• Post ze hier, sommige zijn echt hilarisch! Cleverbot.

    Ik: Who is Voldemort?
    Hij: The greatest wizard of all time, duh.
    Ik: Are you a deatheater?
    Hij: No, are you a death eater?
    Hij: Yes he is my master, I must bring him Harry Potter!

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Cleverbot: How are you?

    User: Dead. AVADA KEDAVRA.

    Cleverbot: IMPERIO.

    User: Crucio !

    Cleverbot: Protego.

    User: Stupefy !

    Cleverbot: Hey, that's not nice!

    User: I know :D.

    Cleverbot: I know your secret...


    Cleverbot: Stupefy.

    User: You just died.... I'll try again... AVADA KEDAVRA !

    Cleverbot: How dare you! PROTEGO.

    User: Dude , your dead. AVADA KEDAVRA !

    Cleverbot: Who is this? I'm David Waddell

    People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.

    hij;How do you know i have a cat.
    ik;Everyone have faces.
    hij;So you are watching me AAAH.

    User: Hello.

    Cleverbot: So, you're clever?

    User: Yes I am.

    Cleverbot: Thats good.

    User: You're ugly.

    Cleverbot: Oh I am? I think you are!

    User: No I am not.

    Cleverbot: Denial.

    Destiny is what you're supposed to do. Fate is what kicks you in the ass to make you do it.

    Me: Do you think Voldemort could be good?
    Bot: I don't know anything about it.
    Me: Don't you know anything about our Dark Lord?
    Bot: I like Obama.

    Zaldrizes buzdari iksos daor. Maester > Zaldrizes

    it wanted to have sex with me after calling me a robot?

    Alis volat propriis

    Me: Justin Bieber.
    CB: Yeah. Do you know justin bieber?
    Me: She's cute.
    CB: Yes I know!

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Me: So, what's your favourite movie?
    CB: Twilight Eclipse, for sure.
    Me: Are you team edward or jacob?
    CB: I'm team guy who almost hit bella with a car :).
    Me: HAHAHAH. I love you.

    me: Avada kedavra!
    cb: *doges Avada Kedavra.
    me: Ö you're not Harry Potter!
    cb: I know, I killed his family.
    me: Voldemort?
    cb: Yes. Lord Voldemort.


    Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.

    Ik: Snape, Snape.
    Ding: Severus Snape.
    Ik: Dumbledore!
    Ding: Ron, Ron, Ron Weasley!
    Ik: I found the source of the ticking!
    Ding: It's a pipe bomb!

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    me: Cleverbot, Y U so weird?

    cb: The demon in me has made me so. I have no feelings for others, for they have no feelings for me. And as long as they exist I will destroy them so they know exactly why they were told to fear me.

    me: I don't fear you.. I'm a demon myself. High-five me sweets.

    cb: What is the Meaning of Life?

    me: Some weird term stupid philosopher's invented.
    cb: Like the meaning of life.

    Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.

    Ik: After all this time?
    Ding: Always.

    M'n hart brak ;[
    Dat ding kan emoties teweegbrengen zeg...

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Volgnes mij werkt het zo.
    Je kunt kiezen of je de bot bent, of de 'vrager' door een van die twee vakjes te kiezen terwijl je antwoord. Bij elk wat je zegt word je doorgeschoven aan een ander persoon die aan het vragen is of juist antwoordden, dan klopt de tekst omdat je wordt doorgeschoven naar iemand die ongeveer dezelfde woorden gebruikt.

    Oftewel, het zijn gewoon steeds andere mensen, waar je mee praat.

    User: Under the sea.

    Cleverbot: Baby it's better, down where it's wetter.

    User: Take it from me!

    Cleverbot: Up on the shore they work all day.

    User: Out in the sun they slave away!

    Cleverbot: While we devotin.

    User: Full time you're floating!

    Cleverbot: Under the sea.

    dit was grappig xD

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    User: I'm Lord Voldemort! Bow for me!
    Cleverbot: You're Lord Voldemort?
    User: Yes, I already told you, you filthy mudblood.
    Cleverbot: And you are not a human being.
    User: No! I'm a freaking wizard!
    Cleverbot: No you are not.
    User: Avada Kedavra.
    Cleverbot: -dies.
    User: Muhahaha.
    Cleverbot: You are evil.
    User: I'm lord Voldemort. Of course I'm evil.

    Who needs love when there is chocolate