magic power love (2) coming in ones inheritance

Doe deel 1 XD
PS: Dit is ni geschreve dr mij mr dr mijn BFF Valerya :p

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Jaaaaa!!! (10 x uitgekomen)

-privit drive-
the 3 deadeaters and Tom apparaited on the doorstep, letterly, and knoked down the frond door.storming upstais they were shoked to see 10 diferent locks on the door. Tom frouwned but opened them with a quick “alohomora”. Once they entered the room they were shocked, all walls were spattered in blood, fresh and old. The whole room stank of sex and vomit, but against a wal in a corner of the room lay a beautifull, angelic like Harry Potter, only covered by the thin blanked, lying so still it was as if he wasn’t breading.
Tom rushed to his side, chekking his pulse, when he found it he breathed in relief, his mate was still alive.
Wrapping Harry’s body in a newly tranfigured thiker blanked, he stood and walked out of the frond door, makking sure to leave no trace at all.

-Voldemort’s base-
Knowing that harry needed his rest Tom lead him in one of the moost fanciest room of the whole manor, ordering a hose-elf to watch him, he went back to the entrende hall to talk with Rastaban, Rodulphus and lucius, knowing they wanted answers.
“I know you have qwestions, name them” he said.
“well mlord”lucius began, but stopped whan he saw tom’s glace ”well Tom, i wanted to ask, why did you rescue Potter, of all the people?”
Tom signed”I saved him once, on the graveyard, by telling him about Dumbles manipulations. When I was reborned all of my memories also returned and I rembered he is my mate!”
The 3 deadeathers looked at hin in disbelive ‘ their lord, Tom, was mated to Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived.’ They coudn’t belive it. ‘But it does make sence’
“Mlo...Tom, how did you know? And what did you meen by all my memories have returned?”Rabastan asked.
“Well...” Tom signed “ dumbles left me at that orfinage to shape me in to a wapon against Grindewald, but he faled and i began recuiting against him, he killed and blamed me, he named me voldemort, while it was just a nickname I used whan I was at hogwarts. He placed the seed of insanity in me in the hopes it whoud kill me. When it didn’t he dicided he created a proficie, wich lead us to Harry. I chose Harry because he looked so mutch like me, but in my insanity I made him what I was, an orfin. And how I knew he was my mate, when I killed James and Lily they both said it, ‘don’t kill him, Tom, Please, don’t kill your mate’. I didn’t belive them. And you know what happend. But just before the killing curce hit me I realised they spoke the truth, and the seed of insanity in me slowly died. When I was reborned I only had a minimun of insanity in me, but as months past I bacame Tom again I didn’t wanted to kill. I could think streight and I could sence my mate again.” Ending his story Tom let his most trusted dead... no, friends leave, just in time to hear a hose-elf pop in to tell him..... harry was awake.

-fanciest chamber in Riddle Manor-
Harry woke up, looking around expecting to see vernon or petunia screaming at him. When the screaming stayed out he opened his eyes, only to see a house-elf pop away? ‘okay, now I’m sure I’m not at ‘home’. But where the hell am I?’
Standing up a littke stifly, Vernon had givin harry a ‘little’ Birth day present... notticing that all the wounds his uncle and aunt had giving him the past week didn’t itch anymore, he walked te one of the three doors, reconissing it as a bathroom he walked in, but doing so he passed a full lenght miror. And the reflection shokked him ‘what the hell’.
In the miror he saw a 6 foot tall yong man, with slightly pointed ears, mysterius green with silver amount shaped eyes with cat (or snake) like pupils. Midnight black hair with Red, dark bleu and green strikes trought it that reached just above his ass. And in a blink of an eye he had beautfull black with green feathered wings with a spanlenght of maybe 8ft.
“What the fuck has hapened to me?” he wisered to himself. Someone els anwered “ you came in to your inheritance”. Turning around fast he looked at the doorway to see Tom standing in it. “Tom”.


Nee!! (0 x uitgekomen)




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