when words fail, music speaks.
Aahh.. Sterkte!Ö
everything, in time
Achgossie! Rest in peace <3
ah gecondoleerd
i need you like a heart needs a beat.
ah arme pietje or petertje.. Rest in peace
I build a house for your bones!
dat is zielig o.o rest in peace.
We can only learn to love by loving.
R.I.P. -houd een minuut stilte-
-doet mee met xDreist- sterkte
"You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson
Dat is zielig.
I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I never met.
aww, Doet mee met ×Dreist & Gha. Sterkte!
[ bericht aangepast op 30 aug 2009 - 14:11 ]
And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.
Awhh. =[
'I would rather fight with you, than make love to anyone else.'