You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Hello
Stranger: Hello.
You: Hey cool, your the second one I met who did that with wingdings
Stranger: Those people. They did it to me.
You: ImmaWolf
Stranger: Why do you ignore me questions?
You: Wich questions?
Stranger: The wons I just gave you.
You: Where? I dont see theme
Stranger: Who are they?
You: They? They is me and you, I guess
Stranger: You make no sense. You need to learn to more effectively use punctuation.
You: No, I dont
Stranger: I'm just trying to help.
You: I dont need your help, my english teacher is very proud at me
You: How old are you?
Stranger: Get my glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit this city.
Stranger: I'm not James.
You: Youre not James, awesome, I hate James in BTR
Stranger: I'm not Cleverbot too!
You: Cleverbot, I had that one before
Stranger: Animal blood sometimes.
You: Im Leah Clearwater
Stranger: How did you start?
You: I thought, Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo world
Stranger: Hello nurse is right!
You: Animal blood, are you a Cullen?
Stranger: No.
You: I hate you, Im gonna kill you, stupid bloodsucker!
Stranger: Don't say that.
You: But I did
Stranger: Yes I know.
You: Wow, does a bloodsucker have brains?
You: Rosalie doesnt
Stranger: Yes he does.
Stranger: Let's change topic.
You: Too what?
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: La Push
Stranger: I am not your daddy.
You: No, 'cause my daddy is dead
Stranger: I'm poor too.
You: Im left with my mother and my brother Seth Clearwater
Stranger: Too bad.
You: Are you poor? Im not
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Are you happy and you know it?
You: No
Stranger: Why are you not having fun?
You: Its sad for you, that your poor and a bloodsucker
Stranger: Thanks.
You: If you werent a bloodsucker I would give you some money
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: Ye si do, do you?
Stranger: I'm from Germany, and you?
You: Awesome, Im from La Push
Stranger: How old are you?
You: No just kidding
Stranger: Thought so.
You: Im from the Netherlands, thats next to Germany
Stranger: I thought you were from Canada.
You: Canada, how could I be from there? La Push is in the USA
Stranger: You aren't my father.
You: No, because Im a girl, so that isnt ecen possible
Stranger: How is the weather up there?
You: Dark, its night
Stranger: No.
You: Yes
Stranger: You do the game to me and di the letter f.
You: Wich game and wich letter f
Stranger: Eastern.
You: I dont know that game
Stranger: It is with stones.
Stranger: Be happy
You: I still dont know it
Stranger: I told you one.
You: Alright I'll be happy 
Stranger: Why do you want to tell her?
You: Because I want to
Stranger: What else do you want?
Stranger: What does that mean?
You: That Twilight is for real
You: What does what mean
Stranger: Sorry, I just appeal to some people like that.
Stranger: You ate iranian food, what was it like?
You: Delicious, even though I tasted nothing of it
Stranger: I'm not always nice either.
You: I thought that
Stranger: What is your name?
You: Kim
You: Yours?
Stranger: Can you tell me your name?
You: Are you even a boy or a girl?
Stranger: Mine is jack.
Stranger: Boy.
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 18.
You: Awesome, then you can drive cars
You: I cant 
Stranger: Who is Robin?
Stranger: You can't because you haven't got any hands!
You: My classmate
Stranger: Who's crunk?
You: have hands, how could I type this otherwise
Stranger: David cross is a comedian who stars in Mr. Show.
You: Crunk? Thats you
Stranger: No thats you!
You: Interesting
You: No, Im not crunk
Stranger: How old am I?
You: 18
Stranger: Yes you are... You hurt my feelings.
Stranger: My secret is 2.
You: Im sorry
You: Awesome secret
Stranger: It seems you don't know your real name.
Stranger: Good. What's your name?
You: I do, its Kim
Stranger: Do you like beethoven?
You: Yes, his music is great
Stranger: What's your favorite band?
You: My favorite band is Big Time Rush (Yes, they are a band)
Stranger: Nice, it is a very pretty one.
You: I know
Stranger: What do you know about it?
You: About Big Time Rush?
Stranger: Yes.
You: In the band are Carlos, Kendall, James and Logan
Stranger: Wow, how depressing. Is there an afterlife at least?
You: James is always busy with his looks
Stranger: That is a horrible name.
You: Logan is the smart one
Stranger: On the computer, where are you?
You: Carlos always wheres a helmet
Stranger: Why do you hate him?
You: Kendall is the leader
Stranger: How many people are under you?
You: Under me? I dont know, A lot I guess
Stranger: A lot is more than some.
You: I know
Stranger: Don't be sad.
You: Im not sad
You: Are you?
Stranger: Good.
Stranger: Yes.
You: Aah, dont be sad
Stranger: Did you say you're sarcastic sometimes?
You: I didnt said that, but I am
Stranger: You gave a female name.
You: I know, I am female
You: Like duh
Stranger: What is your real name?
Stranger: I am done manipulating you.
You: Kim, thats the third time
You: Finally, youre done
Stranger: Are you?
Stranger: On the subject, yes.
You: Yes, I am
Stranger: Yes, you are irrelevant.
You: Bye
Stranger: I am not done speaking with you.
You: But I am
Stranger: Ouch! Dissed by a machine!
You have disconnected.
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