• Ik heb dus een soort bedank filmpje gemaakt naar Harry Potter toe voor die tien jaar die toch wel een groot deel in mijn leven tot nu toe heeft meegespeeld. En nu ik bijna klaar ben met het filmpje, bedacht ik mij ineens dat het misschien wel leuk was om stukjes tekst van anderen erbij in te voegen. Dus schrijf een kort stukje over Harry Potter, waarom die tien jaar zo speciaal waren, waarom je Harry Potter leuk vindt of iets anders. :)

    Bedankt voor de hulp! :D

    Bij dit filmpje kan ik niks meer plaatsen, maar ik ga nog zo'n filmpje maken dus stuur nog gewoon maar je stukje op! :D

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2012 - 12:19 ]

    Thank you Harry Potter, for making my life magical.

    "Well, well. Look who we've got here!"

    Thank you Harry Potter, for let me escaping to a world where i can be myself

    Thank you Harry Potter, for making nerds with books and glasses cool again. For teaching me loyality, bravery and real friendship. For making me laugh and cry.
    Thank you Harry Potter, for my magical childhood.
    Harry Potter will be in my heart, always.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2012 - 22:47 ]

    "When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''

    Magic is cool, love is great, magic and love is awsome, Harry Potter, you're awsome.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2012 - 22:36 ]

    Ik neem even afstand van Quizlet, sorry. Ik stop met alle RPG's.

    Thank you Harry Potter for a wonderful childhood and being there for me, always.

    If the compass breaks then follow your heart and I hope it leads you right back into my arms.

    I am honored to be allowed to share your world, Harry, but a piece of it to get the rest of my life? To read books and watch movies, time after time, I will never forget. That also applies to all and everyone who has contributed, from fans to setmakers.
    Harry Potter ~Always


    Thank you Harry Potter, for entertain me and my family when we were sad. Thanks for being there when nobody was.

    Thank you Harry Potter for the 7 books of pleasure and the 8 movies full of excitement. Thank you for being there when no one else was. Thank you for giving me that feeling that I can be magical, no matter what I do.
    With proud I can tell you now that Harry potter will be in my heart. Always.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2012 - 22:44 ]

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    Thank you Harry Potter for making me chase my dreams, for adding that spark of magic in my life and for teaching me that all you have to do in life is believe in yourself.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2012 - 22:47 ]

    The odds are néver in our favor.

    Thank you Harry Potter. You let me see fantasy if first. You let me see everybody need someone. And everybody will find the other. Your the first who making me feel magical. You learn me things others never could explain to me. I'm proud to know you. Your the first to see the real real me. Always, Forever, See ya.


    Hogwarts will always be home to us. Even though we never got the letter, you made us wizards. You taught us to believe in ourselves even when we made mistakes, and you showed us how important imagination is.
    Hogwarts always gave help to those who deserved it.

    Our Father who art in Heaven. Our Father who art buried in the yard.

    Thank you Harry Potter for the 10 great years. Thank you for being there and let me believe that there is magic in everyone of us. That we are all special and not just muggles. Thank you for the books and movies. They are amazing. And it's not over. The books will live forever. Just like Harry Potter did.

    Imagination set us free to be just what we want to be ~

    Thank you, Harry Potter, to give me a way to express my opinion about life when I was younger. I also want to thank you for the magic you brought into my life.

    Lol. Mijn falende Engels :'p

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2012 - 23:16 ]

    Zaldrizes buzdari iksos daor. Maester > Zaldrizes

    Bedankt voor jullie hulp!

    Wow! Het filmpje is echt heel mooi!

    Imagination set us free to be just what we want to be ~