• Is dit niet 't liefste wat je ooit hebt gezien? :V *Zet grote ogen*
    Let ook even op de titel erbij, want die's geniaal. Nee, niet zelf bedacht.


    "I shut my eyes in order to see.'

    Zo lief.

    Your make-up is terrible

    Oooooooooh - smelt - :9~:9~:9~

    Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it all.

    Aw, die is echt cute. :9~

    I'm a hero, and I'm super. I guess I'm a SUPERHERO

    Augustana schreef:
    Oooooooooh - smelt - :9~:9~:9~

    If we had not a soul, music would have created it.

    Crime schreef:
    Aw, die is echt cute. :9~

    effort never betrays you

    omg zo liefig :D

    Imperfection Is Beautiful

    Assassin schreef:
    Zo lief.

    No growth of the heart is ever a waste

    Aaaaaaaaaaaawh zo schattig :9~


    axh. Die oogjes. -smelt-

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'

    Aaaaah die glinsterende oogjes!:9~

    Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

    Augustana schreef:
    Oooooooooh - smelt - :9~:9~:9~

    Omg, I want him, I want him, I want him! <3

    The two best teachers are love and pain. - Andrea Haskell


    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Crime schreef:
    Aw, die is echt cute. :9~

    None but ourselves can free our minds.

    Ik wil een uil! =D
    Ik zag er eens één in onze straat, dat was echt een wtf-moment want ik vroeg me echt af wat 'ie daar deed en ja het was héél duidelijk en ik was er niet ver vanaf! ^^

    You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.