    You: dutch and german aren't the same
    Stranger: No shit
    Stranger: And I thought belgium was smart ahahaha
    You: SMART
    You: *
    Stranger: Lulz
    Stranger: Prove it
    You: what do I have to do to prove it?
    Stranger: I am disagreeing with you're statement that you're smart an I am apparently a dumbass
    You: the fact that I'm talking english this well to you, is a proof thatI'm smart
    Stranger: I doubt you're from belgium
    You: WHY
    Stranger: I just do
    Stranger: I'm better than you nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."

    You: hallo
    You: asl?
    Stranger: hi asl
    You: 14 holland f
    Stranger: 16 m us
    Stranger: u wanna swap pics
    You: i don't :)
    Stranger: why
    You: let me guess your one of that freaking lonely guy's :D

    ze zijn altijd zielig en alleen als ze plaatjes willen ruilen :Y)

    Shoganai i ne~

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hallo
    Stranger: hi... asl?
    You: 14 the netherlands f
    Stranger: 18 mhorny
    Stranger: a orange on my dick
    You: yeah good for you (:
    Stranger: so, msn/skype/pics?
    Stranger: ??
    You: nope i have only msn but that not for anther people :)
    nog zo'm ziellepootding

    Shoganai i ne~

    You: Okay.
    You: Cool.
    You: Can I leave?
    Stranger: sure
    Stranger: thanks for the time
    You: No problem..

    Dit was een weirdo. o.o

    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hallo
    Stranger: hii
    Stranger: im male
    You: bob?
    Stranger: u?
    You: f
    Stranger: good (:
    Stranger: whats your name?
    You: gaatje niksaan
    Stranger: fine
    Stranger: how years old? ;B
    You: 15
    Stranger: i also 15
    Stranger: (:
    Stranger: you have email or facebook? (;
    You: email :(
    You: * :)
    Stranger: what is it your email? (:

    Stranger: im pretty cute
    You: gaatjeechtnietsaan@sukkel.nl

    ik zeg 9 van de 10 keer 15 omdat ik anders weg gedrukt word -_-

    Shoganai i ne~

    Junglebeat schreef:

    Stranger: I'm better than you nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

    Ik zit al vanaf 3 uur vanmiddag met een hele leuke jongen te praten uit Tennessee, USA.
    Hij is echt zo lief! Imma dying.