Welke One Direction boy past het beste bij jou...

Vragen en antwoorden zijn in het Engels!

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Niall (557 x uitgekomen)

Your dream date would be a laid-back perfect gent - just like Niall. You're super sweet and everyone knows they can rely on you. You always put other people's feelings first and are one of the nicest girls around.

Liam (1141 x uitgekomen)

Secret softie Liam is the one for you. Like Liam you're a real romantic at heart and you have a wise head on your shoulders. You're also a bit of a shy girl and definitely like guys to make the first move.

Harry (587 x uitgekomen)

You're cheeky Harry's perfect match. You've got natural charm that attracts people to you. Girls want to be your friends and boys are dying to date you. With so much energy you're bound to be a success.

Louis (542 x uitgekomen)

It looks like Louis may have met his match. You have a special talent of turning even the most boring day into a fun event. Everyone can't help but crack up at your silly pranks and the funny faces you pull.

Zayn (849 x uitgekomen)

A chic chick like you should be heading for a dream date with the sophisticated Zayn. Looking good on the outside makes you feel confident on the inside. You're a glam girl with your own hobbies and you're certainly no pushover.



Reageer (222)

  • Herondales

    Liam <3.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pia

    Liam, had ik al wel verwacht hahaha :Y)

    1 decennium geleden
  • HushHush

    Liam <3 Woop!

    1 decennium geleden
  • XxLxX

    Niall (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • IbixAfellay

    Niall , ik wil Zayn!

    1 decennium geleden

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