Achlys > Twisty
Ik wilde toch graag deze username claimen, want ik houd van Twisty.
De kijkers van American Horror Story weten al hoe tof deze clown is!
Twisty was literally dropped on his head as a baby, resulting in minor mental disability. He left Jupiter to work as a clown with Rusty Westchester's Traveling Carnival. Jealous of his popularity, the carnival's freaks (led by two cruel dwarfs) spread the lie that he is molesting children. He is no longer able to find work as a clown (though this doesn't stop him from wearing the costume and makeup) and he returns to Jupiter to build novelties from garbage scrap. Efforts to sell his "whirlygigs" to the local toy store are met first by disinterest and then fear at his crazed desperation and rage against the rumors of his past. Despondent, he blows off his lower jaw with a shotgun in an attempted suicide. He then decides to make the children love him again and keep them "safe" from their parents.
Seriously, I can't get over it. Ik vind hem zo'n leuke personage.

[ bericht aangepast op 1 nov 2014 - 18:45 ]
"When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''