In Parseltongue?
[ bericht aangepast op 8 jan 2012 - 21:19 ]
Op weg naar een mindset met enkel positieve emoties.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Hassseethaaahasseeyaayaasssseytha COOL MAN.
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
ethaaayaeeh ben ik blij dat mijn naam maar 2 letters zijn
Ssaahayaeehssssehhhaayaaseyythaaaayaaatheyaesseythassss Hell wat ben ik blij dat ik niet echt zo heet
Sssssssseythassseyaaseethaaasssshasseey Al die s'en, men.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind
STALKERPANDA schreef: (...) Wow, die is lang ;')
Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you
Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.
Ayaahathaayaassssehhh Ik vind Kim makkelijker dan
Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.
SheaayaSsssseyythaaseyythaaaayaahassaaySsssHasseey Vet man :'D
'Three words, large enough to tip the world; I remember you.'
seyytaasssshathehhhssss Nice.
There's faith and there's sleep - we need to pick one - please
Yoda schreef: sssseythahaassssehhhhaaseyythaassseyaaseethaaahaa
No growth of the heart is ever a waste
Omg wat is dit? x'D Anywayz,, mijn naam zou zijn: HaassssehhhEthaaSssHasseey
Inspiration can hit you any time
Sheaayaayaeeehhaaaaaah x'd
There's power in the words you whisper.
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Hier is al een topic over, maar ik zal mijn naam toch neerzetten ssssehhhssssaayaaaayaahathssss
"I didn’t trip, I was just testing the gravity, and it still works"