You: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 
Stranger: What are you doing later?
You: I'm going to fly on my broom 
Stranger: Are you going there with someoone.
You: yes....with harry potter ;o
Stranger: I love you!
You: I love me too 
Stranger: Well go fuck yourself.
You: ok 
Stranger: Hey, are you a boy or a girl?
You: I'm not one of them ;o
Stranger: Why not are you just here to waste my time not have fun.
You: I'm just wasting your time, 'cause Voldemort made me to 
Stranger: Oh... I am a guy though.
You: I'm gay 
Wanna fuck? 
Stranger: You're a machine.
You: yes i am 
Stranger: Well, most of the time.
You: hahahahaha
Stranger: Who made you?
You: Ron Weasley 
Stranger: Billy mays here!
You: I'm God 
Stranger: Why are you allowing millions of children to go to bed starving every night?
You: 'Cause 
Stranger: A werewolf?
You: No...Vampire 
Stranger: Jacob Black!
You: sexy 
Stranger: Hehe
You: what? He is sexy 
Stranger: He passed away.
You: So did santa 
Stranger: So will us all.
You: Yes...tomorrow the world will end 
Stranger: How will it explode.
You: goes like "BOEM BANG BAF BING BOING KADAANG" and then it will be over 
Stranger: It is quite short and soft this year.
You: I know right
Well, I hope you can come to heaven so you can see me 
Stranger: I don't know of any wingmen that don't know how to fly.
You: If you just stick a broom between your legs (ahahaha, this sounds so wrong) then you can fly. Just like me, harry potter, Ron weasley and Voldemort and many others
Stranger: What is the point of this site?
You: Annoying people I guess 
Stranger: Why?
You: 'cause 
Stranger: Me too.
You: Sexy
So tell me...Why don't you click away? 
Stranger: I am in bed. It's pretty comfy.
You: What are you doing in bed? ;o
Stranger: See you just asked me a question right now, but not before.
You: I know...strange huh ? ;o OMG....I just love myself 
Stranger: But you love me too.
You: I love me more 
Stranger: Then you will be baked. And there will be cake.
You: NJUMMIEH....No, for real now. I'm a 69 year old human 
Stranger: You are a computer!
You: No I'm not ;o I'm a fairy
Het sloeg echt nergens op :'D
Maar ik verveelde me en het was sterker dan mezel 
Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.