RollentopicPraattopic 1 & 2Speeltopic

    Dertien jaar geleden klom de Schotse familie Ackerman aan boord van de Mayfair, op zoek naar land waar ze een nieuwe thuis konden stichten: land waar geen monsters waren, land waarmee ze de macht van de Gemeenschap konden veilig stellen en uitbreiden, en waar ze hun kinderen veilig konden trainen zonder dat weerwolven of vampiers hen het leven zuur maakten. Alleen was een kleine groep vampiers hen voor. Zij wilden ook een nieuwe thuis, een veilige haven; hun leider was al eeuwenlang vastberaden om die voor hen te zoeken omdat in Europa geen plek meer bleek te zijn.
          De Gemeenschap wilde niet ophoepelen. Hoe konden ze dat ook? Vampiers hadden het recht niet om zomaar een stuk land te claimen. De Eerste Kolonie had al zo'n groot grondgebied in Europa - konden ze de rest van de wereld niet alleen laten?
          In de laatste dertien jaar zijn de spanningen opgelopen en hebben zich twee kampen gevormd: de Gemeenschap van Jagers, die ondertussen uitgebreid waren tot dertien families met de Ackermans aan het hoofd, en het groepje vampiers dat zij 'de rebellen' dubden, onder leiding van de legendarische, gevreesde vampier Helias Vanparys. Noord versus zuid, met enkel een rivier die hen van elkaar gescheiden houdt. Geen van beiden is gelukkig met het grondgebied dat ze hebben en willen de ander weg. Een gulden middenweg lijkt onbestaand, zeker wanneer het nieuws de oceaan oversteekt en Greenstone stilaan een haven wordt voor gevluchte piraten. Sommigen van hen zijn Europese vampiers die deel willen uitmaken van de nieuwe kolonie in Amerika. Anderen zijn vampiers die uit zijn op bloed en van de chaos gebruik willen maken. Dan zijn er de Jagers, die hun soortgenoten willen bijstaan - maar ook de Jagers die alleen zijn en de mogelijkheid zien om die institutionele Community onderuit te halen. Ten slotte is er de groep die liever onbekend blijft; weerwolven, gewone burgers en piraten die Greenstone opzoeken om de onbekendheid op te zoeken tussen al die andere bovennatuurlijke wezens die toch te veel kabaal maken om nog andere stemmen op te merken. In ieder geval begint de spanning een hoogtepunt te bereiken; zowel in Greenstone zelf als op zee, waar schepen met bovennatuurlijke bemanningen strijden voor hetgeen waarin ze geloven. Of gewoon voor de lol. Niemand die het echt duidelijk lijkt te weten. Niemand die weet hoe dit wetteloze stukje grond ooit verder zal komen dan één bloederige slachting.


    Je kan alle informatie over de wereld terugvinden in de lorestory. Alle informatie over vampiers, weerwolven, jagers en hun geschiedenis staat beschreven. Je kan uiteraard ook een mens spelen, maar dan is het alsnog handig om misschien even de geschiedeniscomponenten te lezen om me te zijn met de geladen onderwerpen.
    Mocht je nog ergens vragen hebben, stel ze gerust!

                Personages & invulijstjes

    Echte leeftijd (maximum 600)
    Fysieke leeftijd
    Paramount & eventuele Subjects
    Groep & positie (deel van Helias' groep of rogue?)
    Krachtbeheersing & skills
    Geschiedenis (leg ook even uit waarom ze naar Greenstone gekomen zijn)


    Groep & positie (zin om een roedel te maken? Ga ervoor, maar bespreek het even met de groep (: )
    Krachtbeheersing & skills


    Groep & positie (deel van de Gemeenschap? Welke familie; familiehoofd of niet? Algemene leider van de Gemeenschap in Greenstone is een Ackerman!)
    Wapens & skills

    Groep & positie (Hoe ligt jouw personage in de algemene maatschappij van Greenstone?)

    Forbidden characters/faceclaims from canon
    - Helias Vanparys (Niclas Gillis)
    - Thorne Madison / T. Magen (Anton Lisin)
    - Freya Ackerman (Pyper America Smith)
    - Clark Ackerman (Boyd Holbrook)
    - Egorov Vasilyev (Finn Cole)
    - Holden Ackerman (Cillian Murphy)
    - Lev Vasilyev (Ivan N)
    - Nora Quill (Starlie Cheyenne Smith)

    ⛧[P2] — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys (451/20-28?) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P5] — Katherina Vasileiou (166/28) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4] — Nessa Craven (372/28) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Azrael Ishtari (75/26) — Barbarian
    ⛧[P5] — Madalena Belfiore (181/23) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P7] — Daphne (125/24) — Perchabeth | Anna
    ⛧[P7] — Adrian Vynall (284/43) — Moskowitz | Xanthe
    ⛧[G tot 26/2/24] — Thorne Madison (701/17) — Frisk | Liesje
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P5] — Farah Fenrir Parker (25) — Frodo | Bes
    ⛧[P5] — Sofia Cortez (AGE) — Saureus | Lisa
    ⛧[P7 tot 26/2/24] — Calian Reed (37) — Mijita | Maia
    ⛧[P4] — Robert Frankson (24) — amberkishatu | Amber
    ⛧[P7] — Lachlan Carmichael (25) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[G tot 22/2/24] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — Vespera | Naam
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam
    ⛧[P1] — Reed Ackerman (27) — Moskowitz | Xan
    ⛧[P2] — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev (26) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P5] — Elizabeth Lavely (AGE) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4 tot 26/2/24] — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman (27) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P7] — Celeste Girard (26) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[G tot 26/2/24] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — Frisk | Liesje
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P4] — Antigone Lamb (19) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P5] — Carwen Weasmer (25) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Tamanend (21) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P8] — Thomas Crake (33) — Greenfeld | Lene
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - Topics worden aangemaakt door Coryo of Moskowitz. Stuur ons gerust een berichtje als we het niet meteen moesten zien!
    - Have fun!
    ©2024 RSK, Frisk & Moskowitz.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 feb 2024 - 10:41 ]



    “Good morning,” the long-haired man greeted Finn. He didn’t seem in the slightest bit fazed by her rough appearance, so maybe she didn’t smell as bad as she assumed. “My name is Tama,” he said. His English was tinted by an accent Finn recalled having heard before, but she couldn’t place where exactly. “You are Finn?”
          The name sounded weird when he said it, and Finn couldn’t help but grimace. “Finn,” she said. “Like those appendages fish have.”
          ”Mornin’,” a voice interrupted her. Finn stumbled when a firm hand clapped her shoulder. Her head felt a little woozy. She noticed a bottle of air on de floor and some soggy bread. Though her stomach was crying out for food instead of more alcohol, Finn picked up the liquor bottle and uncorked it with her teeth, frowning at Tom, who looked like absolute shite.
          ”You look about as good as I feel,” the big man added. Finn’s frown deepened.
          ”You must feel absolutely gorgeous, then,” she said, taking a swig of the bottle. The ale tasted like ash on her tongue, and for a second she wondered if it was a good idea to be drinking this early in the morning. What time was it anyway? She took another swig and grimaced, then remembered the long-haired man beside her and offered him her bottle. Didn’t want to seem rude. He took it hesitantly.
          ”How about some breakfast?” Tom said. He entered the tavern, so Finn assumed he’d be paying, so she followed him inside. Sitting down next to Tom, she momentarily wondered where her ale had gone, then remembered she’d given it to Tama and cursed herself.
          Did you hear what happened on Bloodlight Bridge this morning?” Tom asked. Finn gratefully accepted the pint he handed her and took a long, deep drink. “A man called Raphael Ackerman hung himself.”
          The news almost made Finn’s sip come out again, straight through her nose. Instead, it went down her windpipe, and as she coughed it back up, half of it got splattered al on her shirt. She didn’t bother to clean off her chin as she planted the mug back on the table with such force it was a surprise the table didn’t split right down the middle.
          ”What the actual fuck are you on about?” she demanded loudly.

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 maart 2024 - 14:47 ]





    "Finn," Tama tried again softly, trying to imitate her pronunciation to the very best of his ability. She clearly tried to help him by giving an extra explanation though the word appendages did not make any sense. At least he knew what a fish was and her name clearly had something to do with that. He actually knew lots of different kind of fish and water creatures and he knew how to fish and prepare the meat. Tama was glad she wasn't as angry as she seemed before so he smiled thankfully. Before she could react to his offer for dry clothes they got interrupted. Tama waved to Tom, whose name did not have something to do with fish as far as he knew. He had met the older man before though they did not yet have extensive conversations. Tama was still getting used to the idea of going to shops to buy things he could get himself, but the man was a hunter himself so that was useful. Swapping items was something the Lenape could get behind. Both Tom and Finn seemed to know each other better and quickly got into a friendly conversation which Tamanend just watched, still wringing more water from his hair. Maybe he should just cut it, that would make many things much easier, though he had gotten proud of the length. He looked as Finn grabbed a bottle and took a swig and whilst Tama had no idea what was in said bottle, he had quickly learned that taking drinks from the white people would end in disaster as it made him feel really weird. Flustered he took the bottle from the lady when she gifted it to him, quickly looking at her to see if she expected him to drink, but Tom said something about morning food which had both quickly walking inside. Leaving Tama standing there in front of the inn with a wet tunic and wet hair with Finn's bottle still in his hand. He definitely should give that back first, maybe he could leave for home after, when Tom and Finn would have gotten in more conversations. Yeah, that sounded like a smart plan to get home and deal with the involuntary shower the innkeeper had given him.
    Tama went inside, looking around the interior and spotting the two, three plates of bread and three drinks already on the table. Well, so much for his quick in and out, Tom had apparently meant for him to join in the morning food. Tama quickly made his way to the table, now being considered late in his own mind, but just in time to hear the words of Tom which clearly had an adverse effect on Finn. The abrupt sound of her cup hitting the wood had frightened Tamanend, though he tried to recover quickly, awkwardly sliding the bottle Finn had given him back to her and thanking her for it. Not that he had taken a drink, but he had been taught properly and she had given it to him.
    "Do you know the man?" he asked eventually.
    21 ◈ Human ◈ The Salty Scallywag ◈ Tom & Finn


    ⋆。˚☾˚。⋆𓃦 ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆



    The annoying little guard wouldn’t let them through. Didn’t even acknowledge them and just stared ahead, as if they were invisible. Eliza gave him a look that would make anyone not used to murderous creatures fold. “She means it. I’d sleep with a knife under your pillow,” Celeste told the guard, before going after Eliza.
          "It wouldn't be wise for us to guard the other side of the bridge. It would only provoke them, creating more chaos. We'd be implying suspicion without any proof," Eliza said.
          Celeste shook her head. “No no, not this one.” The vampires were very prickly with their territory. “The smaller one, upstream the river.” Creating a diversion to then go the other way around. “Though I guess it is not up to us anyway,” she continued, noting some of the Ackermans who arrived at the bridge. She wondered how long it would take before a plan of action was made. Raphael had been the hunter in charge during her entire time in Greenstone. Of course it could happen that leaders were killed, but it wasn’t something that happened on a regular basis, as far as she was aware. Attacking a leader was as good as a declaration of war, in her eyes, just as it would be if the hunters would suddenly kill the vampire leader or the alpha.

    It wasn’t long after that, that Misha and Reed approached them. The former merely nodded. A man of very few words, but Celeste never minded it much. To ask Reed whether he was okay was a ridiculous question. A question she herself hated the most after Mathieu died. Of course he wasn’t fucking okay. No one in their right mind would be.
          Understandably, Eliza looked positively ready to murder someone, fire burning behind her eyes. Ready to storm into The Scabs and kill every vampire on sight. There are many hunters who would join her in an instant. Her own hands itched as well, wanting to grab her weapons, to be ready. She flexed her fingers at her side, rolling her shoulders in an attempt to relieve some of the tension. The spring sun was slowly climbing over the houses though, warming their faces. Almost glaringly bright. The vampires would be hiding in the shadows for now.
    "Did you gather more information?"
          Celeste glanced at Reed after Eliza’s question. Information, sometimes the most delicate currency. The scream had echoed over the city not even an hour ago and she doubted how much information the other hunters had already gathered.
    Her foot tapped on the ground impatiently. She had never been one for waiting around, doing nothing – or what seemed liked nothing. She wasn’t a planner and would never be. But even she could understand the delicate situation. How precarious and fragile it was. A wrong move or accusation from their part and the vampires would not hesitate to retaliate. It felt as if this was only the start of a brewing storm.
          “There should be something we can do, right?” she sighed eventually. “Additional patrol units, safeguarding the kids. Anything?” Her blue eyes slowly over the bridge. “Are all the hunters gathering here?” Finally, her gaze landed on Reed, the frown on her face softening. “And what do you need? Is there anything we can do for you?”


    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    T O M      C R A K E

    Human • Butcher • 33 • The Salty Scallywag with Finn and Tama

    Finn made a face like she was choking on her beer but it came out in spatters on her shirt instead. Tom surpressed a laugh and offered her a clean piece of cloth from his bag. But instead of taking it she demanded to know what he'd meant with his words. Even Tama seemed flustered by the news and Crake wondered if he might know who this Raphael is. Sadly this turned out untrue as Tama joined in the conversation by asking if Tom knew the man.
          He shook his head and before answering, took a huge bite of his bread with butter. He was longing for a boiled or fried egg, but there didn't seem to any in the pub today. Still chewing, he took a gulp from his cup and then answered his friends.
          ''I was on my way to the Greenwoods to hunt this morning and when I passed down by the old Bloodligh Bridge, there was a gathering. People crying, hugging, shouting angrily. So I asked someone and he said that Raphael Ackerman hung himself. There, on the railings, this morning.'' He dipped his bread in some more butter and took another bite. ''But as I was leaving I heard someone else mention he didn't actually hang himself but was murdered and hung there afterwards.'' His eyes darted from Finn to Tama to the bar, wondering where Carwen had gone. Maybe he knew more about what'd happened.
          Turning towards Tama, he said, ''And no, I didn't really know the man. His name does sound familiar, but considering the fairly large crowd, he must've been important.'' Crake pondered that thought for a minute. He felt sorry for the man's family and community.
          ''But,'' he continued. ''I'd reckon Finnie here does know him, seeing as that was quite a strong reaction. Am I wrong?''

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 maart 2024 - 15:17 ]

    kindness is never a burden.


          ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖
    ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖

    HUNTER ⌖ 27 ⌖ Bloodlight Bridge ⌖ With Misha, Eliza and Celeste

    Ever the silent one, Misha just nodded at his sister, and just took his usual place at Reed’s side. Reed wondered if the Rus would ever object to something if it came to stuff like this. The same thing with the suggestion of talking to the other hunters.
    He said it was fine, and the partners made their way over to Celeste and Elizabeth. Misha just nodded to the two hunters. Reed wondered if Misha’s neck ever hurt because of all the nodding he did all day.

    Reed deemed a formal greeting irrelevant in this situation. The hunter knew they had seen them come towards them with purpose. Eliza’s silent gesture of condolences surprised Reed, however. They had their differences in the past, and he wondered where the sudden niceness came from. He chose to shut up about it, though. As tempered as he was, infighting was a bad idea at this moment.
    Eliza herself seemed a bit strained but Reed decided to park the questions in favor of answering her question on the information.
          “Information,” Reed snorted at the idea. “Juniper doesn’t want me on the investigation, so the only thing I know right now is that Uncle Raph is dead, and aunt Isa will have a shitton of work to deal with all by herself.” Reed didn’t even conceal the spite in his tone. He hated being sidelined.
    Reed knew he could be brash but Misha was around to stop him if necessary. He also knew better than anyone not to piss off his older sister. Juni usually was a nice but stern person. If you found yourself at the receiving end of her rage, though …

          “My best guess is as good as yours. I’m willing to bet on the vampires. Those bloodsucking creeps would do anything to get some more territory.”
    Reed shared an insight into his feelings on the matter willingly. He just hoped to draw out some of Eliza and Celeste’s own opinions about the situation. It wasn’t subtle but it was very Reed.
          “I guess they will make an investigation unit,” Reed shrugged as an answer to Celeste who seemed eager to get started on, well, anything. “Bet your ass Juniper will be one of the members, the rest of us wait until we’re summoned.”
    He sighed in annoyance at his own powerlessness. He was main family, for fuck’s sake but no.
          “The only one that will be neck deep into work is that unit and aunt Isa. Her being his partner and all. Juni already mentioned she might need help later,” he said while waving in a dismissive manner.

    He threw another glance to the bridge. The only thing he saw was hunters. Family, friends, comrades in arms … But no vampires.
          “What I am worried about here,” he went on, “is the absence of vamps in general.”
    Reed gestured back to the bridge so the others could see for themselves. He guessed some vampires might be mixed in with the onlookers on the other shore of the river but nobody had stepped forward so far to defend the bridge against the hunters who were trying to conduct their investigation.
          “From what I know, that stuck-up prick of a rebel leader likes to keep all his ducks in a row, so the fact that nobody is there yet, is remarkable,” he noted as the disgust bubbled up in his chest. From the moment he laid eyes on him, Reed had disliked the vampire. That meeting had been an exercise in self-restraint for Reed but he had managed. He was glad to be out of there, though.
          “Whatever it is you two do, it’s best for you two to stick together. Hunters without a partner get picked from the bunch a lot easier by the vermin in the streets,” he grimaced. Neither of them currently had a partner, and even though he wasn’t close to either of them, he’d like for his fellow hunters to stay alive. Regardless of his own personal feelings. Something was brewing in Greenstone, and he’d rather have all the troops they could get.

    Have you ever met the
    human version of a headache?

    An ember in the ashes

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 maart 2024 - 18:54 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Михаил Сергей Васильев
    Mikhail "Misha" Sergei Vasilyev

    Misha wasn't as much of the talking type as Reed was, though he didn't mind being around his partner when the Ackerman wanted to speak with someone. If only to make sure Reed kept it to talking as the Rus was under instructions of keeping his partner out of most trouble, well Misha assumed that was what the leader had meant after he had confirmed their new partnership, though to be frank, he wasn't one hundred percent positive about that. The man had said something about fights and Reed so with his bad language skills Misha had just assumed he had been talking about a protection deal with the young Ackerman and since the smith hadn't had any comments about that part of his job, he figured he had guessed right during that conversation. Those early conversations about becoming partners were quite a while ago now, whilst the Rus was not someone to look back often, he was very aware off time and dates and kept track of how long ago certain things happened. Being a pawn made it easier for the Rus to live here, at home he would have been expected to be somebody important by now, but here all he needed to do was perform his job and thrusting his partner that he did the thinking and the talking. There was one situation when he actually needed to advocate for himself and that was when a decision needed to be made that actively involved his Russian delegation and he had to call upon his family name.

    With half a mind Misha listened to the conversation Reed was holding with the two other hunters, taking stock of the other people around him and making sure nobody was going to so something unexpected, but also keeping his eyes on the wider perimeter. Now that they were standing just off to the side and not in the middle of the chaos Misha could do a more thorough scan of the area. The Rus assumed that everyone was watching each other and looking out for vampires as those tended to be the first ones to blame when something happened, he himself also kept an extra eye out for wolves. Whilst he had as healthy a hatred for monsters as any Russian hunter, vampires no exception he especially despised wolves. It would be extremely crafty for them to destabilise his community and blame it on the bloodsuckers just to gain an advantage and claim some more territory, branching out from St. Adrian in the chaos. Misha hadn't gotten a long enough look at the body to have a good analysis of the wounds and come to a fitting conclusion about it all. So saying for sure who did it was still impossible, though he assumed the Ackermans were on that already. Reed was right, they would be called in due time when necessary, until then there was sadly not that much to do.

    As if Reed read his mind, he advised the two ladies to stick together. It had been a thought in Misha's mind for a short while now whenever he saw one of the two, but he hadn't spoken with them since. It was clear that they both came here alone and so far he wasn't aware that they had found a new partner. Whilst it wasn't a weird thing to come here without a partner, staying without one this long was weird, at least in his home country. It wouldn't surprise Misha if the Ackerman leader lady would stay without a partner, but as far as he knew both Elizabeth and Celeste were about his age and therefor young enough to just get new ones.
    "Why are you not partner?" he asked directly when Reed was done talking, motioning to the two of them. "You are young and is safer for hunting."
    26 🙪 Hunter 🙪 Bloodlight Bridge 🙪 Reed, Elizabeth, & Celeste




    𝖍𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓 • 𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖆𝖑𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞𝖜𝖆𝖌 𝕴𝖓𝖓
    𝔄𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔠𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶𝔴𝔞𝔤 • 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔞 𝔄𝔷𝔯𝔞𝔢𝔩

          "𝕿he pale stranger ensured Carwen that he would live. Carwen’s advice, however appreciated, was not needed. But Carwen wasn’t so sure about that. Greenstone wasn’t Europe. If his suspicions were right and red wine wasn’t the only red thing Azrael loved to drink, he ought to be more careful. Bad-mouthing the church was one thing, but being a vampire in a town full of Hunters and Werewolves... That was the real danger here.

    But for now, the two kept talking about the Church. A subject way safer than the other supernatural creatures in town. Above all, Carwen didn't intend to give away the town's secrets to this newcomer right away. Trust was earned. Not paid for with golden coins and good looks. Carwen thought of Celeste, would she be safe? He surely hoped she was in less dangerous company this morning. But Carwen knew his girlfriend better than that. Unfortunately. Keeping Celeste away from danger was like keeping Carwen away from money. Mission, fucking, impossible.

    “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here,” cited Azrael the Bible with a mean smile on his lips. The words that came after wouldn't Carwen dare to repeat. Although he didn't see himself as a strict Christian, calling God the Devil's... It made the hairs on Carwens neck stand up straight. May the Lord have mercy on him for hearing those foul words.

    "So definitely not the Church that brought you overseas." Tried Carwen to shake the subject, just in case Azrael wanted to offend God some more. "Then what made you get on a stinkin' ship and sail the ocean for weeks on end, eh?" Carwen smiled. "Apart from my good wine, of course!"

    People are scared to say stuff, but I am NOT
    𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖞 𝕴 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝟑 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 april 2024 - 21:11 ]

    call me if you get lost



    𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 • 𝟑𝟕𝟐 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖔𝖑𝖉
    𝔑𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔅𝔯𝔦𝔡𝔤𝔢 • 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔏𝔢𝔫𝔞

                𝕯id Lena just really ask if the unknown brunette was a forbidden fruit? Or were Nessa's vampiric senses tricking her?
    “Oh, God, no!” Nessa exclaimed louder than she had anticipated. Her eyes quickly shot towards the bridge, checking if she had caught the hunter's attention. "No, she is nothing like that. I have no wish to pursue her." She stated firmly. "But I do want her name."

    When Lena accepted Nessa her dinner proposition for tonight, the blonde vampire smiled shyly and momentarily forgot about the hunters and their late leader. Lena's only condition for eating together was that Nessa spend the night afterwards. Suddenly, the world felt a bit lighter, the sun brighter. However, that was impossible, with Lena and Nessa still covered by the umbrella. So it must’ve been something else. Dead bodies being near, probably, Nessa decided.

    Tonight, Lena wouldn’t sing at the Salty Scallywag. While normally nosy, right now Nessa couldn't care about her friend her problem with the innkeeper. She was just happy to have her all for herself tonight. “I never liked you taking money from that toddler anyway,” she said, almost spitting the word 'toddler' and then tightening her grip on Lena's arm, pulling her friend closer. “You could sing for me tonight though,” she whispered in her ear.

    As if God were reading her unholy thoughts, the Lord entered the women’s conversation. Lena wondered if the Church was still in service this morning.
    “I wouldn’t know…” Nessa said while she stared longingly at the bridge. “Even if there was a service this morning, you’re right... There is no way we could get past that bridge.”
    Annoyed by missing service and by the time the Hunters were taking, Nessa threw her hair over her shoulder. She looked down the alley behind them. “Damnit, where is that Vanparys?” she asked aggravated. “He should’ve been here by now, don’t you agree?” Nessa turned her piercing gaze to Lena. There was only one right answer to her question. And Lena better give it.

    And honestly, I'm getting
    high of it

    call me if you get lost

    Sofia Cortez
    Werewolf • 24 • Near The Bridge • Farah

    Sofia voelt zich een stuk beter nu al haar zintuigen op scherp staan. Alleen in haar wolvenvorm kan ze die maximaal benutten. Over de connectie die ze met Farah heeft, voelt ze ongemak stromen. Ze begrijpt niet waar dit vandaan komt, aangezien het haar idee was om hierheen te komen. Misschien dat ze het later aan haar vraagt, voor nu besluit ze het te schuiven op het feit dat Farah al een tijdje niet meer getransformeerd is. Dat kan ook voor ongemak zorgen.
          De connectie die ze met de rest van de roedel voelt, is een constante herinnering aan het verraad die zij en Farah plegen. Het plan om haar vader van de troon te stoten, zal niet bij iedereen even goed vallen. Ze vermoedt dat vooral Robert het daar absoluut niet mee eens zou zijn. Hij lijkt alleen maar de goede kant van haar vader te zien, waarbij hij vergeet dat Felipe ook zo veel dingen fout doet.
          De wolf houdt haar lichaam laag, waarbij ze met haar kop net boven de klifrand staat. De struik waarachter ze zich verschuilt, prikt irritant in haar huid. Hoe graag ze ook op een andere plek wil staan, is het beter om verscholen te blijven. Lichtjes knijpt ze haar ogen samen om het groepje jagers wat beter te kunnen beoordelen. En uiteraard kent ze iedereen op de Rus na, hem kent ze enkel van gezicht. Onder de andere bevindt zich een vriendin, iemand die ze aangevallen heeft en iemand met wie ze een kus heeft gedeeld.
          Zodra Farah haar snuit ophaalt, draait Sofi zich naar de witte wolf toe. Ze kantelt haar hoofd. Alles oké? vraagt ze haar kort, want veel meer kan ze telepathisch niet vragen. Zodra de geur van bloed haar neusgaten bereikt, richt ze haar aandacht terug op de brug. Het zal niet lang meer duren voor de vampieren hier arriveren. Gelukkig staan ze momenteel op een redelijk veilige positie. Ze kijken uit op de brug en staan grotendeels uit het zicht. Al heeft ze niet door dat Robert ondertussen ook in de buurt is.
          Haar ogen scannen de omgeving rondom de brug, op zoek naar andere jagers. Voor het geval er meer aanwezigen zijn dan enkel dat groepje. een lijk. Sofi volgt de blik van Farah en haalt even diep adem als ze het lichaam ziet hangen. Hoe heeft ze die net kunnen missen? Hoe langer ze staart, hoe helderder de details worden. Het is een wat oudere man met een gezicht die haar bekend voorkomt. Ze graaft haar geheugen af en binnen een minuut vindt ze een match. Hij is - was - hun leider. Ackerman deelt ze met haar vriendin, voor het geval zij niet weet van wie het lichaam is. Ze heeft geen idee wat de jagers nu gaan doen. Zullen ze de vampieren de schuld geven?
          Sofia heeft een vermoeden dat ze niet lang op een antwoord hoeft te wachten.

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 april 2024 - 10:01 ]

    Robert Frankson
    with Sofia and Farah - St. Adrian

    Zijn neus had moeite met het opvangen van hun geur, wat betekende dat ze inderdaad heel voorzichtig waren in hun manoeuvre. Toen hij ze eindelijk gevonden had, besloop hij ze langzaam, ze leken namelijk heel geconcentreerd en hij wou de aandacht niet naar zich toetrekken.

    Op dat moment voelt hij de telepathische connectie met Farah versterken terwijl zij informatie doorgeeft aan de roedel. Robert zijn lichaamshouding ontspant lichtjes. Misschien mag hij haar niet, maar ze vindt het wel belangrijk om de informatie met de roedel te delen. Ze informeert dat er vampieren in de buurt zijn. Dat lijkt logisch aangezien de brug in het territorium van de vampieren ligt. Maar na een eerste blik ziet hij dat het gaat om een troep mensen en jagers die op de brug staan. Nu Farah hem met de snoet op de feiten heeft geduwd merkt hij inderdaad dat er een zoete geur zijn neusgaten wilt binnendringen, waardoor hij even zacht zijn hoofd schudt. De geur van vampiers in de beurt is nu wel een van de meest slecht ruikende geuren die er zijn. Het lijkt erop dat de twee weerwolven hem nog niet hebben opgemerkt, terwijl beiden naar iets in de verte blijven staren. Hij kruipt langzaam dichterbij, nieuwsgierig naar het tafereel. “Dat kan toch niet, is dat Ackerman? “ vraagt hij telepathisch aan de twee wolven naast hem. Hij haalt zijn neus op om de doordringende geur zoveel mogelijk te vermijden. “Zijn die vampiers nu helemaal hun verstand verloren?”

    Hij kijkt naast hem naar de wolven die hem nu hebben opgemerkt, alvorens hij zijn blik terug naar de scene richt. Hij probeert alle details in zich op te nemen, het lichaam en de verschillende wondes. Hij probeert de gezichten te herkennen van de omstaanders.

    Hij herkende Reed onmiddellijk door het gevoel van vijandigheid dat in hem opborrelde bij het zien van zijn gezicht. Hij voelde nog altijd stroef aan in zijn poten, een herinnering aan de recente strijd in de taverne. Het was vreemd om hem een andere gezichtsuitdrukking te zien hebben dan de gemene blikken die ze normaal wisselde.

    Dan was er nog Mikhail, diegene die er voor had gezorgd dat hij Reed en hijzelf met nogal weinig kleerscheuren er uiteindelijk vanaf waren geraakt. Het was duidelijk dat hij dit deed voor Reed, aangezien de kerel zelf geen woord vuilmaakte aan hem. Nochtans hadden ze zelf nog geen schermutseling gehad met elkaar, dus Robert kon hem maar moeilijk inschatten.

    Iets verderop was er nog Elisabeth en zonder dat hij het wou moest hij glimlachen. Zij was één van de personen op het eiland die zijn diensten als smid het meest apprecieerde en een frequente bezoeker van zijn smid. Naast haar stond nog een andere vrouw die hij niet onmiddellijk herkende.
    Hij keek terug naar de andere wolven naast hem. “Ik denk dat het gedaan is met de rust.”

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 april 2024 - 9:59 ]

    "I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"


    ☠︎︎ vampire ☠︎︎ 166 ☠︎︎ southern Greenwood ☠︎︎ w/ Helias & Adrian☠︎︎


          “I would have to check the schedules. Whoever was manning the bridge, they’re long gone now, the cowards. By the time I got there quite a crowd had amassed. Bloodlight Bridge was swarming with Ackerman Silverwalkers, of course. In the crowd I spotted Nessa and Madalena, but I’m quite sure they were just onlookers from what I could gather from my vantage point, I just mingled with the crowd.” Adrien reported.
          Kat listened carefully to the information Adrien gathered. Her posture straight and her eyes sharp as she absorbed every detail. Her mind raced with analysis, dissecting the situation with precision.
          “Before the last attack on Montandon,” Helias replied to Kat's earlier question. “That was months ago, and he’s refused to meet ever si… Merde.” The realization of the situation sank in, preventing Helias from finishing his sentence. His expression revealed that he was unaware of the murder. Kat foresaw the potential consequences once he discovered the truth. Perhaps they would relive the bloody massacre again.
          "No one could be that stupid to murder a leader, or perhaps they simply desired chaos. Who benefits the most from this situation?" Kat pondered aloud, her voice low but commanding, betraying the intensity of her thoughts.
          “I see some priorities here. First: our approach. Will we brief our own first? Or will you, but god forbid me saying it, try to patch over things with the Silverwalkers and start with damage control? Second: what do we do with the Silverwalkers on the bridge? I would suggest enforcing our own claim to Bloodlight Bridge. Find people who aren’t more afraid of the hunters than they are of us,” Adrien proposed.
          Kat nodded, her mind already formulating a plan of action. "Enforcing our claim to the bridge is crucial, but we need to tread carefully. We don't want to escalate tensions any further than they already are," she added, her voice steady and authoritative.
          "I need one of you to get your ass back to the bridge and put Nessa in charge with reclaiming it – peacefully – but keep an eye on her so she doesn’t fuck it up,” Helias said, clearly strategizing but not expecting to put Nessa in charge.
          He glanced at his pocket watch before turning his gaze to Adrian and Kat. “I want anyone who isn’t needed elsewhere to be briefed about the situation. Nobody is allowed to make any wild statements about what the fuck happened” he emphasized. “If anything, we’re all in in shock and sending our heartfelt condolences to the family and doing our very best to investigate on our side – which reminds me. I’m meeting Simon and Genevieve in half an hour for a briefing on Reed and Farah.”
          “I hate saying it, but I’m going to have to set up a meeting with Isabella in the coming days. If we don’t address this anytime soon, it’ll only give them more incentive to retaliate,” Helias concluded.
          Kat's expression tightened with resolve. "We need to act swiftly and decisively," she agreed with conviction, her voice carrying weight. "But we must also tread carefully to avoid provoking further violence."
          Kat didn't like this. Hadn't the guards seen something?
          "I will go to Nessa and tell everyone to shut up before the briefing. You should go with Helias," Kat suggested to Adrian. She wanted to have a closer look at the bridge and analyze the people to see if they knew something.


    ▪──── ⚔ ────▪

    29 ⚔ hunter ⚔ Bloodlight Bridge ⚔ w/Celeste, Reed & Misha ⚔

          "She means it. I’d sleep with a knife under your pillow,” Celeste gave the guard a tip, helping him survive Eliza's murderous threat. It was sort of satisfying that people around here know her bad side. They should know not to mess with her.
          Finally, something happened in Greenstone, the first move from the vampires. Eliza could easily convince Isabella now to take control and attack, just as she wanted the moment her partner died.
          Reed and Misha joined them, and Eliza asked for more information - hoping for something so they could attack back. "Juniper doesn’t want me on the investigation, so the only thing I know right now is that Uncle Raph is dead, and Aunt Isa will have a shitton of work to deal with all by herself." Reed didn't like it, and Eliza knew how it felt. After David died, she didn’t or couldn’t do anything because they didn’t want to let Eliza be involved. But now she wasn’t the same as the earlier years anymore. Now it didn’t matter that she wasn’t in a unit, she was already planning to go to the other side of the bridge tonight. "My best guess is as good as yours. I'm willing to bet on the vampires. Those bloodsucking creeps would do anything to gain more territory." They couldn't contain Eliza's anger; now, it was time to shine. Maybe not shine, like there was a dead body around here and any time it could be more. But now it felt as though she had been given a green light to hunt down the vampires.
          "They will get paid. This is an act of war; we can't just sit around and do nothing. Today it's Raphael, and tomorrow it could be Isabella," Eliza said, trying to convince Reed's inner demon to initiate an attack. She usually went alone to the other side to hunt, but this time she could convince more people to come with her. She was just igniting the benzine that had been there all along, but no one dared to start a fire just because they wanted to protect the balance. She bet the vampire who did this enjoyed the view.
          “There should be something we can do, right?” Celeste asked, trying to help. “Additional patrol units, safeguarding the kids. Anything? Are all the hunters gathering here? And what do you need? Is there anything we can do for you?”
          "I guess they will create an investigation unit. I bet your ass Juniper will be one of the members, and the rest of us will wait until we're summoned." Eliza definitely would not wait. Reed sighed, also not happy to wait.
          "The only ones who will be neck-deep in work are that unit and Aunt Isa. Her being his partner and all. Juni already mentioned she might need help later." They couldn't expect the rest to live their lives while there was a vampire murderer nearby, ready to make another attack. Before that thing could attack them, they should be the ones who attacked first.
          Reed looked around, to the other side of the bridge. "What I am worried about here is the absence of vampires in general," he noticed. Eliza hadn't even looked to the other side; she was so focused on how to murder a bloodsucker that she hadn't analyzed the other side. Now that she took a look at it, she didn't see the blonde leader of the bloodsuckers. "From what I know, that stuck-up rebel leader likes to keep all his ducks in a row, so the fact that nobody is there yet is remarkable."
          Eliza scanned the other side of the bridge, she couldn’t see the blonde old vampire. "Maybe they are planning another hunter to take down?" While it was certain that Eliza wasn't adept at calming people down — often being the instigator of chaos — she now desired to avoid exacerbating others' distress.
          Reed turned back at them. "Whatever it is you two do, it's best for you two to stick together. Hunters without a partner get picked from the bunch a lot easier by the vermin in the streets." Eliza could only roll her eyes. She had managed to stay alive for the past years, ignoring the time she almost died and that sucker saved her. She wanted to erase that memory because owing him her life was killing her inside.
          Misha brightened up the conversation with his voice. "Why are you not partnered? You are young and safer for hunting." Eliza knew that a partner would be an obstacle for her to go out and hunt vampires. She had experienced it. The loss of a partner stayed with her all those years, feeling like it was her fault, although she couldn't do anything about it at that moment. She couldn't experience it again; she wouldn't. If she was in trouble, she would survive or die; she wouldn't leave a lonely partner behind.
          "If they can get their hands on Raphael, it doesn't even matter if we are with our partners or not. We just have to get our hands on them first before they make another move," Eliza simply said. She didn’t want a partner and didn’t care if she had to hunt a vampire alone. "I work better alone."

    Adrian Vynall

    Vampire ✧ 284 ✧ Southern Greenwood ✧ With Helias and Kat

          Adrian listened intently while Helias and Kat spoke. The French curse told the man that the situation was possibly even worse than he anticipated. A painful situation for all the parties involved, but mostly for them at this moment.
          “I wonder how peaceful Nessa will be in reclaiming it,” Adrian wondered out loud. “But I wish you all the luck in the world, Kat.” Adrian conveyed his sympathies with his words and facial expression. Kat had picked up the most tedious task out of both of them. He was grateful she took it upon her to do so. He rather avoided talking to Nessa if he could.
          “I am unsure if there is benefit to be had here. It feels more like someone wanted to create liabilities for both us, who have to solve this issue, and the hunters by taking away their leader.” Adrian frowned, mulling over the facts again. The killing he could understand, but to dangle him from a bridge was macabre and a strong message.

          “Want me to draft up the letter to Isabella later or do you need me to do the briefing?” Adrian inquired. He had a feeling it was going to be a long day for them. He also guessed nothing of Helias’s good mood would be left at the end of this day but Adrian could deal with that.
          He looked at Kat and gave her a stern nod. “I will go with him,” Adrian reassured Kat. “But before you go, fix your hair a bit. You look like you’ve fallen into a bush.” The playful sarcasm shone through in his words. A small smirk graced his lips as he addressed Helias. “Same goes for you, although you seem less… bushy.”

          His playfulness left as soon as it had come, however, and he resumed with the problem and plans at hand.
          “So Simon and Genevieve,” Adrian started. He knew some vague outlines of Helias sending them as shadows to monitor the strange duo. Right now he was fishing for a little more information. “Have they reported anything interesting so far, or is it too early for that just yet?”
          Adrian had no idea what to think of the strange alliance they possibly had formed between the werewolf named Farah and one of the Ackerman hunters named Reed. Besides, Reed had always seemed childish to Adrian, temper first, questions later kind of guy. Farah, he knew less about, but Helias had found this information interesting, and set up a shadow for the two. He just hoped they had obtained some good information. It might improve his para’s mood just a bit again.

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Weerwolf ► 25 ► St. Adrian to Bloodlight Bridge ► with Sofia & Robert

    Het was ondertussen een boeltje bij de brug. Farahs ogen scanden de omgeving en bleven meer dan eens op het achterhoofd van Reed Ackerman hangen. Daarna gleden ze snel weer weg.
          "Alles oké?" klonk het plots door Farahs hoofd in Sofia's stem.
          Farah kantelde haar kop waardoor haar snuit in de omgekeerde richting kwam te staan. Zelfs in wolvenvorm zou haar beste vriendin haar kunnen lezen. "Ja hoor," zei ze en hoopte in alle macht dat de valse klank die zij hoorde, niet zou doorklinken in Sofia's hoofd. Met de leugen flitsen er verschillende herinneringen door haar hoofd. Het verlaten huis aan de rand van de stad, waar ze ondertussen al zo vaak met de jonge jager had afgesproken. Het houten otter-beeldje, waar ze mee communiceerden. Reeds lach wanneer hij Farah weer eens uit haar tent had gelokt en ze daarop een opgefokte sneer naar zijn hoofd gooide. Farah duwde de beelden allemaal ver, ver weg. Zelfs de gedachte dat het misschien toch makkelijker zou zijn om Sofia de waarheid te vertellen, gaf ze geen schijn van kans. In de plaats probeerde Farah zich te focussen op de omgeving rond haar. De struik waar ze tegenaan lagen, die onaangenaam tegen Farahs zij prikte. De grond onder haar poten. De geur van vampieren en jagers en mensen en dood. Ja, dit soort dingen mochten via de telepathische band naar Sofia gaan. Dit was veilig.
          Plots kreeg Farah een beeld toegestuurd, van Sofia. Een lang gezicht, met donkere kringen onder de ogen en diepe rimpels. Farah kende zijn naam niet maar zou die diepblauwe ogen uit de duizenden herkennen. Het was een Ackerman, en niet zomaar eentje. Hun leider. Ook zonder woorden wist Farah wat Sofia bedoelde; dit was het lijk. Farah knikte naar Sofia.
          Wat zou Reed hiervan denken? schoot er door Farahs hoofd. Ze verhulde de gedachte met de geur van gras, het geluid van Farahs ademhaling langs haar en een vliegje dat recht voor haar naar beneden streek. Op dat moment voelde Farah ook een derde aanwezigheid. Robert sloop dichterbij en liet zich geruisloos naast de andere twee wolven neerzakken.
          Farah slikte. Ze zou nog meer op haar hoede moeten zijn en haar gedachten nog beter moeten afschermen nu.
          “Dat kan toch niet, is dat Ackerman? Zijn die vampiers nu helemaal hun verstand verloren?” klonk het in Roberts stem door haar hoofd. “Ik denk dat het gedaan is met de rust.”
          Farah gromde instemmend. Ze vroeg zich even af of Felipe iets met de moord te maken had. Ze wisten immers dat hij niet vies was van een beet hier of daar. Hij zou het lijk daar hebben gehangen om de vampieren en de jagers tegen elkaar op te zetten. Hoe zeiden ze dat? Als twee honden vochten om een been... ging de weerwolf ermee vandoor.
          Toen ze het lijk echter beter bekeek, wist Farah dat Felipe er niets mee te maken had. Zijn stijl was... agressiever. Er zou niets meer over zijn van het gezicht en voor zover Farah kon zien, waren er geen klauw- of tandafdrukken op de rest van het lichaam te zien.
          Farah richtte zich naar Sofia en Robert. "Moeten we iets doen?" vroeg ze hen.

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 april 2024 - 11:34 ]

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien


    Finn's mind was racing, swinging between wanting to believe that Tom had it wrong and that uncle Raph, though an asshole, was not dead and that he'd heard them wrong, and worry for Reed. He'd been closer with their family than she ever had been, and now this whole drama was unfolding and he would be in the midst of it and Finn was on the other side of the bridge being hungover because she was a little shit that had abandoned him the night before because she wanted to get drunk. He'd gotten her out of the house, though, so technically it was a little bit Reed's fault as well.
          She downed her ale in one go.
          "Do you know the man?" Tama asked. Tom shook his head and took a bite of his food. Finn followed his example and stuffed as much bread down her throat as she could muster. She wanted to take another swig of ale, but the tankard was empty. She pouted sadly.
          "I was on my way to the Greenwoods to hunt this morning and when I passed down by the old Bloodlight Bridge, there was a gathering. People crying, hugging," Finn cringed at that, her mind going back to Reed, "shouting angrily. So I asked someone and he said that Raphael Ackerman hung himself. There, on the railings, this morning. But as I was leaving, I heard someone else mention he didn't actually hang himself but was murdered and hung there afterwards."
          Vampires? No, Finn thought. The rebels weren't stupid enough to risk something like that. She wondered who was.
          "And no, I didn't really know the man. His name does sound familiar, but considering the fairly large crowd, he must've been important." Tom turned to Finn, who was still sadly staring into her tankard. "But I'd reckon Finnie here does know him, seeing as that was quite a strong reaction. Am I wrong?"
          "Well, good riddance, I say," she grumbled, then cringed because of the immediate guilt she felt. But still. Maybe it was a good thing. All Raphael had wanted was to kill innocent creatures. She'd never thought of him as a good man, if she were being honest.
          Finn cleared her throat. "I've never told you my surname, have I? No, that's unlikely, I don't like flaunting it, don't answer that. Raph's my uncle."

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 mei 2024 - 12:09 ]
