RollentopicPraattopic 1 & 2Speeltopic

    Dertien jaar geleden klom de Schotse familie Ackerman aan boord van de Mayfair, op zoek naar land waar ze een nieuwe thuis konden stichten: land waar geen monsters waren, land waarmee ze de macht van de Gemeenschap konden veilig stellen en uitbreiden, en waar ze hun kinderen veilig konden trainen zonder dat weerwolven of vampiers hen het leven zuur maakten. Alleen was een kleine groep vampiers hen voor. Zij wilden ook een nieuwe thuis, een veilige haven; hun leider was al eeuwenlang vastberaden om die voor hen te zoeken omdat in Europa geen plek meer bleek te zijn.
          De Gemeenschap wilde niet ophoepelen. Hoe konden ze dat ook? Vampiers hadden het recht niet om zomaar een stuk land te claimen. De Eerste Kolonie had al zo'n groot grondgebied in Europa - konden ze de rest van de wereld niet alleen laten?
          In de laatste dertien jaar zijn de spanningen opgelopen en hebben zich twee kampen gevormd: de Gemeenschap van Jagers, die ondertussen uitgebreid waren tot dertien families met de Ackermans aan het hoofd, en het groepje vampiers dat zij 'de rebellen' dubden, onder leiding van de legendarische, gevreesde vampier Helias Vanparys. Noord versus zuid, met enkel een rivier die hen van elkaar gescheiden houdt. Geen van beiden is gelukkig met het grondgebied dat ze hebben en willen de ander weg. Een gulden middenweg lijkt onbestaand, zeker wanneer het nieuws de oceaan oversteekt en Greenstone stilaan een haven wordt voor gevluchte piraten. Sommigen van hen zijn Europese vampiers die deel willen uitmaken van de nieuwe kolonie in Amerika. Anderen zijn vampiers die uit zijn op bloed en van de chaos gebruik willen maken. Dan zijn er de Jagers, die hun soortgenoten willen bijstaan - maar ook de Jagers die alleen zijn en de mogelijkheid zien om die institutionele Community onderuit te halen. Ten slotte is er de groep die liever onbekend blijft; weerwolven, gewone burgers en piraten die Greenstone opzoeken om de onbekendheid op te zoeken tussen al die andere bovennatuurlijke wezens die toch te veel kabaal maken om nog andere stemmen op te merken. In ieder geval begint de spanning een hoogtepunt te bereiken; zowel in Greenstone zelf als op zee, waar schepen met bovennatuurlijke bemanningen strijden voor hetgeen waarin ze geloven. Of gewoon voor de lol. Niemand die het echt duidelijk lijkt te weten. Niemand die weet hoe dit wetteloze stukje grond ooit verder zal komen dan één bloederige slachting.


    Je kan alle informatie over de wereld terugvinden in de lorestory. Alle informatie over vampiers, weerwolven, jagers en hun geschiedenis staat beschreven. Je kan uiteraard ook een mens spelen, maar dan is het alsnog handig om misschien even de geschiedeniscomponenten te lezen om me te zijn met de geladen onderwerpen.
    Mocht je nog ergens vragen hebben, stel ze gerust!

                Personages & invulijstjes

    Echte leeftijd (maximum 600)
    Fysieke leeftijd
    Paramount & eventuele Subjects
    Groep & positie (deel van Helias' groep of rogue?)
    Krachtbeheersing & skills
    Geschiedenis (leg ook even uit waarom ze naar Greenstone gekomen zijn)


    Groep & positie (zin om een roedel te maken? Ga ervoor, maar bespreek het even met de groep (: )
    Krachtbeheersing & skills


    Groep & positie (deel van de Gemeenschap? Welke familie; familiehoofd of niet? Algemene leider van de Gemeenschap in Greenstone is een Ackerman!)
    Wapens & skills

    Groep & positie (Hoe ligt jouw personage in de algemene maatschappij van Greenstone?)

    Forbidden characters/faceclaims from canon
    - Helias Vanparys (Niclas Gillis)
    - Thorne Madison / T. Magen (Anton Lisin)
    - Freya Ackerman (Pyper America Smith)
    - Clark Ackerman (Boyd Holbrook)
    - Egorov Vasilyev (Finn Cole)
    - Holden Ackerman (Cillian Murphy)
    - Lev Vasilyev (Ivan N)
    - Nora Quill (Starlie Cheyenne Smith)

    ⛧[P2] — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys (451/20-28?) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P5] — Katherina Vasileiou (166/28) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4] — Nessa Craven (372/28) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Azrael Ishtari (75/26) — Barbarian
    ⛧[P5] — Madalena Belfiore (181/23) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P7] — Adrian Vynall (284/43) — Spiral | Xanthe
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P5] — Farah Fenrir Parker (25) — Frodo | Bes
    ⛧[P5] — Sofia Cortez (AGE) — Saureus | Lisa
    ⛧[P4] — Robert Frankson (24) — amberkishatu | Amber
    ⛧[P7] — Lachlan Carmichael (25) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam
    ⛧[P1] — Reed Ackerman (27) — Spiral | Xan
    ⛧[P2] — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev (26) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P5] — Elizabeth Lavely (AGE) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4 tot 26/2/24] — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman (27) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P7] — Celeste Girard (26) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P4] — Antigone Lamb (19) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P5] — Carwen Weasmer (25) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Tamanend (21) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P8] — Thomas Crake (33) — Greenfeld | Lene
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - Topics worden aangemaakt door Coryo of Moskowitz. Stuur ons gerust een berichtje als we het niet meteen moesten zien!
    - Have fun!
    ©2024 Vanparys, Frisk & Spiral.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 juni 2024 - 14:15 ]


    Robert Frankson - Harbor Festival - with Adrian

    Robert's eyes gleamed with pride as he took in Adrian's appreciation. He had always taken great care to display his best work, and this moment was a testament to his efforts. With a humble smile, he stepped closer to one of the displays and picked up a finely crafted dagger.

    "This piece here," Robert began, holding the dagger up to the sunlight, "is one of my finest. The blade is made from the highest quality steel, and the hilt is carved from rich mahogany, inlaid with silver filigree. It took me weeks to get the balance just right."

    Robert placed the dagger back down gently. "Each piece here has its own story, its own character. It's what I love most about this work—bringing out the uniqueness in every item.

    Robert smiled, glad to be able to showcase his skills to an enthusiastic customer. " Let me show you another piece I'm particularly proud of..."

    Robert reached beneath his stall and carefully pulled out a longsword, its blade gleaming even in the dim light of the overcast day. "This sword," he said reverently, "is modeled after the swords of the old, the ones wielded by knights in the days of chivalry. It's made from the finest steel I could procure, with a hilt wrapped in the finest leather. The balance and weight are perfect for a skilled swordsman."

    Robert then walked over to another section of his stall, where a collection of ornate tools was displayed. He picked up a beautifully crafted hammer. "This might seem simple, but I'm particularly proud of it. It's not just a tool; it's an extension of the smith's hand. The handle is made of ash wood, known for its strength, and the head is perfect for precision work."

    "A good tool can make all the difference in a craftsman's work. Speaking of which, I also do repairs."Just a week ago, I mended a broken weathervane for a shopkeeper. He thought it was beyond saving, but with a little effort, I made it as good as new. It’s a bit of a challenge, but I enjoy restoring things to their former glory. Every repair is like breathing new life into something."

    Robert glanced at the rapier again. "If you ever need any repairs or custom work, feel free to come by. I'd be honored to assist."

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 sep 2024 - 16:30 ]

    "I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"

    Adrian Vynall

    Vampire ✧ 284 ✧ Harbor Festival ✧ With Robert

    The pride in the man’s eyes was unmistakable. He was obviously a very proud man when it came to his craft.
          Adrian patiently listened to him talk. He pointed out some pieces in his collection, picking up a dagger. It was a nice weapon, Adrian could admit at least that. He looked as the man put down the weapon with the others.
          The man talked about the uniqueness of every piece and about how he loved that in his line of work.
          Adrian just gave him a small nod as he listened attentively. The man moved on to another piece in his stall, a longsword this time. He spoke about knights and about the steel he had used for the weapon.
          “I hear you cater to the men of skill,” Adrian spoke after a while of listening. “But what about beginners?” The vampire wondered. Adrian hoped he didn’t offend the man with his musings.
          “Do you often sell to other smiths?” Adrian asked when the smith showed him the hammer he had made himself. “Don’t they make their own tools?” Adrian didn’t have a lot of knowledge about smithing or crafts in general. He dealt in information and diplomacy. He usually used his words as weapons. Steering conversations with a movement of his tongue. He was skilled with his rapier as well, but he liked to train with that one more these days than actually use it.
          The man went on to talk about his repairs.
          “A weathervane, huh. Didn’t really think that sort of thing was repaired by a smith, but it does make sense,” Adrian nodded. “Do repairs find their way to your shop often?”
          Adrian didn’t miss the glance at his weapon as the smith spoke his words.
          “I don’t think this old thing is in need of repairs, she works just fine,” Adrian smiled. “Would you like a closer look?” the vampire asked as he unsheathed his rapier prudently as to not disturb any people by drawing his weapon. He held the rapier in his hands, the blade resting on his left palm, and the guard on his right one. “It’s of Danish workmanship. It has traveled quite a bit,” Adrian said as he invited the smith to look at the blade.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 aug 2024 - 13:40 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Werewolf ► 25 ► At the harbour festival ► with Reed

    Farah didn't know if she should be offended by the surprised expression on Reeds face. "You want to learn close-combat? Hunter stuff?"
          Farah huffed. "Yeah, so?"
          "You are aware you'll need to stab people with that, right?"
          "It wouldn't be like that," Farah sneered. "I don't want to harm innocent people." Like you hunters do, she almost added, but bit her tongue just in time. "I just want to be able to defend myself." Farah thought of the encouter in the woods, of the stale arms around her neck and her inability to do anything about it. The knife to her throat had kept her from shapeshifting, leaving Reed as her only option. Farah hated relying on others, especially if those others were so unreliable. Or they had been, at least. Farah wasn't so sure about it now.
          "A collaboration," Reed echoed thoughtfully. "Yes, yes. Sure. A partnership. I think I can teach you a thing or two. If you’re willing to have me as a teacher."
          "Really? You will?" Farah hated the way her voice lifted and how eager she sounded. She quickly cleared her throat. "I mean, I guess... That would be okay."
          "Look. I’m sorry I dragged you so hard in the fight. I suspect that had something to do with all of this,” he made a gesturing movement with his hands between them. “It was a strategic choice of me to pretend I didn’t care so their attention would shift to me. I didn’t mean to offend you." His last words were soft, silent.
          Farah didn't know what was more surprising, the fact that Reed had noticed her being hurt by his words or the fact that he was apologizing for them now. But then she knew what she was most surprised by: his honesty. Her heart made a little leap as the meaning of his words began to dripple in. He had pretended not to care about her. It had been an act.
          Farahs first instinct told her to brush it off, to deny how much it had hurt. But if she really wanted this collaboration to work, she needed to be as honest as he was being.
          "I just... I think..." A deep sigh rolled over Farahs lips. "I didn't know if you meant it. If you actually cared whether I lived or died." She looked down at the grass underneath her shoes, finding it suddenly very interesting. "I hate how unsure it mad me feel ... about everything." She bit her lip, trying to find a way to organize the swirling words in her head. "But it's good to know it was just an act." A little smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, and this time, she let it slip through.
          "So, if you're willing, I suggest we start our combat lessons tomorrow at first light. You can show me the basics, how to hold my ground and ... stuff." Farah grinned. "If you're sure you can handle a werewolf as a student, that is."

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 aug 2024 - 11:42 ]

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien

    Михаил Сергей Васильев
    Mikhail "Misha" Sergei Vasilyev

    The whole week had been chaos. Every hunter was on high alert and patrols had been ramped up. Misha hadn't been that affected by the chaos itself, but the higher demand on hunters combined with work that was busier than normal with every hunter wanting their weapons extra sharp for vampire killing and a restless Reed he needed to keep under control had taken a toll on the normal stoic Rus. So to say he wanted to be here at the festival with all these people in the wrong part of town, would be lying. The only reason he was currently walking past the market stalls was because of his stupid partner and his stupid plans to meet at the festival.

    Currently he was craning his head over the crowd, the lanterns around the market stalls illuminating the moonless night, hoping to spot Reed and get away from this place again. Why couldn't he just have given a proper meeting spot? Misha hadn't even had time to grab the other hunter and ask about it before the Ackerman had disappeared on him again. Russian curses sounded under his breath as he made his way through the crowds. The sea of people making it difficult to get anywhere at a decent pace and the mix of monster and man that hung in the air didn't make the situation any better.

    As he rounded a corner another body was there to stop Misha in his tracks. He hadn't meant to crash into someone, but with his attention on so many different at once he cursed at himself for not focussing on what was in front of him.
    "Sorry," he said in his thick Russian accent. Somewhere the looks of the young man in front of him triggered a feeling of recognition. Misha felt like Reed might have told him about the man, did he look similar to the man in the drawings he had seen a couple of times? But he might just be a stranger walking in the street, Misha didn't pay attention to the people who lived on this side of the river, he had Reed for people that were important.
    26 🙪 Hunter 🙪 Harbor festival 🙪 Helias


    [ bericht aangepast op 21 sep 2024 - 23:16 ]

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.


    𝔡𝔢 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔦𝔯

    𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 • 451 • 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖗 (𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖆)

    ╘═════ 𖤓 ═════╛

    Things were bound to go wrong this weekend. Helias had felt it creeping up on him for the whole of the past week, where nothing seemed to be wanting to go right. Except, surprisingly, for Nessa's iron rule on their end of the bridge. Helias hope that her being in charge of a guard division for a bit seemed to be paying off. At least, so far.
          There was no new information. Simon and Genevieve were doubtlessly dead, and there were no leads to what had happened to them. Isabella Ackerman had refused contact up till now, so Helias figured he'd have to force a meeting. After all, Montandon Harbour was still more or less neutral territory. Not that Helias very often minded going into what was considered enemy territory, either.
          Staking out was tiresome, but he hated sitting behind his desk and twiddling his thumbs even more. It was clear the Hunters weren't sitting still, either, so Helias couldn't afford to lag behind.
          So there he was, draped against the corner of a building, arms crossed, scanning the crowd for Isabella Ackerman, tracking Hunters who'd been put in place for security. He'd gotten only a handful of suspicious glances up till now, but luckily there were no laws against loitering.
          Helias had no clue how long he'd been standing there when a glint in the crowd caught his eye. He pushed himself off the wall, but before he could inspect whatever it was he'd seen, someone had the audacity to barge into him.
          "Sorry," said a voice immediately. The rolling r kept ringing in Helias' ears as he glanced around at the crowd again, hoping to still catch what he'd seen. Of course, he had no such luck, so he glowered at the man who'd run into him, recognising him as the Russian Hunter who'd become the Ackerman idiot's partner, a couple of years back. There was recognition in his eyes, and Helias straightened his spine, his glower never ceasing.
          "One usually excuses themselves before trying to waltz through a crowded area," he spoke, then cocked his head. He still had his arms folded. "Unless you simply enjoy crashing into people and pissing them off."

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 okt 2024 - 18:06 ]



          ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖
    ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖

    HUNTER ⌖ 27 ⌖ Harbour Festival ⌖ With Farah

    Reed is taken aback by the ‘yeah so’. It sounded sassy, but at the same time determined. He tried to keep the surprise off his face. The moment Farah says she doesn’t want to stab innocent people, it’s Reed’s turn to huff. A lot of words were left unspoken, but still brought on a palpable atmosphere.
          “Whatever makes you sleep at night,” Reed grinned. “Accidents do tend to happen with rookies,” he mumbles under his breath. It wouldn’t be his first rodeo. Untrained hunters stabbed people by accident sometimes. Their inexperience brought in unpredictability in their actions, hence the stabbings. They sometimes even didn’t know their own strength.
          "Really? You will? I mean, I guess... That would be okay." Farah sounded eager to Reed and he pulled up an inquisitive brow.
          “What makes you want to learn?” Reed asked. He couldn’t help being curious. She was a werewolf, she had powers and even though he himself knew that her using them was bad, he wondered why she would want to go the hard way.
          "I just... I think..." She sighed and Reed just cocked his head in question. "I didn't know if you meant it. If you actually cared whether I lived or died."
          Reed could keep the surprise off his face this time. He wondered why she cared so much for his words. He listened to the rest of what she had to say. It made her feel unsure. He had made her feel unsure of their pact.
          “I’m not some conniving little schemer,” Reed sulked. “What you see and hear is what you get. Vampires however,...” Reed trailed off, but didn’t finish that thought.
          "So, if you're willing, I suggest we start our combat lessons tomorrow at first light. You can show me the basics, how to hold my ground and ... stuff. If you're sure you can handle a werewolf as a student, that is."
          “Tomorrow at first light it is,” Reed’s rounds weren’t planned for that time. “And I think having a girl as a student is going to give me that much trouble, I like a challenge.” Reed let a wolfish grin grace his features as he continued, “If you actually showed up as a wolf, we would have trouble, to learn these techniques, you’ll need opposable thumbs.” It was a smartass comment, but Reed couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at his own comment.
          “So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” Reed asked. He sounded way too hopeful to himself, but at this point, he couldn’t care less.

    Power belongs to
    those who take it.

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 okt 2024 - 15:19 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Михаил Сергей Васильев
    Mikhail "Misha" Sergei Vasilyev

    Somewhere in his head puzzle pieces clicked together. The weird recognition mixing with the slight smell coming into his nose now that he was standing close to the man. This was exactly why he hated coming over to this side of town, the thick crowd was one thing but it being infested made it worse. Off course it was his luck to bump into a vampire of all monsters. Well, than again, still better than a werewolf, but he had rather just stayed in his workshop. The new design for a gun mechanism still had some kinks to be worked through to make it less likely to misfire, making it much more reliable to use in high stakes fights. When the man started to speak Misha looked back at him. The glower on his face was not reciprocated, the Rus kept his face just as neutral as he usually did, his hands to his side. Talking to a blood-sucker was annoying, but in the end not a problem. With the amount of hunter presence in the city this week they wouldn't try anything dumb.
    "I will next time," he said in an almost monotone voice, there was no reason to get defensive or provoke the monster in front of him. His opinions on the situation in this town didn't matter, not unless it was his clan that was involved. He was just here to support Reed with whatever shenanigans his partner was getting up to during the festival. Misha looked around the crowd again, spotting a head of blond hair that could be Reed from the back on the far side of the street. Good timing to get away from the blood-sucker again.
    "Sorry for piss off. Have good evening," Misha said in the same neutral tone, wanting to leave again right away.
    26 🙪 Hunter 🙪 Harbor festival 🙪 Helias


    [ bericht aangepast op 17 okt 2024 - 12:02 ]

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.