• Ik moest een herschreven einde maken voor het boek 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' voor Engels. Ik vraag me af wat jullie ervan vinden, en of jullie nog foutjes kunnen vinden.

    ‘Look who it is.’
    Draco Malfoy was standing there, with his wife and son Scorpius, a dark coat buttoned up to this throat. His hair was receding somewhat , which emphasized the pointed chin. Scorpius resembled Draco as much as Albus resembled Harry. Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny staring at him.
    ‘Maybe we should talk to him.’ Hermione said. The doubt in her voice was easy to hear, but at the same time she seemed sure of her idea. Ron kept quiet, he didn’t disagree with his wife, but he just didn’t feel like talking to Malfoy. He actually was kind of happy he never had to see him again after he finished school. After their last year of Hogwarts Malfoy wasn’t an enemy anymore, nor he was a friend.
    ‘We can give it a try.’ Harry agreed with Hermione. ‘Maybe he changed a little.’ He added when he saw Ron and Ginny didn’t really agree. The children looked up to their parents, without having any idea of the subject they were discussing.
    ‘Well, ok then.’ Ron said after a while. Hermione smiled, and so did Harry.
    ‘Ginny?’ Harry asked his wife.
    ‘Hmm, you guys must be right. Draco must have been through some changes. He must be more responsible and mature since his marriage and the birth of his son. The death of…’ Ginny had doubt about what to say. Saying Voldemort wasn’t such a problem anymore, but her children were around, so she just decided to end her sentence with; ‘You-Know-Who.’
    Together with the children they walked Draco’s way, who was still at the same spot with his family. When he noticed they were all coming his way, he turned around. They awkwardly were looking at each other.
    ‘Uh, hi Malfoy, long time no see.’ Ron said. Hugo and Lily laughed at him. Draco forced himself to smile properly.
    ‘I’m fine, thank you. The Weasley family expanded, I see.’ Draco answered. Hermione nodded.
    ‘This is my daughter, Rose, and my son, Hugo.’ She said and pointed at her little miracles.
    ‘I’m here with James, Albus and Lily. ’ Harry blended in.
    ‘And before you forget, I’m with him too.’ Ginny added. Ron started to laugh. Hermione joined in quickly, and everyone started to laugh in a short time. Even the Malfoys. Maybe the Weasleys and Potters weren’t about to start a friendship with the Malfoys, but war was over. They could live in one world with peace.

    There's power in the words you whisper.

    Mooi geschreven!

    Ik zou deze zin: wasn’t an enemy anymore, nor he was a friend. Veranderen in nor was he a friend. Klinkt beter (: En 'They awkwardly were looking at each other' veranderen in They awkwardly looked at each other'
    De laatste zin kun je misschien veranderen in 'from now on, they could live in a peaceful world'.

    I was an angel living in the garden of evil

    Page394 schreef:

    Bij het vmbo bij ons is dat nou het eerste jaar. Maar dat lijkt me best moeilijk eigenlijk..

    O: Ik wist niet dat er ook tweetalig vmbo bestond? Hier niet in ieder geval.
    En dat moeilijke valt wel mee, alleen het eerste jaar moet je er wel aan wennen. (:

    You've cat to be kitten me right meow.

    Het is echt prachtig me loves (H) daar moet je wel een 10 voor krijgen c:

    Life is like a novel, you're the author and everyday is a new page