• Welcome to Riverside • 542 001 days without incident



    Eind 2019 begonnen de geruchten op social media over afgesloten steden en verlaten straten. Niet lang daarna glipten ontwetende, besmette mensen door de toen nog argeloze vliegveldbeveiliging. In de media doken vage beelden over mensen met vreemd, onstabiel gedrag - totdat alle kanalen werden afgesloten. Als gevolg van een poging om de verspreiding misinformatie tegen te gaan, gingen de meeste mensen ontwetend het einde van de samenleving in. Voordat duidelijk werd wat precies het gevaar was, hadden de overlevers de strijd al verloren.

    Enkele weken na het begin van het einde van de wereld heeft een kleine groep overlevers zich relatief veilig gesettled in een afgelegen deel van het Zwarte Woud (link), dichtbij Feldberg. Riverside is een multiculturele kolonie waar zes talen worden gesproken, maar waar Nederlands de voertaal is. Tegen alle verwachtingen in heeft de originele groep weinig problemen ondervonden sinds ze zich vijf jaar geleden hebben gesettled, en dankzij hun zelfvoorzienende samenleving bleven ze relatief onverstoord. De paar 'verlorenen' of 'zombies' die zich in de buurt van de kolonie waagden waren weinig uitdaging voor de bewapende bewoners. De overlevers die zich over de jaren hebben aangesloten brachten verhalen met zich mee over verloren steden en groepen overlevenden die al hun menselijkheid waren verloren.


    Omdat het kamp al snel is uitgegroeid tot een samenleving van 70+ personen, worden er ieder half jaar zeven vertegenwoordigers aangewezen. Deze vertegenwoordigers maken samen de Raad (of Council). De Raad maakt de belangrijkste bestuurlijke beslissingen voor de groep (bijv. het toelaten van een nieuwe groep). Tijdens de halfjaarlijkse verkiezingen worden de Raadsleden (of Councilmembers) gekozen door middel van stemmen. Bijeenkomsten zijn open voor alle bewoners en er is ruimte om te spreken. Uiteindelijk maakt de Raad de definitieve beslissing. Let op, als je karakter onderdeel is van deze raad, dan is deze verplicht de Raad serieus te nemen en alle bijeenkomsten bij te wonen.

    De voertaal van deze bijeenkomsten is Nederlands.


    In de vroege lente breekt er brand uit in een opslagplaats. Kasten vol met zaden en stekjes gaan verloren. De ochtend na de brand worden de bellen geluid voor een Raad. Niemand heeft meer dan een paar uur geslapen. In het daglicht wordt de schade pas duidelijk: de kolonie heeft nog maar voor een paar weken voedsel. Dankzij de strenge winter zijn de voorraden bijna op, met weinig kans om ze bij te vullen binnen de veiligheid van het kamp. Tijdens de Raad wordt besloten dat er geen andere optie is dan een groep aangewezen personen de wereld in sturen om op zoek te gaan naar een nieuwe voedselbron.

    Riverside's unieke zelfvoorzienende gemeenschap heeft de laatste jaren weinig tot geen contact gehad met de buitenwereld. Nu moeten ze de nieuwe, immens veranderde wereld in, onbekend voor de meeste bewoners - met uitzondering van de laatste aansluiters. Het laatste nieuws van de buitenwereld was angstaanjagend - de verloren mensen in de steden zijn begonnen met evoluëren, maar niemand weet tot welk einde.

    Wie verruilen de veiligheid van het welvarende kamp voor een onbekende wereld?


    Benjamin Cervantes-Hererra - 43 - hij/hem - Mando - ENG - 1.1
    Lilith Harris - 34 - zij/haar - Styles - NL- 1.4
    Elliot Callahan - 31- hij/hem - Novalunosis- NL - 1.2

    Cordelia Geneve - 28 - zij/haar- Sgaeyl - NL- 1.2
    Juniper Al'Kapur - 32 - zij/haar- Cecia - ENG - 1.1
    Viktor Kowalski - 35 - hij/hem - Graveborn - NL - 1.2
    Jesse Hale - 35- hij/hem - StFrancis - ENG - 1.4

    Naam - leeftijd - pronouns - schrijver - voertaal - px


    • Naam
    • Leeftijd
    • Pronouns
    • Geschiedenis (vóór de apocalypse}
    • Karakter
    • Relaties
    • Raadslid of bewoner
    • Evt. hoe lang je karakter al onderdeel is van Riverside


    • De voertaal tegen Nederlandse karakters is Nederlands. Voor de rest ben je vrij om Nederlands of Engels te schrijven.
    • Aangezien de kolonie relatief groot is, is het inzetten van NPC's om een deel van je verhaal voort te zetten toegestaan. Hou het wel redelijk en hergebruik het liefst personages.
    • Er is een minimum van 100 woorden.
    • De hoofdregels van Qreaties gelden ook hier.
    • 16+ is toegestaan, gelieve wel boven je post vermelden.
    • Gebruik triggerwarnings.
    • Maximaal 2 personages per persoon.

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 feb 2025 - 15:59 ]

    Whittaker -> Mando

    MT 🥰

    love me until I love myself

    A woman for me, s'il vous plaît. I'll post her one of these days.

    [ I will always love you ]

    Voor mij ook graag een dame! ☺️

    'Three words, large enough to tip the world; I remember you.'

    Ik post mijn karakter in het Engels, maar mochten we toch besluiten om de schrijftaal Nederlands te houden dan zal ik hem vertalen c:

    Whittaker -> Mando

    Benjamin Cervantes

    "You either hate him or you love him,
    but you can't deny he's a charming bastard."

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    Benjamin is in his early 40's. He is born on May the 18th, which makes him a Taurus.

    He/him. His friends call him Ben, Bennie or Benjamin. His full Chilean name is Benjamin Tomás Miguel Cervantes-Herrera, but he goes by Benjamin Cervantes.

    Benjamin is often clothed in warm winter colors, with a preference for warm brown, dark green and old red. Mid-winter he wears a faded leather pilot jacket that says 'KLM 90 years', during summer he prefers a dark green demin jacket. He either wears army-issue green pants with dark v-necked shirts, or faded denims with flannels. Technically he needs glasses but he rarely wears them for fear of breaking, so they only come out of their box when he is reading.

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    Being born and raised in Chile, Ben's native language is Spanish - which gives him an accent that never quite fades. Fleeing the brutal regime, his family moved to the US when he was 14, where he lived in Texas. His father died when he was 17, after which he became very close with his mamí. Due to the many cousins and aunties (each with a strong personality) that lived on the same street, the dynamics in his family moved at a breakneck speed, forcing him to recognize people's needs and patterns very quickly. He needed to work hard to be seen, which led to a strong personality that never flinched, never faltered. This environment made him appreciate close personal attention, whether he is giving or receiving it.

    Around 33 he had mostly worked construction jobs with terrible pay, so he moved to Europe with the hope of a better life. After living in the Amsterdam, the Netherlands for a few years, he relocated south for better weather and ended up owning and tending a popular bar in Colmar - France, where he lived until the apocalypse. Eventually he learned to speak four languages; French, Dutch, English and Spanish, but he usually thinks and speaks in latter two.

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    Benjamin always charms his way in and out of situations and seems to know everyone and anyone. He has a contagious laugh and a certain pull that makes people often find themselves talking to him without reserve. He truly enjoys meaningful connections and has a knack for making people feel like he has all time in the world for them.

    Ben loves leaving people a little flustered, but he is no empty headed sweet talker. He likes to be involved when the important decisions are being made and has a track record for getting the group out of a tight spot. It can be a bit hard to get him to be serious first though. He enjoys a little mystery and flair and would rather make life a game. Benjamin loves silly, ridiculous things, especially now that the world has gone to hell. While he might seem to be a great ambassador towards other people/groups, he is a bit of a wild card and tends to get distracted, losing track of the script.

    Though some get a little nervous or agitated around his free-for-all mindset, people don't often really dislike him. After all, who hates the bartender?

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    Good food • candle- and firelight • the forest during high summer • books and poetry • coffee • old trees • heart-to-heart conversations • a good singing voice • the quiet sky just before dawn • peated whiskey

    The sea • the sound of crows • people who shame others • smokers (he quit 15 years ago but he still craves cigarettes and occasionally relapses) • cold weather • blue shoes

    He was a part of the original settlers of Riverside and has little experience with the 'outside' world after civilization fell. During his early years in the colony he has made a name for himself with his unexpected tactical decisions and his attention for detail. He has trouble focusing during boring, stuffy meetings, but when something grabs his attention, he will not let go until it is solved - making him invaluable during a crisis. He is often responsible for planning the supply run routes for things they can't grow - like toothpaste and clothes, as the north is unsafe and he is the only one who is familiar with the area south(-west) of their camp.

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    Some rumors say that he was faithful to a wife and children before they died. Some say he was an incurable player. He never confirmed or denied either. Though he never considered himself something modern like 'queer' (if he did, he would identify himself as polyamorous and pansexual), he makes it no secret that everyone and their mother are welcome in his bed. He will flirt with anything that moves, leaving even the straightest men a little dazzled. People often fall for his dark eyes, and he knows exactly how to lock gazes and reel you in. Benjamin is a deeply passionate person who isn't afraid to love recklessly and boundlessly.

    Once you push through that playful exterior, you will find someone who will listen to you speak like you're the last person on earth. Even though he plays oblivious, he is aware of his impact on people and will always try be respectful of peoples boundaries. If he accidently does cross one, he will apologize sincerely and work hard to rebuild a safe space. Beneath that mischievous spark that rarely seems to leave his eyes, he has a great heart. Ben cares deeply for his friends and will protect children with a surprising fierceness.

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    Benjamin's survival is dependent on his charm. Though he appears to sail comfortably through every situation, he has anxiety disorder and is often plagued by panic attacks. Being prone to this all his life, it never gave him significant trouble - until the apocalypse started. When faced with the harsh new world, freezing up nearly cost him his life several times, making him a great liability to himself and others.

    His only way of survival is to be part of a group, and he is deeply terrified of being on his own. This makes him work twice as hard to make sure nobody ever even considers of leaving him behind, and his charm is an essential part of that. He is convinced that if anyone found out what a liability he truly is, that would be the end of him.

    Please note that as of the start of the story, nobody is aware of these issues. Please discuss with me beforehand if you would like your character to 'discover'/see something related to this. c:

    ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 jan 2025 - 17:57 ]

    Whittaker -> Mando

    Ik weet nog niet of ik voor een man of een vrouw ga, ligt een beetje aan de gekozen verhaallijn (en waar ik eerder inspiratie voor heb), maar ik doe in ieder geval mee!

    Adventurer at heart, but oh how she loved to be home

    Novalunosis schreef:
    Ik weet nog niet of ik voor een man of een vrouw ga, ligt een beetje aan de gekozen verhaallijn (en waar ik eerder inspiratie voor heb), maar ik doe in ieder geval mee!

    Ik ga straks een voorstel schrijven, mocht je ideeën hebben deel ze vooral! (Mag ook pb/gb.) Maia en ik neigen op dit moment naar een gesettelde groep die om een of andere disastreuze reden het kamp moet verlaten c:

    Whittaker -> Mando

    Het verhaal heeft een start! :Y) Zie beginpost.

    Whittaker -> Mando

    Is het handiger hier mijn vragen in te plaatsen of het praat topic? Gezien het gaat om het onderwerp; karakter aanmaken.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Viperian schreef:
    Is het handiger hier mijn vragen in te plaatsen of het praat topic? Gezien het gaat om het onderwerp; karakter aanmaken.

    Maakt weinig uit! Het praattopic is vooral omdat er vroeger echt meeeega veel gehyped werd en dan werden de rollen een beetje bedolven. Maar dat betekent niet dat je hier helemaal niet mag praten hoor! ☺️

    Whittaker -> Mando

    Oh my goodness, dit klinkt echt heel leuk!
    Ik heb echter al in geen jaaareenn meegedaan aan een rpg of überhaupt actief geweest op Q🙈
    MT! Ik ga eens even nadenken of ik dit ga oppakken of niet😋

    When you're broken and you're shatterd love will save you from disaster.

    Aesthetica schreef:
    Oh my goodness, dit klinkt echt heel leuk!
    Ik heb echter al in geen jaaareenn meegedaan aan een rpg of überhaupt actief geweest op Q🙈
    MT! Ik ga eens even nadenken of ik dit ga oppakken of niet😋

    Doe mee! Je bent van harte welkom! En als je vragen hebt of wilt brainstormen of iets staan onze GBs ook open. (Geldt trouwens voor iedereen.)

    [ I will always love you ]

    Voor mij graag een man! c:

    Adventurer at heart, but oh how she loved to be home

    J U N I P E R

          She has multiple nicknames, ranging from precious ones to sheer mockery. Some even a combination of both or of hidden intentions.
    I.      “Sunny” is a perfect example of both. This is a name she received from ███ ███, not accepting it from anyone else. (Contrary to popular belief, she ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███.)
    II.      “Little girl” (Morrita), “Little (sun) beetle” or some kind-of variation thereof. These were also thought of ███ ███ ███ ███.
    III.      “Mi niña” (my girl / baby girl) is something only ███ ███ called her. “¿Cómo está mi niña hermosa?” (How is my beautiful girl?) “¿Puedes llevar estos libros a la sala, mi niña?” (Can you take these books to the living room, baby girl?) ███ used it in almost every sentence. And many others.

    ❁      Pre-Apocalypse her real full name was ███ ███ ███. The name ███ is a girl's name of Spanish, Italian origin meaning, "God is my strength". Everyone in her family were very devoted to Roman Catholicism religion.
          With these morals she grew up — to have respect for (her) parents, that family unity and religious beliefs are important, having a strong work ethic and a sense of loyalty are values deeply rooted in her family. With this in mind, preserving the Mexican identity was held to high importance because of the negative stereotypical views of Mexicans as dirty, diseased, and lazy.

    💀      Post-Apocalypse, as ███ ███ ███, she changed her name to Juniper Al'Kapur. Meaning "young" and "Evergreen", she chose this name for a reason. ███ ███, who ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███, told stories and shared information ███ ███ ███. And thus she learned that ███ ███ ███ holds many meanings, some dark, in others it meant protection and eternal youth. The strength of ███ ███ ███ is seen in its capacity ███ ███ ███ ███
    Age of 32, Juniper feels older than she actually is. Although she doesn't always act the part, her life up till now has been a hotbed of dissension and chaos. Being born on ███ of August, she's a Leo as her zodiac sign.
          As her (or any in the family) birthday would approach, there are many, many traditions they'd have. There would be more songs, cake, family members, and music than an outsider could handle — but for Juniper those were the, though hidden and lost, good times.
    text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

    ➽      text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

    ➽      text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

          Vivacious, dramatic, attention-seeking, confident, self-centered, stubborn, vanity, competitive, creative, full of life.
          For a certain reason Juniper comes in-built with a flair for the dramatic. Every social interaction she sees as a challenge to command the audience, receiving a standing ovation. Pre-apocalypse, she desired recognition for her deeds concerning taking care of the family, their business, or her ambitions. She liked to have all eyes on her, almost craving to be the center of attention. Easily coming across as self-centered due to this, there are multiple layers underneath this attention-seeking.
          Nowadays it's grown quite simple –a compliment or two will do– for she no longer desires all attention in such a way. However, given the chance to upstage anyone, she'd gladly do it — because giving someone else her stage? Never. Her determination can sometimes come across as being stubborn. Being Juniper, she won’t even deny being set in her ways! She doesn’t like asking for help because she has such a strong drive to do things herself, that’s the way it has always been. Yet, her inability to ask for help can be seen as headstrong.

          Leadership, protective, ambitious, spoilt, determined, arrogant, confident, inflexible, prideful, big-time flirt.
          Determined, she won't stop until she achieves what she set out to do. If she's going to do anything, she's going to do it big. There is no second fiddle for Juniper, or any justifiable obstacle as to why she shouldn’t have exactly what she wants, when she wants it. Of course, this would be great if you’re riding in her wake, benefiting from her ‘demands’, but not so much fun if you’re the one trying to enforce some rules / order / boundaries (good luck with that).
          Say what you want about her, this woman has leadership qualities running through her veins. Even if one wouldn't say or admit it, Juniper is a natural-born leader. Her spirit and confidence make people trust her, eventually at least. The apocalypse has taken a toll on everyone, and Juniper is no exception. Now, years into the End of the World, the woman has grown colder, more distant. (More about this in her History.) One thing is for certain: whether it’s for work or play, you can expect her to be the one in charge — at least in her eyes. Born ready, it doesn’t even occur to her that someone else might be better placed to lead. And her regal aura usually does the trick, ushering others to just fall in line. However, this can come over as arrogance sometimes, or a mind-blowingly annoying “I know best”-attitude.

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 jan 2025 - 11:16 ]

    [ I will always love you ]

    ThestraI schreef:
    Doe mee! Je bent van harte welkom! En als je vragen hebt of wilt brainstormen of iets staan onze GBs ook open. (Geldt trouwens voor iedereen.)

    I second that.

    @Whittaker Yes, I know. Het was een beetje een error voor mij waar het handigst uitkomt, gezien de verschillende onderwerpen / vragen. Maar ik vroeg me dus af of iedereen in een groep hoort te zitten of loner kan zijn?

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.