Mijne : Myrtle Deepdelver [Hobbit] en Alatáriël Calaelen [Elf] http://www.chriswetherell.com/hobbit/ ^^ hobbit namen http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/ ^^ elfen namen ^^ DUMP ZE HEIR ONDER!
We can only learn to love by loving.
hobbit: Orangeblossom Proudfoot of Standelf elf: Celebriän Faelivrin oke^^
Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity ©CT
Hobbit: Ruby Overhill of Nobottle Elf: Merenwen Fëfalas Ik vind mijn elfennaam best wel mooi
On The Other Hand, You have Different Fingers
Ireth Minyatur= elf Primula Frumblefoot of Bywater= hobbit
elf :Merenwen Helyanwë hobbit : Ruby Foxburr of Loamsdown mijn hobbit naam is wel leuk die van mij als elf vind ik nogal raar
Could it be that if I would just Be, True Love, Peace and Communion would come Naturally?
Elf: Merenwen Telemmaitë Hobbit: Ruby Underhill of Frogmorton
Niets is verschrikkelijk, zolang het maar goed afloopt.
Hobbit: Camellia Hardbottle. Elf: Lessien Elanessë.
Hobbit: Flora Bumbleroot of Fair Downs Elf: Elanor Celebrindal
I am an idiot, I move.
Hobbit: Boggy-Hillocks Elf: Linwëlin
The quiet scares me because it screams the truth ..
Hobbit; Ruby Bramble of Willowbottom Elf; Náriël Lossëhelin
Listen to what we're not saying..
Rose houdt van Renée&Benjamin . <3
Hobbit:Ruby Took of Great Smials Elf:Nessa Tîwele I like them =')
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right
Hobbit; Poppy Bramble of Willowbottom Elf; Eärwen Lossëhelin
Hobbit Azaelia Deepdelver Elf Larien Calaelen
- You can't read my PokerFace <'3-
Hobbit: Pansy Took of Great Smials Elf: Gilraen Tîwele
Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't wanna live there.
Hobbit:Pearl Danderfluff of Willowbottom Elf:Enelya Calmcocil
The soul needs autumn.