• Stiekem vond ik deze nog wel grappig :P

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    Haha :'D

    Life is all about having a good time.

    HAHA, omfg xd.

    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about

    Limerry schreef:
    HAHA, omfg xd.

    there is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the center of the flames.

    Hahahaha, die kende ik al maar dan in het engels.

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.

    Hahaha, omg, soort van payback of zo? lol.
    Karma is a bitch. :Y)

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Limerry schreef:
    HAHA, omfg xd.

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    hahaha hoe mooi :'D

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind

    26 - 02 - '16


    Crocker schreef:

    Ik neem even afstand van Quizlet, sorry. Ik stop met alle RPG's.

    hahaha geweldig :D

    never give up on things that make you smile.


    Whaha qq.

    She knew the rules so she knew how to break them.

    Oh god, Pulp Fiction flashbacks D';

    Caution first, always.

    Hahah geniaal :'D

    You are beautiful no matter what they say <3