Mijne : Myrtle Deepdelver [Hobbit] en Alatáriël Calaelen [Elf] http://www.chriswetherell.com/hobbit/ ^^ hobbit namen http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/ ^^ elfen namen ^^ DUMP ZE HEIR ONDER!
We can only learn to love by loving.
Hobbit; Primula Grubb of Little Delving Elf; Ireth Ar-Feiniel Die Little Delving is wel grappig n_n
Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some braincells
Hobbit: Dimple Burrows Elf: Nienna Sáralondë
Je bent nooit uitgeleerd.
Hobbit; Esmerelda Gamgee-Took of Bywater elf; Inwë Telrúnya xX
If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.
Elf = Lúthien Sîrfalas Hobbit = Ivy Bumbleroot of Haysend
Hobbit: Pearl Boffin of Needlehole Elf: Enelya Calafalas
We were bOrn fOr Love! ^^
Wat is een hobbit nou eigenlijk?
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Hobbit; Primula Gamgee-Took of Bywater Elf; Ireth Telrúnya
Hobbit: Flora Bolger Elf: Nindë Númenessë Cuwl ^^
I'll Dry the tears You Hide :3
Hobbit: Rosie-Posie Bumbleroot Elf: Lúthien Coamenel Vet cool :']
HobbitFlora Gamgee-Took of Bywater elf= Elanor Telrúnya
cry me a river..build a bridge.. &nd get 0vr it..
ooow, ik heb ook van mijn bijnaam gedaan:P (Doo Rainbow) Hobbit:Polly Moss of Lake-By-Downs Elf: Eärwen Nólatári
everything, in time
Ivy Hardbottle (Hobbit) Altáriël Elanessë (Elf)
Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs.
Hobbit: Lila Chubb Elf: Linwë Melwasúl
a figment of your imagination