All English RPG
    We follow a couple of boys and girls who attend Springfield University –– an University for the best boys and girls only. People come from all over the world, from different countries and different cultures, just to be a part of the pupils on this particular school. A new semester will be starting soon –– shall you be there too?


    Talktopics: 1
    Roletopics: 1

    C H A R A C T E R S

    G I R L S ––
    • Rachel Elizabeth Dare – Cheerleader – Claire HoltWeasIey Page
    • Kayleigh Marie Clarkson – Cheerleader – Anya SummersEthereaI 1.7
    • Laila Thamina El-Amin – Tomboy – Gigi HadidGunnulfsen 1.8
    • Jane Grace Lauren – Reputation – Lily CollinsBlurrieface 1.3
    • Arabella Violet Finch – Troublemaker – Taylor Marie HillKit 1.6
    • Margarethe Viva Gerardsson – Reputation – Cara DelevingneBaelor 1.4
    • Annabeth Cara Rhodes – Cheerleader – Amelia ZadroRhaegaI 1.7
    • Ember Owens – Cheerleader – Alexis RenArcadia 1.4
    • Skylar Roselyn Mortenson – Cheerleader – Ashley RobertsConaway 1.8
    • Chelsea Lucia Connely – Reputation – Face claimBalloo 1.6
    • Name – Sporty – Jourdann DunnGreenIeaf Page
    • Bimii Emilia Grey – Cheerleader – Nina DobrevWiser 1.6
    • Nova Sorensen – Reputation – Face claimHavilliard 1.10
    • Raevyn Ann Delevis— Tomboy - Unknown - Astrophe 1.12

    B O Y S ––
    • Name – Skater – Troye SivanStarkiller Page
    • Name – Reputation – Face claimBlurrieface Page
    • Miles Nicholas Davies – Football player – Daniel BederovKit 1.4
    • Wesley Aaron Kerr – Dealer – Ville ValoNecessity 1.8
    • Name – Gay guy – Face claimWeasIey Page
    • Zachary Drew McMahon – Rich and sporty – Joseph SuggDaggers 1.9
    • Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca – Emo/musician – Gerard WayLukeRHemmings 1.8
    • Ryder Adam Dempsey – Bad boy – Christopher McCroryRhaegaI 1.3
    • Navid Jonathan Aguirre – Football player – Michael TrevinoConaway Page
    • James-Dean Marcus Devraux – Football player – Darren ChrisWiser 1.8
    • Aiden Jonah Wright – Reputation – Face claimInclination 1.10
    • Alex Byrge Sigland – Band singer – Face claimSerenata 1.8
    • Zachaël Yves Devereaux – Reputation – Face claimSpeigelman1.12
    • Elijah Valentijn Valencia — Rich Badboy - Unknown - Astrophe 1.12

    D O R M S & O T H E R

    The Dorms are shared and each include two beds, two desks, two closets and a small bathroom including a toilet, a sink, a cupboard and a shower.
    • Rachel and Kayleigh
    • Laila and Jane
    • Arabella and Margarethe
    • Ember and Skylar
    • Chelsea and Bimii
    • Annabeth and Nova
    Greenleaf and Raevyn

    • Starkiller and Blurrieface
    • Miles and Wesley
    WeasIey and Zachary
    • Stanislav and Ryder
    • Navis and James-Dean
    • Aiden and Alex
    • Zachaël and Elijah

    E X T R A

    The main sports played at Springfield University are football and cheerleading. Other sports and clubs exist, but aren't as popular as the formerly mentioned ones. The teams of these sports are:

    F O O T B A L L ––
    Guard (2) ––
    Tackle (2) –– [R] Conaway
    Center (1) –– [R] Kit
    Quarterback (1) –– [R] Towns
    Running back (3) ––
    Wide receiver (2) –– [R] Wiser
    Tight end (2) ––
    Tackle (2) ––
    End (2) ––
    Middle linebacker (1) ––
    Outside linebacker (2) ––
    Cornerback (2) ––
    Safety (2) ––

    C H E A R L E A D E R S ––
    Captain –– [R] Beauregard
    Reserve Captain/Under Captain –– [R] Ikigai
    Other (12) ––
    [R] Towns
    [R] Arcadia
    [R] QueenStark
    [R] Raegal

    T H E B E G I N N I N G

    It's sunday morning, the seventh of September. School's started again for about a week now and everyone new starts to know the campus and is getting used to it. In three more weeks is homecoming, with a footballgame, a cheerleader game and afterwards a ball. So, a normal day at university.
    It's 11.00, people gather, go to town or have fun at campus. Others are already busy with their homework or are sporting.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2015 - 17:29 ]

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Ryder Adam Dempsey
    "The bad boy" — 21 years old — graphic design

          "Eh sure. Thanks," she said and I noticed her cheeks were flushed a pinkish color. She moved a bit closer so she could see the drawing better, I guess. But when she moved closer, our arms and legs brushed against each other. My heart skipped a beat and electric sparks flew through my veins. The feeling was familiar but at the same time still very unknown — hopefully the feeling didn't go away anytime soon because I loved it. It made me feel more.. alive.
    "Well, I had a small obsession with foxes last December, as you may remember," she started and I laughed a little. "Oh yes, I remember that. You told me all these useless facts about foxes. It was cute." I smiled at her as I leant back on the mattress, my arms supported me to stay upright.
    "So well, I drew a fox. But it was too mainstream so I started adding more colours, making it different and more free and well yeah. This is the result," she said and I stared at the drawing of the colorful fox in the snow. "It's very beautiful, Kay. You have so much talent."

    I noticed that she looked at me and at the same time I turned my head. There was just a few centimeters left between our heads. I looked at her lips for a few seconds but I didn't want her to notice it so I turned my head to the sketchbook again. I wanted to press my lips against hers so bad.. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, though, so I decided against it. An awkward cough left my lips. "So.. what about this one then?" I say as I pointed to another drawing. One who gave me the chills, there was so much emotion in this drawing. I just couldn't help myself not to ask.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 aug 2015 - 14:13 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.


    Cheerleader — Nineteen — Outfit

    Ryder starts laughing as I start about my fox obsession.
    "Oh yes, I remember that. You told me all these useless facts about foxes. It was cute." He says, his lips formed in a smile and little laugh-wrinkles around his eyes which look so cute I almost can't resist leaning in for a hug, or better, a kiss. The thought of kissing him is continually in my mind when I'm with him. The feeling familiar but new at the same time. I decide to just go with smiling. Not much later Ryder leans back, holding himself up by his arms.
    "It's very beautiful, Kay. You have so much talent." I smile, my cheeks still burning hot with a pinkish colour. When I look at him I find him looking back at me. The urge to kiss him is big, but instead I bite my lip and look a bit away.
    Ryder looks away too and picks up another sketchbook. The sketchbook with scenarios and events.
    "So.. what about this one then?" He asks, pointing to a dark drawing. I turn away from the sketchbook and close it. I drew that about a year and a half ago, after my brother had an bloody accident, of which he, happily, recovered good.
    "I don't want to talk about that one." I tell Ryder, closing my eyes for a second. Because I didn't want to make it. I don't regret it, but that doesn't mean I like the particular drawing. I draw to clear my head, in the same way some people write or think about things they can't shake off. Remaining silent, I let myself fall back on my bed too, closely to Ryder, making my heart pound and my stomach ache with longing. Again I look at him and smile a little, hoping to hide my mood change from the past seconds.

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Hayden Ward Christenson
    Skater // Eightteen years old // Not sure - Outfit

    Hayden went quiet after Eli's words about the girl behind them. He looked at her shortly. She looked okay, but she wasn't his taste at all. He prefered girls where you could see that they've been through a lot, without make-up and honest, maybe a little shy too.
          'What do you want?' Eli asked Hayden, and he blinked. Setting his thoughts on something else, he looked at the menuboard. 'Ehm, eh...' He mumbled, lokoing through the things. 'I uh think a latte macchiato will fit for me though,' Hayden said, rubbing the back of his head. He then placed his skateboard in his other hand, and looked at the bill in Eli's hand. 'You're not poor, I see,' Hayden blurted out, and then he mentally and physically facepalmed himself. 'Did I just say that? Ugh, good fuck...' he mumbled, now running a hand through his hair.
          'Not that I'm poor... I mean, I had a pretty normal life. Yeah, my boring, normal life without drama. Smush. I should shut up,' He babled, his mental facepalm harder after every word he said. Hayden sighed. 'Let's just wait for the coffee and then, like, never have this conversation again. God I'm becoming awkward.' Hayden said, truly feeling awkward with himself.

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Ryder Adam Dempsey
    "The bad boy" — 21 years old — graphic design

          I immediately felt a change in her mood. And from that moment I knew this one was a very emotional drawing for her. She turned away from the sketchbook and closed it. "I don't want to talk about that one," she said and closed her eyes for a moment.
    "Okay, that's fine," I told her. When her eyes opened again I gave her a reassuring smile. I knew the feeling, or well — not exactly because I had no idea the reason behind the drawing. Sometimes people ask about a particular drawing and.. you just can't say the reason behind it. There was this time, a couple years ago, that my younger brother, Cedric, was looking through my paintings and he asked the reason behind a very emotional and tricky one. There was so much fucking emotion in it.. it was how I felt in that very moment. And let me tell you, it was not a happy paintig. It was a very depressing and heartbreaking, if I say so myself. I painted a girl, in a yellow raincoat on the platform of a train station, you could see the right side of her face and she was crying — mascara running down her face, smudged make-up, and her brown curls sticking to her face. It was raining in the painting and in the distance you could see the silhouettes of other passengers and you could see a train approaching her. The girl was about to jump.. she was about to commit suicide. I just couldn't explain that painting to Cedric. I mean, how in the world could you explain something so.. depressing to a 13 year old?

    She let herself fall back on the bed too, pretty close to my body. I let myself fall on my back, so I was laying down on the bed instead of holding myself upright. Our legs and arms were touching and my heart skipped a beat.. again. I turned my head to look at her and notice a small smile on her face. I felt the need to hold her in my arms and so I did exactly that in the following seconds. I pushed her small frame closely to my body as I pressed a very light kiss to her forehead. "It's fine," I whispered.

    I held her for a couple minutes, just because I wanted to. I didn't care about the fact that this was not something were supposed to do.. I didn't care about the fact that this wasn't very appropriate position for just friends. It felt right.. like that's where she belonged. I pressed my lips to her forehead one last time and let myself sit upright. A slight grin appeared on my face, "Let's do something fun, what about we go to Starbucks and get some coffee?"

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 aug 2015 - 20:14 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Wesley Aaron Kerr

    21 ~ Dealer ~ Laws

    "Don't believe everything you've heard of me. The truth is much worse."

    By the way he talked and could drink his coffee I could see he was a heavy snoker but it wasn't my task to judge. I was probably worse.
    "Need anything else, apart from coffee?" he asked but I wasn't sure if he really meant it. I was gonna answer that I didn't need anything but just at that moment my head hurt again and I remembered the painkiller I didn't take. Before answering I first took a sip of my coffee.
    "If you have a painkiller for me, I would be really grateful," I answered while getting my hair out of my face. It just didn't do what I wanted it to do today.
    Stan wasn't happy with me, I knew that. I knew he didn't like me as most people didn't and that he wanted me to leave as soon as possible, but he was too polite to tell so I stayed with my coffee. Not that I really had a place to go at the moment. I hadn't planned any deals today where I should be and the few people I didn't scare were probably somewhere with others. I really longed for a cigarette, so I took one out of my pocket and lit it. I never really mastered drinking with a cigarette in my mouth, so I took the cigarette in the hand where I didn't hold my cup of coffee and took another sip.

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Miles Nicholas Davis

    Footballer | Hacker

    • — • — • — •

          Rae drops here bag next to me as I am about to start counting my push-ups. "Good luck," I wish her. Then I start focusing on myself. The coach is probably pissed right now, not only about the fact that Rae is training with us, but also because I'm the one who made him doubt himself. After twenty push-ups I see the coach walking over to Rae. I'm not really close to them but I can still hear what they're saying -- or actually, what he's yelling.
          ‘Faster! I want 14 suicide runs from you. From here to there.’ I curiously look over to see if she makes it. It doesn't take her long to finish the suicide runs. I have done another fifthy pushups when she finishes. It's actually quite impressive. The coach starts talking to her again and I frown when she takes off her shoes. If one of the guys stands on her feet it will hurt like hell. It seems like a dumb action to me but I keep watching.
          She dodges and tackles the first two linemen but the third takes her down -- a bit too late, since Rae still scores a touchdown. By that time I have done another sixty push-ups; hundredthirty in total. I change my position and start doing hundredfifty sit-ups. It's something I'm used to, since I have to do it every training.
          ‘I said you had to pass them and score a touchdown. You passed two, scored indeed but you got taken down as well.’ I hear the coach say. I look at Rae, who seems dissapointed and angry at the same time.
          'You were not kidding when you said he was going to be hard on me.' I nod. 'Well, you can atleast train with us,' I say, not sure how to lift her spirits. 'Maybe the coach will change his opinion,' I say, even though I don't really believe it myself. The coach is a stubborn man. I start counting my sit-ups in my head. Hundred-twentyfive, hundred-twentysix, hundred-twentyseven. Every training I have to do more of these exercises. The coach has a training list for the most of us. I look over at the guys who are walking off the field but the coach looks at me and Rae. "You still have to train ten minutes. Make sure you're on time, next time." I nod, too out-of-breath to say anything. It's not like these ten minutes make a difference. I let myself lay on the ground when I'm done with the sit-ups. My body is aching and I really want to shower right now. My hair and shirt are soaking with sweat and I feel gross.
    "I feel like drinking the whole ocean," I say. I follow the coach with my eyes and sigh when he leaves the field -- thinking I'm still training. "Shall we take a shower?" I ask Rae. "I mean, like, the showers are apart, you can't see each other," I correct myself. It's something I really like after a training and some of the guys shower at their own dorms, which I find quite gross. Walking over the campus in your sweaty clothes. I pull myself up and wait for Rae to do the same. "Screw the coach," I say. "For those extra ten minutes and for not letting you play on the team." I walk to the dressing room. There is only one, because we never had a girl on the football team. "Wait here, I'll watch how many guys there are still left." I enter the dressing room and close the door behind me. A few guys pat me on the back to which I smile. I notice two guys in the showers (I can only see their faces), and four guys in the dressing room. I walk back to Rae and tell her we have to wait for a bit. Whether she wants to shower or not, I think she does want to change her clothes because they're sweaty.

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "


    Cheerleader — Nineteen — Outfit

    ”Okay, that’s fine,” Ryder immediately answers when I tell him I don’t want to talk about it. Almost as soon as I lay down, he lets himself lay down too, instead of sitting propped up with his elbows in the bed and looking down at me. He looked at me as if on clue and we both shared a smile. Not a very big nor bright one, but a small, brief one. Just friends. I have to remind myself, being so close to him. My eyes scan his face. From his eyes, which look fierce and soft to his lips, which look very, very kissable. Slowly, as if time was reduced to nothing and as if seconds were minutes, Ryder took me in his arms, giving me a warm hug that I gratefully returned, burying myself fully in his chest, my cheek pressed against his warm body, a smile creeping across my face.
    “It’s fine,” he tells me with a soothing voice I can’t help but fall in love with over and over again. I feel his lips on my forehead and unconsciously hold my breath. I close my eyes as his lips make contact with my skin and smile. Sooner than I’d love his lips leave my forehead and the combination of a grin and a smile is still on my face. I want more. But no, I can’t press my lips against his. We are friends. And I hate it, because well.. yeah. But still, friends is better than stranger or people who don’t talk anymore because something went wrong. It remained silent for the next couple minutes and I would love for it to last forever. It felt so right. I fitted right in his arms and I could just slightly touch my own hands as I gripped them tightly around him. It almost felt perfect. He pressed his lips to my forehead one more time and then let me go. I didn’t immediately release him, though. I held him for a couple more seconds, careful to not let them be too much and when I released him a smile crept over my face again.
    "Let's do something fun, what about we go to Starbucks and get some coffee?" He asks then. We both sit upright by then and I can’t help but returning his grin.
    “Sure, let’s go to Starbucks. I could use some chocolate.” I laugh after that. He knows I have an almost unhealthy obsession with chocolate. I stan dup and pick my bag, and while waiting for him to get of my bed too I collect my sketchbooks and put them carefully back on the places where they belong.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 aug 2015 - 21:25 ]

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Raevyn "Rae" Ann Develis

    Eighteen • (sporty and tough) Tomboy • Excited • Clothing

    He nodded at her statement. 'Well, you can atleast train with us,' He tried to lift her spirit. It didn’t really do the trick though.. 'Maybe the coach will change his opinion,' He said, but she noticed how hesitant he was, so he probably said it to make her feel better, but she saw through him. She didn’t feel like to run anymore so she started to work out in other ways. She didn’t come near the coach though. In a little time everybody was packing up to go to the dressing rooms or their dorms. The coach walked over to them and she wanted to run away from the awful man, but she was sweating a lot and didn’t really want to run. She didn’t want to seem like a coward. He looked down at her and Miles. "You still have to train ten minutes. Make sure you're on time, next time." The coach said and we both nodded. She was bust out tired. As she knew she was sweating as well. She probably looked very attractive, note the sarcasm, as she knew she had sweat in her hair and on her clothes. "I feel like drinking the whole ocean," His eyes followed the coach. She nodded.
    ‘Ditto.’ She said as she felt her throat burn a little.
    "Shall we take a shower?" He asked Rae. He wanted to disobey the coach. She wanted to join him as she hated him already. He didn’t see as it wouldn’t hurt her. She probably didn’t even have a chance to begin with. "I mean, like, the showers are apart, you can't see each other," He corrected himself and she smiled a bit as she was amused. He pulled himself up as looked up to him. She did the same as he said: "Screw the coach for those extra ten minutes and for not letting you play on the team." He walked to the dressing room and she followed him, almost like a lost puppy but she didn’t show it. As they arrived at the dressing room she noticed there was only one gender. She used to shower in the girls dressing room where the cheerleaders used to change. As there wasn’t one here the only one was across from campus and she felt yuck so she would shower just there. "Wait here, I'll watch how many guys there are still left." He enters the dressing room and she waited with her bag in hand. She was glad she had her shampoo in her bag and her clothes were unharmed by her sweat. As he came out of the dressing room he said she had to wait for a bit. As she waited she saw boys leave the dressing room.
    “I am the last one.” A guy said. She remembered him as he had tackled her. She smiled at him as he smirked back eyeing her a bit. She rolled her eyes at him for that. She entered the dressing room at that. She took her bag with her in the shower. If someone walked in she preferred not to be seen naked. She took the Shampoo and undressed herself in the shower. She let it hang over the wall and turned on the shower.
    As she was done showering she dressed herself again and braided her hair in a fishtail braid as it was the handiest with her wet hair. As she packed everything in her bag she opened the dressing room again to walk out. Not knowing if Miles was still there she started talking.
    ‘Shall we get a drink? My treat.’ She said with a smile as she closed the door behind her butt.

    {Met Elijah reageer ik morgen (: }

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia

    Skylar Roselyn Mortenson
    21 • Cheerleader • Guilty • Outfit

    Right after eating the ice cream I feel extremely guilty. My belly feels swollen and I feel puffy. "Jeez Sky, why couldn't you control yourself just for one minute," I hiss to myself, just quiet enough so nobody can hear it. I walk trough campus, kind of ashamed about my body. Men, I probably look fat right now. When I finally reached my dorm, I wonder if Ember is home. She's my new roommate and I still have to get to know her. All I know is that she's a cheerleader, so that's a good thing. Or maybe not, if she's better then me. Which ofcourse she will be if I continue to eat like this. Damn it Skylar, you fat pig.
    I realize Ember is not home and walk to the bathroom, where I look in the mirror. Ew. I make a disgusted face when I analyse myself. No dinner for me tonight. Instead of that, I decide to go for a run. These calories need to get out of my body. I walk to my room to and change my outfit in my running outfit. I tie my hair in a ponytail and remove my make, before I'll look like a panda. I pick a water bottle out of the fridge and pick up my Ipod, which I plug in my ear. A pleased smile crosses my face when I hear the beats of Skrillex through my earphones.

    I slow down a bit, to take a sip out of my bottle. I wipe my forehead and notice it's all wet. Not weird, considering I'm jogging while the sun in shining at it's brightest. I decide to check how much calories I've burned on the special app I have on my phone and smile satisfied when I see I've burned more calories then the ice cream was. That's how I like it. I decide to walk easily to my dorm, as I've run enough for today, when I see someone crossing my view. My smile slips away a little when I notice it's Annabeth. She's a cheerleader just like me, but we're not the best friends. Let's say our relationship is complicated. I realize it's too late to turn around and ignore, so I decide to greet her. "Hi Beth!" I shout, with a fake smile covering my face. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the girl. It's just that I don't necessarily like her. And I'm pretty sure she isn't fond of me either. Although most people think we're friends. "Looking good,' I say, while I point at her tan. "Ready for another year?"

    Tell me about it, stud.

    Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca
    19 || Emo || Architecture

    I slowly drank my coffee and smoked my cigarette. I was calm, eventhough Wesley was in my kitchen and I wasn't wearing anything but my boxers. He pulled me from this state of mind with his question for some painkillers. I only nodded, put my cup down, and walked towards the bathroom. On my way there I remembered I had to put on some clothes, so I made a pitstop in my room. I put on some clean underwear, a black skinny, a black shirt, and the orange cardigan my grandma had knitted me. It was the brightest piece of clothing I had, and I never wore it outdoors, but it was soft and warm. I picked Rose up again from my bed after that and got a strip of painkillers from the bathroom, before I returned to the kitchen. "Here ya go." I tossed him the strip and hopped on the counter. My voice was soft and husky. I picked my cup up again and slowly drank the rest of my coffee while I smoked the remainder of my cigarette. Rosa leaped out of my arms and hopped over the counter to the fruit basket. There she started nibbling on an apple. "Fata obraznic mic" She looked at me with an innocent look in her cute eyes, before she returned to nibbling on the apple. I sighed and put my bud out, before drinking the last sip of my coffee. I felt quite well, for as far as I knew possible, and maybe this might even be a good day, eventhough it had quite a weird start.

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Ryder Adam Dempsey
    "The bad boy" — 21 years old — graphic design

          Kayleigh returned my grin and mine got a tad bigger. "Sure, let’s go to Starbucks. I could use some chocolate," she laughed.
    I slightly shook my head and bit my lower lip, "You and your weird obsessions, one day you're going to be the death of me," I joked as I softly touched her nose with my finger. You see, I loved to joke and tease Kayleigh — not just because it amused me but also because I loved to watch her reactions to my jokes or when I teased her. It never got bored. I also loved to tell her pick up lines, this was something I did since the beginning of our friendship. What can I say? I just liked her laugh. Kayleigh got her bag and she carefully put her sketchbooks back in the cupboard, I watched her for a few seconds before I got ready to leave.

    We walked in silence, just like before it was a good silent.. not awkward or bad. A smirk appeared on my face as I thought about a pick up line to break the silence. "Hey, Kayleigh," I said as I gently bumped my hip against the side of her smaller body. "You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall.. is in love with me," I laughed softly at her and lit another cigarette. We walked of the campus grounds to the Starbucks shop. It was only a ten or fifteen minute walk and I enjoyed every single second of it. We entered the small coffee shop and we walked to the counter. I noticed that we, the baristas excluded, were the only ones in the shop — which was pretty weard. Normally the shop would be packed with students getting coffee or something to eat. "I'd like a tuna & cheese ciabatta and hot chocolate, please," I said to the barista.
    "What would you like, Kay?" I waited for her answer and paid for our order once she told me what she wanted and I walked to a table next to the window and sat down. "So.. do you have any other plans for today?"

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Alex Byrge Sigland

    Band singer- 21- History and History of Art

    This was a normal day at university. Well, atleast for others. This was another story for me. I was sitting in the administration room with a angry looking lady in front of me. I arrived too late at the univeristy. And with too late, I mean a whole week. Why did I arrive so late? Well, it's a long list of problems. For the past week I was the unluckiest person in Norway. Maybe not the unluckiest person, but I was pretty unlucky. It all began with my flight too this country.
    'Alex Sigland.' Said the woman of the administration. I stood up and walked too her. I rest my arms on the table. 'Well, Alex Sigland, care too explain why you arrived so late?'
    'Uhm, do you want the short or long version?'
    'Just give me a brief explanation.' She looked angry. I can't blame her. Who wouldn't be angry at a student arriving this late?
    'Short version it is.' I said quietly. ' Problems with my flight. It got cancelled a few times. My mother had to go to the hostital, luckely nothing bad. My band had problems with our record label...'
    'Band? You're playing in a band?'
    I nodded. 'Yea.'
    'Nice, was that it?' She continued typing and didn't even look at me.
    I nodded again. 'Yea, that's about it.'
    'Alright. You'll get more information throughout the day about your problem. Go to your teachres if classes start agian and the will tell you what to do.'
    'Okay, thank you.' I said. I wanted too walk away, but than I rememberd: My room.
    'I'm sorry miss, but what about my room?'
    'O, yes your room. I forgot. here is your key.' She handed me over the key of my room. I said tank you agian and walked too my stuff. I crabbed the handle of my suitcase and walked out of the administration room

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain


    Cheerleader — Nineteen — Outfit

    "You and your weird obsessions, one day you're going to be the death of me," says Ryder jokingly as he bites his lip softly. He looks so cute when he does that, almost.. almost soft and sweet. He lightly touches my nose and I can’t help but grin. Ryder was always, even when we text sometimes in the middle of the night, teasing me and making me laugh, this time was no difference of course.
    Not much later we were walking across Campus, towards the road that leads to town. We usually walk and almost never drive or drive with the bus though, when it’s raining hard, we don’t dare to walk. It’s silent until Ryder starts talking,
    "Hey, Kayleigh," he says, gently bumping me with his side, which of course, makes me laugh. "You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall.. is in love with me," I continue laughing, but somewhere I wish he would say these things and mean it. I mean, he does this all the time and always has. About fifteen minutes later we arrive at the local Starbucks. As Ryder takes his order I look around to see if there are any people I know or recognize. There are none, so I turn back to Ryder just as he turns to me.
    "What would you like, Kay?" He asks and I return his smile.
    “As usual the Java Chip Frappuccino and a Double Chocolate Chunk Brownie” I tell him and he pays for both of us. We walk to a table next to the window and I sit down across of him.
    "So.. do you have any other plans for today?" he starts as I take a sip from my drink. I raise one eyebrow .
    “Honestly? No, of course not. I never do. I do my unfinished schoolwork on Saturdays and Sundays are my free day, remember? And you, any plans?” I smile and take a bite of my brownie. God, Chocolate is the best thing ever. Next to Ryder. But it’s a close second. As I half finish my brownie I play with my hair. I should were a ponytail more often, but I mostly forget to.

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Wesley Aaron Kerr

    21 ~ Dealer ~ Laws

    "Don't believe everything you've heard of me. The truth is much worse."

    Stan nodded and walked away, probably to get a painkiller for me. While he was away, I looked around. The room was just like mine. Nothing special. Of course there was stuff for the rabbit here and I didn't have that, but it was just a room.
    When Stan returned, he'd put on some clothes. He threw me the strip with painkillers and I caught it easily. I was actually pretty good with a ball, but I didn't want to be on the team and everything, so that was a hidden talent. Not that the team would want me, but that was nog the point.
    "Thanks," I said with a nod and I took one with my coffee. I just hd coffee so I had to and well, when you drank as much as I did, you learned really quickly to take painkillers with anything.
    I drank the last of my coffee when Stan said something. "Fata obraznic mic." I had no idea what it meant and as he was looking at his rabbit, I guessed it wasn't meant for me but for the rabbit. I never really understood why people would talk to animals. It was not like they could hear you. People said that they knew what you said, maybe not the words but the context, but I didn't believe it. It was an animal. But on the otherhand, I never understood how people could really love an animal either. I just couldn't, even if I tried and animals always seem to hate me, what made it harder to love them.
    I put the cup down and realised I should go now. I had had my coffee and my painkiller so I shouldn't stay here while he wasn't comfortable around me.
    "Thanks for the coffee and the painkiller," I said while turning to the door. If he for some weird reason wanted to keep talking to me, he could say that or offer me an extra cup of coffee - I wouldn't say no to more coffee - and then I would stay, but I guessed he wouldn't.

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Annabeth Cara Rhodes
    Cheerleader — 20 years old — psychology

          A satisfied sigh left my mouth as I let myself sit down in the bright green grass. Finally a moment for myself, I thought as my head leant against the tree trunk. I was lucky that this tree wasn't occupied by other people yet — it seems like everyone is outside on this sunny saturday. The sun shone at it's brightest and it was getting pretty hot. You couldn't hear my whine though, I absolutely adored the sun and I would take every opportunity to get outside and get a tan.
    I was wearing a cute white dress with black lace on the bottom of the dress — it also had an open back, revealing a part of my shoulderblades. I paired it with some white platform shoes with a nice light pink floral print on it.
    The book I was reading at the moment, for the fifth time or something, was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Although I loved to watch the movies I also liked to read the books but unfortunately I didn't have much time to read them. I was just too busy with cheerleading and my work for psychology. I also had friends and family who needed attention from me.

    After reading for an hour or so, I decided to go back to the dorms. I didn't enter the building just yet, a few meters away from me stood Skylar, she was also a cheerleader. We were not the best friends. I didn't hate her.. but I didn't like her either. Our relationship was pretty complicated and if I had to be honest — I'd like to avoid her, she didn't gave me a good vibe. "Hi Beth!" I heard her shout while she headed my way.
    "Skylar," I greeted her and I let my eyes go over her appearance. She was wearing a black with pink Nike top and shorts with running shoes, I also saw some sweat on her forehead. "Looking good," she said while she pointed at me. "The same for you," I nod and I slightly frowned, "If you don't count your sweat, of course."
    "Ready for another year?" She asked. "Oh yes! Actually, I can't wait for the cheerleading game in three weeks," I said while I put my brown hair into a ponytail. "What about you?"

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.