All English RPG
    We follow a couple of boys and girls who attend Springfield University –– an University for the best boys and girls only. People come from all over the world, from different countries and different cultures, just to be a part of the pupils on this particular school. A new semester will be starting soon –– shall you be there too?


    Talktopics: 1
    Roletopics: 1

    C H A R A C T E R S

    G I R L S ––
    • Rachel Elizabeth Dare – Cheerleader – Claire HoltWeasIey Page
    • Kayleigh Marie Clarkson – Cheerleader – Anya SummersEthereaI 1.7
    • Laila Thamina El-Amin – Tomboy – Gigi HadidGunnulfsen 1.8
    • Jane Grace Lauren – Reputation – Lily CollinsBlurrieface 1.3
    • Arabella Violet Finch – Troublemaker – Taylor Marie HillKit 1.6
    • Margarethe Viva Gerardsson – Reputation – Cara DelevingneBaelor 1.4
    • Annabeth Cara Rhodes – Cheerleader – Amelia ZadroRhaegaI 1.7
    • Ember Owens – Cheerleader – Alexis RenArcadia 1.4
    • Skylar Roselyn Mortenson – Cheerleader – Ashley RobertsConaway 1.8
    • Chelsea Lucia Connely – Reputation – Face claimBalloo 1.6
    • Name – Sporty – Jourdann DunnGreenIeaf Page
    • Bimii Emilia Grey – Cheerleader – Nina DobrevWiser 1.6
    • Nova Sorensen – Reputation – Face claimHavilliard 1.10
    • Raevyn Ann Delevis— Tomboy - Unknown - Astrophe 1.12

    B O Y S ––
    • Name – Skater – Troye SivanStarkiller Page
    • Name – Reputation – Face claimBlurrieface Page
    • Miles Nicholas Davies – Football player – Daniel BederovKit 1.4
    • Wesley Aaron Kerr – Dealer – Ville ValoNecessity 1.8
    • Name – Gay guy – Face claimWeasIey Page
    • Zachary Drew McMahon – Rich and sporty – Joseph SuggDaggers 1.9
    • Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca – Emo/musician – Gerard WayLukeRHemmings 1.8
    • Ryder Adam Dempsey – Bad boy – Christopher McCroryRhaegaI 1.3
    • Navid Jonathan Aguirre – Football player – Michael TrevinoConaway Page
    • James-Dean Marcus Devraux – Football player – Darren ChrisWiser 1.8
    • Aiden Jonah Wright – Reputation – Face claimInclination 1.10
    • Alex Byrge Sigland – Band singer – Face claimSerenata 1.8
    • Zachaël Yves Devereaux – Reputation – Face claimSpeigelman1.12
    • Elijah Valentijn Valencia — Rich Badboy - Unknown - Astrophe 1.12

    D O R M S & O T H E R

    The Dorms are shared and each include two beds, two desks, two closets and a small bathroom including a toilet, a sink, a cupboard and a shower.
    • Rachel and Kayleigh
    • Laila and Jane
    • Arabella and Margarethe
    • Ember and Skylar
    • Chelsea and Bimii
    • Annabeth and Nova
    Greenleaf and Raevyn

    • Starkiller and Blurrieface
    • Miles and Wesley
    WeasIey and Zachary
    • Stanislav and Ryder
    • Navis and James-Dean
    • Aiden and Alex
    • Zachaël and Elijah

    E X T R A

    The main sports played at Springfield University are football and cheerleading. Other sports and clubs exist, but aren't as popular as the formerly mentioned ones. The teams of these sports are:

    F O O T B A L L ––
    Guard (2) ––
    Tackle (2) –– [R] Conaway
    Center (1) –– [R] Kit
    Quarterback (1) –– [R] Towns
    Running back (3) ––
    Wide receiver (2) –– [R] Wiser
    Tight end (2) ––
    Tackle (2) ––
    End (2) ––
    Middle linebacker (1) ––
    Outside linebacker (2) ––
    Cornerback (2) ––
    Safety (2) ––

    C H E A R L E A D E R S ––
    Captain –– [R] Beauregard
    Reserve Captain/Under Captain –– [R] Ikigai
    Other (12) ––
    [R] Towns
    [R] Arcadia
    [R] QueenStark
    [R] Raegal

    T H E B E G I N N I N G

    It's sunday morning, the seventh of September. School's started again for about a week now and everyone new starts to know the campus and is getting used to it. In three more weeks is homecoming, with a footballgame, a cheerleader game and afterwards a ball. So, a normal day at university.
    It's 11.00, people gather, go to town or have fun at campus. Others are already busy with their homework or are sporting.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2015 - 17:29 ]

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Raevyn "Rae" Ann Develis

    Eighteen • (sporty and tough) Tomboy • Excited • Clothing

    “So you’re fast, huh?” His statement made her smirk. She was fast, extremely fast, without trying to brag though. “I think your father did a good job, you had that recommendation from your old coach. They won’t write one if they know you’re not gonna make it.” He said with a wink. It made her smile as he tried to make her feel better. She also felt her blood rising resulting a small blush creeping up her cheeks. She hated to blush though. “I’m the center, just throwing and blocking,” He said smiling explaining his position, but I knew his position my best friend used to have that position. “My family isn’t really interested in football, so most of the time when family members come over I have to explain what I’m doing on the field.” He explained himself. I smile when my family came to my plays they would always give me advice and how to do better. I liked it as it always pushed me further.
    “Hey, I can try to convince the coach to let you train with us; maybe he will see some potential in you.” This made her look up real quick. He would? She wanted to do her happy dance, but restrained herself. She did have this exciting glimmer in her eyes as they shone, even she knew that. A smile was plastered across her face as her hands intertwined with each other. If he could do that and the coach would agree she could play. There was nothing she would love more than that, except play actual games, but still.
    ‘You would do that for me.’ She asked questioningly not trying to get her hopes up, but she couldn’t help it. She felt like a little kid on Christmas. ‘That would be awesome.’ She said grinning. ‘My dad hoped I could play; show of the good genes as he calls it. My mom tolerates it, but she doesn’t want to see me hurt, which I understand. Although my team had won the state championship in Florida last year. You should have seen my dad it is like he won his super bowl all over again. I don’t only play because I love the sport it is also great to see my father like that. That is one of the reasons I want to join as well.’ Rae didn’t actually know why she said it. She was probably ranting because she was excited. She thought back of what he had said about his family and she wanted to talk about hers. She kept blabbering on though and she finally got herself to shut up, because she was probably annoying him.

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia

    Arabella Violet Finch


    • — • — • — •

          “If it isn’t your own decision, why are you here?” Ember asks. I sigh, not sure whether I should tell it or not, but she’s new here and she doesn’t really know me, so I decide to tell her. Maybe it’ll explain my behavior. “Well, my dad is a lawyer and he always told everyone I was gonna follow him in his footsteps. That was bullshit because I don’t want to be a lawyer. Anyway, two days after I started applying for universities, I got a letter in the mail. I was quite shocked as most universities don’t write back that quick. Turns out my father already had a whole plan for my university career. He applied in my name and I was accepted here. He’s such an asshole,” I say, angrily. “The only chance of me having a future I wanted also crushed to pieces; the universities I had applied for both denied me because of my behavior. Rather sad because I wasn’t that bad back then. So, when I had to go here, I decided I should live up to what other people thought of me; so that’s how I got my reputation as a troublemaker. The only expectation I don’t really live up to is my dads, I do everything I can do to get suspended but this stupid university just lets me be.”
          When Ember answers my question I raise my eyebrow. The first thing I can understand – getting away from your parents and all. But feeling like this is a good place? This is hell to me.
          “It sucks that being here isn’t your own decision, but really, believe me, positivity solves everything.” She says with a smile. It sure seems to work out for her. “To be honest, I am quite the pessimist, positivity is something I’m not familiar with.”
          “Yes! I love being a cheerleader, especially the whole cheerleading thing is really nice. I love being active. So, do you play sports or anything? You don’t seem like the kind of cheerleader girl, so I don’t think I really need to ask that.”
    “You’re right, the only exercise I get is from walking around campus all day. I don’t really like being active – but I do eat healthy. Otherwise I would be, like sixhundred pounds by now.” I say.
          “So, who do you share your dorm with? Maybe I know her.”

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 aug 2015 - 23:45 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    Miles Nicholas Davis

    Footballer | Hacker

    • — • — • — •

    The blushing didn’t go unnoticed. It looked funny on her — cute funny. She suddenly looks up real quick. “You would do that for me?” She asks.
    “Yeah, ofcourse. It can’t do any harm and the sexist pig and I have a good bond; he will listen to me.” I answer. She gives me a big smile. It’s not the same smile she had given me a few minutes ago — this one is a true smile, I can see it because this time her eyes are also smiling. “The coach will be hard on you, though,” I say. I’m sure the coach will let her train with us, he just doesn’t want her in a real game, but maybe she’s good enough to make him doubt his decision.
          ‘That would be awesome.’ She says, grinning. “My dad hoped I could play; show of the good genes as he calls it. My mom tolerates it, but she doesn’t want to see me hurt, which I understand. Although my team had won the state championship in Florida last year. You should have seen my dad it is like he won his super bowl all over again. I don’t only play because I love the sport it is also great to see my father like that. That is one of the reasons I want to join as well.”
    Winning the state championship in Florida is actually kind of a big deal, which makes me curious to see her play. You can see she loves her family, the way she lights up when she talks about them. . . I wish my family was like that, even though I grew up in a loving environment, my mom and dad have never showed interest in the things I love. Neither do I share a hobby with them. The only one who gets excited when I get home is my little sister, Jolie. My parents always act like it’s not a big deal — but I’m only home in the vacations, I don’t see them often.
    “You’d like to come with me, or do you want to wait here?” I ask her, talking about the fact of my recommendations to the coach. We still have an hour of training left and we have some football equipment over. The coach doesn’t have any reason to reject her.

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 aug 2015 - 0:04 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    Raevyn "Rae" Ann Develis

    Eighteen • (sporty and tough) Tomboy • Anxious • Clothing

    “Yeah, ofcourse. It can’t do any harm and the sexist pig and I have a good bond; he will listen to me.” He answered. “The coach will be hard on you, though,” He says
    ‘You should have seen my high school career, everybody was tough on me. I think I can handle tough.’ She said with a wink. It gave her memories. The whole team was hard on her when she came into high school. She got tackled every time, but then she started to dodge them on a big scale most of them finally accepted her. “You’d like to come with me, or do you want to wait here?” She raises her eyebrow as she didn’t understand what he meant, but then the coin fell. He meant to the coach. She and the coach didn’t like each other even though they just met.
    ‘I will come with you .’ She says and she takes the ball she tossed back at him out of his hand. ‘But if he says no again I will scold at him and throw this in his face.’ She said with a slight smirk on her face. She started to walk with him though and she felt the anxiety rushing through her body. As they were approaching the coach she started to play with the ball in her hands. Twirling and throwing it from one hand to the other. She was nervous and the ball could make her feel better. As they neared the coach he turned to them and his gaze burned through her head. There were probably burns or holes on her face because of his gaze piercing her skin.
    ‘What do you want now rejected by the cheerleaders as well?’ He said taunting and it made her clench her jaw and her hand around the ball. She didn’t say anything though as she would only make her chances at playing football smaller.

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia

    Miles Nicholas Davis

    Footballer | Hacker

    • — • — • — •

    ‘You should have seen my high school career, everybody was tough on me. I think I can handle tough.’ She says, and I immediatly believe her.
    ‘I will come with you but if he says no again I will scold at him and throw this in his face.’ She says, after she takes the football out of my hands. I grin lightly. “I’d like to see that.” When we are walking to the coach, I notice she’s getting nervous. I would be nervous too, if I was her. The coach is muscular and around 6.2 feet tall — the first time I met him I was really impressed.
          ‘What do you want now, rejected by the cheerleaders as well?’ He says, his gaze fixed on Rae. He can be an asshole. “Yeah, she’s too good for them,” I answer his question for her. He glances at me with a suprised look on his face. “Shouldn’t you be training, Davis?” He asks me with an obvious tone of annoyance.
    “Yeah, I was. Threw the ball to Tom, but he didn’t catch it. She did though,” I say, pointing to Rae. “It was a really good catch.”
    “Miles, there is no way I’m letting a girl play on my team!” Spit is flying from his mouth and his face is becoming a light shade of red. It’s hard not to laugh at that. Still, I remain calm. “She’s really good though, you should give her a chance. I’m hundred percent sure she could outrun me, and she’s quite small, it’s not hard for her to dodge the linemen.” Most people would’ve given up by now but I know you just have to make him doubt himself.
          “Just let her train with us, maybe she turns out to be better than anyone else, and then you can decide whether she’ll be playing with us in a real game.” A few guys gather ‘round us to see what’s going on. “Jesus, Davis, okay then. But she better be good,” the coach finally says. I smile widely at Rae. “Give her some clothes and equipment and make sure you’ll be back in five minutes. And Davis, you missed at least ten minutes of your practice, you’ll have to train a little longer than the others.” I roll my eyes. As if those ten minutes make a difference. I walk to a little building at the end of the field. The dressing rooms are there, and when we arrive there I open the door for her. I quickly gather some clothes and other equipment for her, I’m not really sure it’ll fit her because most of the guys are taller and broader than her. “There’s the dressing room,” I say, pointing at a wooden door.

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 aug 2015 - 13:15 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    Raevyn "Rae" Ann Develis

    Eighteen • (sporty and tough) Tomboy • Excited•

    “I’d like to see that.” He said that with a small grin.
    “Yeah, she’s too good for them,” He had answered for Rae and she appreciated that a lot. The coach did look at him probably surprised that Miles had spoken for me.
    “Shouldn’t you be training, Davis?” The coach asked him with clear annoyance in his voice.
    “Yeah, I was. Threw the ball to Tom, but he didn’t catch it. She did though,” He said and the piercing glre of the coach was on me again. I felt like shrinking into a mouse to avoid his glare. “It was a really good catch.” She got a small smile though. She liked to be complimented on her game.
    “Miles, there is no way I’m letting a girl play on my team!” The coach became red as spit left his mouth in almost anger. On the other hand Miles was completely calm.
    “She’s really good though, you should give her a chance. I’m hundred percent sure she could outrun me, and she’s quite small, it’s not hard for her to dodge the linemen.” She liked how he praised her like that. It was probably better then what her old coach could do. “Just let her train with us, maybe she turns out to be better than anyone else, and then you can decide whether she’ll be playing with us in a real game.” They were making an uproar as people started to gather around them curious of what was going on. “Jesus, Davis, okay then. But she better be good. Give her some clothes and equipment and make sure you’ll be back in five minutes. And Davis, you missed at least ten minutes of your practice, you’ll have to train a little longer than the others.” He smiled at her and she did too. She nodded at the coach as a thankful gesture, but he just huffed a bit. She walked along with Miles towards this little building. He opened the door and she smiled at how gallant he was. He gathered equipment for her, but she knew it would probably too big. “There’s the dressing room,”
    I roll my eyes. As if those ten minutes make a difference. I walk to a little building at the end of the field. The dressing rooms are there, and when we arrive there I open the door for her. I quickly gather some clothes and other equipment for her, I’m not really sure it’ll fit her because most of the guys are taller and broader than her. “There’s the dressing room,” He said pointing at the door. She took the equipment and clothes from him and smiled as she walked to the door. As she closed it she started to jump around as she was crazy happy. She opened her back and got her sportsbra out of it, just in case. In the morning she had hoped that she could train, but she was never sure so she only brought it. She started to undress herself until she was only in her underwear. She also undid her bandeau and bra as she had put on her sportsbra short after. She looked at the clothing as she put it on. She pants were a little too wide for her, but she did have a small frame so it wasn’t that big of a deal. She tied the lace of it tight around her waist so it wouldn’t fall of and show her underwear. She tried on the top as well as it fitted her nicely. It was a bit too big, but that wasn’t the end of the world. The helmet was something that fitted her like a glove happily. She put it off though as she didn’t know what they were going to do. She was quite tall for a girl so the clothing weren’t too big for her except on the sides. She walked out of the dressing room the helmet under her arm and the football in the other. She smiled at Miles as she was happy at the moment. She could play and maybe even join the team in the end. She now remembered that she hasn’t said a thing.
    ‘Thank you Miles.’ She said absolutely sincere. She put the helmet and ball down as she quickly braided her hair otherwise it would be all over the place. She also stepped forward and pulled him in a quick hug. She smiled as she got out of the hug. ‘It is a really nice thing to do for just a stranger.’ She said still with a smile on her lips. She grabbed the helmet again just as the ball. ‘So what do you want to do next?’ She asked as she threw the ball swiftly to him. She was ready to play.

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia


    Nineteen. ~ Social butterfly // Rebel ~ Sad. ~ Outfit

    Skylar sticks out her tongue when I ask her if she wants to ask the guy's number. "No thanks, not this time." She sticks her arm through mine and I smile when she waves at the guy behind the counter. She's a little too enthousiastic, and I shake my head. "Boy crazy." I call her, playfully. She knows I don't mean it. It's what I say when she acts like that around a boy, and she knows it's a joke. Skylar is, however, the one of us that always has a line of boys waiting for her. Obviously. Skylar is gorgeous, and it's no wonder boys admire her. I'm just plain old me, and ever since Zach and I broke up, I haven't been looking so well either. So it's no surprise I haven't had a lot of attention lately. I don't mind, either. But when Skylar starts about prom, I cringe. "So Jane, what about homecoming. You already know what you're going to wear? I mean I have already picked out 3 dresses, but I can't choose." She sighs, and I shake my head, smiling. "I don't know yet. I've got time though. What dresses are you thinking of?" Everyone makes a big deal out of prom, but not me. I'll see it when I see it.

    We chat a bit more, about prom and about boys, and generally about everything but Zach. I know she never really liked him, but I did. I do. I shake my head and give her a smile when she tells me she's gonna go to her dorm. I wander through the town a bit but then decide to head home, too. I decide to grab my phone from my room- I left it there, and walk right back to the tree where I was sitting before Skylar found me. Before I open my book again, I grab my phone to see what I missed, and my eyes flash toward the spot where I saw him last time. He has his arm around Nova, and a sting filled with jealousy goes through my body. She's my friend, and I trust she won't take advantage of the fact that she's gorgeous on him, but still. She is gorgeous. I sigh and shake my head, to focus on my phone. I have one missed text. From him. From Zach.

    In French, you don't really say "I miss you." You say "tu me manques," which is closer to "you are missing from me."
    I love that. "You are missing from me."
    You are a part of me, you are essential to my being. You are like a limb, or an organ, or blood.
    I cannot function without you.

    A loud sob leaves my mouth and I instantly place my hand over my mouth. "Fuck." I say, out loud, as the tears are starting to fall. And fall. And fall. And they won't stop. Why won't they stop? Why can't I stop crying? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with him? Why would he send me this? My eyes, filled with tears, search for him. How could he do this to me? Doesn't he know how hard this breakup has been for me? Doesn't he understand? I can't stop the tears, I can't control my breathing. I can not go on like this. I'm so scared...

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 aug 2015 - 19:16 ]

    Spinning around, I'm weightless.

    Wesley Aaron Kerr

    21 ~ Dealer ~ Laws

    "Don't believe everything you've heard of me. The truth is much worse."

    He didn't answer me when I tried to keep talking. Instead of that he put on the radio. Obviously he didn't like talking.
    "Also want one?" he asked while he gave me my coffee. Before I could answer my phone rang again, so I took it out of ny pocket to check who it was. I wasn't surprised who tried to contact me - I kinda expected it - so I answered it.
    "Yes?" The other one asked if I was really the one he was calling. "Of course it's Aaron," I told him, already quite irritated. Of course I didn't use my real name. Nobody in my business did. But I wanted it to be a bit personal, so I used my second name for this.
    The other one kept a whole story about his grandma but I didn't listen. I knew exactly where he was going. "It's three and it will stay three," I said, sounding quite threatening. I turned away of Stan - not that he wouldn't be able to hear this but then the threat wouldn't be for him. "It will stay as it was. And you better pay..." I sounded even more threatening and then hung up.
    "Sorry about that," I told Stan, while turning again to him. I drank some of my coffee before answering his question. "But nah, I got my own." I knew he didn't actually wanna share it, so I didn't take it.

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Miles Nicholas Davis

    Footballer | Hacker

    • — • — • — •

          It doesn’t take long before Rae is standing next to me again. To be completely honest she looks even smaller with these clothes on, but that’s mainly because some of them are too big for her. Overall, she can play in them, so it’s alright.
          “Thank you Miles.” She says, before placing the football and helmet on the ground. She quickly starts braiding her hair, something I luckily don’t have to do before every training and game. “You’re welcome,” I react.
          Suddenly she pulls me in a tight hug — something I’m not really used to. My parents aren’t people who like to touch others so most of the time my father gives me a simple handshake and my mum gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. My sister, their daughter, is completely different. Every time I come home she pulls me into the longest hug – and every time it seems to take longer. Rae is smiling as she let’s go of me.
          “It is a really nice thing to do for just a stranger.” I raise my eyebrow. “Why not? Everyone deserves to get at least a chance,” I say. She picks up the football and the helmest and throws the ball to me. “So what do you want to do next?”
          “Well, I think it’s best if you start with a warming up, which includes a lot of running. You’re quick right? So you have to impress the coach with your speed and stamina.” I say, as we’re making our way back to the guys. “I’ll stay close. I was doing some push–ups earlier on, before I had to throw the ball to Tom, so I’ll continue to do that.” As a center you have to throw a lot, so I have to make sure my arms stay as strong as they already are.
          “After that we can throw the ball around for a bit, and maybe some guys want to play as linemen. If the coach sees you’re good at dodging them, I am sure he’s going to doubt himself.” Most of the guys on the team are big and muscular so it’s not as easy for them to dodge the linemen, as it is for Rae.
          We stop at the run-course, where I have trained a half–hour ago. “Just keep running and do some exercises to make your muscles warm,” I warn. The coach will probably stop by and shout something at her. Or make her do something else, as push–ups or something. I’m sure he’s going to be hard on her. I place myself on the ground in the right position and start doing some push–ups.

    [ bericht aangepast op 13 aug 2015 - 23:06 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    Raevyn "Rae" Ann Develis

    Eighteen • (sporty and tough) Tomboy • A bit Tired •

    “Why not? Everyone deserves to get at least a chance,” He said. She wasn’t quite used to such kindness. People usually only thought of themselves especially when it comes to strangers.
    “Well, I think it’s best if you start with a warming up, which includes a lot of running. You’re quick right? So you have to impress the coach with your speed and stamina.” He said as they were walking back. “I’ll stay close. I was doing some push–ups earlier on, before I had to throw the ball to Tom, so I’ll continue to do that.” He said and she nodded. She was going to run. She could do push upas as well, but she couldn’t do more as 60 in a row though. She had to throw as well if necessary so muscles in the arm weren’t bad.
    “After that we can throw the ball around for a bit, and maybe some guys want to play as linemen. If the coach sees you’re good at dodging them, I am sure he’s going to doubt himself.”
    ‘I sure hope so and I am looking forward to it.’ She smiled he believed in her. He believed that she was going to succeed.
    “Just keep running and do some exercises to make your muscles warm,” He said warning her. She nodded and looked at her feet
    ‘I’ll leave my bag here though.’ She said dropping her bag next to him. She didn’t have the best shoes on as they were no running shoes, but she didn’t care for a second. She felt the piercing gaze of the coach already. Miles was making himself ready to do push ups. She was walking on the run-course and she was fastening her pace. She didn’t have music, but she had to push herself. She started to jog first letting her legs remember everything. She stopped a few times to stretch her leg muscles, but as they grew more lose she was running faster. She passed some guys on the track with ease as they looked up to see a braid passing them. She saw the coach watching her.
    FASTER.’ He yelled at her and she was speeding up her tempo. She wasn’t sprinting just yet, but she was very close to it. She had have a lot of rounds now and she was warm. She looked at the man as he held his hand up while watching her. She stopped in front of him.
    ‘I want 14 suicide runs from you. From here to there.’ He said pointing to where the object stood. She had run fast and she knew it. He really wanted to test her. 15 suicides were for fast warm-up, not for after running and he knew that. She didn’t refuse though. As she stood on her spot turned towards the pole she had to run to 7 times and 7 times back. Of course she was the only one who had to do it. ‘GO!’ He yelled holding up his stopwatch. He was going to time her; he was going to be surprised. She started running, no sprinting as fast as she could. She was going back and forth every time she made it. She had to slow down, stop, turn and run at full speed again. It were called suicide runs as you had to sprint as hard as you could, stop and go back at the same speed. As she got back for the last time she was slightly panting, not wanting to show him that he almost killed her. His eyebrow rose. ‘Not bad, but you could do better.’ It was a compliment due to his standards so she accepted it. She didn’t even argue. He looked around for a bit and snapped his fingers. ‘You three come here.’ He said as I turned around and saw three humongous boys nearing the coach. They had been running on the same track as she had earlier and she had passed them, but that was before all those laps and suicide runs she had to do. She hoped that he wasn’t going to say the thing that she dreaded.
    ‘In the letter was said that you could dodge anyone. To prove that I will give you this ball and on that field you are going to make a touchdown.’ He said a slight smirk on his face. She didn’t show anything but a daring smile, but on the inside she was anxious again. She looked at her feet again as she slippery shoes were on her feet.
    ‘Fine, but I am going to be bare foot.’ She said raising an eyebrow. The coach frowned for a second.
    ‘Sure, but don’t cry if one of them steps on your delicate little feet.’ He said smirking again. She nodded and grabbed the ball out of his hands. She pulled of her shoes and socks as she was steadier and would less likely slip with her feet uncovered. She walked across the field and she saw guys look at her following her figure walking across the field. She turned as she was over the line and saw the coach talking to the guys. She put on her helmet and she let her fingers feel the ground steading her. The coach blew his whistle and she ran. She saw the guys run as well, but not as fast looking what she was doing. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins and the wind blew against her face as she run. It was almost as everything was slowing. She didn’t know how the guys played as that was something that bothered her, but at the same time they didn’t know how she played either. She felt her heartbeat speeding up and the first guy was closing in on her. Time to show them what you are made of. She thought to herself. He tried to tackle her, but she dodged him. Her feet were dancing on the ground as with the ball under her arm was held tight and with a swift turn she dodged him. She heard him fall to the ground. Object number too was nearing as well and she was ready. She turned a bit left as he had to turn as well. It was a quick turn, making it sharp and she went right. Taking him of guard. Her body had inched left again as he took that, but her legs weren’t. She felt his fingers gazing her shoulder as she nearly passed him. The last one was in front of her as well. It wasn’t about making it save across the line it was about the ball. She charged him and turned right nearing the line with him close behind her. She felt the grass beneath her feet as the line as only a jump away. She was so close, but she got hit from the side. The winds were hit out of her lungs as she hit the ground with the guy on top of her. She looked at the ball as it was stretched out by her hands and on the ground. She was behind the line making it a touchdown. She grinned and stood up again taking of her helmet. She looked at the coach, but he didn’t look happy.
    ‘You were sloppy and you got taken down as I said you would.’ He said taking the ball from her hands and her jaw dropped.
    ‘But I scored the touchdown. I made the points what does it matter that I get tackled if I make it.’ She said a bit angry as it was shown in her voice. He looked at her Eyebrow raised.
    ‘I said you had to pass them and score a touchdown. You passed two, scored indeed but you got taken down as well.’ He said and she squinted her eyes at him. ‘You have a lot of work to do to match anyone here to be honest. You are not that good and your old coach didn’t know what he was talking about.’ He said and she clenched her jaw. She was mad at him and walked off as she took her shoes. They were charging at her. Usually it was from the sides or behind if you broke out of the first linemen. Now three bulldozers had charged at her and she didn’t have team mates to tackle them. It was three against one. She walked back to her bag and Miles.
    You were not kidding when you said he was going to be hard on me.’ She said as she sat down to put her shoes back on after she had dusted them of.

    [ 1464 words c: ]

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2015 - 1:00 ]

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia


    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2015 - 3:23 ]

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia

    Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca
    19 || Emo || Architecture

    Even before Wesley could answer his phone rang and I was left standing awkwardly in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in my hand and an unlit cigarette in the corner of my mouth. Because I'd been such a heavy smoker in the past, and still smoked, I usually spoke slightly to quite sidewards. This was due to the fact that I was used to having a stick hanging from the corner of my mouth while spreaking, or singing for that matter. Nowadays I didn't smoke as much anymore, but it didn't change much. I listened to conversation I probably shouldn't have listened to, while petting my little rabbit. The call finally ended and he answered my question, which in turn gave me the oppurtunity to light the bit of tabacco between my lips. I always learned it was rude to light it before you gave others the chance to get theirs. "Never mind." It was a miracle that he could understand me, but I didn't question it. Maybe was starting to go native, though I doubted it. I inhaled quietly and took a tiny sip from my coffee. That was always tricky, not to let it drip down my chin and not to get ashes in my cup, but I kind of mastered it over the last couple of years. It was still easier to drink without it in my mouth, but I didn't have any hands left at this point. The music in the background, together with the nicotine, calmed me down. "Need anything else, apart from coffee?" I was careful around this kid, but that didn't mean I couldn't be civil towards him. He was also a human being, eventhough he scared the living daylight out of me. Being alone with him wasn't first on my to-do list, but it was better than being beat up by footballers. They were hunky, but they also could hit really hard, and especially my ribs knew that far too well.

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Ember Owens

    18 - Cheerleader - Freshmen

    Ember listened to Arabella, Arabella’s words were quite interesting for someone who wasn’t into positivity at all. Ember wasn’t sure what she had to think about the whole troublemaker thing, she didn’t want to get into trouble herself. Ember heard people yelling at the football fields, they were always so loud. Football wasn’t really a sport she could play herself, she enjoyed watching it though. Ember is just too slim to actually crash into people. Soccer was different though, she loved playing soccer but that wasn’t really well known here because everyone loves the SuperBowl and World Championship Soccer wasn’t really popular. There was one thing she missed about her home town, the waves in the big sea where she could go and surf every day. That was the only thing she really missed.
    Ember laughed when Arabella said she wasn’t really active, everyone is different and that’s how it’s supposed to be.
    “What year are you in?” Ember asked, being quite curious. Maybe Arabella could help Ember socialize, even though Ember was a cheerleader it was hard to socialize as freshman.
    “So, who do you share your dorm with? Maybe I know her.” Arabella asked, Ember smiled slightly before answering.
    “Skylar Mortenson, she’s also a cheerleader.” Also Californian she had heard through someone, which was ofcourse really nice.

    [ Sorry, still on writers block. D: ]

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 aug 2015 - 12:16 ]

    Ryder Adam Dempsey
    "The bad boy" — 21 years old — graphic design

          Kayleigh grins and she picks up her bag. “Of course I am, it’s not like I don’t know you at all Ryder. We’ve been good friends for like, a year or something?” She replied, putting an emphasis on 'good friends'. I nod and look her straight in the eye, "Oh yeah, totally — we are good friends." But I want to be more than good friends, I thought. A small sigh left my mouth as we start walking to the dorms.
    It was silent, not a bad or awkward silence but a nice one — in my opinion. We're obviously both deep in thought and don't get me wrong, I love to talk about silly and serious topics with her but I couldn't bring myself to break the silence. I didn't know what to say or how to say it. Just for once I bring myself to enjoy the silence between Kayleigh and me.

    After a couple minutes we enter Kayleigh and her roommate Rachel their room. As she drops her bag next to the door, I walk to the middle of the room and I give the room a look. This was the first time I ever saw her room — most of the time when we hang out we go to a café, the gym or we are somewhere outside. Her room didn't look much different than mine, if you exclude the girl items of course. Kayleigh is walking towards what seems like a cupboard and she opens it and picking some stuff out. I walk to her bed and I let myself sit on it.
    "I can't wait to see your drawings, Kay." I grin at her and pat beside me, letting her know that she can sit beside me. Just when she wants to sit down I hear a ringtone and Kayleigh walks to the bathroom to talk in private with the person who's calling. I sigh quietly and I glance at her sketchbooks. Shall I just pick them up and look in them? Without Kayleigh? I decide to pick one up and skim through it.
    My eyes somewhat widen as I browse through the book. Her drawings were really impressive and intense. I knew Kayleigh had talent, but this was just everything beyond my expectations.

    "I hope you don't mind that I already looked at one," I say when she gets back after a few minutes. "This is really impressive, Kayleigh. I had no idea you could draw that good. I really like that one, can you tell me the story behind it?" I ask as I point to a specific drawing which got my interest since the beginning I saw it.

    [Sorry, niet een heel goed stukje maar ik kon me niet concentreren. Blame my mom with her loud, annoying, Dutch music.]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.


    Cheerleader — Nineteen — Outfit

    As I enter the room I see him sitting on my bed, looking at my drawings. Various sketchbooks lay open and I smile. He doesn't notice me yet so I remain silent for a couple seconds. Not much later, he notices me though and I can't help but grin and I carefully sit next to him, putting some sketchbooks on the ground so I can sit.
    "I hope you don't mind that I already looked at one," He says and I smile.
    "Of course not! You are free to look at everything with or without me." I tell him, though the everything part isn't completely true. He is not allowed to look at the sketchbook in which I draw portraits, people, and him. The sketchbooks in which almost all of my best drawings were. Because well, I'm scared of his opinion, his reaction when he sees all those drawings of himself I've made over the past year.
    "This is really impressive, Kayleigh. I had no idea you could draw that good. I really like that one, can you tell me the story behind it?" He asks and I know because of the warmth in my cheeks that they've turned red.
    "Eh sure. Thanks." I say and I sit a bit closer so I can see the drawing better. It's an old one, from December last year but I remember drawing it. Just as I want to start talking I notice our arms and legs are against each other and my cheeks possibly turn even more red.
    "Well, I had a small obsession with foxes last December, as you may remember," I start. The drawing was one of a colourful fox in the snow and I honestly wouldn't know why he wants to know the story. I mean, what story? "So well, I drew a fox. But it was too mainstream so I started adding more colours, making it different and more free and well yeah. This is the result." I tell him. While I talk I look at him, his hair is becoming just a bit too long so it playfully hangs over his forehead and I want to kiss him. His lips, his hair his face, everywhere. But I can't do that. Because we are just friends.

    take me back to the basics and the simple life