• Voor Camille <3

    If there would only be one river left flowing,
    I’d follow it hoping it will flush me back in your arms.
    If the last star would fall from heaven,
    I would wish uppon it’ll bring me back to your charms.
    If there was just one song left to be sang, honest and true,
    I would imagine that this last beautifull song is sang just about you
    If this was the last shift of the world between day and night,
    The only thing I can and will do is protect you and hold you tight.
    If this would be time I see the sun rises in the sky,
    I want you beside me please dont ask why.
    Because if I would see you just one last time,
    I would have only one last line.
    If this would be my final written or spoken line i’d say,
    girl i realy love you in each way.


    All was well.

    Nicol schreef:
    -voerlt zich beledigd-

    Ik wil je wel een geven, alleen heb ik een probleem, want ik heb er alleen een voor vriendschap.

    Zelfs de kleinste ster schittert in het donker

    dat is lief =)