• Vorige was vol, hier kan je met vreemde mensen praten.
    Ken woord voor Quizlet is Bob.
    asl= age sex location

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 mei 2011 - 16:41 ]

    It's not because I smile, my life is perfect. It's because I appreciate what life gives to me, and what God has blesse

    You: I'm a prancing pony! :D

    Stranger: hey asl

    Stranger: and im a rainbow unicorn!

    You: Do you have a horn? o.o

    Stranger: yes! :D

    You: Awesome! Lend it to me 8D

    Stranger: i threw it away

    You: NO! The horror D:

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    You: Bob? ;o
    Stranger: MARLEY
    Stranger: IS
    You: No
    Stranger: KING
    You: the other one ;o
    Stranger: BOB
    Stranger: SINCLAR
    You: NOOOOO
    Stranger: BOB
    You: the other other one
    Stranger: BOB BOBBy bob/
    Stranger: ?
    You: Nope ;o
    Stranger: WELL BOB SUCKS
    You: NO WAY
    Stranger: MOBY RULES!!!!!!!
    You: You suck!
    Stranger: BOB SUCKS

    Aye, brother! 4 8 15 16 23 42

    You: Hi
    You: asl?
    Stranger: my name is Misha, I am starting my new job today as a sex worker and cam girl. I need to do 30 free Webcams to start getting paid. Can you take 3 minutes out of your day and watch me? - date101.info Just verify your age and then we can talk. I promise I will make you shoot the biggest load of your life - date101.info

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    You: Did you see bob?
    Stranger: no
    You: Look behind you.
    Stranger: he isnt theree
    You: Yes he is, but you just can't see him.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.


    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

    KENNYBEER schreef:

    Bob staat voor quizlet

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor

    Stranger: hey.
    You: Bob?
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: ranveer here
    Stranger: 21.m
    You: I'm Babrbie
    Stranger: age??
    You: 6
    Stranger: really
    You: Yes
    Stranger: n who is bob??
    You: My boyfriend (:
    Stranger: he is also 6
    Stranger: yr old
    You: no
    Stranger: thn?
    You: I'm a criminal
    You: He's 7
    Stranger: n u hav only one boyfrnd
    You: My mom said I cant date older people
    You: But I'm a criminal, so I do.
    Stranger: ur mom is lying
    Stranger: u can date
    Stranger: with me
    You: I don't want.
    Stranger: why?? i m handsome , sexy
    You: Sexyness doesn't care.
    Stranger: wht else do u want
    Stranger: so wht kind of guys do u like??
    You: I want Bob.
    Stranger: is there any special in bob
    You: Yes.
    You: He's hot.
    You: He's eyes are brown
    You: like Justin Bieber.

    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: OMG ö
    You: Omg what ö?
    Stranger: It's you ... Stranger?!! ö
    You: OMG Your are Stranger Too Ö
    Stranger: Omfg ö
    Stranger: So euhm ... what do we do now??!! ö
    You: I'm Boring my Ö
    Stranger: Ok ... ?
    Stranger: What time is it?
    You: 18:33 :]
    You: I think :'D
    Stranger: Cooool!
    Stranger: So
    Stranger: You live in Europe?
    You: Yes!
    You: What is the Time There ?
    Stranger: Great!
    Stranger: Now ...
    Stranger: 18:33 ö
    You: Ö Are From The Netherlands ?
    Stranger: From Belgium 8-)
    You: Hahaha lol :'D
    Stranger: :D
    You: Lol je bent niet toevallig van Q hey :'D
    Stranger: Nee? :p
    You: Aah jammer :[
    Stranger: Sorry :(
    You: Wel grappig dat je een land onder mij zit ö
    Stranger: Hah ja :D
    Stranger: zo, hoe was je dag vandaag?
    You: Wezen Winkelen voor de tuin :'] Voor de rest niks eigenlijk
    Stranger: Aha :D
    Stranger: Mama wilt dat ik mijn neefjes in de douche steek --'
    Stranger: Ik ben er maar eens mee weg dan :D
    Stranger: Nog een leuke dag toegewenst!
    You: haha bedankt Jij ook :D
    Stranger: Dankjewel! :D
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor

    You: AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You: Are you now going to end like Cedric Diggory? Sparkling and calling yourself a Cullen?

    Stranger: NO

    You: Thank God, I hate him

    Stranger: You can't kill me

    Stranger: I also hate edward cullen

    You: O.O I can't?

    Stranger: I hate twilight

    You: Mweh, I do like Edward, but only the shape-shifters 'cause the have a six-pach

    You: six-pack*

    You: I meant Twilight, not Edward

    Stranger: I don't like Edward but I like Cedric :/

    You: Yeah, well, Cedric is much cooler, he doesn't sparkle like he is gay

    Stranger: Yeah

    You: We understand each other

    You: Where are you from?

    Stranger: Indonesia, you?

    You: The Netherlands

    Stranger: Woah cool

    You: What is cool about the Netherlands?

    Stranger: Their language

    You: Hmm... Well we are the only one who can't read for others in their on language really fast

    Stranger: Hmm

    You: Yeah, well, you know what. I say something to you in Dutch and then you have to guess what it is, and the other way around, that I have to guess what you said

    Stranger: Okay

    You: Well here I go, liefde

    Stranger: love?

    You: Yes, you guessed it right. How did you know?

    Stranger: I use google translate hehe

    You: I thought so xD

    You: Don't worry, I will use that to, to understand you

    Stranger: Okay, my turn

    You: Jep, let me guess

    Stranger: Tangan

    You: Is it a hand?

    Stranger: Yes :D

    You: I'm a good guesser. Well, not really, a friend of mine is for a part, like a quarter, from Indonesia, so she teached me some of the words

    Stranger: What's I love you in Dutch?

    You: Ik hou van je

    Stranger: I love you too haha xD

    You: Very funny xD

    You: How late is it there?

    Stranger: 10.15 PM, there?

    You: So by you it is night, well here it is 5.15 PM, it's afternoon

    Stranger: goedemiddag

    You: O.O That was Dutch?! Wait, google translater

    Stranger: O__o

    You: Well, if I wasn't so lazy, I might have said goodnight in Indonesisch or how you say it in English, but yeah... I'm lazy

    You: Why are you doing O_o

    Stranger: watching tv

    You: Alright, I'm listening to music

    You: Now I hear E.T. sadly enough the version with that rapper, I prefer without him

    Stranger: Eminem? I don't really like that song.... and ET Music Video was really weird

    You: Yeah, I don't know who it is. I do like the song. The music video I don't like either but the make-up is done very good

    Stranger: I like Katy Perry's song Last Friday Night :p

    You: Yeah, in the Music Video Rebecca Black had an apperience

    Stranger: Yes..

    You: She was much better there than in her own video Friday

    Stranger: I don't like her Friday video

    You: I don't like it either

    You: She has auto-tuned her voice

    Stranger: and 13 years old driving a car!

    Stranger: Really? I didn't know that.

    You: Yeah, that was really weird.

    You: Yes, she has.

    You: My mother is back

    Stranger: So, we should end this convos?

    You: Yes, I have to feed the animals.

    You: Bye *is waving*

    Stranger: Okay bye *waves*

    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Dices schreef:
    You: Hi
    You: asl?
    Stranger: my name is Misha, I am starting my new job today as a sex worker and cam girl. I need to do 30 free Webcams to start getting paid. Can you take 3 minutes out of your day and watch me? - date101.info Just verify your age and then we can talk. I promise I will make you shoot the biggest load of your life - date101.info
    die hat ik net ook o.O

    Shoganai i ne~

    Stranger: hey
    You: Hellooo
    Stranger: asl?
    You: A: 190384234
    S: shemale
    L: north pole
    You: Right? :'D
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: your 190384234 years old? :'D your older than the earth!
    You: Yeah, I come from another planet.
    Stranger: and your a half boy half girl
    You: Ehm.. yeah :)
    Stranger: and you live in the north pole, where it's freezing cold?
    You: Yep, but I can handle the cold :D
    Stranger: ok, then I'm
    Stranger: A: -134 years old
    You: Wow, that's awesome!
    Stranger: im not even born yet!
    You: No, that's new to me :'D
    How did you do that?
    Stranger: oh, I'm just a bunch of cells... with a computer :D
    You: Oh, yeah.. that explains everything :')
    You: And are you male or female? or a shemale ? Or ... whatever? xD
    Stranger: and I'm neither male or female
    You: Then what are you? :O
    Stranger: im a.... fmale?
    You: lol
    Stranger: and i live under sea level
    You: That's nice! :)
    You: can I come to visit you sometimes?
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: sure!
    Stranger: all you need to do is get a diver's suit
    You: I don't need that. I don't need to breathe
    Stranger: i live underneath the pacific ocean
    Stranger: i am looking forward to your visit :D
    You: Yeah me too! :D
    Do you have any pets over there?
    Stranger: I have a squid
    You: Nice! Does he/she has a name?
    Stranger: it's estabonhuliorichardomontoyadelarosaamriez :D
    You: Awesome name! I love it :D
    Stranger: :)
    Stranger: do you have a pet in the north pole?
    You: it's a little hard to pronounce though :"D
    You: Yeah i have!
    You: I have a pedobear :'D
    Stranger: LOL
    Stranger: what's his name?
    You: His name is Hello Kitty :)
    Stranger: :'D
    You: Damn this conversation is random xD
    Stranger: ikr?

    You: hallo
    Stranger: hi
    You: were are you from =D
    Stranger: the gambia and u
    You: the Netherlands
    You: that's in africa o.o that's new for me
    Stranger: is the smilling coast of africa
    You: ok i speak to people from america (north ans south) asia and europa but never some one from africa =D
    You: i life in a city

    veel te slome internet in africa

    Shoganai i ne~

    Stranger: 22/m seeking f for webcam chat and more
    You: I'm 6
    Stranger: nevermind then
    Stranger: you shouldnt be on this website
    You: Why?
    You: I search friends.
    You: And bob.
    Stranger: you cant search on this website
    You: Yes I can
    You: I can do everything.
    Stranger: can you fly
    You: Of course everyone can do that.
    Stranger: ??
    You: Airplanes.
    Stranger: You suck.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

    Stranger: heyy, im a guy looking to trade sexy pics with a girl x7
    You: you aren't sexy.
    Stranger: i am
    You: no you are not.
    Stranger: i am
    You: Only Bob is sexy
    Stranger: i am bob

    "Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your face doesn’t make you happy." - Tablo

    You: bob
    Stranger: hi
    You: helllo
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.