• love is something beautiful. hatred is something that will decay. yet is close to love and hate elkaar.yin and yang. the world has them all in need. but love is something strong. strong than hate. love can not die yet gaan.haat or losing love. because love is the strongest but the weakest. the one who hates love but does not kill your game. death separate you and your geliefte. but at the least is the heart in you. as a lover is slain by someone with only hate. you get yourself a person filled with hate. You hate those who hate and love took away your love fills in a lot. and the person with all that hate ... but also a love. murderers have a love hate .............. as the world has no love and hate. then how would the world have been. if there is no love, no hate. no love no hate. Like yin and yang, they need each other. yin and yang = love = hate good and evil need each other. You need someone to hate someone that you love me. you can not love everyone and hate everyone. and you should always have someone. it is inhumane if you have love everyone and everything. it is inhumane if you hate everything and everyone. so the world goes. it can not and will never be otherwise.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 sep 2010 - 18:54 ]

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor

    srry er zitten fouten in -.-

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor

    I hasve no love only hate I never felt any love only anger. it al begins with fair. fair leeds to anger anger leeds to hate and hate leeds to suffering
    (ook wat spellings fouten maar dit zou ik over love en hate zeggen.)

    Lol, vind je het erg als ik het niet kan volgen en er geen bal aanvind?

    Your make-up is terrible

    .nee. ik wilde het gewoon ff neer zettenxD

    “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor