RainbowDrop schreef:
You: hi
Stranger: good bye
You: alright
Stranger: wait
Stranger: suck my dick please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: wait
You: hell no
Stranger: ur mom did
You: really?
Stranger: she said u were joining tonite
You: i could be cause she was like totally acting weird and stuff it must have been your fault
Stranger: i normally get that reaction after i pork someone
You: ow
You: did your sister react the same way?
Stranger: y yes
Stranger: so did urs as a matter of fact
You: euhm i have a brother no sister i'm sorry and like he would totally kick your ass for that mather
Stranger: i like em fiesty
You: ow well can't you just go suck your own dick?
Stranger: i shove my entire fist up ur ass
Stranger: and u like it
You: no you didn't i think i would notice that
Stranger: i might not b fred flintstone but i can make ur bed rock
You: you may not be intelligent but you sure are stupid
Stranger: when u have a dick like mine u dont need 2 b smart to get chicks
You: only if girls don't need orgasms
Stranger: .....u will get a girl 
Stranger: good bye ashole
You: i am a girl
You: ^^
Stranger: how old
You: 16
Stranger: me too
Stranger: where u from
You: belgium
Stranger: im from brazil
Stranger: do u play futbol
You: no
Stranger: y not
Stranger: tu hablas espanol?
You: no
WTF vanaf die weet dak een meisje ben doet die 'normaler' 
Stranger: pero yo tienes un muy grande pendeho
Stranger: u no wat that means?
Stranger: it means ur a slut
Stranger: ♪
Stranger: ♫
Stranger: ☼►◄↕‼↨↑↓→←∟↔ 3☻
You: oh well i'm not the one asking to suck my dick, which i don't have
Stranger: dont lie
You: i'm sorry
You: i know you don't have one but neither do i
Stranger: ur mom bit it off
You: so you admit you don't have one?
Stranger: do u speak english
You: no i'm just typing japanese
Stranger: me too
You: cool
Stranger: do u have a phone
You: yes i have
Stranger: as do i
Stranger: 15736444677
Stranger: thats my number
Stranger: my name is chris
Stranger: keep calling till i answer
Stranger: wats ur number?
You: look in the phone book
Stranger: ....so i no to answer
Stranger: sorry dont have belgium book
You: than you're unlucky
Stranger: i mean cell phone
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