• Look outside. The Moon is beautiful, isn't it? It fills the dark sky with light. It reflects the sun's rays, it is very gentle. But sometimes the sky at night is cold and lonesome. It is a distant and shadowy sort of beauty. The Moon is all by herself. Why is the moon so lonely?
    There was a time the Moon was in love with someone. The moon loved him, and he loved her. They lived in the spiritworld togetter for many years. Every night, they would wander the skies togetter, watching over the people below. His name was Kuekuatsu.

    More below.
    But an evil spirit, named the Trickster, wanted the Moon for himself. Trickster, being selfish as he was, went up to Kuekuatsu and told him that the Moon asked for flowers. He suggested to Kuekuatsu to go down to our world, and pick her some wild roses. Everyone knew that she liked them the most of al. Kuekuatsu wanted to suprise her, and went down to earth.
    Evening came and the Moon rose from her daytime sleep. She prepared to watch over mankind this night with Kuekuatsu, as always. But Kuekuatsu was not there. The Moon grew restless and decided to go look for her lover. But she could not find him. At last, when all hope was lost, she heard something that was out of place in the quiet night. A groan. A howl of anguish. She looked down to the earth and discovered Kuekuatsu. He was on his knees in the field, his hands covering his face.
    When he got donw to earth, he forgot something. Once you leave the spiritworld, there was no turning back. Soon he became gaunt and holowing-cheeked. He had not lost his powers, he had lost his love. And it broke him. He morphed into his wolf form, as it was easier to survive his grief. He was the first wolf. And to this day, each night he and his descendants look up to the sky, see the Moon and howled her name. He can never be with her again. That is why the Moon is so lonely.
    There is a moral to this story. It tells, no matter how far you are separated from those you love, you can still be close to them. You can think about them, every night, and call their name. They might not always awnser, but they will always hear you, remember you. And they will always love you.

    Kuekuatsu, it means 'the Wolf' or 'the Wolverine'.

    Factionless (aka Lieke, voor de mensen die me daar onder kennen :3) is officeel Kuekuatsu! Ik heb deze username gekozen omdat ik het verhaal er achter heel erg mooi vind. En ofcourse, ben ik een giga-fan van X-Men ^^ Duss, wat vinden jullie ervan?

    Lees het volledige verhaal hier.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 sep 2014 - 14:00 ]

    Mando -> Zoya


    Heel leuke username, vooral het verhaal er achter^^

    Wolverine is awesome^^

    "Everytime I see the red hair bouncing so gracefully, I remember how much damage I did to that magnificient flower..."

    Oeps. Ik moest naar je profiel gaan tot ik besefte dat jij Lieke bent. :'D

    I like it c:

    wat was dit ookalweer


    26 - 02 - '16

    DAWSONS schreef:
    Oeps. Ik moest naar je profiel gaan tot ik besefte dat jij Lieke bent. :'D

    I like it c:

    Ghehe :')

    Mando -> Zoya

    Whaha echt super, zeker schoot ik even je profiel binnen.. X-Men Rules!!!

    Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you wi

    Wolverine! :Y)
    Yes, I approve.

    "Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high."

    Echt wel awesome!

    Zaldrizes buzdari iksos daor. Maester > Zaldrizes

    Bedankt allemaal :3

    Mando -> Zoya