duidelijk he. Saskia Peeters
9 Alissa (ook vaak Alice genoemd)
I live on the pages of these books, dance between the words and get lost in the maze of pure beauty.
10 stephanie
Change, the only good thing in this world.
7 Sarah
Keep on smiling
7 Janine
It's not what you say, it's about the way you say it.
6 Sarah
8,5 Amy
I'm not afraid by darkness, cause you'r shining so bright. Everyday, I need that light <3
7 sanne --'
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
7 Iris
it's so empty living behind these castle walls
6,5 Sarah
7,5 Charona
"I'm a loser, that means I've been lost before."
7,3 Jenny
8 Eline
"Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your face doesn’t make you happy." - Tablo
8,5 Sarah
8. Marleen. Yep, kom maar met die 1. Ik heb een kaknaam.
everything, in time
7 Serena Amely Sol
I wanna be the reason of your smile.