• Serieus, alles hiervan klopt bij mij:

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    Ahaha, die kloppen inderdaad echt allemaal behalve die van die oreos, ik lust die koekjes niet D:

    Soms ben ik het sterkste wijf ter wereld en soms ben ik een kwartelei.

    Hahaha, ze kloppen echt allemaal.

    I believe in imagination, because what I can't see is infinitely more important than what I can see.

    Hahaha, so true.

    "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and a woman; but between love and love." - Frank Ocean

    Hahahaha, story of my life :').

    The odds are néver in our favor.

    So true hahaha

    Jup, ik herken alles bij mij!

    Imagination set us free to be just what we want to be ~

    Haha, ze kloppen allemaal. :'D

    The universal language of art.

    ASTRONAUTx schreef:
    Hahaha, so true.

    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky

    Die laatste. :')
    Me ghosta.

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    I lol'd :'DDD.

    My time spend in the shower:
    30% singing
    60% thinking about life.
    10% washing myself.

    lololol. True.


    Deleting one 'ha' from your 'hahahahaha', because you think it's too much.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2012 - 14:55 ]

    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''