• This topic is especially to talk English with other Quizletters. Other languages than English are forbidden.

    In dit topic mag je enkel Engels praten, tenzij je een woordje niet weet. Andere talen zijn verboden. Hou rekening dat niet iedereen zo goed is in Engels. Je mag een ander op zijn fouten wijzen, maar doe dit dan op een respectvolle manier.

    Ps. Voel je vrij om ook een Duits praattopic te openen en als dit vol is, een nieuw Engels praattopic te maken. ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 maart 2013 - 12:52 ]

    Let the Night embrace you

    Omg I'm sooo late...

    Ich liebe dich 27.12.23

    Loveless schreef:
    Welcome to the wonderful world of English speaking people! We live in a world of harmony, where there is only tea drinking, basketball playing and kangaroo riding!

    Kangaroo riding? Since when are we Aussies? :')

    @Tortura: It's not, it's carrot-pumpkin soup and it's yummie and I should know because I'm picky when it comes to soup. And my mom made it, so it's automatically delicious :Y)

    I play sims too, but with me it's more like: when I start playing I'm at it for hours and when I'm being obsessed with other things -books,neopets,quizlet,shipping- I just completely forget about it.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    PUKKELxDING schreef:
    2. 1 is not advanced enough and 3 has unattractive graphics for me. Besides that, I don't want to start all over with sims 3 D: Sims 2 is fine. :)

    I don't know, I always liked playing Sims 2 and in the beginning I thought Sims 3 was to complicated and I didn't understand a thing when I first played it. So I kept playing 2. But then they decided to make a 'pet expansion pack' for 3 and I was sold. It still took me a while to figure out the house-building and the CC stuff, but now, I don't think I could go back playing Sims 2.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Never played Neopets and only sporadically the Sims. I'm kind of a dropout, aren't I? Trololo.

    No growth of the heart is ever a waste

    Roane schreef:

    Kangaroo riding? Since when are we Aussies? :')

    @Tortura: It's not, it's carrot-pumpkin soup and it's yummie and I should know because I'm picky when it comes to soup. And my mom made it, so it's automatically delicious :Y)

    I play sims too, but with me it's more like: when I start playing I'm at it for hours and when I'm being obsessed with other things -books,neopets,quizlet,shipping- I just completely forget about it.

    Yeah, me too. I will play it day after day and then suddenly I stop because I've found something else to do.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    By the way, in Sims 3, is there anyone else who can't do that motherload of money thingie?

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Hashirama schreef:
    Never played Neopets and only sporadically the Sims. I'm kind of a dropout, aren't I? Trololo.

    Nah, probably just more socially adept than the rest of us, not seeking refuge in virtual worlds, haha :')

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Roane schreef:
    By the way, in Sims 3, is there anyone else who can't do that motherload of money thingie?

    Huh? Thats weird. Did you check some sims forums? Maybe theres a problem with your patch. Or maybe you should update.

    "like i'd follow you around like a dog that needs water."

    I played that! I got obsessed and I don't know why cause actually le game sucks xD
    (my opinion)

    Dont say why me, say try me

    Sorry I play Sims 3 on the wii and playstation... can't help you with that Elise. :s

    Ich liebe dich 27.12.23

    Roane schreef:
    By the way, in Sims 3, is there anyone else who can't do that motherload of money thingie?

    Cntrl+alt+c, and then it's just 'motherlode' and for the other cheats it's basically 'testingcheatsenabled true' and right-click on your Sim or mailbox.

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 maart 2013 - 21:42 ]

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    @Roane: Hm.. I'm doubting. Carrot-pumpkin soup doesn't sound really tempting, lolol.
    Well, I could at least try, I guess, so yeah.. Send me that soup ASAP. Ghehe. If I don't like it I could always stripe it off my little list.

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 maart 2013 - 21:43 ]

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Though, I strongly recommend that, after you used 'testingcheatsenabled' you should turn it off after you used it. Just change the 'true' to 'false'

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    xDesire schreef:

    Huh? Thats weird. Did you check some sims forums? Maybe theres a problem with your patch. Or maybe you should update.

    Cheats don't really work by patch, only mods do, because they change your game play.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Reichenbach schreef:

    Cntrl+alt+c, and then it's just 'motherlode' and for the other cheats it's basically 'testingcheatsenabled true' and right-click on your Sim or mailbox.

    Yeah, but it doesn't do that. When I type in the combination, the damn thing takes a picture instead of opening the cheat window?! :')

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.