hoeveel users zijn er nu online? ^^ 168 + 2crew.
Girls love Ben&jerry's more then you.
156+3 crew.
Cómo no te voy a querer..
148+1 crew xoxo'
151 geen crew.
Michael Jackson: dance, sing and rest in peace!
151 + 0 <- klopt niet
144 + 1
I Can Be Your Hero, Baby <'33
145 + 2 crew de crew staat altijd appart
live your own life
It's heavy but you are not the only one
148 + 4 crew
Live is al work of art, you got to paint it colorful
148 en 4 crew's...
I am an idiot, I move.
156 en 2 crew...
154 & 3 crew
Dream like you'll live forever, live like you'll die tomorrow.
161 en 2 crew...