gender & sexuality:
Julian is a cis man. Truth be told, he is also a misogynist, but in such a casual way that not many clock it. He most certainly mansplains and thinks women are less intelligent than men. He's good at masking this (and disdain for other people in general), so not many people would call him sexist - not even the women he thinks lowly of (though the people that do note are of course mostly them). Theoretically he is a closeted and ashamed bisexual. With his inability to respect women enough to have any sort of gratifying relationship with them, though, he seems more of a closeted and ashamed homosexual - which to him is of course much worse. He'll date women, surely, but doesn't feel much for them. Relationships to him are performance. I think someone ought to tell him that love is actually classified as that one emotion that makes him feel like Oliver from Saltburn. Worth noting is that he'd use men for his reputation also if it did anything. He leans towards liking men more because he respects them better, but is equally attracted to women. He just doesn't date people he feels anything for. It makes him feel out of control.

I'll carve new demons for you out of stone. I'll sculpt my own face on them for you to see. Remember, forever now:

This heart of mine is a black hole
It takes and takes but doesn't give

This love of mine is an open wound
It aches and aches and just doesn't leave

♞ ♗ ♟ ♘ ♝
the king of cups | the devil (the lovers)
🎲 Intelligent
🎲 Charismatic
🎲 Cunning
🐞 Witty
🎲 Gentle
🎲 Observant
🎲 Caring
🎲 Obsessive
🥛 Arrogant
🎲 Deceptive
🎲 Manipulative
🐞 Sadistic
🎲 Impulsive
🎲 Self-righteous


At first glance, Julian is perhaps the most lovable man you've ever met. He is charismatic, truly ambitious, politically correct, caring, and a great listener. He's confident and switches between being laid back and responsible. He has something from every big brother you ever fantasized having as a kid, and something of every lover you've ever read about. He's rarely nervous, and rarely mean. He's always polite. He says smart and empathetic things. He seems very mature, not needing to indulge in childish things like gossip and favoritism - or so you'd think, anyway. It's easy to romanticize him. He is, unfortunately though, not that great either. He lives within the lines of social convention, not innate morality. His morality is only what his parents taught him. He doesn't seek to perfect it. In fact, he likes testing it.
Julian is a man of contradiction. He is kind, and he is gentle, and loving - and yet he is not at all. He is without any true love for anything at all, and it leaves him empty. He is driven most by his want for something to make him feel less hollow. It pushes him into much of any direction so long as he can convince himself it's right. He stands for nothing and thus falls for anything - so long said thing isn't boring. He's all masks and layers. He looks extremely devoted, and opinionated, but truth is, he simply enjoys to argue - there are few things he actually believes in. This, of course, means he can blend in with much of any crowd. Become immensely popular too. Most people know him, few despise him, regardless of how contradictory his statements are behind their backs. He's a chameleon, really.
All of this is good and well, I mean, don't we all lie to be liked, sometimes? But, well, he enjoys deceiving people. He's a little dramatic with it too, for his performances can be very emotionally charged for someone who feels so little. Julian is a pathological liar. He enjoys making people believe things they otherwise wouldn't. Doing this through harmless debate is not enough. He wants to get away with breaking the essence of people and creating something new in their stead.
Julian is a control freak. His own emotions, when he experiences them, make him uncomfortable. He doesn't always realize that his behavior is impacted by emotion, and when he's overtaken by feelings (anger, humiliation, envy, love) it has him acting in ways that seem very unlike him. It's not unlike him, though. He's just not that good of a person. So, what he does in secret is who he really is: someone without any moral concern aside from reputation. He of course does crave community. He craves friendship. He doesn't take joy in tearing away the foundations of his own comfort. But he does enjoy carrying out harmful experiments, to play mind games, to control the things that can't be controlled. Julian is power hungry. He's strangely insecure in a way, for someone so conceited and smug as he. He is outright narcissistic, and I mean that - when he's not entirely certain that he will get what he wants, he'll sabotage whoever could be an obstacle. He'll manipulate someone into endangering his lover so he can then be their savior if he thinks they might otherwise leave.
Julian is impulsive, yet he is all up in his head. He's constantly strategizing and moving purely from a rational standpoint. Because of his suppression of his emotions (or simply because he has only a few of them), he doesn't know how to deal with them. They completely overtake him. Obsession, spite, and want are his strongest drives when they occur - and although he'll contain himself best he can, there are always moments wherein the gentle and calm mask cracks.
❝Oh, lover,
why are you so cruel? ❞
Faceclaim: Hugh Laughton-Scott
Julian is goodlooking. He knows that he's goodlooking. He's quite literally never been insecure about his appearance - aside from perhaps his height, as he feels he should be taller, even though his height is perfectly average. He has a lean and somewhat thin build, standing up straight enough for people not to even notice he might be a little underfed due to being raised in poverty. He has golden blonde hair that he slicks back and grows out slightly, mostly wearing it in a low ponytail. His eyes are big and a shade of blue that somewhat resembles forget-me-nots. He is pale (alabaster skin, a poet might say, for you can see his blue veins) and always cleanshaven. His face is a mixture of soft and angular. He usually has a mild expression on his face that's hard to read. When he smiles, it's a toothy grin that shows off his white teeth. He has a very genteel look to him, like he should be a prince or nobleman of a sort.
Julian absolutely refuses to engage in youth culture when it regards fashion. He wants to look mature. He wears slacks, and dress shoes on every occasion, usually paired with either turtlenecks or button downs. His wardrobe consists mostly out of browns and blues with an occasional monochrome. He's fashionable, sure - but in a sense that's classy. He's so deadset on being taken seriously by adults that he can look a little funny among those his age.


-it would perhaps be easier to make poetry from his
thoughts if his kind words meant anything,
it would be easier to paint him as
anything but the devil then.
¶--If a mind reader were to look at him, his thoughts would probably be more jarring than they were interesting. Julian indulged in the immoral like it was a fine wine, and getting away with it must to him be intoxicating. Strangely, his wickedness had a charm to it, fully unlike drunkards - perhaps due to the way his eyes lit up when he had these thoughts, or simply due to the gentle type of persuasion that came along with it. He was only a boy, and still it became evident to me quickly that if he continued to grow, the wine would soon turn to blood.

Julian was born and raised in Saint's Haven, and has never lived elsewhere. His father, a pastor who is as stern as he is religious, got him baptized as soon as possible in celebration of his eldest son. Julian's family was loving and traditional, and relatively well off, even through a time of the temporary economical crisis that happened on Saint Agnes that occurred until he was about ten years old. At the age of five, he got a baby sister, Sophia, whom he (according to his parents) received with so much love and so little envy that it was noteworthy. Apparently he'd wanted her for years. That aside, though, his upbringing has few interesting things to share. He was always on top of his class. He was a smart and social child that got in little trouble. His development was, admittedly, remarkable - and that he is above average intelligence shows in his actions today as much as those from when he was still a toddler. He finished high school and went straight to Saint Agnes University in Eye after. He was always quite privileged. His lifestyle, which is clearly patriarchal, was meant to serve people like him. He'll rehash the economical crisis as a personal struggle if he's ever called privileged, because his family sincerely did struggle with money at the time and he did sometimes go hungry - even though this happened to everyone in his age range. He's just particularly ashamed of ever having been poor.
His life takes a bit of a turn during this year's summer vacation, as he's befriended strange Caspian Sutherland, son of Saint Haven's lighthouse keeper (the lighthouse keeper who was friends with the people that vanished during 1949, by the way). Together they stumbled upon a notebook that may have been written by Liesbeth Witt, one of the people who vanished. In this notebook (which is structured rather oddly) is revealed that human beings can develop supernatural powers through means of resolve and spiritual revelation. This excited both men, and thus they tried to experiment to figure out what they could do with this.
Caspian developed a power very quickly, like it was nothing at all. The same was not true for Julian. Julian could not even seem to receive a prophetic vision, or see a spirit, like Liesbeth's notes indicated was possible. Humiliated and envious, his feelings for Caspian took a machiavellian turn. Julian decided to invite friends into a small cult (much against Caspian's liking) to try and steer them into directions that would benefit himself most. After all, isn't that what anyone with the guts would do with this massive source of power at his fingertips?
I was carving my name in your side and you were calling me soft, calling me gentle.
I do not think you were paying attention.

mental health:
No one ever who has read this file will be surprised to find that Julian is doing completely fine and suffers little mentally. He does not have depression, anxiety, or any more complex disorder or trauma. He does, however, have ASPD (antisocial personality disorder), in layman terms better known as sociopathy. I hope that, anyone who has read this far, is not shocked by this either. He also has NPD (narcissistic personality disorder).
Neither disorder is woefully overt, meaning they're difficult to clock, as he's good at hiding these traits. But they are there, and they will probably only get worse at this point in time.

In truth, I just can't bring myself to care. Never could, really.

.. Are you ready for the embarrassing truth? Because Julian is not.
· NONE--this bitch does not know what they're doing!
No matter how hard Julian has tried, he can't seem to access the fascinating sorts of powers that his best friend manages to achieve so effortlessly. He's told himself many times he would settle for telekinesis, or extreme luck, or even just exceptional charm - but nothing seems to change. It's outright humiliating how little is happening when he tries (which is precisely nothing). It's outright unfair to him that he, who is so bright and innovative, would be left without any supernatural ability whatsoever. It's almost like his luck is everywhere else, and he was born with extreme charisma - he doesn't need to have any supernatural ability to use that. Still, Julian is bitter about the fact he can't use anything at all. I mean, come on, is that truly fair? (Yes, Julian, it is, you're the worst, you'd murder a man just for your own entertainment and hope to use your cult to do just that sort of thing. You do not deserve any powers)
He lies of his inability, of course. He figured out some personal things about each member and weaponizes this information to claim he is a telepath.
· UNLESS. . . ?---(about that telepathy)
Now for the hilarious thing of this all: he actually is a telepath. However, he has close to zero recognition of when thoughts are not his own. He has full "imaginary conversations" with people he's interested in in his head, which he sees as a test of cognitive empathy - the ability to understand and predict other people. Julian sincerely believes he is a star at figuring people out because of this. He isn't. He's a telepath. The problem is that other people's thoughts sound near entirely like his own. Information that they share that he has no way of knowing or predicting can also be received oddly (or not at all, if it clashes too much with his image of them, or is too specific), keeping the general direction of the message and often having the same sentiment, but changing names and places and details he's not open to receiving. It's nevertheless quite precise - and Julian will only begin to notice when people start taking suggestions he's given in his "imaginary conversations", or when they in any way adjust their view of him based on his telepathic behavior.
Don't call me heartless. What is aching so hollowly inside if not my heart?


· Florence Linden | MOTHER
Though he grew up being quite the mama's boy, Julian by now has grown to see his mother simply as a supportive asset in the household, not really considering what she's doing for everyone who lives there. He loves her, much more than he really does his father, and really does want to be like her in ways - but never fully concludes this to himself. It's more of a feeling than it is a thought. He only thinks of it when he's compared to her.
· Isaiah Linden | FATHER
Pastor. Julian has been compared to his father many times, but he (and anyone who has eyes) fails to see the actual comparison. Isaiah is a faithful and stern man who can be so stubborn it makes him dumb. It's like comparing rock to water, for Julian next to Isaiah is as slippery as an eel. I suppose their eyes are the same color, though.
Julian does look up to his father - lots. He most certainly wants his approval. His father is a distant figure (very traditionally and patriarchally so), so he sometimes feels like he barely knows him. Still, he receives lots of approval from his father. After all, he's the perfect son, no?
· Sophia Linden | SISTER
Julian loves his sister and is quite protective of her. She's five years younger than he and no longer lives at home, as she lives with a boyfriend (something their parents aren't fully happy with), but when they were kids, they were very close. He has many stories to tell about her - she's an extroverted, girlish girl with an air of mischief to her. He wouldn't know what her current hobbies are, but back in the day she liked reading and painting primarily. They got along well. Any kind of lesser treatment she may have faced from their parents based on her being a girl he did not notice, or even consider that that might be unusual. He's living in a dream world.
· Caspian Sutherland | BEST FRIEND
Not his usual choice in friends, yet he and Caspian have grown closer than Julian is to most. Clearly, the same counts for Caspian, who is like an angry stray who likes keeping people as far away as possible. Julian can't help but loving Caspian. He doesn't really know where this sincere liking comes from. He's past any unnecessary analyzing, though. Caspian is his best friend, and there's that - and he's also his fellow cult leader. Or, well, that's how Julian sees it - he's quite aware that Caspian just sees this as a research group that Julian annoyingly had to include him in.
They would totally fuck if I wasn't playing them both. Don't let that stop you from getting with either of them though. They deserve each other (both are at least a little awful) but YOU deserve a boyfriend.
Other characters will be added in an impression list.
Go ahead and befriend him! Suffer the consequences!
hobbies & skills:
I'm a horribly lazy man, do you know that? I need you to know. All I care for is layouts and daydreams, and even those I leave unfinished. So, to spare myself the time: here is just a list of things that Julian enjoys doing with some vague commentary. There's probably more, I simply have yet to think them up.
☞ Literature, reading, media analysis. Julian may not be a poet, but he most certainly likes to read poetry. He is not the largest fan of cinema, but if it's in theatre, he'll go there, too. He deems it an underdeveloped medium that can't convey the same complexity as literature and WILL be annoying about this. Books, however, he loves - mostly classics and niche books about surrealism, though.
☞ Ice hockey. He used to, anyway, back in high school. Was good at it.
☞ Competitive swimming. After stopping hockey (which he really only did for a few years), he wanted to pick up another competitive sport, and swimming became his thing. He's good at this, too. Anything he does he gives his all. He does truly enjoy this, but not as much as, say, Caspian, who likes being in the water just for the sake of it. Julian prefers for there to be a game, else it's much too cold.
☞ Chess. He's not actually as good at this as he'd like to be, but he'd name it as a hobby, so I will too.
☞ Maths. But only because it makes him look smart, much like chess.
☞ Psychology. He's actually crazy about learning about this. Especially unethical and wild experiments really capture his attention. He won't speak of it, but he's constantly looking at it.
☞ Drawing. One of the few arts he not only appreciates, but can actually make himself. However, in spite of technical skill (which he does have), he's not truly creative - he's moreso into the aesthetics of creativity. His art is mostly copies of popular paintings.

"But I do love you. I do. Please, listen to me. This is real."

LIKES: Literature, law, poetry, art, school, studying, science, philosophy, ancient history (he of course pretentiously loves the Greeks), capitalism (yeah really), cooking, baking, swimming, chess aesthetics, competitive sports, debating, getting away with shit he should not be getting away with, Caspian
DISLIKES: Clubbing (he thinks it's boring), being put in his place, or even just being slightly unappreciated, or ignored, if you do not give him excessive admiration as an authority figure he dislikes you, dumb people, super religious people (those count as dumb to him), even just some religious beliefs he laughs at actually, obnoxious people, teenagers, being disturbed while working, arrogant people (jeez what a hypocrite)
FEARS: Being out of control, humiliation, and death. There's of course other, milder fears - but these are extreme and the rest is not worth noting. (I do not know them yet)
JOB: Julian is a full time medical student. During vacation he gets to just relax.
RELIGION: Julian, in spite of his catholic upbringing, is an atheist. He still goes to church, but does not believe. He never really did. Darwinism made quite an impression on him.

Anything I may have forgotten to add will be placed here, underneath a spoiler.
"When my love wears thin, and obsession becomes just that, all my tenderness seems nothing but a mockery."
This is probably unsurprising, but Julian was always popular in school. He still is. He's friends with many people - mostly those he deems respectable, though; and whomever Caspian brings in. He kind of sees it as collecting strays at this point. He's not concerned about his reputation when engaging with people not normally considered of high class - his school friends will probably just see him as "charitable".
Julian would have access to the full range of telepathy, though currently he only uses telepathic sending with occasional empathic reception, and he isn't even aware of it. Especially empathic reception greatly confuses him, for he's not exactly a sympathetic person (he's just like "why does my chest hurt" when talking to- wait, sorry, imagining conversation with somebody who is upset lmfao). I actually explained this quite thoroughly in his file but I thought I'd clarify anyway.