All English RPG
    We follow a couple of boys and girls who attend Springfield University –– an University for the best boys and girls only. People come from all over the world, from different countries and different cultures, just to be a part of the pupils on this particular school. A new semester will be starting soon –– shall you be there too?


    Talktopics: 1
    Roletopics: 1

    C H A R A C T E R S

    G I R L S ––
    • Rachel Elizabeth Dare – Cheerleader – Claire HoltWeasIey Page
    • Kayleigh Marie Clarkson – Cheerleader – Anya SummersEthereaI 1.7
    • Laila Thamina El-Amin – Tomboy – Gigi HadidGunnulfsen 1.8
    • Jane Grace Lauren – Reputation – Lily CollinsBlurrieface 1.3
    • Arabella Violet Finch – Troublemaker – Taylor Marie HillKit 1.6
    • Margarethe Viva Gerardsson – Reputation – Cara DelevingneBaelor 1.4
    • Annabeth Cara Rhodes – Cheerleader – Amelia ZadroRhaegaI 1.7
    • Ember Owens – Cheerleader – Alexis RenArcadia 1.4
    • Skylar Roselyn Mortenson – Cheerleader – Ashley RobertsConaway 1.8
    • Chelsea Lucia Connely – Reputation – Face claimBalloo 1.6
    • Name – Sporty – Jourdann DunnGreenIeaf Page
    • Bimii Emilia Grey – Cheerleader – Nina DobrevWiser 1.6
    • Nova Sorensen – Reputation – Face claimHavilliard 1.10
    • Raevyn Ann Delevis— Tomboy - Unknown - Astrophe 1.12

    B O Y S ––
    • Name – Skater – Troye SivanStarkiller Page
    • Name – Reputation – Face claimBlurrieface Page
    • Miles Nicholas Davies – Football player – Daniel BederovKit 1.4
    • Wesley Aaron Kerr – Dealer – Ville ValoNecessity 1.8
    • Name – Gay guy – Face claimWeasIey Page
    • Zachary Drew McMahon – Rich and sporty – Joseph SuggDaggers 1.9
    • Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca – Emo/musician – Gerard WayLukeRHemmings 1.8
    • Ryder Adam Dempsey – Bad boy – Christopher McCroryRhaegaI 1.3
    • Navid Jonathan Aguirre – Football player – Michael TrevinoConaway Page
    • James-Dean Marcus Devraux – Football player – Darren ChrisWiser 1.8
    • Aiden Jonah Wright – Reputation – Face claimInclination 1.10
    • Alex Byrge Sigland – Band singer – Face claimSerenata 1.8
    • Zachaël Yves Devereaux – Reputation – Face claimSpeigelman1.12
    • Elijah Valentijn Valencia — Rich Badboy - Unknown - Astrophe 1.12

    D O R M S & O T H E R

    The Dorms are shared and each include two beds, two desks, two closets and a small bathroom including a toilet, a sink, a cupboard and a shower.
    • Rachel and Kayleigh
    • Laila and Jane
    • Arabella and Margarethe
    • Ember and Skylar
    • Chelsea and Bimii
    • Annabeth and Nova
    Greenleaf and Raevyn

    • Starkiller and Blurrieface
    • Miles and Wesley
    WeasIey and Zachary
    • Stanislav and Ryder
    • Navis and James-Dean
    • Aiden and Alex
    • Zachaël and Elijah

    E X T R A

    The main sports played at Springfield University are football and cheerleading. Other sports and clubs exist, but aren't as popular as the formerly mentioned ones. The teams of these sports are:

    F O O T B A L L ––
    Guard (2) ––
    Tackle (2) –– [R] Conaway
    Center (1) –– [R] Kit
    Quarterback (1) –– [R] Towns
    Running back (3) ––
    Wide receiver (2) –– [R] Wiser
    Tight end (2) ––
    Tackle (2) ––
    End (2) ––
    Middle linebacker (1) ––
    Outside linebacker (2) ––
    Cornerback (2) ––
    Safety (2) ––

    C H E A R L E A D E R S ––
    Captain –– [R] Beauregard
    Reserve Captain/Under Captain –– [R] Ikigai
    Other (12) ––
    [R] Towns
    [R] Arcadia
    [R] QueenStark
    [R] Raegal

    T H E B E G I N N I N G

    It's sunday morning, the seventh of September. School's started again for about a week now and everyone new starts to know the campus and is getting used to it. In three more weeks is homecoming, with a footballgame, a cheerleader game and afterwards a ball. So, a normal day at university.
    It's 11.00, people gather, go to town or have fun at campus. Others are already busy with their homework or are sporting.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2015 - 17:29 ]

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Wesley Aaron Kerr

    21 ~Dealer ~ Laws

    "Don't believe everything you've heard of me. The truth is much worse."

    His head kept hurting and all he wanted was another painkiller and a cup of coffee. After that he might even be able to talk to people without being too mean for them. Might.
    He'd just decided he should really move and get those things, when he remembered he had no coffee anymore and that he actually had to buy it yesterday, but hadn't done it because he was too lazy. He grinned. The one who can get everything for you is now the one who needs things. Feel the irony.
    Maybe he could get coffee from one of the others, but then was there the question: who? He hadn't seen anyone familiar so far and most people weren't willing to hang around with him, talk to him or share their coffee. This was one of the rare moments his reputation didn't help.
    He had just decided to get at least the painkiller when he saw smoke coming from one of the windows. Smoke meant people and maybe even coffee, so after checking which room it was, he decided to walk to it and randomly ask for coffee.
    While standing for the door, he really tried to remember whose room it was, but he couldn't remember, because it never interested him before. He didn't like people in general, so why should he know who lived where?
    Because of all the thinking his head started to hurt even more - he should have taken the painkiller before he went for the coffee, he thought a little too late - so he just raised his hand and knocked.

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Ryder Adam Dempsey
    The Bad Boy — 21 years old — Click here for a video of Ryder

          Suddenly the music stopped and I opened my eyes a bit annoyed. I unlocked my phone and opened the Spotify app and then I clicked on a rock playlist. I put it on shuffle and statisfied I let my head fall against the tree trunk again. The sun felt really good against my slightly tanned skin, it was only eleven o'clock but it's already pretty hot outside — or maybe it feels really hot for me because I was still catching my breath from my work out. I zoned out for a bit listening to Highway to Hell by AC/DC and the background noises around me; my music was not very loud so I could clearly hear some girls yelling on my left and a group of people talking on my right. I even heard the birds in the tree singing songs to each other and some sirens in the distance. Not long after I replied to Kayleigh, I heard my phone making a sound again — letting me know that I got a new message. I unlocked my phone again and selected the right app. I let my eyes wander over the message and a faint smile appeared on my face.
    Ryder > Kayleigh
    Seven o'clock sounds good, shall I pick you up or..?
    Yeah, sure! I'm going to take a quick shower first, though — I went for a run.
    See ya in a couple minutes (:
    - Ryder

    I hit the 'send' button with my thumb and I immediately stand up to walk back to the dorms.

    "Hey! Watch out where you're going, idiot!" I snarled irritated to a small guy with nerd glasses. He walked into me and all the books he was holding against his chest fell to the ground. I heard him mutter a "Sorry," to me while he picked up his books from the ground. No way that I was helping him, he was to one who walked into me and besides, I had other things to do. I slowly shook my head and entered the dorms.
    A guy, I believe his name is Lesley.. or was it Wesley? knocked on the door of my and Stan, my roommate, our door. I never talked to the guy before; Hell, this was the first time I saw him at our door. You could hear my footsteps in the almost empty hallway, I approached the guy and let him in; he was probably one of Stan his weird friends.

    After I got out of the shower and put on some clean clothes, I went outside again. An excited feeling went through my veins, it was always fun to see Kayleigh and besides, I didn't see her yesterday. I could also feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach again, it's definitely not an unknown feeling. For as long as I can remember I had a huge crush on the girl. But I never dared to tell anyone, I thought that she only sees me as a really good friend — I was sure the feeling wasn't mutual. I grinned as I saw Kayleigh sitting on the bench by the middle tree. "Hey, Clarkson!" I greeted her happily as I put my arms around her and pulled her in a hug.

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Hayden Ward Christenson
    Skater // Eightteen years old // Sassy- Outfit

    "That must probably be good news for you." Eli said, and Hayden felt his cheeks burning. He was about to say something in return, but Eli already talked. "Come one then. For breaking your earphones I am going to tell you there who is the best in bed." The older guy said, and Hayden looked away, a pink blush on his face.
          "Well, you better not tell about the girls you've banged through the walls of your dorm. I think you're the short-skirts-big-breasts type of guy." Hayden started, following Elijah. "But don't mark me as prude or virgin, I'm just... Picky about the girl where I put my thing in, you know." Hayden ran a hand through his hair, and sighed. He hoped Elijah didn't give him the kind of answer Hayden expects him to give, he really does. But he also liked Eli's sass, and it can't be wrong to make some friends, right?

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 aug 2015 - 19:25 ]

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."


    Cheerleader — Nineteen — Outfit

    Short after I sent my text I get a reply, but since Ryder syas he'll be there in a couple minutes, I don't reply. Instead, I draw on, switching between my drawing of Ryder and the scene playing in front of me. Some ginger haired girl is staring at me when I look up, and when I lock my eyes, giving her a 'Why the hell are you watching me' look, she blushes and looks the other side. I return to my drawing of Ryder, leaving the sketch of the scene as it is, because well, the scene has been played and the people in it are gone. Eventually the drawing starts to look a lot more like Ryder when I start adding colour to it, and it pleases me. It always does. Deep in the concentration of having my drawing look as much like him as possible without him actually being here, I don't see Ryder walking towards me. So when I hear him greet me enthusiasticly, I jump a little. Not much later he embraces me, and a thousand butterflies fly through my chest and my stomach. Even though I fell in love with him immediately when I got to know him, the feeling never gets familiar to me, it always feels great, nervous and exciting. And it's full of useless hope, since he would never fall in love with me. I hope the hug gets just a little too long but it doesn't, and as I release him my eyes fall onto my sketchbook and with a start I realise it's lying open on what I was drawing. On a drawing of Ryder. As fast as I can I close it, and put it, together with my pencils, in my bag. My phone takes place in the pocket of my jeans and there we stand, awkward as hell. Damnit. Since he's taller than I am it makes it hard to reach onto his head but I still manage and I let my hands waver through his still wet hair. A smile sets on my face as I sit down and pat besides of me, a gesture that he should sit.
    "Oh, about tonight," I start, "You could pick me up if you'd like to, though we also could eat diner in town? Catching up about the vacation and such? Though it might be better to eat something after working out. We could go to starbuck or something? " I nervously bite my lip. We eat a lot of lunch together, but dinner is fancier, and more.. Well.. Romantic. My heart beats in my chest when I ask the question though I then realise seven actually is diner time, and if you eat before you eat pretty damn early. So that leaves my starbucks suggestion.


    take me back to the basics and the simple life


    Nineteen. ~ Social butterfly // Rebel ~ Sad. ~ Outfit

    Skylar sticks out her tongue when I ask her if she wants to ask the guy's number. "No thanks, not this time." She sticks her arm through mine and I smile when she waves at the guy behind the counter. She's a little too enthousiastic, and I shake my head. "Boy crazy." I call her, playfully. She knows I don't mean it. It's what I say when she acts like that around a boy, and she knows it's a joke. Skylar is, however, the one of us that always has a line of boys waiting for her. Obviously. Skylar is gorgeous, and it's no wonder boys admire her. I'm just plain old me, and ever since Zach and I broke up, I haven't been looking so well either. So it's no surprise I haven't had a lot of attention lately. I don't mind, either. But when Skylar starts about prom, I cringe. "So Jane, what about homecoming. You already know what you're going to wear? I mean I have already picked out 3 dresses, but I can't choose." She sighs, and I shake my head, smiling. "I don't know yet. I've got time though. What dresses are you thinking of?" Everyone makes a big deal out of prom, but not me. I'll see it when I see it.

    Spinning around, I'm weightless.

    Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca
    19 || Emo || Architecture

    I was just about to drink my last sip of coffee, when I heard a knock on the door. Ryder usually always brought his keys, so it had to be someone else, probably a friend of Ryder's. So I sighed and got up. With the cigarette still between my lips I got to the door and opened it. "Ryder's not here or he's asleep. Try calling." was what I murmered in my still strong Romanian accent without even looking up.When I saw that it wasn't a friend of Ryder's, but the dealer on the block. That's why I tried to stay away from him as much as possible. Mama always told me to stay away from these kind of things if I wanted to make it, and I really wanted to make it, as whatever it turned out to be: Musician or Architect. Now I stood here in just my underwear, with a cigarette between my lips, with a dealer on my doorstep. "Euhm, hey. Do you need anything? We don't have debts, right?"I was extremely cautious, though I was sure at least I didn't owe him anything. I gave my bunny a quick look, but she was still in the kitchen eating, so that was okay. I just wanted to get dressed, put my make-up on, and get on with my work. I didn't wanne talk to him, or anyone for that matter. I wanted to drum, play guitar, and finish my sketches and drawings. I inhaled one last time from the little bug between my lips, before I smothered the glowing tabacco against the doorframe and threw the bud in the bin next to the door. I tried to keep the nicotine filled smoke in my lungs for as long as possible, to gain the full strength of it's soothing nature. My anxiety was clearly starting to play up right now, and it wasn't even noon yet, so this day was already off to a great start, not. Why wouldn't he just leave me? Or at least tell me why he was here and what he wanted.

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 aug 2015 - 17:24 ]

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Wesley Aaron Kerr

    21 ~Dealer ~ Laws

    "Don't believe everything you've heard of me. The truth is much worse."

    He heard footsteps and a guy named Ryder - he guessed - approached him. Apparently this is his room. He didn't seem to recognize him and without saying something he let him in - at the same moment the other guy who was already inside - Stan? - opened the door.
    "Ryder's not here or he's asleep. Try calling," he told with a strong accent. Apparently he'd missed that his roommate just got in but kinda disappeared before he could tell why he was here.
    When the other one - yes it was definitely Stan - looked up, he at least seemed to recognize him and Stan didn't seem very happy about it - as usual.
    "Euhm, hey. Do you need anything? We don't have debts, right?" Wesley laughed short before answering. At least this one was very straight-to-the-point.
    "As far as I know you don't. But do you have coffee for me? I'm out of it," he said. He really should have bought it yesterday, that would have made his life so much easier. At least he wouldn't have to ask strangers who were terrified of him - yes, he knew most people were and this one seemed to be part of that group - if they had coffee for him and he wouldn't have to act nice - and that was, without coffee, a really difficult task.

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca
    19 || Emo || Architecture

    I wasn't fully awake yet, of course, which meant it took some time to register the fact that my roommate was in. This is how I embarrassed myself within an hour of waking. I quickly asked what he wanted when I realised who was in front of me. He laughed a bit, which was hopefully a good thing. My English wasn't as good as theirs yet, neither did I completely get their culture. This was why I was direct and kept things short. His question confused me. Did the guy who could get you anything just ask for a cup of coffee? I raised an eyebrow and looked at the tiny rabbit in the kitchen again. "Euhm, yeah. Want a cup?" I was still very cautious, because I still was very aware of his status. "We didn't clean in a while. Don't mind the mess." I should have cleaned, but I didn't really make any time yet. I took a step back and waited for him to get in. "Rosa" My voice was soft, but she clearly heard it and came to me. I picked het up and put her on my shoulder. She was tiny enough for that. I placed a kiss on her head. "It's all black, if you don't mind. " It wasn't more than a murmer, but I had no clue had to make an other type of coffee than black and espresso. Ryder maybe, but I didn't wanne bother him. We already weren't the best of friends. He left again and Wesley, Rosa, and I were alone once again.

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 aug 2015 - 17:50 ]

    Bowties were never Cooler

    MT (:


          Zach shakes his head, something what I already expected. He's doesn't strike me as the ball type of guy. It's harder to pick up a girl at a ball than in a club or something. Besides, I'm sure he rather sees girls in short skirts than in long gowns. The old Zach probably would go, but not the new one. Not that I can blame him, since I'm not even sure if I'm going myself.
          'Balls are stupid and I'm not in the mood for asking someone. Besides, I'd rather go to a bar or club and drink something and search for a girl or so,' answers Zach and he pulls back his arm. 'That doesn't surprise me at all,' I grin.
          'I'm not boyfriend material so I'll spare the poor girls feelings and won't get involved.'
          I slightly raised my eyebrows. 'You do realise that you can also hurt a girl's feelings when you meet her in a club or bar, right?' I ask him. 'I mean, a bar or a club isn't a magical place where girls suddenly don't have feelings anymore. You should know that by now,' I continue, the last part a little teasingly. I don't know how many times I've seen a girl upset with Zach. Most girl at university seem to either love him or hate him. While I didn't necessarily approved of Zach's behaviour, most of the times I don't think he's the blame. I mean, almost everyone knows his reputation, so if a girl is so stupid to believe that Zach really likes her, despite all the rumors she's hearing, it is somewhat her own fault. Of course there are also girls who don't know his reputation, which reminds me of something.
          'By the way Zach, don't go chasing innocent freshman girls. They don't your reputation yet, so they'll probably actually believe that you really like them. So for the first few weeks, just don't do it. If you're sure she knows it's only about the sex, okay. But otherwise, no. If you do that, I'll kick your ass so hard it'll hurt to have sex for a week,' I tell him. 'Also, pass that message on to Eli.'

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Ember Owens

    18 - Cheerleader - Freshmen

    It was a week ago when Ember arrived at Springfield university, it was hard for her to settle but luckily she made friends quickly. Since she joined the cheerleader team it was easy to make friends, but it was quite difficult with a personality like hers. Her roommate Skylar, was quite okay too actually. Her first week was going great, she was just trying to get a taste of campus life and was trying to make friends. She also saw this one guy in particular, she couldn't really get his name yet but she really liked him already. He was kind of mysterious looking, and that was the moment she already had a crush on him like a teenager.
    Ember was getting ready for a run, she had classes later but not right now. Sports were really important to her, staying in shape and being healthy. She honestly knew that she could spend the hour pre working on class, but a run would be a better idea. In her run clothes she walked out of the dorms, outside she started to run and followed a trail close to the campus, to the forest.. This was the only way to get relaxed, university was hard and the fact that she got in was surprising too. Ember wasn't really good at learning, but she wasn't really dumb or anything. She just found it really hard to learn and concentrate, and the problem wouldn't be solved. Because Ember wasn't the type of person to speak about it with anyone. She wanted to look perfect to the outside, while honestly she wasn't perfect at all. The thought of not being the person she wanted to be, broke her mentally into pieces. So she tried not to think about it.. She pushed her thoughts and feelings away. That's how the happy and bubbly Ember was created.

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 aug 2015 - 0:24 ]

    Wesley Aaron Kerr

    21 ~ Dealer ~ Laws

    "Don't believe everything you've heard of me. The truth is much worse."

    My question surprised the other boy, because he raised an eyebrow before answering.
    "Euhm, yeah. Want a cup?" Really, he's gonna ask that? What does he think? That I'm gonna ask for coffee and then I don't want a cup? I force myself not to roll with my eyes and to answer politely. "If that's possible, yes."
    "We didn't clean in a while. Don't mind the mess." He stepped back so i could come in, so I did. Why did he think I would mind the mess? My room wasn't very clean either - I just didn't liks cleaning - and let's not talk about jail...
    "Rosa," he said and I expected some random girl to show up. I probably interrupted their beautiful night but I couldn't get myself to feel sorry about that. I still hadn't had my morning coffee.
    Instead of a girl, a little rabbit showed up. Stan picked her up and put her on his shoulder and placed a kiss on her head. I used to have a rabbit too. My dad gave it to me. To be honest: the rabbit hated me so I hated him in return. Feeding was already a challenge, because when I even looked at it, it already attacked me. The only reason I kept it, was because my dad loved him - and could do anything with it - and every scratch on my hand reminded me of him. I still have some scars from it.
    "It's all black, if you don't mind," he said. It was difficult to hear, but I did.
    "Black's okay," I answered and I nodded. I had my coffee black anyway.
    "Nice rabbit," I continued, so there wouldn't be a silence. Well, I didn't mind but all my deals had learned me that it's not about yourself but about the other, and I just knew that he would probably find the silence intimidating, so I tried to keep a conversation going.

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Ryder Adam Dempsey
    The Bad Boy — 21 years old — Click here for a video of Ryder

          I didn't embrace Kayleigh for long — it was hard to let her go this soon but I simply couldn't give myself away. I mean, holding her too long is everything but appropriate. We are just friends, nothing more and nothing less. I wish we could be more, I really, really do. But I doubt we could ever be in a relationship, I doubt she even wants to be in a relationship with me. Me, Ryder Dempsey, is too damaged — I have a lot of emotional baggage with me. I don't deserve a girl like Kayleigh, she deserves someone who can be good for her, who can always be with her. Someone who can give her all the love she needs. And I think that I can never be that person, I want to be that person for her but.. I just can't. Somewhere deep still hopes we can be a thing. I still hope she can handle my behaviour and emotional baggage.

    Suddenly, I notice a book — a sketchbook or notebook maybe? I wasn't completely sure. Before I could get a good look Kayleigh closes the thing and she put it, with pencils, in her bag. It was definitely her sketchbook. I really wanted to ask what she was drawing but I didn't want to seem pushy so I just let it go.
    I look down at Kayleigh with soft eyes, she truely was an angel. I tower over her with my 6'2 but she still managed to get her hands in my, still wet, hair. I closed my eyes and enjoy the moment, sometimes we had these moments and it confuses me but I loved every single second of them. They were short but still. When I open my eyes I see her smile and she sits down on the bench, making a gesture that I have to sit beside me and I do exactly that. A little closer than I intended to at first — our arms and legs were brushing against each other. Electric sparks flew through my veins and a small smile appears on my face.
    "Oh, about tonight," she starts, "You could pick me up if you'd like to, though we also could eat diner in town? Catching up about the vacation and such? Though it might be better to eat something after working out. We could go to starbucks or something? " She bit her lip and immediately my gaze fell on her lips, not for long though, I promised myself not to stare at her. "That sounds like a good plan, we could grab something at Starbucks and after we are done working out we could eat something in a restaurant. My treat, of course." I grinned at her and tuck a piece of hair behind her hair. My brows knit together and I let my hand fall at my sides again. Wrong move, Ryder, wrong move. "If you don't mind me asking, what were you drawing before? I understand if it's too personal." I fold my hands together and stare at them, I just couldn't help myself — Apparently she didn't want me to see the drawing but I was too curious not to ask. I never saw a drawing that she made before. She must be good though, since she is studying Interior Design.

    A nervous feeling spread through me, I was itching too ask her to homecoming with me. If she agreed to dinner after our work out then I would ask.. or maybe the next day. This would be my chance and I guess that i'm ready to confess my feelings to her. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin our friendship. It's hard to keep it to myself and she deserves to know the truth — to know my feelings for her. I don't care if she doesn't feel the same way about me but what if she does? Eventhough the chance would be really, like really small.

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 aug 2015 - 21:19 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.


    Cheerleader — Nineteen — Outfit

    Ryder sits down not long after I motioned him too. The fact that our arms and legs are touching each other makes me go crazy. My heart beat fast in my chest and I couldn’t help but smile.
    "That sounds like a good plan, we could grab something at Starbucks and after we are done working out we could eat something in a restaurant. My treat, of course." Was his answer, to which I playfully shoves him.
    “I can pay my own dinner Ryder, I’m not that poor,” I said, laughing. Because it was true., I wasn’t poor and my parents actually were quite rich. The smile stayed on my face as I looked at him and bit my lip. It was hard to not just hug him and hold on to him and kiss him. The chance that he would like, actually have the same feelings is so small and I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Because even though we only are friends, we share a great friendship, and I don’t want to ruin that. I’d rather stay friends with Ryder my whole life and not be able to ever kiss him than kissing him now and having him hate me for the rest of my life. Because it’s something. I slowly see his hand coming close to my head and not a second later he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I blush a little and smile, looking up to him.
    "If you don't mind me asking, what were you drawing before? I understand if it's too personal." He asks, and my eyes dart towards my bag, I close it a little more.
    “Oh nothing, just- just sketching some things as usual,” I answer him, maybe a little too fast and hasty. Damnit.
    “I could show you some, but most are in my room, drawn in another, bigger sketchbook.” I say, so he, hopefully, won’t suspect anything. And it’s true. I’ve got different sketchbooks, one for people, one for places, one for animals, a couple for my study, and a couple for different things. You could say there’s a lot.

    take me back to the basics and the simple life


    [ bericht aangepast op 10 aug 2015 - 22:48 ]

    The Clock Is An Illusion And We Are All Trapped In It. Fye • Onism • Astrophe • Alazia