• I feel so little,
    So small.

    I don't feel strong.
    I'm not strong enough for this world.
    Please give me hope.

    I feel more and more petit,
    Like I won't grow anymore.
    Like this is all I am.

    I'm not ready.
    Not ready to deal with the world.
    Not ready to deal with the demons.
    Not ready to deal with myself.
    I don't have a future.
    I only have a past.
    I can't live this way.

    Please take my insecurities away.
    Give me hope.
    Give me strength.
    Give me love.
    Tell me I'm more,

    More than what it seems I'll be.
    More than what I think I only can be.

    Please let me feel happy again.
    Let me feel like I'm worth it again.

    I'm begging.
    I can't handle it myself.
    I need you.

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Whaw... kreeg ff een brok in m'n keel. Mooi verwoord

    ~My Mind Is Free~

    Mooi geschreven Yolanda!

    Wie durft te verdwalen, zal nieuwe wegen vinden!