Nistruth Lore Lords

This is a quiz for the members of Nistruth. Nistruth is a LARP Organisation founded in Noord Brabant. The Organisation is free of charge. This quiz is for the members who want to be a part of a bigger within the Organisation and decide together about nistruth's fate and the protections of our members.
You will have eight results for this quiz

The kingdom of Feya - Keepers
The amry of Gerior - Respected
The counsel of wizards - Logicals
The fleet of Pirate Rosetta - mapper
The fleet of Captain Ceycul - Gatherer
The Wanders of Maca - Creature Gatherer
The travelers of Elini - Flora Gatherer
The rats of Salz - Insider

These are the titles of Lore lords, Under these Lords play characters a role in finding whatever these titels stand for. The rules and rights are simple to become one of the lords or minions of the lord but they are strict and imporant.


for minions

- you have to take part in creating lore, or bring idea’s
this is as simple as giving a picture of text or idea or just a complete lore to any of the lords. so there can be a new elements added to the lores and world of nistruth. Nothing is a bad idea.
- Your tasks are your priority in days were the lore protectors meet. And you have to make sure all members have a service of you.

For Lords

- Your tasks are important roles in maintaining good world and happy members please take note of this, We understand you have hobbies but you do have to know that larp is your hobby too and we want to make sure it is a happy experience for everyone.
- You will have to have your adding to lore protectors days, this doesn’t mean you're forced to be apart of these. But you do have to do whatever the world of nistruth needs.

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Feya Custrix (2 x uitgekomen)

please contact us about the result

Gerior Obverance (4 x uitgekomen)

Please contact us over your result

The counsel of wizards (3 x uitgekomen)

Please contact us over your result

Rosetta for’a aemare (3 x uitgekomen)

Please Contact us over you results

Ceycul Narria (5 x uitgekomen)

Please contact us over your result

Maca Feracus (0 x uitgekomen)

Please contact us over your result

Elini Rocuflor (0 x uitgekomen)

Please contact us over your results

Salz Tisirt (1 x uitgekomen)

Please contact us voer your result

Not suited for lore protectors (0 x uitgekomen)

I am sorry but you do not qualify to be a protector of the lore



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