In Parseltongue?
[ bericht aangepast op 8 jan 2012 - 21:19 ]
Op weg naar een mindset met enkel positieve emoties.
Ineens lijkt mijn naam heel lang x'D Ayaahathaayaassssehhh
"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” - C.S. Lewis
Trust me. I'm the doctor
“If I had someone like that in my life, I’d be very happy indeed.” - Bradley James
Sheaayaayaeehhaaaaaahhassssss Wuah.
I believe in nothing but the truth and who we are.
Hasshaahassaayayaeeh Die zet ik op mijn profiel
Define "good".
aayaassssethahaaethaasssshathehhhhathehhhhaa Boem (:
Mai lasciare - Never give up. -- If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror.
My father will hear about this.
You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just
Sssshathehhhhathehhhssssseyythaa (bloos)
Let the Night embrace you
Hahaha, geweldig. ;'D Mijn naam is SsssehhhHaaHaaHasseeySsseyaaSheaayaSsss.
"Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us." - Jane Austen
HatheeeyHaaaaaaaahSsseyaaSsssseythaAyaahathSsss wtf??
“All those fairytales are full of shit.”
HasseeeyAyaeehHaa aaahhaa \\ =Roya
I'd wonder if i ever cross your mind
SsssHathehhhAayaaSssseythaSsss Dat rolt lekker van de tong O_O
I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.
aayaahathghhhsheaayahaa. Ja tuurlijk :'D
To live would be an awfully big adventure