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    All English RPG
    We follow a couple of boys and girls who attend Springfield University –– an University for the best boys and girls only. People come from all over the world, from different countries and different cultures, just to be a part of the pupils on this particular school. A new semester will be starting soon –– shall you be there too?

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    Talktopics: 1

    • C H A R A C T E R S •

    G I R L S ––
    • [R] Name – Cheerleader – Claire Holt – Beauregard Page
    • Kayleigh Marie Clarkson – Cheerleader – Anya Summers – Ikigai 1.7
    • [R] Name – Cheerleader – Daria Sidorchuk – Towns Page
    • Laila Thamina El-Amin – Tomboy – Gigi Hadid – Gunnulfsen 1.8
    • [R] Jane Grace Lauren – Reputation – Lily Collins – Blurrieface 1.3
    • [R] Arabella Violet Finch – Troublemaker – Taylor Marie Hill – Kit 1.6
    • [R] Margarethe Viva Gerardsson – Reputation – Cara Delevingne – Baelor 1.4
    • [R] Annabeth Cara Rhodes – Cheerleader – Amelia Zadro – RhaegaI 1.7
    • Ember Owens – Cheerleader – Alexis Ren – Arcadia 1.4
    • Skylar Roselyn Mortenson – Cheerleader – Ashley Roberts – Conaway 1.8
    • Chelsea Lucia Connely – Reputation – Face claim – Balloo 1.6
    • [R] Name – Sporty – Jourdann Dunn – GreenIeaf Page
    • [R] Bimii Emilia Grey – Cheerleader – Nina Dobrev – Wiser 1.6
    • [R] Name – Reputation – Face claim – Havilliard Page
    • [R] Name – Reputation – Face claim – User Page

    B O Y S ––
    • [R] Name – Skater – Troye Sivan – Starkiller Page
    • [R] Name – Reputation – Face claim – Blurrieface Page
    • Miles Nicholas Davies – Football player – Daniel Bederov – Kit 1.4
    • [R] Name – Football player – Fransisco Lachowski – Towns Page
    • [R] Wesley Aaron Kerr – Dealer – Ville Valo – Necessity 1.8
    • [R] Name – Gay guy – Face claim – Beauregard Page
    • Zachary Drew McMahon – Rich and sporty – Joseph Sugg – Daggers 1.9
    • Stanislav 'Stan' Marius Dalca – Emo/musician – Gerard Way – LukeRHemmings 1.8
    • Ryder Adam Dempsey – Bad boy – Christopher McCrory – RhaegaI 1.3
    • [R] Name – Nerd – Will Darbyshire – Nakama Page
    • [R] Navid Jonathan Aguirre – Football player – Michael Trevino – Conaway Page
    • James-Dean Marcus Devraux – Football player – Darren Chris – Wiser 1.8
    • [R] Name – Reputation – Face claim – Inclination Page
    • Alex Byrge Sigland – Band singer – Face claim – Serenata 1.8
    • [R] Name – Reputation – Face claim – User Page

    • C HA R A C T E R S H E E T •

    Age (18-22)
    Reputation (nerd/cheerleader/football/bitch/skater)

    • R U L E S •

    R P G R U L E S ––
    • Posts are at least 200 words.
    • Post regularly.
    • Be nice to each other.
    • Posts are in English only! OOC is allowed in Dutch.
    • Make a full post, meaning a picture, a name, your post, the status of your character and the age.
    • 16+ is allowed, but warn in the top of you post in red so people who don't want to read it don't have to.
    • Quizlet house rules.
    • Only Beauregard and Ikigai make the topics, unless stated otherwise.
    • Keep the amount of boys and girls even.
    • There's no character limit - but don't take more than you can handle.
    • When you want to reserve another character, please pay attention to the amount of boys and girls and keep that in mind when deciding on the gender.
    • You only have to talk/type English in you Character Sheet and in the Playtopic.

    S C H O O L R U L E S ––
    • No fighting, bullying or any way of harassing fellow students or Professors is allowed.
    • Never destroy or do harm to any of the University's possesions or the University itself.
    • Do not skip classes if you haven't got a valid reason to do so.
    • Any form of fraud is strictly forbidden and you will be punished severely for it.
    • Normal society rules also apply at the University.

    • E X T R A •

    The main sports played at Springfield University are football and cheerleading. Other sports and clubs exist, but aren't as popular as the formerly mentioned ones. The teams of these sports are:

    F O O T B A L L ––
    Guard (2) ––
    Tackle (2) –– [R] Conaway
    Center (1) –– [R] Kit
    Quarterback (1) –– [R] Towns
    Running back (3) ––
    Wide receiver (2) –– [R] Wiser
    Tight end (2) ––
    Tackle (2) ––
    End (2) ––
    Middle linebacker (1) ––
    Outside linebacker (2) ––
    Cornerback (2) ––
    Safety (2) ––

    C H E A R L E A D E R S ––
    Captain –– [R] Beauregard
    Reserve Captain/Under Captain –– [R] Ikigai
    Other (12) ––
    [R] Towns
    [R] Arcadia
    [R] QueenStark
    [R] Raegal

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 aug 2015 - 17:53 ]

    “A queen will always turn pain into power.”

    Miles heeft nu een achternaam. :Y)

    Miles Nicholas Davis.

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "


    Kayleigh — English
    Marie — English
    Clarkson — Family name — English
    Kayleigh got her name because her parents couldn't decide whether to name her Kayleigh or Marie, so they named the girl Kayleigh Marie with Kayleigh as first name because it sounded less odd. Kayleigh gets called Kay by her friends but does not approve of others calling her that.

    Nineteen. Kayleigh was born on the third of October.

    Cheerleader - Under Captain.

    Kayleigh was born in the USA, though her parents are Canadian of orgin.

    Kayleigh studies Interior Design and is in her second year. She's also on the cheerleader team.

    FC: Anya Summers
    Hair — Dark blonde, sometimes mistaken for brown. It lights up when there's a lot of sun, especially in the summer.
    Eye colour — Blue.
    Height — 1.71
    Body — Athletic.
    Clothing — Anything that looks good and fits good.
    Make-up — usually only some mascara and eyeliner, sometimes combined with lipstick.

    Kayleigh has a lot of character traits, which makes her a different person when she's with different people. Though, she'll always wear her bitchy arrogant mask in public. Simply because of her cheerleader reputation she doesn't want to ruin. Towards her friends Kayleigh is a very happy person, who's always in for some fun and loves to laugh with them. The girl loves to party but even so, she also loves to be all alone with a good book or a sketchbook. She loves to read but only does it when she's alone even though she does draw in public. When she's doing either she's fully disconnected from the world and people have to repeatedly say her name to have her pay attention. Kayleigh loves to sport and besides the cheerleading she often goes running or to the sports school to simply blow of some energy and have something to do. The girl tries her best to make everyone she loves around her happy. Even though she's open with her friends, people who she doesn't like won't know what she's really like. The girl can ruin you if she wants to, but the thing is, she actually ain't that much of a bitch. Kayleigh tries to see the best in everyone and sometimes has a hard time when the other cheerleaders are mean bitches towards everyone. But the girl has a reputation she doesn't want to lose so she doesn't dare to stand up for everyone in public though she'll sometimes talk with the person who did it afterwards. Kayleigh also is quite bold and dares to say whatever she wants as long as it doesn't turn people that much against her. she has next to no problem with making new contacts or talking to strangers. She also is pretty stubborn and hates it when things don't turn out the way she wanted it to. The girl also is organised and her room is anything but a mess. The girl can't work in places too messy and needs to have her work organised so she can find everything back. Despite that she's organised she's clumsy and loses a lot of things when she doesn't organise them, which is reason she is so organised. And last, she turns jealous soon. When people pick the best thing first, have a better chance, flirt with her crush, have more attention from her friends. Kayleigh will be a bitch then, because jealousy does strange things to people.

    Avery Lancaster-Clarkson — Mother — 49 — Dentist
    Harold Max Clarkson — Father — 51 — 1st grade teacher
    Jack Clarkson — Older brother — 24 — Proffesional National Geographic photographer
    Anna Hailey Clarkson — Younger sister — 15 — In high school — Twin
    Emma Kaya Clarkson — Younger sister — 15 — In high school — Twin

    Kayleigh grew up in a respectively big family. With one older brother and two younger sisters she was the middle child. Her family's loving and caring and nonetheless, richer than average. Kayleigh's family is a big one, her mom had three brothers and her dad had a sister and a brother. Kayleigh is one of the elder 'kids' in the family, with Jack being the oldest. Her mother's mom died of cancer when Kayleigh was twelve and it had a huge impact on the girl. Kayleigh doesn't have a very interesting past though, she had a caring family, lots of friends and was actually quite popular at school. Kayleigh drew a lot and when she shut the world out her brother would make fun of her for not paying attention. When she was fourteen, Kayleigh got interested by cheerleading and tried to get on the high school's team. She failed but the next year she got in and turned out to be pretty good.

    Ryder — Good friends and Crush. Note: will get a relationship in the beginning of the RPG
    Character of Ilona — Best friends, bitchy cheerleading duo
    Annabeth — Good friends


    Likes: Chocolate, Books, Drawing, The Beach, Rain, Music, Hugs, Cheerleading, Having Fun, The Forest, The Night, Stars, Horses
    Dislikes: Spiders, Insects, Liars, Mornings, Crying, Showing Weakness, Vegetables, Fish, Airplanes and Flying, Overattched girlfriends that only talk about their boyfriend, Religions, Too much make-up

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 aug 2015 - 21:41 ]

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Annabeth Cara Rhodes

    “ But wouldn't you agree? Sometimes, there's a big stuggle between choosing whether to just be who you are, and to explore, experiment and try something new. ”

    Name Annabeth Cara Rhodes.
    Annabeth — ae n uh b eh th — favor; grace
    Cara — k ah r ah — friend
    Rhodes — r oh d s — a clearing in the woods

    Annabeth likes to introduce herself as Beth.


    Reputation Annabeth is a cheerleader at Springfield University.





    (...) — father — (...) years old
    (...) — mother — (...) years old
    (...) — older sister — (...) years old
    (...) — older brother — (...) years old
    (...) — younger brother — (...) years old

    - Kayleigh Clarkson; they are friends.
    - Bimii Grey; they are friends.


    [ bericht aangepast op 28 juli 2015 - 22:48 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Ikigai schreef:

    I wouldn't say Cara :')

    Rather not, because I did Cara already in my totally-not-completed-character.

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Leah, wel even zeggen dan, hea :') dan zet ik haar erbij.

    “A queen will always turn pain into power.”

    Ik heb weer internet op mijn pc, dus ik ga even een beginnetje maken voor mijn rol ^^!

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain

    Beauregard schreef:
    Leah, wel even zeggen dan, hea :') dan zet ik haar erbij.

    Nou ja, ik had het niet gezegd omdat het normaal gezien niet toegestaan is dat te doen. Maar bedankt. ^^

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Baelor schreef:

    Nou ja, ik had het niet gezegd omdat het normaal gezien niet toegestaan is dat te doen. Maar bedankt. ^^

    ... Sinds wanneer is dat dan? Ik had recent nog de RPG regels gelezen maar zag daar niets van. *gaat RPG regels weer bekijken*

    “A queen will always turn pain into power.”

    Sinds Bimii zo goed als af is, wie wilt een relatie van welk soort dan ook met haar?

    QueenStark schreef:
    Sinds Bimii zo goed als af is, wie wilt een relatie van welk soort dan ook met haar?

    Ik heb Ryder en/of Annabeth voor je?

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Beauregard schreef:
    ... Sinds wanneer is dat dan? Ik had recent nog de RPG regels gelezen maar zag daar niets van. *gaat RPG regels weer bekijken*

    - Het is niet toegestaan om openlijk gebruik te maken van faceclaims, dit om ruzies te vermijden.

    Hier staat-ie. (: Nou ja, ik heb er niets op tegen, hoor, maar ik dacht: Ik maak gewoon mijn rol aan.

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    RhaegaI schreef:

    Ik heb Ryder en/of Annabeth voor je?

    Sinds Annabeth en Bimii allebei in het team zitten denk ik wel dat ze vrienden zijn?
    Ryder x Bimii I so ship this

    Baelor schreef:

    Hier staat-ie. (: Nou ja, ik heb er niets op tegen, hoor, maar ik dacht: Ik maak gewoon mijn rol aan.

    Nee, je doet het dan wel gewoon goed. Ik ben net eventjes gaan zoeken, en zag het inderdaad staan. Maar eerlijk gezegd ben ik bang dat dat juist voor ruzie zorgt -- twee mensen die dezelfde persoon gebruiken maar het niet van elkaar zien. Op deze manier is het gewoon degene die het het eerste zegt, is degene die hem/haar krijgt. Dusja.

    “A queen will always turn pain into power.”

    Ik ga zo beginnen aan mijn personages.
    Mogen het een cheerleader en tackle (footbalteam) zijn?
    Ik faceclaim Ashley Roberts en Michael Trevino.

    Tell me about it, stud.

    Beauregard schreef:
    Nee, je doet het dan wel gewoon goed. Ik ben net eventjes gaan zoeken, en zag het inderdaad staan. Maar eerlijk gezegd ben ik bang dat dat juist voor ruzie zorgt -- twee mensen die dezelfde persoon gebruiken maar het niet van elkaar zien. Op deze manier is het gewoon degene die het het eerste zegt, is degene die hem/haar krijgt. Dusja.

    Ik volg je redenering erin wel, ik zou het ook wel fijner vinden. Zo staat het duidelijk opgelijst en is er geen discussie over mogelijk als in de zin van - Jan had eerst zij rol gepost maar nog niets ingevuld, terwijl Piet net erna kwam maar hem wel helemaal ingevuld had.

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried