• Als je met je blote benen op een stoel/bank zit en dan daaraan vastgeplakt blijkt te zitten, wanneer je op probeert te staan. [Of als je dan een 'hele leuke' print op je benen hebt staan.]
    Herkenbaar? ;D

    Bloedspetters besmeuren de muren van de ruïnes, van iets wat men ooit een beschaving noemde maar al lang is vernietigt.


    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

    Hooligan schreef:
    Oh my god ja. Of als je met blote benen op leer gaat zitten, PIJNLIJK!

    comfort in c h a o s

    Yep en vooral in onze leren zetel dan als je er even inzit en dan uitkomt dan maakt dat echt zo'n geluid alsof je er al jaren inplakt xD

    Stop wishing, Start doing..

    Ik heb een met riet gevlochten stoel en daar met een kort broekkie op gaan zitten is niet bepaald fijn, nee (cat)

    Let it come and let it be

    First schreef:
    Ja heel herkenbaar

    May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries.

    I am interested in this topic;
    In what will be the greatest cooking demonstration in the history of time and space, Sonja Morgan, part of the Real usewives of New York gaggle, will make an appearance at Macy's on Thursday night to promote ugg boots sale new toaster oven cookbook. Yes, you read that right.

    The single greatest member of an increasingly depressing and ill-mannered cast (e.g., Jill Zarin and that terrible lady who made millions shaving vaginas) will be in the city cheap Tiffanyt week to sign copies of her latest book about cooking for royalty (et al.) using a toaster oven. Really, a goddamn toaster oven.Entrepreneur and author Tiffany C. Wright spent the last several years advising small and edium business owners about company finances. It is their biggest concern according to her experience. Her prospects and clients cite working capital and expansion capital as their number one issue. Now hat experience in a book that speaks to many of the concerns businesses have. “Solving the Capital Equation:

    Financing Solutions for Small Businesses” is written in the same easy manner in which the author speaks.Ms. Wright thinks the timing of the book is highly relevant. “I’ve read umerous articles about how difficult it is for small and medium business owners to obtain a bank loan or swimwear 2011 other large corporation options. ECO SWIM BY AQUA GREEN is a new brand of women’s sustainable swimwear utilizing innovative technology to help customers reduce their carbon footprint in the sand. The company is the world’s leading manufacturer of sustainable swimwear, and this family-owned, American business is driving innovations to lessen the impact of their goods while creating fashionable, comfortable swimwear that is just as quality, if not higher, than their conventional counterparts.

    Three new maps for 343i's Halo: CE Anniversary have been announced and detailed by Microsoft's Major Nelson. Classic maps "Damnation" and "Beaver Creek" boot timberland Combat Evolved and Halo 2 (respectively) were showcased during last night's Halo Fest event, while 343i and Microsoft revealed returning
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    Inderdaad ja. In het openbaar met een shortje vind ik nog erger, dan neem je de terrasstoel bijna mee

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Dan leggen we d'r een handdoek onder...

    You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.

    Ik ken het, maar vind het niet zo erg. :P

    Things will go as they will; and there is no need to hurry to meet them.

    Heel herkenbaar(nerd)

    Where words fail, music speaks