Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca
Age 19
Reputation Emo musician. He's the weird boy in all black, skinny jeans and band t-shirts, whatever weather, with a guitar or drumsticks jamming and writing by himself.
Country Romania.
Study/Subjects Architecture, minor in Music
Appearance [ fc:
Gerard Way ] Stan's first and formost feature is the sense of darkness looming around him. It's not only his aura, but also his whole outward apperance. His hair is pitchback and so are his clothes. He doesn't even own any other trousers than black skinny jeans. The only little hints of colour in his wardrobe are the hints of colour on the bandshirts he wears, though it isn't much. Even Stan's shoes fluxuate between black army boots, all black chucks and all black vans. The only thong that isn't black is Stan's skin, which is white as snow, and which doesn't tan in the sun. In summer this is more noticable than in winter, not only because most people are pale in winter, but also because he usually cuts his hair a little shorter for the summer season and lets it grow out till it's on, or even a little over, his shoulders in winter. His eyes, which are hidden by a permanent fringe and circled with red and/or black eyeliner, are the colour of field drab, like the water in an old well, and are usually quite dull. This is the case when he isn't letting anyone in. If he does however give you a glimpse of his feelings, his eyes light up and become shiny once again. The only thing is that however upbeat, excited and cheerful he seems, there is always a spark of depression and homesickness beneath it that he can't seem to get rid off. Stan is about 1.73m and seemingly not very muscular, but rather squishy. If you take a look at his arms and thighs, you'll see the effects of the endless hours of drumming and playing guitars, but all his muscles are covered with a little layer of fat. The effects of his musical interests is also clearly visible on his hands, forearms, and lower legs. His hands show large thick calluses. The scars, scrapes, cuts, and bruises on his hands, forearms, and lower legs also tell the story of how invested he really is in his instruments. They also tell some different tales he rather hides underneath endless amounts of bracelets and longsleeved shirts.
Character Stan seems like a pretty intimidating guy when you first meet him. He's in all black, emotionless and silent, with his aura of sadness and his eyes clouded over. He's unreadable and doesn't make a sound, apart from his guitar playing. He isn't fond of strangers and has a real hard time opening up to people. He's rather alone than amongst people he doesn't know. This is one of the reasons he's classified a loner, a weirdo, and an emo. He doesn't have many friends and gets really lonely at times, eventhough he doesn't like strangers. Once you get to know him, Stan's a cheerful and upbeat. He's up for almost everything and even talkative at times. He's the funny guy, the little brother, the one who cares too much and has to be protected. He's a hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of impossible dreams. He has a 'what the hell' attitude and was in Romania a big troublemaker. He's a soft and cuddley guy, who'll not even hurt a fly, but he will do everything and anything weird and crazy with his friends, as long as it's harmless. He's loyal to a fault to his family, friends, and his partner, if he has one. He's wants to please them, wants to make them happy all the time, and will die for them. If you're his friend and something is bothering you, or you're sad, and he notices, he'll do anything to make it disappear and make you happy once again. He knows far too well to have no hope and to feel all alone and lost, and he doesn't want anyone else, especially not people he cares about, to ever feel that way. He might not vocalise his affection a lot, but his actions speak louder than any words ever could. He's a clingy and extremely cuddley boyfriend, always longing for attention and affection, if not from a lover than from a close friend, though his emotions are still a mystery for even his closest friends. The only times his emotions get the overhand is when he's playing his music. He drifts away into his own little world, where he's free to express himself, what he doesn't dare to do around people.
The quiet boy, surrounded by darkness and depression, is actually the sweetest excited puppy there is, who'll do anything to make his loved ones happy. He just isn't really comfortable with his emotions and has a hard time dealing with the real world.
History/Family Stan was born in Romania as the oldest boy of 3. They lived in the small town of Afumati just outside of Bucharest, where his mum and dad both worked. His father's an aviation-expert and his mother's a vet. They had a comfortable childhood, were happy, and did good in school. His brother and sister were really into sports, while Stan was clearly not interested and only wanted to play guitar and listen to music. He was forced to take up football, but he never really enjoyed it. He was always happy to sit on the bench during games and do his homework. Once he want to High School, his dad got a joboffer to work in de USA for one of the biggest aviationcompanies in the world. They decided to move there, his mum got a job as a vet at the SPCA, and the kids were introduced at their new schools. This move made Stan quit football and to become far more introverted tan he has ever been. This was mostly because he had to leave all his friends behind and the other kids always called him 'Red Russian' at school, because he had dyed his hair red at the time. He never really recovered from the move, eventhough he still did great in school. He had finally made a few friends in his senior year, which meant he had to leave them again to go to uni. This left him with even worse abandonment issues and trust issues. He loves his course and the fact that he is allowed to spread his wings and become his true self, but he still has a streak of homesickness throughout his existance.
Extra Stan smokes, in periods of stress even quite heavily, to relieve his stress when he isn't able to play guitar or drums as much as he wants to and needs to. It can get as bad as 2 to 3 packages a day, and will go back to a package every two weeks when he does have the time to play his instruments.
Stan has been playing guitar for as long as anyone can remember. Only his parents still remember the time before the guitar, but every teacher past kindergarten doesn't. At this point he has 7, 3 acoustic, 3 electric, and 1 semi-acoustic. They help him express himself in every single way. Also his drumkit and his cajon help him tremendously with this. He started playing at 13, to get a new skillset in his secondary education. He loves it, but it'll always be second to his guitar.
Stan has a tiny black bunny:
Rozalia. She's his best friend, his everything, and he usually takes her with him wherever he goes. This usually means the bunny is sitting on his desk or hopping around the room. She has a tiny red harness, so he won't loose her when they're out and about.
Stan is a vegetarian. His soft and harmless side can't deal with the fact animals might suffer for his food.
Stan is homosexual. He's extremely worried about this and doesn't have the guts to tell anyone. Because it's not acceptable in Romania and he's already an outcast with hardly any friends, is he not planning on coming out of the closet any time soon. He's still badly struggling with it and just wishes he was normal. This is why he wants to have a girlfriend quite badly, eventhough deep in his heart he knows it'll never work out.
[ bericht aangepast op 3 aug 2015 - 14:47 ]
Bowties were never Cooler