• Wie wil dit stukje vertalen voor een vriendin van me? Aangezien ik niet zo goed engels kan.

    'Samen staan we sterk', waren zijn woorden waarmee hij me suste toen we pas te horen hadden gekregen dat we uit elkaar moesten. Altijd had ik erin geloofd. Dat niks ons kon breken. Dat wij altijd bij elkaar zouden blijven. Stilaan begon ik de hoop op te geven. Tot vandaag; twee juli 2010. Alle hoop is verdwenen. Geen enkel sprankeltje hoop was nog te vinden. Alles was weg.
    'Ik heb een carriëre, shawty. Ik dacht ook dat we samen zouden blijven. Maar dat gaat niet. Dan zal ik duizende fans verliezen, dat wil ik niet', zei hij vanmorgen.
    Hij verkoos zijn carriëre boven mij; zijn liefde van al vier jaar. We gaan contact houden. Maar als dat waar is, betwijfel ik


    Ik zal het wel doen, just give me a minute (:

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Sorry ben zelf ook zeer slecht in engels (:

    What is youre favo scary movie?

    Captain schreef:
    Ik zal het wel doen, just give me a minute (:


    'Together we are strong' were his words with which he calmed me down when we got to hear that we had to break up. I had always believed in it. That nothing could break us. That we would stay together, forever. But slowely i began to give up hope. Untill today: 2 july, 2011. Every hope was gone, everything was gone.
    'I have a carreer, shawty. I also thought that we would stay together. But it doesn't work. Because then i'll loose thousands of fans, and i don't want that' he told me this morning. He choose his carreer above me: his love which he already had four years. We would hold contact. But I doubt if that's really true.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 juni 2011 - 22:12 ]

    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.

    Created schreef:
    'Together we are strong' were his words with which he calmed me down when we got to hear that we had to break up. I had always believed in it. That nothing could break us. That we would stay together, forever. But slowely i began to give up the hope. Untill today: 2 july, 2011. No hope was left anymore, everything was gone.
    'I have a carreer, shawty. I also thought that we would stay together. But it doesn't work. Because then i'll loose thousands of fans, and i don't want that' he told me this morning. He choose his carreer above me: his love which he already had four years. We would hold contact. But I doubt if that's really true.


    'Together we're strong.' Were the words he said when we heard we must to split. Always i believed in it. That nothing was gonna break us. That we'll be forever together. Slowly I gave up the hope. Till today; the second of Juli 2010. All hope is gone now. Nothing would found back. Everything was gone.
    'I have a career, Shawty. I also thought we would be forever together. But that can't. I should lose thousand of my fans, i don't want that.' He sayd this morning.
    He choos his career above me; his love of all of those four years. We're gonna keep contact. But if that is true, I don't think so.

    Ik denk dat het niet echt goed is maar ik heb het geprobeerd <33

    "Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies."

    Graag gedaan.

    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.

    Created schreef:
    'Together we are strong' were his words with which he calmed me down when we heard that we had to break up. I had always believed nothing could break us up. That we would stay together, forever. But slowely i began to give up the hope. Untill today: 2 july, 2011. No hope was left anymore, everything was gone.
    'I have a carreer, shawty. I also thought that we would stay together. But it doesn't work. Because then i'll loose thousands of fans, and i don't want that' he told me this morning. He choose his carreer above me: his love which he already had four years. We keep up with each other. But I doubt wehter that's really true.

    zo zou ik het ongeveer zeggen, zo klinkt het goed ^^

    Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H

    Ja nu ik het teruglees, zie ik het ook inderdaad. Ik heb het snel gedaan, en dan als je het terugleest denk je toch van: oja..

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 juni 2011 - 22:17 ]

    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.

    "Together we stand strong" were his words which calmed me when we first heard that we had to be separated. I have always believed in that. That nothing could break us. That we would always stay together. Gradually hope started to abandon me. Until today: 2nd of july 2010. All the hope has gone. Not even a little piece of it was left to be found. All of it has gone.
    'I have got a career, shawty. I thought too that we would stay together forever. But that won't work. It will make me lose thousands of fans and that's not what I want,' he said to me this morning.
    He chose his career above me - his love for already four long years. We'll be in touch. But I doubt whether it's true or not.

    EDIT: ik heb hem verbeterd. (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 juni 2011 - 22:18 ]

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Niemand heeft 't echt goed vertaald, anyway, heb geen tijd nu en ga slapen, dus sorry.

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    Endure schreef:
    Niemand heeft 't echt goed vertaald, anyway, heb geen tijd nu en ga slapen, dus sorry.

    Ik vind dat ik hem goed vertaald heb hoor. :')

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Endure schreef:
    Niemand heeft 't echt goed vertaald, anyway, heb geen tijd nu en ga slapen, dus sorry.
    hoe weet jij dat, volg je een vertaalopleiding ofzo?

    Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H

    Captain schreef:
    Ik vind dat ik hem goed vertaald heb hoor. :')
    precies, en hebben we nog mooi teamwerk geleverd.

    Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H