De titel zegt het al, hoe oud denk je dat het persoon boven je is? Niet op elkaars profiel kijken(N)
"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."
Lindsay, forever in my heart † • Skaikru went Bughead
Haha oké dit is best awkward. 13
Every villain is a hero in his own mind.
Twintig, misschien éénentwintig?
"Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high."
Years of love have been forgot. In the hatred of a minute. - Edgar Allan Poe
15 gok ik?
And don't forget, Elvendork! It's unisex!
15, denk ik.
Dear Molly. Watching over Fred like you have been watching over Harry all these years. Love, Lily.
Tigresse schreef: Zestien.
Everything is illuminated by the light of our past.
I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it
I long for this feeling to not feel at all.
Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly.
In Benja we trust, in Bacca we must
wat was dit ookalweer
I wanna be a wizard!