You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I'm m
You: I'm f
Stranger: Age?
You: Age?
Stranger: You first
You: no, you first
Stranger: I asked first! Rawr!
You: 15, you?
Stranger: 18
You: location?
Stranger: Earth
You: -__-
You: where on earth?
Stranger: Lulz
Stranger: Western hemisphere
You: where in the western hemisphere?
Stranger: USA!
You: which state?
Stranger: I dont feel comftorable answering this question
You: I'm from Belgium, btw
Stranger: Cute
You: haha, why's that cute?
Stranger: Cuz you're cute
You: u don't know me
Stranger: Yes I do
You: you don't even know my name
Stranger: Name?
You: ?
Stranger: What's ur namr
Stranger: Name
You: Kato
You: yours?
Stranger: That's a cute name
You: haha, stop calling me cute!
You: now you gotta tell me yours
Stranger: Nope
You: I told you mine
Stranger: My name is Reginald
You: Reggie (:
Stranger: Yaaaaaa
Stranger: You believe me?
You: you believe me?
Stranger: Ugh
You: haha (':
Stranger: Send pics?
You: noooooo, dude
You: I don't know you
Stranger: Then why are you on this website?????
You: because I'm borde
You: bored*
You: duh
You: wie denkt hij wel niet dat ie is, man
Stranger: Doubt it you're at least a little bit horny to get on omegle
You: wtf
Stranger: Was?
You: was?
Stranger: Auf deutsch?
You: nein man, dutch
You: dutch and german aren't the same
Stranger: No shit
Stranger: And I thought belgium was smart ahahaha
You: *
Stranger: Lulz
Stranger: Prove it
You: what do I have to do to prove it?
Stranger: I am disagreeing with you're statement that you're smart an I am apparently a dumbass
You: the fact that I'm talking english this well to you, is a proof thatI'm smart
Stranger: I doubt you're from belgium
You: WHY
Stranger: I just do
Stranger: I'm better than you nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."