duidelijk he. Saskia Peeters
7.5 Julia (ikweethetlelijkenaam)
Auch tote tiere brauchen liebe <3
7 Shireen
You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?
8 Amina
If we had not a soul, music would have created it.
8 Samantha...
No growth of the heart is ever a waste
8 Selien -.-
Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H
7 Naomi
De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.
7.5 Janine
It's not what you say, it's about the way you say it.
7. Febe
Stay calm and be a directioner.
8 Saskia
Herinner gisteren, fantaseer morgen, en leef vandaag
7 Mehri
8.5 Serena.
You are free. Free to dream, to love, to laugh and find peace. Free to be you and happy.
8 Ilse
8 Eline
you're a bandit. Just a no good, too big, filthy, rotten criminal.
8 Nancy
The two best teachers are love and pain. - Andrea Haskell
7.2 Renée
Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.