• Vijf over half zes 's nachts, en er zijn maar negen leden on-line, maar dat weerhoudt mij er niet van om jullie te melden dat ik mijn username van Malambri naar Queensbury heb veranderd (:

    Who likes? *O*

    "No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb" - Dear John

    I like it _O_

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    I like!

    "The only way of finding a solution is to fight back, to move, to run, and to control that pressure."

    Half zes is voor mij wel al 's ochtends... Dat is hoe vroeg ik elke dag moet opstaan....
    Like you username!!

    I've never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.

    Me likes (:

    "I didn’t trip, I was just testing the gravity, and it still works"

    awesome (:

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    I love it.

    Firm believer of all that is magic

    Luuuf it

    I'd wonder if i ever cross your mind

    me likes

    Me likes :3

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    me likes

    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.

    Like it! <3

    Tears are words the heart can't say.

    Me likes! (nerd)

    Na alle me likes eens een andere reactie:

    Leuk 8D

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Epic name is epic.

    26 - 02 - '16

    *love* 8D

    Full of envy behind that anonymous mask