Stranger: same, so you m or f?
You: female
Stranger: cool, i'm male, don't worry, i ain't gonna ask you for cyber or anything! 
You: O god, thanks. I was already a bit frigtened, haha
Stranger: haha, it's ok, so what music do you like?
You: Some rock, R&B..
You: Sometime 70.. :'D
Stranger: lolz, i like mainly Rock
You: Favourite band?
Stranger: either Iron Maiden or Led Zeppelin
Stranger: you?
You: Hmmmm. A lot, I've a large variety in bands. But I listen to Golden Earring (is that 70's?) and also just some modern stuff. You know, paramore, linkin park..
Stranger: i think they are, late 70's earl 80's one of the two 
You: Yay, now I know
You: What's your age?
Stranger: 16 
Stranger: you?
You: 14
You: Where do you live?
You: I mean, which country/state
Stranger: England, you?
You: The netherlands :'D
Stranger: wow, you speak great English as well 
You: That's because I do bilingual stream, on school. You know, you get many subjcts in english
Stranger: awesome, do you have MSN?
You: Msn?
Stranger: yeah MSN lol
You: whuuut?
Stranger: ok, you don't have it then haha
hij is wel echt lief!
En Engels.. Ghehe.
[ bericht aangepast op 16 nov 2009 - 22:41 ]
You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?