I like very much the song of Pussycat Dolls feat AR Rahman.
I have a collection of songs, and some sites...and many other things
Listening to Pussycat..I found you on youtube, and I liked. I prefeer the happy music style.
My Collection say something about me. So, you can find my collection here:
and one of my favorites playlist: www.happy.playlist.cbi.ro
if you want I can do for you (for free) a shorter and simple web adrees like:
www.nameit.cbi.ro that will go to your youtube account or in other place (like www.video.cbi.ro - easy to remember).
I offer my little support for few artists:
all are here: http://sites.cbi.ro/?link=Lista_de_Site-uri_ale_unor_Artisti&id=09
In time maybe I will be able to make some studios
Nice to meet you..
If is easyer for you, you can write me in french. I can understand, but is difficult for me to write in french...Je panse...need exercise
en altavista werkt niet meer bij mij, mijn pc draait helemaal vierkantig vandaag en is kut. Dus, wat wilt dat zeggen? [/engels is chinees voor mij]
You'll never dream alone. <3