RollentopicPraattopic 1 & 2Speeltopic

    Dertien jaar geleden klom de Schotse familie Ackerman aan boord van de Mayfair, op zoek naar land waar ze een nieuwe thuis konden stichten: land waar geen monsters waren, land waarmee ze de macht van de Gemeenschap konden veilig stellen en uitbreiden, en waar ze hun kinderen veilig konden trainen zonder dat weerwolven of vampiers hen het leven zuur maakten. Alleen was een kleine groep vampiers hen voor. Zij wilden ook een nieuwe thuis, een veilige haven; hun leider was al eeuwenlang vastberaden om die voor hen te zoeken omdat in Europa geen plek meer bleek te zijn.
          De Gemeenschap wilde niet ophoepelen. Hoe konden ze dat ook? Vampiers hadden het recht niet om zomaar een stuk land te claimen. De Eerste Kolonie had al zo'n groot grondgebied in Europa - konden ze de rest van de wereld niet alleen laten?
          In de laatste dertien jaar zijn de spanningen opgelopen en hebben zich twee kampen gevormd: de Gemeenschap van Jagers, die ondertussen uitgebreid waren tot dertien families met de Ackermans aan het hoofd, en het groepje vampiers dat zij 'de rebellen' dubden, onder leiding van de legendarische, gevreesde vampier Helias Vanparys. Noord versus zuid, met enkel een rivier die hen van elkaar gescheiden houdt. Geen van beiden is gelukkig met het grondgebied dat ze hebben en willen de ander weg. Een gulden middenweg lijkt onbestaand, zeker wanneer het nieuws de oceaan oversteekt en Greenstone stilaan een haven wordt voor gevluchte piraten. Sommigen van hen zijn Europese vampiers die deel willen uitmaken van de nieuwe kolonie in Amerika. Anderen zijn vampiers die uit zijn op bloed en van de chaos gebruik willen maken. Dan zijn er de Jagers, die hun soortgenoten willen bijstaan - maar ook de Jagers die alleen zijn en de mogelijkheid zien om die institutionele Community onderuit te halen. Ten slotte is er de groep die liever onbekend blijft; weerwolven, gewone burgers en piraten die Greenstone opzoeken om de onbekendheid op te zoeken tussen al die andere bovennatuurlijke wezens die toch te veel kabaal maken om nog andere stemmen op te merken. In ieder geval begint de spanning een hoogtepunt te bereiken; zowel in Greenstone zelf als op zee, waar schepen met bovennatuurlijke bemanningen strijden voor hetgeen waarin ze geloven. Of gewoon voor de lol. Niemand die het echt duidelijk lijkt te weten. Niemand die weet hoe dit wetteloze stukje grond ooit verder zal komen dan één bloederige slachting.


    Je kan alle informatie over de wereld terugvinden in de lorestory. Alle informatie over vampiers, weerwolven, jagers en hun geschiedenis staat beschreven. Je kan uiteraard ook een mens spelen, maar dan is het alsnog handig om misschien even de geschiedeniscomponenten te lezen om me te zijn met de geladen onderwerpen.
    Mocht je nog ergens vragen hebben, stel ze gerust!

                Personages & invulijstjes

    Echte leeftijd (maximum 600)
    Fysieke leeftijd
    Paramount & eventuele Subjects
    Groep & positie (deel van Helias' groep of rogue?)
    Krachtbeheersing & skills
    Geschiedenis (leg ook even uit waarom ze naar Greenstone gekomen zijn)


    Groep & positie (zin om een roedel te maken? Ga ervoor, maar bespreek het even met de groep (: )
    Krachtbeheersing & skills


    Groep & positie (deel van de Gemeenschap? Welke familie; familiehoofd of niet? Algemene leider van de Gemeenschap in Greenstone is een Ackerman!)
    Wapens & skills

    Groep & positie (Hoe ligt jouw personage in de algemene maatschappij van Greenstone?)

    Forbidden characters/faceclaims from canon
    - Helias Vanparys (Niclas Gillis)
    - Thorne Madison / T. Magen (Anton Lisin)
    - Freya Ackerman (Pyper America Smith)
    - Clark Ackerman (Boyd Holbrook)
    - Egorov Vasilyev (Finn Cole)
    - Holden Ackerman (Cillian Murphy)
    - Lev Vasilyev (Ivan N)
    - Nora Quill (Starlie Cheyenne Smith)

    ⛧[P2] — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys (451/20-28?) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P5] — Katherina Vasileiou (166/28) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4] — Nessa Craven (372/28) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Azrael Ishtari (75/26) — Barbarian
    ⛧[P5] — Madalena Belfiore (181/23) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P7] — Adrian Vynall (284/43) — Spiral | Xanthe
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P5] — Farah Fenrir Parker (25) — Frodo | Bes
    ⛧[P5] — Sofia Cortez (AGE) — Saureus | Lisa
    ⛧[P4] — Robert Frankson (24) — amberkishatu | Amber
    ⛧[P7] — Lachlan Carmichael (25) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam
    ⛧[P1] — Reed Ackerman (27) — Spiral | Xan
    ⛧[P2] — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev (26) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P5] — Elizabeth Lavely (AGE) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4 tot 26/2/24] — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman (27) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P7] — Celeste Girard (26) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P4] — Antigone Lamb (19) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P5] — Carwen Weasmer (25) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Tamanend (21) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P8] — Thomas Crake (33) — Greenfeld | Lene
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - Topics worden aangemaakt door Coryo of Moskowitz. Stuur ons gerust een berichtje als we het niet meteen moesten zien!
    - Have fun!
    ©2024 Vanparys, Frisk & Spiral.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 juni 2024 - 14:15 ]


    Михаил Сергей Васильев
    Mikhail "Misha" Sergei Vasilyev

    Misha in fact did not care about the strong reaction he got from the two ladies. He wasn't one to mince his words and they should have known that. Sure it was rare that he spoke, but both of them had had a conversation with him before, they shouldn't have been so surprised by him speaking. In Misha's opinion there reaction said a lot about their incompetence with working in a community. Did they not have one growing up or had their community just failed them when teaching them the importance of such. He himself had been alone for a bit, but was now partnered with Reed. Not that he had ever disclosed that information with anyone other than the Ackerman leader or Reed himself, but it wouldn't been weird if the other hunters here had some suspicions about his partnership with the young Ackerman. There were two other Russian hunter pairs here, having arrived as a delegation together with Misha, both having been paired with someone of their own clan. Misha sighed with it all, but before he could even elaborate his point, Reed was already int heir face. Misha just sighed some more, placing a hand on his partner's shoulder.
    "Calm дурак," he said in a serious tone Reed would no doubt recognise as shut up or I'll take you away, having used the same tone ever since they got partnered up when Reed was about to fly off the handle. The nickname was one of the first words Misha had spoken to the Ackerman, but never gave a translation for. It was better if Reed just didn't know some things. Luckily, Reed backed off quickly enough, saying some more about work they could do. Misha patiently waited for his partner to finish before speaking again himself.
    "I can speak self," he said, reprimanding Reed for defending him when he had been right there and giving his partner a smack to the back of his head for it.
    "I speak when something important to say," he explained calmly to Celeste before speaking to the both of them. "Reed is correct. Hunter family work in pairs. Your family has failed to teach important of family and safety." To the Rus community and family were interchangeable as that was the way it was back home.
    "You want be alone and ignore way family works, you die alone." There was no emotion in his voice, it was just a fact. If they were indeed to stubborn and stupid to get over whatever happened, Misha was not considering them family as their recklessness would only be a liability to the rest of his family.
    "Being hunter is not only hunting. Get normal job, go help rest of family and town. Be useful to Ackerman family." Misha planted his hand on the smiths hammer on his belt. They were guests in this land, they should contribute to it. There was always work that needed to be done, new houses to be build, repairs to be made, food to be grown or hunted, clothes to be repaired or cleaned. If they couldn't think of something useful to spend their time with, especially not with his or Reeds pointers, they were mouths that weren't worth feeding. Misha looked back to Reed, seeing if his partner was done with the conversation and they could get back to their own work.
    26 🙪 Hunter 🙪 Bloodlight Bridge 🙪 Reed, Celeste, Eliza


    [ bericht aangepast op 29 mei 2024 - 13:29 ]



    𝖍𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓 • 𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖆𝖑𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞𝖜𝖆𝖌 𝕴𝖓𝖓
    𝔄𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔠𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶𝔴𝔞𝔤 • 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔞 𝔄𝔷𝔯𝔞𝔢𝔩

          𝕬zrael took his time to answer Carwen’s question. The blonde man sipped his wine frugally and seemed to be in some sort of deep thought. Was it such a hard question to answer, Carwen wondered.
          “I am looking for someone, mister Scallywag,” Azrael finally said, he reminded Carwen of a statesman, talking so officially and distant. “An honourable gentleman who, according to my information, lives in Montandon.”
          Carwen frowned deeply, “An honourable gentlemen?” He repeated. “Well, you’ve sure as hell sailed to the wrong shore, my friend.” He laughed, but Azrael didn’t laugh with him. The look on his face was as serious as could be. With his long fingers, he tapped the surface of his wineglass. God, why did Carwen suddenly feel as if he was in the presence of a catholic priest who wanted him to confess?
          “You have been nothing but generous and helpful to your guests so far," Azrael then said with a voice as slick as warm honey. "Perhaps you could help me find him. Do you ever serve people from around that part of town?”
          Carwen made no more jokes. Of course, he knew the man that most people from overseas came looking for in Montandon. But most of the time Carwen chose to stay out of the sucker’s business, other than his more perverse interests of course. He was not keen on mingling with the Godless creatures that lived in the New World, whether they were creatures that drank blood or were something completely different.
          Carwen swallowed.
    “There live a lot of men in Montandon, mister Ishtari.” He drank some of the wine. “Do you have a little bit more information to go on?”

    People are scared to say stuff, but I am NOT
    𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖞 𝕴 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝟑 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 mei 2024 - 17:31 ]

    and the spiders from mars


    Click for moonphases

    It’s been almost a week since the death of Raphael Ackerman. The investigation is still ongoing. The hunters are still on high alert, and both them and the vampires have upped their guards on either side of the bridges. The tensions are still high, but Isabella Ackerman wants the show to go on. That’s why today the two-day harbour festival was kicked off.

    Greenstone is decorated, the lanterns are lit. The humans are feeling happy after this week of tensions, and the people are flooding into Montandon harbour for the festivities. Together they kick off the beginning of the trading season after the wintertime.

    The sun’s rays are leaving behind the horizon, and the drinks are flowing. Will you spend the night partying or patrolling? The choice is yours.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 juni 2024 - 18:11 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Werewolf ► 25 ► At the harbour festival ► with Reed

    Farah knew this wasn't a good idea. Tensions were still running high since the death - murder? - of Raphael Ackerman and Felipe had warned the entire pack not to come close to the festival. Yet here she was, standing at the forest's edge, looking down at the people bustling around the harbour. The sun was slowly disappearing behind the horizon and left the festival bathing in a golden glow. From her vantage point, Farah could hear the laughter and lighthearted chatter of the people below. She took a deep breath and began walking down the hill.
          Everyone around her seemed happy and relaxed, blisfully unaware of the corpse that had dangled from Bloodlight bridge - or, and far more likely, choosing to ignore it. Humans were exceptionally good at pretending everything was fine. Farah figured they put it in the same mental box as "living with vampires" and tucked it far, far away.
          The bubbly atmosphere had its effect on Farah as well. She loosened her tense shoulders, stopped frowning and forced a little smile on her lips. She passed a market stall selling handmade jewelry and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a dress of deep green velvet. The tightly fitted bodice featured a square neckline, adorned with lace. The flowing skirt, layered with velvet and silk underskirts and hidden side slits, allowed her to move freely. A simple leather belt cinched her waist, holding a small pouch with essential items, including the dagger Reed had given her and which she was planning to return to him - tonight.
    Speaking of the hunter... Farah scanned the crowd, searching for the brown floppy hair, which she had grown accustomed to. She reminded herself of her mission: to tell Reed that it was over. She was done. The decison hadn't been that hard to make, after their last encounter.
          Every time Farah tried to sleep, she felt the muscled arms of the vampire around her neck and their teeth scraping against her skin. Simultaneously she saw the cold look in Reeds eyes when he said; "You really overestimate how much I care for the girl. Go on, kill her. It’ll just be one hideous monster less for me to take care of." Just as everytime the memory shot through her mind, Farah felt her heart sink again. She had thought that the past meetings with Reed had somehow changed things. That he saw here as more than the thing she had unwillinly become. But that night had shattered that hope. Farah didn't trust him anymore. And a partnership without trust was't a partnership at all.
          Farah sighed. She was far too short to see over the group of people. She looked around until she noticed the pole which held a lantern. Without hesitation, she climbed it and looked once more for the young hunter. She squinted her eyes until she finally spotted him, next to a cart selling what seemed to be small knives. Typical.
          Farah made her way there quickly, in fear of losing him again. But there he was, with a wooden knife in his hand, tossing it with a calculating look on his face. As far as Farah could tell, Reed was alone. She stood right behind him and whispered: "I need to talk to you."
          She didn't wait for an answer, but ducked behind the cart. The growing dusk provided the perfect cover and she put her senses in high alert. If anyone was following them, she'd know. When Reed finally stood in front of her, Farah gathered all her courage and met his gaze. "I've thought about this for a long time, so don't try to convince me otherwise. I'm done. I want out." She lifted her chin, trying to appear more confident than she felt. "The lies, the danger,... everything. It's too much." Farah took the dagger out of the pouch and held it in front of him. "Here."

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 juni 2024 - 15:13 ]

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien




    In the past week Tama had learned what Thom had actually meant with everything he had said that morning in the Salty Scallywag. The whole concept of hanging to end ones life just seemed very wasteful and a sad way to go if anyone would ask the Lenape. He just hoped Finn and the rest of her family were okay after what had happened. If he had seen Finn again, he would have asked if there was anything he could do to help, but sadly he hadn't seen the woman anymore. Not that he had had too much time to wander around, this season was always so busy after winter with the amount of ingredients he needed to prep for the rest of the year, resulting in him spending most days and even nights the past week away from the village. Tama hadn't even had time to go back to the tavern to speak with the innkeeper about that morning. So with some kind of evening festival in full swing, Tama had taken the time to actually make an effort. He had dressed up by wearing his best clothes and had even adorned his outfit with some wampum necklaces which were probably the most expensive things he owned, not counting the white people coins.

    After looking at the various stalls set out around the harbour, Tama walked into the Salty Scallywag. As he hoped, the tavern wasn't as busy yet with most people still out on the street. Tama scanned the room and all its patrons before spotting the person he wanted to speak and moving to the bar.
    "Good evening," he said as he hopped onto one of the stools, immediately asking for the attention from the barkeep, though the next sentences took a bit of time to be correctly structured.
    "I am sorry for being in the way earlier this week. I did not know you were going to wake up Finn." Tama smiled apologetic to the barkeep, hoping this would smooth out any problems he had caused by trying to intervene with Finn were the barkeep was more than capable of handling his own problems.
    21 ◈ Human ◈ The Salty Scallywag ◈ Carwen


          ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖
    ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖

    HUNTER ⌖ 27 ⌖ Harbour Festival ⌖ With Farah

          Reed had been restless all week. At first, he thought his uncle’s death was the main focus. That seemed the most obvious reason since it disrupted the entire hunter community to lose one of their own.
          But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it wasn’t just that. His dreams were still haunted by his latest hunt. Not the one he did with Misha, but the one he had done with Farah. They had killed not one, but two vampires. Reed was pretty sure they had been sent by Vanparys too, since they weren’t right on top of their business. He beat himself up for not noticing the shadow that had been stalking around them. Not that it mattered now. It was handled. They were dead. Count Cuntula would probably be pissed to high hells that his informants hadn’t returned, but in the end he wasn’t the only hunter prowling these woods.

          Reed dumped some of his weapons at home after switching with the next people who would be on patrol. He had already helped Finn get out of the house already, as usual. The patrol had yet again been boring and he had just mulled over the situation again and again. There weren’t any new leads or Juni didn’t want to share it with him anyway. He couldn’t seem to let it go anyway.
          To his own surprise the thing that haunted him the most was Farah’s pained expression after his massive bluff with the vampires. She was either a very good actress or had thought he had meant the words. He cared a bit more for her than he’d like to admit out loud. Even to himself. But regardless of the situation, he needed to smooth that over.

          Reed hurried to the festival. He was about to look for fun people to grab a drink with. Be it his sister, Misha or one of the older hunters that he could outdrink. The festival usually was the year’s highlight and he wanted to enjoy himself. He casually strolled around on the square that was already packed with people. The lanterns cast a shadow over people’s laughing faces. Like the surroundings wanted to show that the mood shouldn’t be as light with all that happened in the last week.
          On a whim, he bought a wooden dagger. It was supposed to be a toy, but it made for good practice while he was in his room. Or he would just give it to one of the smaller children in the hunter community.
          He started to play around with the knife, wondering why he even bought it when he could actually make it himself. He guessed he just had money to spare, and he could admire good craftsmanship when he saw it.
          Suddenly he felt a presence at his back. It wasn’t really threatening, and it felt familiar but at the same time wrong. Farah. She grabbed his attention by telling him she wanted to talk. Reed couldn’t suppress a frown from marring his face. She sounded distant to him. This wasn’t safe in the least either.
          Prudently and alert he slid behind the same cart as she had chosen. He tried to keep his attitude casual.
          She looked at him, fear but at the same time determination shone in her eyes as they locked with his own.
          She started talking rapidly about how she had thought about it and how she wanted out, how she couldn’t handle the lies and the danger… In the end she thrusted out Reed’s dagger to him.
          He was too stunned to speak for a moment. Then his anger flared, and his first instinct was to curse her out, but for once in his life, he stopped himself. A lot of emotions coursed through the man's head, but panic was the one that came out strongest.
          “You can’t just drop me just like that,” he said, grasping at better words to tell her. His voice was breathy, like he didn’t want to speak too loud. Like it would make his words into existence.
          The image of her hurt face flashed in his mind’s eye again while he took his dagger and slotted it back into its place.
          “Is this about what I said?” he ended up whispering in the end.
          There were so many feelings coursing through the man. His heart wanted to grab her face, and comfort her, but his brain stopped him. His brain wanted to continue this pact as much as his heart, but for different reasons. Reed ended up just listening to his brain, because that made sense.
          “You can’t back out, Fah,” Reed paused for a second and he wanted to slap himself so badly for dropping the nickname he had given her. He tried to cover up his mistake: “I mean Farah. We worked so hard already. Both of us. Hell, we killed two vampires. Together. I think that’s a first,” Reed rattled. He didn’t want to stop talking, because she would go away, and it would be over. It was the last thing the hunter wanted.

    Fucked around and got
    attached to you

    Then we fight.

    I'm a tornado
    with pretty eyes
    and a heartbeat

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    T O M      C R A K E

    Human • Butcher • 33 • Harbor with Lena

    Tom looked at the little stall he'd made for the evening festivities. The wooden pillars he had cut and stripped of bark himself, and the thatched roof he'd made with the help of a group of natives — none related to Tamanend as far as he knew. He admired and envied them for their branch weaving techniques but was also glad to accept their help. In exchange, he'd cut them a large piece of this weeks hunt.
          On the stall table were pieces of dried meat, tubs of tallow and lard, and wolf and bear hides. He'd strung a string with wolf teeth at the top, and shark teeth — graciously gifted by some friendly fishermen — next to it. He made a mental note to thank Eliza and Farah for their help today, because without them and their hunting skills, his table would be a lot emptier.
          Tom felt grateful for the festival, and relieved it arrived so soon after last week's tragic events. The past week had been strange to say the least. He couldn't really put his finger on the why, but the feeling of dread had surrounded him all week. Even Sunday's mass hadn't cleared him head — as the priest had referenced the events as well, calling them appalling and heartbreaking at the same time. The paster had reminded the community to stand together and care for each other and God — but Tom couldn't help but feel a certain divide.
          He tried to shake the feeling and return to the present; the festival. It was still early, but there were already a handful of people at the harbor. Like himself, some had dressed up nicely, with children wearing flower crowns to signify the start of spring and women holding bouquets of dried grains. Others hadn't bothered as much, but no one seemed to mind.
          Amongst the first few spectators, Tom noticed Madalena's Belfiore's dark curls immediately. The young woman had been a friend to his late wife and she'd also been a great support after the accident so he felt eternally indebted to her.
          It was Bear who got to greet the Lena first, excitably jumping up and down at the first sight of her. The dog was trained well, and waited for his owner's approval before leaping to Lena and nearly knocking her over. Normally, he'd never let Bear get that excited, but he knew Lena adored him and he also knew she could stand her ground against the large dog.
          ''I'm sorry about that,'' he called to her with a smile and walked over. ''But you know as well as I do — there's no holding him back when it comes to you.''
          He'd always felt awkward greeting Madalena. They weren't friends enough to warrant a hello-hug or kiss-on-the-cheek, nor were they strangers enough to shake hands. He normally settled for a friendly nod with his hands clasped behind his back. So he did just that, and then gently nudged Bear backwards by his collar.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Werewolf ► 25 ► At the harbour festival ► with Reed

    Farah hated the deep frown above Reeds eyes. It had been there when they fist met, but over time it had been replaced with a lazy grin. Now, however, it was back and looked ready to stay. Farah resisted the urge to reach out and smooth the wrinkles over, to put a smile on his face again.
          "You can't just drop me just like that," Reed said in a husky voice.
          Farah gritted her teeth. "Take the dagger, Reed. "
          For a second, she contemplated tossing the knife on the patch of grass between them, but then Reed took it from her hands and slipped it into his pocket. He went silent, which wasn't what Farah was used to of him. She took the opportunity to listen to her surroundings, but no one at the festival had seemed to notice their disappearance behind the cart. Farah made a mental note to stay vigilant. It was far too easy to let her guard down when she was with Reed. Well - it used to be. Since their latest hunt, she didn't feel quite as safe anymore.
          "Is this about what I said?" Reed asked, almost as if he had read her thoughts.
          Once more, his unforgiving words echoed through Farahs mind. "Don't be ridiculous, Reed," she spat, trying to keep the red flush in her cheeks to a minimum. Farah had never been a good liar.
          "You can't back out, Fah."
          Farah felt her heart skip a beat at the sound of the nickname and completely lost the battle with her blushing. She imagined her face must be as red as the setting sun right about now. No one had ever given her a nickname, not like this.
          “I mean Farah."
          Yeah right.
          "We worked so hard already. Both of us. Hell, we killed two vampires. Together. I think that’s a first.” The words came out fast, tumbling over each other. It then occured to Farah that Reed looked nervous. She had expected anger, but the panic in his eyes caught her off guard. His voice, usually so confident, now sounded almost pleading.
          It's because he's afraid you'll expose him to the vampires or his fellow hunters. That's all, a small voice in her head reminded her. Don't think too much of it.
          "I'm not saying you have to stop," she said. "I still think it's a good idea to rid this world of Felipe. And I promise I won't do anything to bring you or this mission in danger. But I think you better start looking for another partner."
          The image of Reed with another girl by his side, laughing at the table in the abandoned house, shot through Farahs mind. It was almost enough for her to take back everything she'd said. Almost.
          "S-someone who can keep up with you," she added, trying to sound more convincing. "Someone more ... like you." A hunter, for example. Not a monster, like her.
    "Take care, Reed. And please, be careful." She turned to leave, each step feeling like a weight off her shoulders and yet, at the same time, a burden on her heart.

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien



    𝖍𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓 • 𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖆𝖑𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞𝖜𝖆𝖌 𝕴𝖓𝖓
    𝔄𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔠𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶𝔴𝔞𝔤 • 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔞

          𝔗he past week had been anything but easy in Greenstone. Some citizens tried to carry on with their normal lives, pretending a Hunter hadn't been murdered in the heart of the town. But Carwen couldn't shake the grim feeling left by that tragic day. The Harbour Festival had begun, and while Carwen was pleased about the boost to his income, he couldn't help but wish the timing were different. Tension hung in the air.

    The Hunters and the bloodsuckers were patrolling the streets late into the night, as Carwen saw when he finished his last rounds of beer at the Inn. In the mornings, he would see others already stalking the alleyways around his tavern, continuing their watch. He wished Celeste were here to talk things over with him. Maybe that would ease his mind, because his gut told him that soon the regular folk of Greenstone would be dragged into the supernatural conflict, whether they liked it or not.

    After walking among the tables, discreetly listening to his guests' conversations to ensure no one was planning to bring the conflict inside the Inn, Carwen was relieved to see Tama walk in. Tama, with his long hair, was certainly a strange one, but he didn't seem like a hotheaded supernatural. As if reading his mind (and was Carwen sure Tama wasn't supernatural?), Tama walked over to the bar.

    "Good evening," Tama said, hopping onto one of the stools. Carwen nodded in greeting.
    "I'm sorry for being in the way earlier this week. I didn't know you were going to wake up Finn," Tama said, smiling apologetically.

    Carwen immediately waved his hands in the air. "It's nothin', pal!" he assured Tama. "Don't you think on it. It was my fault, honestly. That Finn always gets me into the most awkward situations, you know. Something about her makes me want to tease 'er a bit." Carwen admitted. "It'll probably get me killed one day," he leaned closer to Tama, "but don't tell her I said that," he added, laughing.

    Carwen offered Tama a beer. "On me, eh? For letting my sins get in the way of your nice mornin' last week." He winked, all smiles and laughter. It felt good talking to a normal human about normal human stuff for once. Carwen grabbed a beer for himself and held it up to Tama for a toast.

    "How've you been holding up this past week, with you-know-what...?" Carwen asked, discreetly hinting at the situation on the bridge in Mantadon last week.

    People are scared to say stuff, but I am NOT
    𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖞 𝕴 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝟑 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 juli 2024 - 22:04 ]

    and the spiders from mars


          ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖
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    HUNTER ⌖ 27 ⌖ Harbour Festival ⌖ With Farah

          Red quickly made its way to Farah’s cheeks. He couldn’t ignore this telltale sign of her words being lies.
          “Liar,” he accused the girl while he whirled her back towards himself with a soft pull at the wrist. He was careful not to hurt her and push her away even more.
          He’d let her do her talking, and he’d honestly and quietly waited his turn. Farah just turning away from him pissed him off a little, but most of what he was feeling was panic right now.
          He swallowed and didn’t let go of her wrist just yet, fearing that she might run if he did so. “You’re a liar,” he said again. “You’re blushing like there’s no tomorrow, and your eyes are telling a whole other story,” he said, his tone slightly challenging her to defy his words.
          His steady gaze trained on her, and he held eye-contact for way longer than necessary, but Reed Ackerman wouldn’t back down. His decision was made. He would do this with her or not at all. Hunter traditions be damned. Reed had someone to watch his back, it just wasn’t his partner, and it happened to be a trusted werewolf.
          “I won’t do it without you,” Reed says, voice soft but steady. He gently let go of her wrist, quite sure he had her attention.
          Before he knew it, he scoffed, reacting to her words about someone who could keep up.
          “You kept up nice enough when it was needed,” he refuted her logic. “I don’t need another killer, I’m more than enough killer on my own,” he tried to keep those words airy, like he was joking. He was, partly, but he was sure that out of the both of them, he had killed the most.
          Such admissions never would have even come up in Reed’s brain in the past. He had believed killing was a werewolf’s nature. But he had seen how Farah had held the dagger like it was some piece of trash to be tossed away. How she had waited for Reed to deal the killing blow, despite the creature being a vampire.
          “I’ll be careful if you stay on board.” Reed knew what he was saying right now wasn’t fair to her, but he’d do whatever needed to keep her on his team of two.
          The soft plea, he refused to say please, resonated in his words.
          “I-if you really want me to be careful,” he started but paused to rearrange the words floating around in his head, “don’t lie to me like that. Tell me what you really want.”
          It wasn’t a question, but it wasn’t exactly a demand either. He just wanted to know what she wanted for herself.

    Aching to touch her

    She doesn't love me.
    She's not that stupid.

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Werewolf ► 25 ► At the harbour festival ► with Reed

    "They hate each other."
    "No they don't. Not really."

    "Liar," Farah heard behind her. Then she felt a subtle but tight tug on her wrist. Before she knew what had happened, she twirled around and stood back in front of Reed.
          "You're a liar,' he said. "You're blushing like there's no tomorrow and your eyes are telling a whole other story."
          "No I'm not," Farah tried but the lie sent a new flush of red to her cheeks. She cursed under her breath.
          Reeds ocean blue eyes peered into hers and for a moment, Farah stopped fidgeting and answered his questioning look. She didn't know how long they stood there, way too close and way too long, but she knew she had to step away or Reed would feel her fastening heartbeat any time now.
          “I won’t do it without you." Reed said and finally let go. But instead of stepping away, Farah stayed right where she was, so close she could almost feel the warmth of his skin.
          "But-" Farah tried, willing to bring up her argument about him needing a better partner, but Reed was faster.
          “You kept up nice enough when it was needed, I don’t need another killer, I’m more than enough killer on my own.” He said it in a matter-of-factly way, as if he wasn't discussing murder but rather speaking about the weather. “I’ll be careful if you stay on board. I-if you really want me to be careful... Don’t lie to me like that. Tell me what you really want.”
          I want you.
          The thought shot through Farahs mind, darkening her cheeks once more. She wanted to object, wanted to blame her traitorous mind but with Reed standing so close she didn't know what she wanted anymore.
          Farah reverted her eyes. His response wasn't at all what she expected from him. She assumed she would do her little speech and he would let her go and they wouldn't see each other anymore - not like this, anyway. But now, standing in his gaze - which Farah knew without looking up was still on her - Farah realized there wasn't anywhere in all of Greenstone she would rather be.
          "Fine then," she sighed. "Fine." Farah didn't want to, but she took a step back. She needed to think clearly and Reeds presence obviously didn't help in that department. "I want... I want..." Farah cleared her throat. "I want the same thing I did a few months ago. I want my pack to be rid of Felipe and his toxic ways."
          And I want you.
          No, God dammit. "I- I want a partner I can count on, who sees me as an equal." She looked up into his eyes, letting a little bit of her hurt seeping through her eyes, showing him what his words had done to her. "You're saying I kept up nice, but I want to do more than that. If you really want to be partners again, I want you to teach me. How to... handle myself out there, when I'm not in my werewolf-form."
          Farah nodded to herself. These were good terms. For a second, she gathered her thoughts and let Reeds question run through her mind again. What do you want?
          "And I want you." For a second, Farah thought the words stayed in her head. But then they reached her ears and the word 'blushing' got a new meaning for her. "As - as my partner, you know. We had a good thing going on, before. That's what I meant. As a partner. You know, a team of some sorts. A collaboration, if you will." Farah pursed her lips together to stop herself from rambling and looked up at Reed, wondering why he hadn't fled in the opposite direction already.

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 juli 2024 - 12:21 ]

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien




    Luckily the innkeeper seemed to have time for a little chat, though Tama needed to do his best to understand the weird way of speaking. It was similar to how Thom and Finn had talked to each other, but that didn't make it less difficult. The lenape did wonder why a lot of people didn't speak properly like he had been thought. Like, what even was a pal and how would he even think on something? Luckily the man seemed to be friendly and well willing based on his general attitude about the whole situation.
    "I would suggest to not get killed," Tama said seriously, the joke going over his head with the weird wording of it. "It would not be nice if this tavern would be gone." With how many people seemed to go in and out of the building every day, Tama assumed the tavern was a valued building in town, even though he himself did not visit often.

    Tama looked uncomfortable to the beer that was placed in front of him. On the innkeeper? A weird request if you asked Tama, but since the man had said it had to do with the way they met last week he guessed it would be okay. He was unsure on what sin meant, but the rest of the sentence was enough to clue him in enough to know the man was talking about throwing water. And it was not like he was going to drink it, he was not making that mistake again. As the man held up his own mug, Tama had to comply with the request and picked up the full drinking vessel before throwing its content in the face of the innkeeper.

    "My week was busy with spring preparations," he said, continuing the conversation as if nothing had happened. "The water did not do much harm. It was a bit cold, but I had more clean clothes I changed into to keep warm. I had to re-bandage some wounds, but I still had poultices at home. It was not a problem." Tama looking from the empty mug to the dripping man in front of him after finishing his explanation. He must have just missed the cultural note that stressed the importance of being even in actions and he hoped this would make the innkeeper happy as they were now in fact even.
    21 ◈ Human ◈ The Salty Scallywag ◈ Carwen

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 juli 2024 - 21:35 ]

    Robert Frankson - Harbour Festival (layout will come later)

    The harbour festival had begun and that meant only one thing for Robert : Business. He had his stall on the same place as every year, right at the heart of the bustling market, where the clanging of hammers and the roar of the forge created a symphony of industry. His stall, adorned with wrought iron decorations and a display of finely crafted tools and ornaments, was a magnet for those seeking quality craftsmanship. For Robert, this annual event was more than just a chance to sell his wares; it was an opportunity to showcase his skills and connect with both locals and tourists who flocked to the harbor. Robert's smithy had become a familiar sight, a staple of the festival that people looked forward to visiting

    As the festival unfolded, Robert noticed familiar faces and tried to greet them warmly, but it seemed not everyone was in the greatest mood. He couldn't blame them, the murder had only happened a week ago. Farah and Sofia had asked him to keep his nose out of it, so he would.... at least for now.

    Still, it was hard to ignore the tension in the air. He noticed how some customers would linger longer than usual, their eyes darting around as if expecting something—or someone—to appear. The usually cheerful greetings were replaced with solemn nods, and the festive atmosphere felt tainted. Luckily he was quickly distracted again as he saw a rapier glinting in the sunlight, being carried by a tall individual.

    “Beautiful piece you have there,” Robert remarked, pointing to the weapon.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2024 - 17:48 ]

    "I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"


          ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖ ⌖
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    HUNTER ⌖ 27 ⌖ Harbour Festival ⌖ With Farah
    She lied to his face a second time and another wave of red graced her features. Reed said nothing and just raised one brow to rebuke her words yet again. He didn’t even need words to catch her on her lie this time.
          Farah tried to object and threw out a small ‘but’ but his words waltzed right over that. Her face turned an even deeper shade of red, and this time Reed didn’t know why this was. She averted her eyes and another frown found its way onto Reed’s face. She seemed to be thinking to herself. Trying to make up her mind, and in the end she relented.
          "Fine then. Fine. I want the same thing I did a few months ago. I want my pack to be rid of Felipe and his toxic ways." Reed gave a firm nod of approval. She was obviously mulling on some other reason as to why they should end this. Reed wanted to know why though.
          "I- I want a partner I can count on, who sees me as an equal. You're saying I kept up nice, but I want to do more than that. If you really want to be partners again, I want you to teach me. How to... handle myself out there, when I'm not in my werewolf-form."
          Reed couldn’t hide the surprise on his face as she said this. “You want to learn close-combat? Hunter stuff? You are aware you’ll need to stab people with that, right?” Reed was a bit baffled if he was really honest, but he tried to hide his speechlessness by just spewing out dumb stuff. She just nodded to herself.
    "And I want you."
          If Reed thought he was baffled before. He sure was daunted now. “Me?” he choked out. Not sure what to do with his own giddy feelings betraying him where he stood. He tried to sift through words in his head, but Farah started speaking again.
          "As - as my partner, you know. We had a good thing going on, before. That's what I meant. As a partner. You know, a team of some sorts. A collaboration, if you will."
          “A collaboration,” Reed parroted back to her. “Yes, yes. Sure. A partnership,” Reed stuttered. “I think I can teach you a thing or two. If you’re willing to have me as a teacher,” he trailed off.
          “Look. I’m sorry I dragged you so hard in the fight. I suspect that had something to do with all of this,” he made a gesturing movement with his hands between them. “It was a strategic choice of me to pretend I didn’t care so their attention would shift to me,” Reed said in a kind of bashful tone. “I didn’t mean to offend you,” he muttered.
          Reed realized that the damage he had done wasn’t irreversible, but he would have to watch his words to keep situations like this from happening again.

    Some princes
    don't become kings.

    Oops, I think I just experienced an emotion

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Adrian Vynall

    Vampire ✧ 284 ✧ Harbor Festival ✧ With Robert

          After a busy week ordering around other vampires in Helias’ stead when he couldn’t, Adrian was due for a break. Not that going to the harbor festival was a break per se, but he guessed he could look around while keeping an eye on things.
          To Adrian this was more like another extra patrol he was going to run this night. He just hoped nothing happened or when it did, he’d be there to interfere or gather information, depending on the situation. Adrian slowly strolled around, mostly ignoring the rowdy taverns. He wasn’t one for the hustle and bustle of taverns. He was more of a quiet lunch guy.
          The setting changed, and the vampire suddenly found himself strolling through the stalls of people trying to sell their wares. Sausages, dried fruit, fish, bread, wooden toys - mostly boats and handmade dolls - and weaponry was nicely displayed for anyone who wanted to see, and more importantly: buy.
          He walked while inconspicuously browsing the stalls and their sellers. So far nobody he needed to worry about. He mostly ignored the food stalls, but couldn’t help stopping by a stall that sold beautiful boats and dolls. He looked over one of the boats and couldn’t help but think that Hendrik, his late son, would really enjoy a toy like this. In Adrian’s mind the boy would be forever ten years old. He couldn’t resist and he bought a small boat with a small linen sail attached to it. He would give it to the sea. In the hope it would symbolically carry his love for his child and his wife to them. wherever they were.
          Adrian kindly thanked the seller, and he tucked away the little boat in his shoulder bag. He strolled on, keeping an eye on the stalls until he suddenly heard a voice he didn’t know closeby.
          “Beautiful piece you have there,” he heard the stranger say.
          Adrian whirled around. Maybe looking at the owner of the voice a little too intense. He looked over at the guy who was now pointing at his sword.
          “My apologies,” Adrian started, “I was lost in thought for a moment there. Yes. This is a handmade piece. It’s a family heirloom,” Adrian replied. He now gave the man’s stall a onceover. “I see. A connoisseur,” Adrian said. A little smile played around his lips while he took in all the weapons in the guy’s stall.
          “Any work you’re particularly proud of?” Adrian asked while gesturing to the weapons in front of him.

    There is no such thing
    as harmless power

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 juli 2024 - 16:24 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque