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    Modest!Management Ltd.
    Piccadilly Circus 247
    63903 London


    Considering: Myrrhe Van Vliet.

    I hereby accept all terms and conditions* and promise to always listen to Modest!Management.

    · I am Liam Payne's girlfriend for at least six months(only Modest! can change this period of time)
    · I will always follow Modest!'s instructions and promise to make it look like I'm in love with Liam under all circumstances.
    · I will go to any public festivity if Modest! sees as necessary.
    · I will go on tour with One Direction if Modest! says so(Modest! will take care of school, family and work if necessary)
    · I will go on date with Liam at least twice a month.
    · I promise to not be in a relationship, kiss, cheat or flirt with other guys, in order to prevent gossiping.
    · I will give my social media account information to Modest! so they can take supervise it.
    · I will not pierce my body, get tattoos, dye my hair etc.
    · When undersigned does not meet the stated circumstances the predetermined amount of money (£1.000.000) will not be paid.

    Sign here:

    *Modest!Management is allowed to change these conditions when they see as necessary.

    'Whether she wants it or not; she is gonna sign this contract.'

    One Direction bestaat
    Nederlands geschreven, Engels gesproken
    Dit verhaal is bedacht hoeft dus niet met de realiteit overeen te komen
    Ik wil dit verhaal nergens anders zien
    Niet het "standaard 1D" verhaal
    Begin: 01/12/2013
    Eind: --/--/----

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    Ik volg, lijkt me echt super leuk :'o (flower)

    Everything is illuminated by the light of our past.