RollentopicPraattopic 1 & 2Speeltopic

    Dertien jaar geleden klom de Schotse familie Ackerman aan boord van de Mayfair, op zoek naar land waar ze een nieuwe thuis konden stichten: land waar geen monsters waren, land waarmee ze de macht van de Gemeenschap konden veilig stellen en uitbreiden, en waar ze hun kinderen veilig konden trainen zonder dat weerwolven of vampiers hen het leven zuur maakten. Alleen was een kleine groep vampiers hen voor. Zij wilden ook een nieuwe thuis, een veilige haven; hun leider was al eeuwenlang vastberaden om die voor hen te zoeken omdat in Europa geen plek meer bleek te zijn.
          De Gemeenschap wilde niet ophoepelen. Hoe konden ze dat ook? Vampiers hadden het recht niet om zomaar een stuk land te claimen. De Eerste Kolonie had al zo'n groot grondgebied in Europa - konden ze de rest van de wereld niet alleen laten?
          In de laatste dertien jaar zijn de spanningen opgelopen en hebben zich twee kampen gevormd: de Gemeenschap van Jagers, die ondertussen uitgebreid waren tot dertien families met de Ackermans aan het hoofd, en het groepje vampiers dat zij 'de rebellen' dubden, onder leiding van de legendarische, gevreesde vampier Helias Vanparys. Noord versus zuid, met enkel een rivier die hen van elkaar gescheiden houdt. Geen van beiden is gelukkig met het grondgebied dat ze hebben en willen de ander weg. Een gulden middenweg lijkt onbestaand, zeker wanneer het nieuws de oceaan oversteekt en Greenstone stilaan een haven wordt voor gevluchte piraten. Sommigen van hen zijn Europese vampiers die deel willen uitmaken van de nieuwe kolonie in Amerika. Anderen zijn vampiers die uit zijn op bloed en van de chaos gebruik willen maken. Dan zijn er de Jagers, die hun soortgenoten willen bijstaan - maar ook de Jagers die alleen zijn en de mogelijkheid zien om die institutionele Community onderuit te halen. Ten slotte is er de groep die liever onbekend blijft; weerwolven, gewone burgers en piraten die Greenstone opzoeken om de onbekendheid op te zoeken tussen al die andere bovennatuurlijke wezens die toch te veel kabaal maken om nog andere stemmen op te merken. In ieder geval begint de spanning een hoogtepunt te bereiken; zowel in Greenstone zelf als op zee, waar schepen met bovennatuurlijke bemanningen strijden voor hetgeen waarin ze geloven. Of gewoon voor de lol. Niemand die het echt duidelijk lijkt te weten. Niemand die weet hoe dit wetteloze stukje grond ooit verder zal komen dan één bloederige slachting.


    Je kan alle informatie over de wereld terugvinden in de lorestory. Alle informatie over vampiers, weerwolven, jagers en hun geschiedenis staat beschreven. Je kan uiteraard ook een mens spelen, maar dan is het alsnog handig om misschien even de geschiedeniscomponenten te lezen om me te zijn met de geladen onderwerpen.
    Mocht je nog ergens vragen hebben, stel ze gerust!

                Personages & invulijstjes

    Echte leeftijd (maximum 600)
    Fysieke leeftijd
    Paramount & eventuele Subjects
    Groep & positie (deel van Helias' groep of rogue?)
    Krachtbeheersing & skills
    Geschiedenis (leg ook even uit waarom ze naar Greenstone gekomen zijn)


    Groep & positie (zin om een roedel te maken? Ga ervoor, maar bespreek het even met de groep (: )
    Krachtbeheersing & skills


    Groep & positie (deel van de Gemeenschap? Welke familie; familiehoofd of niet? Algemene leider van de Gemeenschap in Greenstone is een Ackerman!)
    Wapens & skills

    Groep & positie (Hoe ligt jouw personage in de algemene maatschappij van Greenstone?)

    Forbidden characters/faceclaims from canon
    - Helias Vanparys (Niclas Gillis)
    - Thorne Madison / T. Magen (Anton Lisin)
    - Freya Ackerman (Pyper America Smith)
    - Clark Ackerman (Boyd Holbrook)
    - Egorov Vasilyev (Finn Cole)
    - Holden Ackerman (Cillian Murphy)
    - Lev Vasilyev (Ivan N)
    - Nora Quill (Starlie Cheyenne Smith)

    ⛧[P2] — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys (451/20-28?) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P5] — Katherina Vasileiou (166/28) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4] — Nessa Craven (372/28) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Azrael Ishtari (75/26) — Barbarian
    ⛧[P5] — Madalena Belfiore (181/23) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P7] — Adrian Vynall (284/43) — Moskowitz | Xanthe
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P5] — Farah Fenrir Parker (25) — Frodo | Bes
    ⛧[P5] — Sofia Cortez (AGE) — Saureus | Lisa
    ⛧[P4] — Robert Frankson (24) — amberkishatu | Amber
    ⛧[P7] — Lachlan Carmichael (25) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam
    ⛧[P1] — Reed Ackerman (27) — Moskowitz | Xan
    ⛧[P2] — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev (26) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P5] — Elizabeth Lavely (AGE) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4 tot 26/2/24] — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman (27) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P7] — Celeste Girard (26) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P4] — Antigone Lamb (19) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P5] — Carwen Weasmer (25) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Tamanend (21) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P8] — Thomas Crake (33) — Greenfeld | Lene
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - Topics worden aangemaakt door Coryo of Moskowitz. Stuur ons gerust een berichtje als we het niet meteen moesten zien!
    - Have fun!
    ©2024 RSK, Frisk & Moskowitz.

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 mei 2024 - 17:19 ]


    RSK schreef:

    Hii, normally we don't give a shit about genders but there's a lot of women at this point haha. Zou je het zien zitten om een niet-vrouw te spelen? If not, no worries, we'll live

    Sure, no problem (:

    Vespera schreef:

    Sure, no problem (:

    Held (H)


    Azrael Ishtari

    After the fires, before the flood
    my sweet baby, I need fresh


    Azrael Ishtari, born under the smoke of Plymouth England, faced early tragedy with the loss of his mother during childbirth. Only three years later, his father met the same ill fate after suffering fatal pneumonia. Under the care of his uncle and aunt, Azrael grew up on their vast farm. Despite his relatively contented childhood, Azrael struggled with his identity under the watchful eyes of the church, as he felt an attraction to both men and women. The boy had big dreams of opulence and a long life of luxury, akin to the monarchs in their castles. No matter how unlikely it was, it was a goal he would never lose sight of.

    By age 25, both his aunt and uncle had passed away, leaving Azrael to inherit the farm - which he promptly sold. Only a year later, he crossed paths with the mysterious Anthony Walker. After becoming close friends with him first, Azrael found himself falling head over heels for this man. In secret, the pair started sharing a deep romantic connection, and Azrael had never felt more happy his entire life. On one faithful night, Anthony lead Azrael to a large estate, deep into the woods. It happened to be owned by one Lady Ebonhart - a vampire elder. Here, Azrael was forcefully bitten and enslaved by the beautiful yet terrifying woman. The love of his life turned out to be a sub, and he had just betrayed him for eternity.

    In the 48 long years that followed, a complex relationship between Azrael and Lady Ebonhart unfolded. It was marked by Azrael's conflicting feelings of both hatred and admiration for his paramount. Yes, she enslaved him, but she was also a powerful entity who had granted him supernatural strength and eternal life. The paramount and her sub evolved a complex, unhealthy relationship that involved deep feelings of hatred and close intimacy alike.

    Despite having become her favorite subordinate over the years, the life of a slave became unbearable for Azrael. It prompted him to secretly research ways to weaken the vampiric connection between them. He didn't find the answers he was looking for. However, he did figure out that there were a lot of trainable powers his Lady hadn't told him about, like teleportation. More importantly, he learned stories about the legendary vampire Helias Vanparys. Azrael embarked on a quest to find him, hoping to block Lady Ebonhart more effectively from his mind and develop his supernatural abilities.

    After successfully stealing some of her gold and escaping her estate, Azrael crossed the ocean to find Lord Vanparys. Throughout his journey, his untrained mind was haunted by the torments of his paramount. He was in constant agony, with Lady Ebonhart inflicting mental pain from afar. Their unyielding connection serves as a constant reminder that she will persist in inflicting pain, until he succumbs to madness and yearns for his mortal life again. Helias stands as his only hope, and Azrael is ready to undertake any sacrifice to try and block his paramount and find the solace he desperately seeks.

    sounds like

    I learned love is like a brick, you can
    build a house

    or sink a dead body

    real age
    75 years old (has been a vampire for 49 years)

    physical age
    26 years old (age of turning)

    turned by
    Azrael was bitten by Lady Ebonhart, a vampire elder from his hometown Plymouth. She still haunts him from afar, tormenting and hurting his young, untrained vampire mind.

    Azrael's mother died in childbirth. The boy was raised by his father until he died of a pneumonia when he was only three years old.

    After the early death of his parents, Azrael was raised by his aunt and uncle on their farm in Plymouth. During this period, agriculture was a fundamental aspect of the English economy. Financially speaking, the couple was doing well for themselves - especially compared to folks around them. Azrael lived and grew up on this farm until his aunt and uncle passed away. He took ownership of it afterwards and sold the company.

    Has not tried making people his sub just yet, given that he is still very much on the run. He is too paranoid to be found, and he feels that making someone your sub without being well established yet, can lead to its own unique problems. So before he finds a solution to his little paramount problem, he will not pursue being one himself. He can't deny he dreams about what it would be like, though...

    self preservation is everything — condescending — adventurous — vain — materialistic — spiteful — very hard worker — cold-blooded — all or nothing — romantic — revengeful — artistic — proud — ...but never too proud to do whatever he needs to do to better himself — manipulative — eager — clean — ...but never afraid to get his hands dirty — ambitious — power-hungry — well-spoken — studious — sexual — loves the finer things in life — calculated — likes to see how far he can push people — discriminatory — places a lot of value on how someone carries themselves — isn't afraid to hurt people... — ...passive aggressively — ...aggressively — ...or simply with a silent side-eye

    Azrael has a slender build with perfectly kept, wavy light-blonde hair that almost reaches his shoulders. His hooded eyes have a color that resembles ice, with a permanently cold expression to match. His facial features are sharp and masculine, with a strong jawline. He's got classic vampire teeth in the front.

    For as long as Azrael can remember, he has felt attracted to both men and women. Being raised as a strict protestant, Azrael quickly learned that homosexuality was something one would be send to Hell for. This used to scare him to death as a child, and his undisclosed desire to be intimate with men slowly evolved into a yearning forbidden fruit; something he so desperately wanted but wasn't even allowed to think or talk about. When he was 26, he started dating a man in secret, despite knowing he'd never be allowed to marry him. Their relationship was something that would change the course of this life forever, but not in the way you would immediately expect (see "history").

    Everything changed after Azrael turned into a vampire. He adopted an extremely hedonistic lifestyle and freely indulges in his desires, engaging in regular and uninhibited sex with whomever he chooses. The transformation into a vampire and the embrace of Satanism, have allowed Azrael to explore his sexuality without the restrictions of his religious upbringing. And if you ask him, he has a lot of lost time to make up for. It can almost be seen as a rebellious act; living to bring shame to the God that used to restrict him.

    Azrael has only just arrived in Montandon. He has made his journey across the ocean to find and seek approval from the legendary Helias Vanpary. It's his wish to have the vampire elder train him so he can start blocking out Lady Ebonhart as much as he can. Azrael is willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen.

    He licked his lips, said to me
    girl, you look good enough to eat

    Like most people in Plymouth, Azrael's uncle and aunt were devote protestants. Azrael went to church and believed in a God he was afraid of, not in the last part due to his hidden sexuality. This drastically changed after he got bitten. In Azrael's eyes, the existence of vampires in itself is a mockery of God's will. He started looking down on Christianity and the weakness of their Holy Father and turned to Satanism instead. These days, he believes Lucifer is responsible for the creation of the bloodthirsty kind. Oh, and that he keeps God on a little leash.

    beauty - extravagance - art - jewellery - lavish architecture - the rush he feels when tasting blood - sex - parties - living a life of hedonism - teasing - getting drunk on red wine - everything gothic - fancy clothes - seducing and getting seduced - gold - meeting new people (if they're interesting or tasty looking - the latter either figuratively or literally) - the thrill of the kill

    his paramount - how he can't enjoy meals and fine dining anymore - he especially misses beef - christianity - slackers - followers - weak people - hot summer days - dogs

    - Always does that which is in his own best interest.
    - Does not trust easily anymore every since he got heavily betrayed by the person he loved most.
    - Got bitten by a dog as a child and has a scar on his upper arm to show for it. He now despises the animals (just wait till you learn about werewolves, son).
    - Is a smooth talker with a soft-spoken but razor-sharp voice.
    - Always dreamt of becoming rich and powerful.
    - Relishes in his newfound status as a vampire. He loves the whole theatre of chatting people up, being all friendly, take them home - and then strike.
    - As a recent vampire, he still feels the absolute euphoria that sets in when he drinks human blood.
    - The very high level of bloodlust that is a result of this, can be considered an addiction.
    - Loves to paint.
    - Has a fascination for art. He is very fond of large, dramatic paintings and dreams of being the main subject of a painting himself one day.
    - Is obsessed with (dramatic) beauty, in every way shape or form.
    - Is plotting his revenge on Lady Ebonhart, but most of all on his former lover Anthony Walker.

    None yet, so sad.

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 12:09 ]

    it's not you, it's me. i have standards.



    N A M E
    Celeste Girard

    A G E

    A L L I A N C E
    Celeste is part of the hunter community in Greenstone and lives on the edge of Hillside. Though she has been living there for about five years now, she's still struggling with finding her rooting there. As she would like to be a trainer one day, remembering how much she enjoyed her own training period, she tries to take on many hunts to gain enough experience. Also, it is a good distraction.

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    ride or die • you make me feeling fucking violent (flirtatious) • witch bitch autumn • picky • proud • dark sense of humour • ’actions speak louder than words’ type of person • the end justifies the means • competitive • likes a bit of chaos • surprisingly good secret keeper • lil' bit unhinged • no back-up plan, plan A will work • ambitious shit • wants to be the best at everything • even small things • archetype: angry goddess • not afraid of death • extremely protective of loved ones • opportunistic • comfortable with darkness • intens • leaves an air of mystery • independent • won't spare your feelings • uses training and hunting to deal with her emotions • always thinks she is right • very feminine • bickering is her love language • would set the world on fire for her loved ones without even thinking twice.

    L O O K S
    Celeste has a mysterious allure, never giving much at first sight and being difficult to read. She has a fair skin that burns quickly in the sun, so much so that her little brother used to joke that she must be part vampire. Her soft, feminine facial features are in contrast with her darker charm, creating an interesting enticement. Her most striking feature are her eyes, with the colour of forget-me-nots. She likes to put kohl around her eyes to make them look more blue. Her straight, near jetblack hair is tied up in a braid or intricate bun during training and hunting. There are several scars across her body, the most prominent one being on her ribcage, but she is not by any means ashamed of them and wears them with pride.

    W E A P O N S & S K I L L S
    • Generally, she prefers hand-to-hand combat or fighting with swords. She loves the almost sophisticated dance that is part of this. Her pride and joy is her sabre, that she got from her father. However, since her partner died, she has put more attention on long-distance weapons, such as the crossbow.
    • She's not a big fan of muskets and pistols, she finds them too noisy.
    • Throwing stars are one of her favourite weapons, but unfortunately, aren't the most suitable weapons if you want to kill a vampire or werewolf. Excellent for maiming, though. While she finds them fascinating, she doesn't use it during a hunt as she didn't get any training about them and is mostly trying to figure it out herself.

    L I K E S
    snow • forest • testing out weapons • the ocean • drinking • sex

    D I S L I K E S
    sleeping • celebrating her birthday


    H I S T O R Y
    C H I L D H O O D & F A M I L Y
    • Nicolas Girard met Gabrielle Levesque in Bordeaux around 1604. Gabrielle's family was part of the wine trade, granting her a very comfortable life. It was only after their wedding, which Gabrielle's parents never truly approved off, that Nicolas told Gabrielle about his hunter life. Up until then, he had pretended to be a guard for wealthy families. Gabrielle was absolutely livid, but there was nothing to be done about it. Divorce would be frowned upon by society and Gabrielle was already pregnant with Augustin, their oldest child. Over time, her anger subdued, but she was never fully happy with her life, which had an effect on the family.
    • Celeste was a very temperamental child, full of emotions.
    • Together with her little brother, Maxime, and older brother, Augustin, she played pretend hunters, using anything they could get little hands on. This always happened when their mother wasn't at home. Running around was meant for training sessions, not for the living room. Kitchen knives are meant for food, not for throwing at your siblings.
    • Celeste never had a good relationship with her mother, as she was nothing like the daughter that Gabrielle always dreamed of having. The relationship with her father was a lot better, and she absolutely adored him. He died from a disease when she was 15. After Nicolas' death, Gabrielle attempted to pull all of her children out of huntertraining, but was stopped by Nicolas' brother and Leonard, head of their hunter community.
    • Her brothers are extremely dear to her. She often butts heads with Augustin and her softest spot is for Maxime.

    T R A I N I N G
    • To say she was excitement to start training, is an understatement. She was less excited that they had to start with theory. She used to sneakily watch the older hunters' training. Or rather, she thought she was being sneaky.
    • Even at an early age, the physical aspect of training became very much an emotional outlet for her. A means to get rid of all her restless, bristling energy. Her mother often told her she became much easier to handle once she started her training.
    • Celeste soon became very ambitious and had hopes of relocating to Paris, to join the hunter community over there.

    P A R T N E R
    • At the age of ten, Celeste got paired up with her partner. Mathieu was eleven at the time, the son of the hunter community she lived in. She used to make fun of him, telling him that Mathieu was a ridiculous name for an eleven year old.
    • Celeste and Mathieu were very much like midnight and sunshine, complete opposites. Mathieu kept Celeste in balance. Where Celeste was a rumbling thunderstorm, he was the eye of her hurricane. They were naturally tuned in to each other, though they also definitely had their struggles.
    • Mathieu had what now would be diagnosed as dyslexia and struggled with the theoretical parts of training. Celeste pulled him through this, by reading all of their texts to him.
    • They started dating when they were sixteen.
    • It was about five years ago that Celeste and Mathieu had a midnight hunt, together with two other hunter pairs. From the beginning, something about it felt very off to Celeste. Everything was going too smoothly. She voiced her concerns to Mathieu, but he said everything was fine. Earlier that day he had had a fight with his father about Celeste and him wanting to relocate to Paris and he was determined to proof to his father that they could handle it. Celeste didn't agree with Mathieu's decisions, but gave into him after minutes of heated debating, as he had the lead during the hunt. It was a mistake, as they walked straight into an ambush. Mathieu didn't survive, as well as four of the others.
    • Celeste told Leonard that it was her decision to go on ahead with the hunt. One of the few, rare lies she has told in her life. Though she easily could've told the truth, she didn't want Mathieu's memory to be tained by this wrong decision that he made. Leonard, blinded by grief, blamed Celeste for the death of his only son. He sent her off to America, under the pretence of establishing alliances with the new hunter communities there, very well about her desires to go to Paris.

    G R E E N S T O N E
    • She arrived in Greenstone about four/five years ago.
    • The thing she hates most about being in Greenstone, is that she doesn't know how her siblings are doing. Augustin can fend for himself, but Maxime has a much softer nature. She is scared of never being able to find her siblings again, if she were to return to France, especially that her mother has whisked Maxime away to some unknown place.
    • Celeste currently doesn't have a partner. Though part of her wants a partner again, she locks this feeling away, out of fear of potentially losing another partner.
    More be added when I've discussed relations.

    E X T R A
    • When she doesn't feel like talking to anyone, she'll pretend she doesn't speak a word of English. Also when she knows that you know she does speak English.
    • Kissed a girl and liked it. Confused about it though.
    • Celeste has always been a very bad sleeper. It was only with lying next to Mathieu that sleep caught her easily. After his death, this became worse. She is often terrorised by nightmares and rather avoids sleeping at night. This is why she often offers to take on nightly patrols or hunts. As she regularly doesn't sleep much during the night, she's sometimes dead asleep in the middle of the afternoon.
    • She always sleeps with a dagger underneath her pillow.


    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 10:11 ]

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    L A C H L A N      C A R M I C H A E L      |      W E R E W O L F      |      2 5      Y E A R S      O L D
    "Horrify me! Teach me what it's like to fear!"




    Russian variant of Petros; "Rock"
    Patronymic name; "Son of Kir"
    Warrior from the land of the lochs
    Follower of Saint Michael
    Though born Pyotr Kirovich Mironov, Lachlan has not gone by this name for many years now. He's used a plethora of aliases since shedding his birthname, each depending on the place he stayed in, but currently, it's Lachlan Carmichael, feigning a Scottish background.


    AGE: 25 years old January 29, 1608 Aquarius
    Lachlan is younger than his reputation and lifestyle imply, though he looks and acts perfectly his age. He is more emotionally mature than he lets on, and doesn't mind playing into his age to trick others into underestimating him. He doesn't make it a habit to act wise, but he's certainly smarter than average.

    - ostensibly it's that important !                 

    Born a Russian nobleman, Pyotr Kirovich Mironov had little to complain. Sure, his mother mysteriously disappeared right after him being born, and some odd rumors surrounded his family, but ultimately, his childhood was great. No notes. From a young age, Pyotr showed excessive interest in all sorts of languages and sciences, and so he was schooled earlier than most. He developed a strong connection with his primary tutor, Andrey Igorovich, whom Pyotr may or may not have preferred over his actual father. I could talk here about how his caretakers noticed early on how intelligent he was, but I ought not to bore you, so let's keep it simple: it was clear from an early age that Pyotr was well above average in wits. He was quick with language - significantly slower with horse riding and swordfighting. Energetic and physical in nature, but easily distracted and lazy and therefore sloppy.

    Things went downhill rapidly when Pyotr mysteriously fell ill at age fifteen. For a moment, all seemed lost, and doctors unanimously agreed that Pyotr might very well die.
    Pyotr did not die. He just turned into a wolf and ate one of his father's advisors - specifically the one whom Pyotr had always disliked. Once Pyotr turned back, he was so terribly embarrassed by having done something so animalistic that he elected to fake his own death and flee the country. He didn't feel guilty, he told himself, he just was ashamed of having been something so uncontrolled. Naturally, this was not true, but he would later have to meet himself regarding his guilt. Right then and there, all that mattered was that he would not be hanged for first-degree murder.
    His tutor caught onto his plans though, and insisted on traveling with him. Aware that at fifteen he was not experienced enough with travel that he did really need help, but also terrified to end up killing Andrey, Pyotr reluctantly opened up about his faint memories of his wolf self. Andrey confessed that he already expected that this would happen, for he'd known Pyotr's mother, who too was a werewolf, so he'd already known he was the advisor's killer. He assured Pyotr he knew how to handle him in wolf form, and though Pyotr may not have been fully convinced at the time, he was in too much haste to flee to deny Andrey. So, Pyotr dug up the body of a dead villager, trapped it in his room, and set his bed ablaze before then disappearing forever.

    They made way out of Russia and traveled throughout all of Europe. Both changed names a few times - Pyotr Mironov was, after all, a dead man. Andrey proved to be much more adequate at helping Lachlan than Lachlan had therebefore feared (the best testimony to this being that Andrey is still alive in spite of Lachlan's very poor self control during his first couple of years - this is mostly because Andrey was once a hunter and thus trained about werewolves). The first years after first changing were difficult. Though freeing in the sense that Lachlan enjoyed the many travels, being a werewolf brought forth complications that Lachlan could not say he much enjoyed. He had little to no control over himself when changed, often ending up harming or even killing people. Lachlan never learned to accept his true self due to seeing just how destructive that self could be, and so he spent the first years running more than growing. Distracted Lachlan reveled in this lifestyle, never staying in any one place for long, restless and quickly bored with a constant need for mental stimulation. Learning new languages and customs was exciting. More interesting was people and their interpersonal tragedies - and thus Lachlan took on the role of problemsolver whenever odd mysteries and deaths occurred, often having to do with the supernatural as much as Lachlan himself. The focused Lachlan needed this lifestyle to live with himself.

    After an incident with hunters in France around the age of 19, Lachlan realized he needed to learn to control himself. He and Andrey took on many months of training until he managed. Lachlan's relationship with his wolf form never grew healthy, but he most certainly trained himself to avoid people when changed. It was a harmful sort of training wherein the automatic association with his hunger would be the painful burn of silver - but it worked, and Lachlan does to this day not care that he essentially traumatized himself into composure.

    Lachlan had just settled in Ireland for about a year (terribly long, for his doing) when getting himself into a bit of a tussle with someone he shouldn't have - which is quite a common occurence for him, really. I shan't get into too many specifics, but ultimately, he escaped onto a ship to find a way out, expecting to be able to simply swim back ashore so long he jumped off soon enough. This was not the case. He could not jump off. Lachlan got stuck on sea for several months, being caught and locked up in a cell pretty early on, and then dumped at Montandon Harbor. He's been here for about a week. It's not his most prepared for of travels, but he'll roll with it. (Silliest of arrivals but that's Lachlan for you)


    Lachlan is a rogue. He tries to stay out of much of any conflict. He does not like hunters due to past experiences with them from when he was not as well-controlled as now, and isn't a huge fan of vampires either - but neither he hates passionately enough to avoid specifically. Of course, he'd appreciate being part of a pack, but as he has never been before, he does not recognize just how badly he craves company. The loneliness weighs heavily on his psyche, yet he struggles identifying it for what it is. It translates into near constant dissociation and severe moodswings, which by now, Lachlan has assumed is simply part of his personality. He has never really tried to blend in with any other werewolves, far too ashamed of his animalistic nature, and tries to stay off other werewolves' territory best he can. This is not going wonderfully well thus far in Greenstone.


    𝓢o Cain wandered the earth not feeling much at all. The most beautiful of arts could not move him, and the most tragic of scenes would not make him weep. His heart grew hollow and bored. There was no grief except for grief itself, for grief is love - but to love was also to regret, and to regret was to admit what had been done. Cain would prefer not to admit.

    𝔠𝔲𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔲𝔪 𝔢𝔞𝔪𝔲𝔰?
                      - "What?"

    They say truth is what you make it
    So how about we make it fun





    positive traits:



    negative traits:





    Come on then, dissect me.
    I dare you.

    𝓓epending on the circumstances in which you meet him, Lachlan can be a charismatic man. Suppose the situation is an ordinary one, he is most certainly. Withdrawn and zoned out, but once he opens his mouth, he is an eccentric oddball with a good sense of humor. He usually has a deadpan expression that makes it difficult to figure out whether he's being serious or not - and thus I'll just let you know he isn't. Ever. He can't take anything seriously for the life of him. Where this trait used to be quite overtly obnoxious when he was a teen, he's become more tongue-in-cheek as an adult. He's hard to read and often seems distracted.
    He's usually not necessarily distracted, though. He can be, certainly, when thinking deeply, but ultimately, Lachlan is observant and sharp. That doesn't mean he isn't dissociated, for he is more or less always, as well as bored, but he definitely can catch more than one would expect from his dispassionately passive attitude. Speaking of said dispassion: Lachlan is incredibly lazy. He'll only do something if he has any personal interest in it. He otherwise does not care enough to lift so much as a finger.
    Even in high stress situations, Lachlan typically remains apathetic. He's rather desensitized to cruelty, and though he does not agree with sadism, he most certainly won't be phased by it either; at most he is fascinated and wishes to study it. He has questionable morals, though he leans more to chaotic neutral than evil. Lachlan acts out of his ratio and has very poor connection to his emotions. It's extremely unlikely to see him shout in rage or cry in grief. It happens at times, but it's very rare, and he usually suppresses memories of these moments due to sheer embarrassment and discomfort.
    Lachlan is a jokester. He's cocky and arrogant, liking to make jokes that the person he's joking towards won't catch. He also thinks telling random lies is quite funny, especially when he wants nothing to do with you. He can be a little mean, but won't pointlessly bully people. It's more of a type of flirting to him. That, however, does not mean he isn't incredibly annoying when he does this, or that he only does it to people he is attracted to - he mostly just does it to people he knows will be pissed off by it (primarily proud and dangerous men). He thinks it's funny to tick people off. This does not mean that he can't be sweet also, for he is - it completely depends on how much he likes the people he's around. When with people he deems generally more deserving of respect (ironically, usually those who aren't collectively respected much - a beggar or low thief stands higher to him than the average merchant), he has a playful, youthful quality to him and actually rarely pisses people off. Technically, his mindset is always playful and a little childish, but it's only around those he wants to be liked by that it actually shows. He can actually be... Likable? In spite of his disinterested and arrogant attitude? Who would've thought.
    This particular attitude of lightheartedness does not always mean he likes you, though. It can also mean he wants something from you. It's good to keep up your guard to ensure it's not just a manipulation tactic wherein he attempts to lower your guard rather than an indication that he cares for you. It can be hard to find out at times which one it is, for Lachlan himself can't always tell how much he truly cares about people either. He'll flirt with anyone though. All the time. Whether it be in the annoying way or less annoying way.
    When Lachlan wants something, his entire demeanor shifts. He goes from a bored and quickly distracted bystander to easily the most passionate man you've ever met. He becomes competitively ambitious and will cease to care for any of his other responsibilities. When he wants something, he'll drop everything else to do it. These goals normally entail picking apart mysteries or beating people at competitions. Almost everything Lachlan has ever sunken his teeth into he has gotten. He focuses this wish to win almost only on things he can achieve through strategy and wit, for he does not feel he can rely on his body. His mind, though, he is certain can achieve anything it needs to - and he is yet to be proven wrong, so who can blame him? He's a sly and clever man with great memory. (I would not say his intelligence is the root of his arrogance, though. It may have him overconfident at times, but he'll not often make fun of someone well-meaning who happens to misunderstand complexity - unless if they are particularly obnoxious with their ignorance. He just happens to be arrogant also, but usually not specifically to be a dick. He is a dick, but you know, not a bully... Most of the time.)
    Aside from burning fascination and interest, Lachlan's other main motivator is spite. Despite caring little about most situations, whenever he's slighted by something (which is not unreasonably much, but still a lot), he'll make sure to do something to let people know. This can go from anywhere between simply behaving extra annoyingly so to ruin their day, to actually committing some sort of crime or publicly humiliating someone. Usually it's within justifiable limits. It always is, actually. His morality is loose more in what he tolerates than in what he does (minus of course the murders he has committed when in wolf form).
    Lachlan seems almost allergic to proper communication. He prefers to figure everything out before he explains his observations and opinions to other people. He's very perfectionistic, and very stubborn, and will often mislead or confuse people by only given them partial information about his motives or plans. He tends to be better at explaining himself when writing, but even then he may decree to leave some stuff out or between the lines, or even in code. Lachlan enjoys nothing quite so much as mind games, and it leaves him frustratingly vague just for the sake of his own fun. The only time he doesn't mince his words is when calling someone out in the form of a psychoanalysis - then he's often too bold to handle for most by saying things they don't want to hear.
    Lachlan, due to how easily bored he is, loves taking risks and seeking out danger. He'll deliberately put himself in predicaments just so he can crawl out again, like he's treating them like escape rooms. He gets bored when he is made to sit still and relax. Lachlan needs a problem to solve or he goes mad with his thoughts. Some could call him adventurous for this, others stupid - I personally would call him both of those and simultaneously neither; just emotionally avoidant and addicted to adrenaline because it's the only times he feels much of anything.


                      Faceclaim: None ):<

          𝓛achlan is neither very tall nor very broad. He is a thin man who is on the shorter side of average. He is bony, ribs visible and his wrists knobby. He has some muscle, but not a lot, deliberately remaining out of shape to the point of starvation to prevent hurting anyone while changed. He's goodlooking, though has a strangeness to him that can be offputting. He is more traditionally pretty than he is handsome, having androgynous features. He has pale skin, though tans quickly and during summer gains freckles; big yet monolid eyes that are closer to black than they are brown, and an overall delicate look to him. He has often been mistaken for a woman, with his cleanshaven face and smaller upturned nose. Lachlan often cracks grins in conversation, all teeth and white. Aside from these, he is usually expressionless. His hair is black and wild and held at chin length. He does not care much for fashion, and is equally comfortable in wear fit for a working man as something for a count. He walks with a permanent limp after having been shot in the leg when turned. He's more agile than expected with this sort of injury.

    ɪ' ʏ ʜ ɴ ɴʜɴ ɴɪɴ

    .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .

    ʏ ɴ' ʀ
    ɪɴɢʟ ʜɪɴɢ ɪ ʏ

    wolf form:
    In spite of Lachlan's attempts to weaken himself, his wolf form remains bigger - and therefore also a bit stronger - than a regular wolf would be. Much like many wolfs, his wolf form has an uncanny quality. He has black fur and amber eyes when changed. His senses when changed have always been particularly strong, even for a werewolf. Lachlan still does not always feel like he is in control when changed, or rather, he fears not to be - but he is. When he injures someone while changed, I can guarantee you that he meant to do that. Lachlan rarely shifts unless it's full moon (when he can't avoid it), except when he specifically wants to scare someone. He uses his wolf form mainly to haunt those he thinks need to be put in their place. He does not attack. He'll only really fight unless he's specifically decided to do so. When he has decided not to fight, he might not even defend himself until silver is involved. He still walks with a limp. Most other werewolves are stronger than he is due to his state of starvation.



    self control:
    Lachlan initially had some of the poorest self control possible over his wolf form. With no other werewolves to guide him through this general process, full moon was always hell for him. His memories from when changed used to be so repressed that he had times wherein he completely lost them. They're still blurry due to the shame Lachlan feels over changing. Now, though, Lachlan has exceptional resolve over his wolf form. This did come at the cost of some of his health, for the training process he subjected himself to was incredibly painful, and it also made it so that he is not quite as strong as most other werewolves, but it's kept him out of trouble.
    His scent and hearing are above average for even a werewolf, scent more than hearing.

    other skills:
    Speaks many languages (semi-)fluently (Russian, English, French, Greek, German, and Latin), and can understand chunks of languages similar to these even if he doesn't speak them (think Romanian, Ukrainian, Italian, Spanish). Learned at mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. Best at chemistry and mathematics, enjoys biology (human anatomy and medicine primarily) most due to its forensic aspect. Great at any sort of puzzle, including crime scenes, which are basically the same to him. Psychoanalysis and psychology is really his jam even if not a developed science at this point in time. Familiar with philosophy but too opinionated to have paid too much attention to other people's theories; more interested in writing his own. Can read and write. Writes poetry. Great memory when it regards visuals. Terrible horseback rider with a fear of horses. Mediocre fighter due to his poor physique, but pretty agile and quick. Can shoot well though but doesn't normally have any tool for that with him.

    𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔰𝔲𝔠𝔥
    𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱


    Relationships Moodboard Playlist
          Gay as fuck. Or, well, technically bi as fuck, but he's very prone to enemies to lovers which just feels like a woman being hatecrimed when it's straight. Will sleep with anybody, though he enjoys the flirtatious buildup more than the act itself. (Sex itself bores him a little)
          So zoned out. All the time. I've said this before but I'll say it again: his dissociative response to his combination of loneliness and guilt is eating away at his memory. Moments wherein he displays intense emotion are blurrier to him than they are to most people.
          Atheist, though he'd probably not admit this. ("If a God existed, I would not be allowed all this." Him getting away with numerous murders is an argument for many questionable or non-religious acts in general: "Why worry about God punishing me for sleeping with a man when I could kill one?")
          Graverobber. I've already mentioned this but I feel it needs to be said again. He robbed a grave to fake his own death. He's also done this in order to dissect and study the human body. He's tried doing the same to werewolves and wolves to see if he could find anatomical differences not directly visibly to the eye between regular humans, wolves, and werewolves, but getting his hands on a dead werewolf has thus far been challenging.
          Always chewing on something inedible to distract from his hunger. Regularly fasting, alternates between starvation and binging. Yes, this is an eating disorder. No, he does not consider it this. He considers it strategically sabotaging his future wolf self.
          Gambler. If he loses a lot of his possessions he'll steal them back though - causing him to recklessly bet when he's at it. He's a sore loser.
          Despite being a genius, Lachlan does not understand basic economics due to sheer disinterest and the fact he can't handle silver coins. He always made Andrey do that for him. He's a spoiled brat in other such tasks too, like cooking or cleaning.
          Scottish accent when speaking English due to learning the language in Scotland. He quickly takes on other people's accents when spending time with them.
          Comes off as much more conceited and emotionless than he actually is due to his deadpan tone. He sees this as very funny and does it on purpose. It can however make him come off as a dick.

    I'm flirting with a boy that I think
    wants to murder me



    lachlonian memes i could not fit into the layout because they were ugly:
    i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. iix. ix.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 feb 2024 - 13:42 ]

    mortui vivos docent

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 feb 2024 - 23:35 ]

    [ heaven knows ]

    I wanna try making an extra vamp, bc I am stupid and have no self control.

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 feb 2024 - 15:34 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Moskowitz schreef:
    I wanna try making an extra vamp, bc I am stupid and have no self control.

    ik zeg doen 🙏🏼

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    I'd like a male human (who will become werewolf at some point) please ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 feb 2024 - 23:21 ]

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.


    Real age: 125
    Physical age: 24

    Daphne | a name given to her by the woman who found her| greek origin | meaning: Laurel tree | In ancient Greece and Rome, laurel wreaths were bestowed upon victors, successful athletes, poets, and military leaders. These crowns symbolized victory and were a mark of honor.

    Daphne has no family name as it is not known who her parents are.

    Daphne is part of Helias his group. When she arrived in Greenstone it did not take long for her to cross paths with her Paramount Nessa Craven. Still longing for a family connection, Daphne decided to follow Nessa her example and join Helias in the hopes of becoming closer with Nessa. Daphne now likes the feeling of community it gives her, as she has been searching for that ever since she had to leave France and her Madame behind.
    (Haar positie komt nog als ik relaties heb afgesproken.)

    "He used to call me Deadly Nightshade,
    Cause I was filled with poison,
    But blessed with beauty. "

    Hair color ⋅ Dark blonde
    Hair type & length ⋅ Mid-long and wavy hair
    Eye color ⋅ Brown
    Skin tone ⋅ White
    Height ⋅ 1.68m
    Birthmarks & Scars ⋅ Daphne has a scar on her lower back from when she was still human and a client pushed her against a mirror. She also has two scars just below her chest. They are her death marks.
    Extra ⋅ Daphne always wears "eyeliner". She uses khol, just like the egyptians did. Although, the wider public doesn't really care for it at this time, her so to say "madame" insisted on it. As it, according to her, emphasized beauty and lured in clients. She still wears the kohl. She can't imagine herself without it.

    "I've been having a hard time adjusting.
    I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting."

    Loyal to the bone ⋅ longs for family ⋅ struggles with herself a lot ⋅ has no idea who she really is, besides what the people in her life made her to be ⋅ educated ⋅ obedient ⋅ enduring ⋅ used to be a catholic, but feels like she lost her fate ⋅ charming ⋅ alluring ⋅ knows how to adapt herself to different people and different situations ⋅ confident in her own body and knows how to use it ⋅ wants to know where she came from ⋅ does not like to be alone a lot ⋅ feels like she has a second chance at life and is greatful for it ⋅ wants to be apart of something ⋅ big on community feeling as she grew up with that ⋅ a lot of patience ⋅ observant ⋅ can keep a secret very well ⋅ empath, which is really annoying when she has to feed ⋅ is still not really good at controlling her impulses ⋅ does not like violence, but can cope with it being used against her ⋅ has a huge internal world she barely lets out ⋅ does not hold grudges ⋅ still figuring stuff out ⋅ can be a claimer when she wants to hold on to someone ⋅ does not need a lot of space ⋅ afraid of being a disappointment ⋅ holds herself to a high bar ⋅ feels alone ⋅ had high expectations of the world when she was little, but feels a bit let down ⋅ does not take rejection very well
    "Madame Dubois raised me up.
    She hurt me, but it felt like true love."

    1508 Paris, France
    Voor het Rooms-katholieke weeshuis St Elizabeth werd in 1508 een pasgeboren baby op een regenachtige donderdag voor de deur gevonden. Het meisje kreeg de naam Daphne en verbleef 8 jaar lang in het weeshuis, waar ze gelovig en strikt door nonnen werd opgevoed. Door de religieuze onrust in Frankrijk waren ook de Rooms-katholieke weeshuizen soms slachtoffer van rellen tussen de Rooms-katholieken en Hugenoten. Daarnaast vielen er velen slachtoffers gedurende deze rellen, waardoor de weeshuizen overstroomden. De nonnen probeerden daarom voor de 'oudere' kinderen zo snel mogelijk een nieuw onderkomen te vinden. In 1516 was het Daphnes beurt. Zij kon niet wachten om een eigen echte familie te vinden. Ene madame Dubois had haar oog op het donkerblonde meisje laten vallen en voor Daphne het wist, werd ze meegenomen en kreeg ze een nieuw onderkomen.

    1516 Paris, France
    Madame Dubois was geen normale 'moeder' te noemen. Ze kon meer gezien worden als iets van een onderneemster. De dame haalde jonge knappe meisjes uit weeshuizen om ze later als investeringen te gebruiken. Madame Dubois voedde de dames op om ze vervolgens als courtisanes in te zetten. De veelbelovende meisjes werden strikt geschoold in de kunsten, talen en in de etiquette van de elite om aantrekkelijk te zijn voor de hogere kringen. De andere dames werden door madame Dubois verkocht aan bordelen voor de lagere klasse. Daphne had door haar strikte opvoeding in het weeshuis geen probleem met gehoorzaamheid, of met een opvoeding met harde hand en enkele blauwe en beurse plekken op haar lichaam die daarbij hoorde. Ze behoorde al gauw tot een van madame Dubois haar favoriete meisjes. Ze kreeg meer lessen, meer aandacht en meer en duurdere spullen dan de andere dames. Keerzijde, er werd meer van Daphne geeist en verwacht en daar hoorde strengere regels en meer blauwe plekken bij. Daphne zag het als liefde en keek ontzettend naar madame Dubois op. Ze had alles voor haar madame over. Na 6 jaar training vond madame Dubois dat Daphne op haar 14e klaar was voor het echte werk.

    1532 Paris, France
    Daphne werkte ondertussen 10 jaar lang als courtisane in de hogere kringen met veel succes. Ze was een erg gewilde en somewhat exclusieve dame te noemen. Ondanks het succes voelde de band met madame Dubois ondertussen afstandelijk. De madame had haar oog alweer op jong en nieuw talent laten vallen en Daphne werd steeds meer als een werkneemster in plaats van familie behandeld. Het was een enorme klap in Daphnes gezicht geweest, maar het was er een die ze had weten te slikken. Wat moest ze anders? Dit was alles wat ze had. Het was niet veel en in de 10 jaar waren er meerdere 'accidents' geweest, maar Daphne was daar ondertussen gewend aan geraakt. Zo had ze meerdere scherven van spiegels waar ze tegenaan was gesmeten in haar lichaam gehad. Met de andere meiden probeerde Daphne een band op te bouwen, maar door al de jaren van favoritism van madame Dubois moesten zij niets van hun grote concurrent hebben. Daphne voelde zich alleen op de momenten dat ze door haar clienten bemind en bewonderd werd niet alleen. Deze bewondering bracht ook nadelen met zich mee. Een van de clienten van Daphne raakte geobsedeerd met haar. De man kon het niet langer hebben dat ze zichzelf ook aan andere mannen gaf. Hij wilde haar voor zichzelf, maar kon de prijs die madame Dubois daarvoor vroeg niet betalen. In een dronken bui heeft hij Daphne, nadat zij klaar was bij een andere client een donkere steeg in gevolgd om haar daar twee keer neer te steken. Als hij haar niet exclusief voor zichzelf kon hebben, dan mocht niemand haar hebben.

    1532 wedergeboorte
    Terwijl Daphne krampachtig aan het leven vast probeerde te houden, vond Nessa Craven haar leegbloedend in een steeg. De vampier dame voerde Daphne haar bloed en niet veel later blies de blondine haar laatste adem uit. Daphne keerde terug als gloednieuwe en piepjonge vampier op 24 jarige leeftijd. Waar Daphne altijd droomde van een familieband en zich enorm leeg voelde zonder, voelde ze die band nu lichamelijk en mentaal echt voor het eerst. Ze had eindelijk oprecht familie gevonden. Nessa Craven was haar familie. De dame wilde Nessa maar al te graag overal naar toe volgen, alles samen doen, een familie zijn, maar Nessa voelde die drang niet zo zeer. Daphne werd afgewezen en met een gebroken hart en enorm gekrenkt ego ging ze moeizaam haar eigen weg.

    1568 Hamburg Duitsland
    Daphne heeft na haar menselijke overlijden nog een tijd in Parijs gewerkt. Het werd voor haar echter te lastig om haar impulsen onder controle te houden en haar clienten niet leeg te zuigen tijdens haar werk. Toen in 1560 prostitutie bovendien officieel illegaal werd in Frankrijk en er gejaagd werd op de dames die daaraan mee werkten en madame Dubois werd opgepakt, heeft ze haar spullen gepakt om vervolgens in Hamburg als avond/nacht werkneemster in een herberg te settelen. Het verdiende amper, maar het zorgde voor een low profile terwijl ze nog steeds met haar nieuwe krachten en impulsen worstelde. Ze voelde zich een gedrocht en was eenzamer dan ooit.

    1628 Greenstone
    Toen Daphne woord hoorde over een groep vampieren die zich in Amerika hadden gevestigd voor een nieuw bestaan, pakte ze zo snel als ze kon haar spullen en is ze zelf de overtocht gaan maken. Ze had niets meer te zoeken in Duitsland, waar ze zich sowieso nooit thuis had gevoeld en wilde een nieuwe kans. Een nieuwe kans om iets van familie te vinden of simpelweg een nieuw bestaan te creeren. De dame worstelde nog steeds enorm met haar nieuwe identiteit en hoopte op meer inzicht en hulp in Amerika.

    ”I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow.”

    ⋅ Daphne heeft geen subjects. Ze is nog bezig met ontdekken wie zij als vampier is en probeert al haar impulsen nog onder controle te krijgen.
    ⋅ Nessa Craven is haar Paramount.
    ⋅ Daphne schaamt zich niet voor haar verleden, maar heeft wel steeds meer twijfels bij hoe alles is gegaan. Ze valt nog steeds erg snel terug op haar lichaam en vindt dat niet erg. Wel is ze opzoek naar romantiek die ook buiten het fysieke blijft bestaan. Ze worstelt nogal met hoe ze dat moet doen.
    ⋅ Daphne vindt menseneten nog steeds vreselijk flauw om te eten. Ze probeert hier veel mee te oefenen.
    ⋅ love language: physical touch & words of affirmation
    ⋅ likes: playing the violin, books, swimming, having someone to hold on to, kohl for "eyeliner", human blood, stories about families, dreaming, soft blankets and pillows, sex, rules she has to follow, examples of how she has to do things, kissing, moonlight, soft summer air
    ⋅ dislikes: being left alone, having to figure everything out on her own, thunder storms, being ignored, human food, mysteries, ugly teeth, broken glass, horses

    Ik heb nog niets, dus wees welkom! Morgen zal ik eens rond gaan speuren en een lijstje opstellen.

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 11:04 ]

    Søren Asger Jorgensen

    Adrian Vynall

    Adriaen van Wyngaerden


          ☾ Name ☽

    BIRTH NAME ✧ Søren Asger Jorgensen
    ✧ Søren ✦ Danish ✧ Stern ✦
    ✧ Asger ✦ Danish ✧ Spear of God ✦
    ✧ Jorgensen ✦ Danish ✧ Son of Jørgen ✦

    DUTCH ALIAS ✧ Adriaen van Wyngaarden
    ✧ Adriaen ✦ Latin ✧ From Hadria ✦
    ✧ van Wyngaerden ✦ Dutch ✧ Of Vineyards ✦

    CURRENT ALIAS ✧ Adrian Vynall
    ✧ Adrian ✦ Latin ✧ From Hadria ✦
    ✧ Vynall ✦ Unknown ✧ Unknown ✦

    Søren/Adrian has gone through a few name changes since his birth and Rebirth. His birth name is Søren, a name he quite likes, but has taken a distance from since his rebirth. He usually is referred to as Adrian these days.
    He chose his Dutch last name 'van Wyngaarden' in honor of his late wife, who died in a hunter attack. 'Vynall' is a derivative from this name.

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt

    Hier rust
    Edelheer Søren Asger Jorgensen
    [°1349 ✧ ✝1392]

    zijn gemalin, die hij innig beminde:
    vrouwe Ida van Wyngaerden
    [°1352 ✧ ✝1392]

    en hun zoon:
    Hendrik Jorgensen - van Wyngaerden
    [°1382 ✧ ✝1392]

    Hier rusten si, verbonden in der eewicheit,
    geliefden die hen nimmermeer sullen verlaten.

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt

    I am holding out for a hero
    'til the end of the night

          --☾ Age ☽
    Real age ✧ 284
          Year of Rebirth: 1392

    Age at Rebirth ✧ 43
          Date of Birth: January 13th of 1349

    ☾ Paramount

    ---& Subjects ☽

    Adrian's paramount is Helias Vanparys, who turned him in 1392.

    Adrian has so far turned nobody, thus having zero subjects himself. This is a conscious choice as well.



    ☾ Group

    ----& position ☽

    Adrian is part of the Rebels led by Helias Vanparys. He has settled himself throughout his life as Helias' right hand man.

    Within the rebel group he is somewhat a calming presence. You could see him as a PR person 'avant la lettre'. He is the watchdog regarding information getting out for the rebels and sometimes also gets information from the outside in and check the validity of it. Next to that he tends to the group's expenses and guards money flows.

    He rarely ever takes the spotlight if he's seen with Helias. You could see him as a shadow to Helias' light.

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt
    Tot ik sterf
    Ik neem afscheid
    Van dit stervend lichaam
    Dit stervend hart
    De dagen zwart
    Ik verlies me in het vuur
    Elk uur
    Het grote lijden tegemoet
    Te voet
    Met jou erbij
    En ik hou moed

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt

    Soft smile,
    sharp tongue.

    And life went on.
    It was not the same.
    But it went on.

    Long story short,
    I survived.

    And his loneliness is proof
    It's sad
    He could only love you

    He talks in in maths

    ---☾ Personality ☽

    Wisdom (noun):
    The ability to make sound judgments based on experience and knowledge, often leading to insightful understanding and prudent decision-making in various situations.
    Although his age at rebirth helps him a lot, Adrian just feels like a wise person. Somehow people are inclined to ask him for advice. And though he often knows a lot of the answers for problems, mathematical or otherwise, that doesn't always mean he shares them with others.
    When you see him however, he usually appears to be very serene, like nothing in the world ever bothered him. Oftentimes clashing with the melancholy and inner turmoil he might feel on the inside.

    Diplomat (noun):
    An individual skilled in managing negotiations and interactions between different parties or nations, often possessing tact, discretion, and the ability to navigate complex diplomatic situations effectively.
    In his previous life, Adrian was a politician who tried to find a balance between the rich and the poor, although being nobility himself. Not everyone liked his efforts, but he was backed by his wife and that was good enough for him. He would always listen to everyone's demands and seek the best way forward to diminish losses on either side. This skill still lives on in Adrian, the parties however became a lot more stubborn and set in their ways and the stakes are a lot higher. He now tries to make a difference through his communication towards the outside world in the hope it will move everyone forward.

    Pragmatic (adjective):
    Characterized by a practical approach that focuses on achieving practical results rather than theoretical considerations, often emphasizing real-world effectiveness and feasibility.
    When he was still going by the name Søren he was a lot more carefree, but he has always been a pragmatic person. He thinks there is a solution for every problem if you find the right approach. He always tries to be resourceful to achieve his goals and has a practical way of doing so. His ways may seem rigid and methodical, but he is still quite adaptable when something mows itself through his plans.

    Fact (noun):
    An objective reality or truth that is verifiable and indisputable, typically based on evidence or observation rather than opinion or interpretation.
    Adrian likes to make his decisions and plans based on as many facts he can find. The pros and cons are well thought of before he goes through with something. This usually brings along a certain kind of efficiency when Adrian does things. This also gives him a sense of realism and he rarely strays from his goals, always keeping his arrow aimed at the best result.

    Stern (adjective):
    Characterized by strictness, seriousness, or firmness in manner or demeanor, often implying a lack of leniency or indulgence.
    Adrian is not one to goof off or be silly. He is a stern man who always seems to be in business mode even when he has a bit of spare time. This does give the vampire a certain kind of credibility, but also can be perceived as scary and unapproachable.

    Loyal (adjective):
    Exhibiting steadfast allegiance, fidelity, or commitment to a person, group, cause, or principle, often characterized by unwavering support and trustworthiness.
    Adrian is fiercely loyal. He was when his family asked of him to marry a girl in a faraway country. When his wife asked for him to stand by her side when things got hard or when her family would be particularly nasty sometimes or to watch over their only child. And he's especially loyal to Helias who saved his life. Betrayal is not part of his resume and it's something that is very admirable on his account. Adrian is not a person that can be bought or swayed with the highest bid. He'll keep with his decisions.

    Reserved (adjective):
    Marked by a tendency to be restrained or discreet in expression or behavior, often indicating a preference for privacy or a reluctance to openly share thoughts or emotions.
    Adrian doesn't talk about himself and his life a lot to others. He usually tried to put the focus on others when telling life stories due to his reserved nature. Most people do not know about his life before Helias. His aforementioned paramount probably knows the most about Adrian due to his proximity to him and him entering his mundane life before his Rebirth.

    Melancholy (adjective):
    Characterized by a deep and persistent feeling of sadness, sorrow, or gloom, often accompanied by introspection or a sense of longing or nostalgia.
    He might not show it, but Adrian is usually quite melancholic. He sometimes gets his mind stuck on his life before he got turned. He hasn't had another partner since Ida and he wonders if he can actually find a love like it ever again.

    Sarcasm (noun):
    The use of irony or mocking language to convey contempt, scorn, or ridicule, often employed as a form of humor or to express disdain.
    Like his para, Adrian has a tendency to reply in a sarcastic or snarky manner. Something some people do not always see coming from the man. Although he is a lot more dry in his wordings.

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt                                           ╗
    The moon
    And the stars
    Tried their best,
    But I couldn't
    Look away
    From you.
    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt                                           ╝

    ---☾ Appearance ☽

                                                                                              FC: Neil Newbon

    Adrian stands reasonably tall with his 185 centimeters, not insanely so, but he gets around. His physique could be described as fit and athletic, but he's more lean than buff. His swordfighting style is mostly based on dexterity and not necessarily strength.

    Because he got turned at an older age, he does show certain traits that his younger-turned counterparts do not have. Like slight wrinkles around his eyes and some grooves on his forehead. His eyes are set quite heavy in his face, giving him the perpetually tired look. The color being gray that might show blue at times.

    His skin before turning didn't get touched a lot, but he has some scarring from his swordfight training from when he was young. One of them still stands out and that's one on top of his left hand, when he stupidly tried to block a sword with his hand. Although it has faded since his turning, it's still quite visible because of the intensity it had before.

    He usually takes to a neutral and rather stoic facial expression that doesn't give away a lot.

    Adrian usually dresses neatly, but sober. He still wears his gold wedding band he has worn since his twenties and a necklace inlaid with an emerald that he had gifted to his wife as a wedding present. It was a family heirloom, but he felt nobody else deserved to have it after Ida's death.

    Empathy without boundaries is self-destruction





          You made your choice

          Do you regret it yet?

    ☾ Powers

    ---      & skills ☽

    As a part of Helias' little gaggle of vampires, Adrian has a strong mental fortitude. He was strong willed as a human too, but with the guidance of his paramount he is now quite protected. This means his mind is mostly his own when he wants it to, although he does communicate with Helias through the telepathy they have. Not all advice is for everyone's ears after all.

    Adrian is not too shabby in the art of teleportation, but not that good either. He doesn't really like using it and only goes for it when it is absolutely necessary. When he does it outside a perilous occasion, it's more because he wants to keep the skill practiced and nothing more.

    A vampire skill Adrian does use more often is the charm they have. He finds that humans are quite pliant when he talks to them, so getting information he needs or spreading rumors is something that comes easily to Adrian.

    Adrian has studied mathematics for many years and has noticed it gives him a lot of advantages over people. Mental arithmetic comes to him like a second nature and he can add, subtract, divide and multiply in his head super fast. But the more advanced stuff is where his interests are, although there aren't many who he can discuss this with.

    Adrian follows the developments of astronomy as a science at his best ability. The new findings interest him a lot and currently he's trying to follow on Galilei's research as much as he can in this time and place.

    Sword fighting is a skill Adrian was taught as a human. He was expected to learns from a young age. His status of a young noble demanded this of him. It's a skill he kept honing throughout his life, the first one and the next. He will still go for the sword rather than his superhuman strength a lot of times, although the fast reflexes and the strength does help him a lot. He is trained with all kind of swords, but prefers a rapier.

    Nosey little fucker,
    aren't you?

    Thank you for the venom

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk

    Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen
    Kann man uns am Himmel sehen
    Wir haben Angst und sind allein

    Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk

    ----☾ History ☽

    Søren Asger Jorgensen

    [1349] ✧ BIRTH ✦
    Adrian is born in the winter of 1349 as Søren Asger Jorgensen. The Jorgensens lived in Denmark and were Danish lower nobility at the time. Søren grew up a healthy child, although possibly a tad pudgy from sitting around with his nose in his study books.
    At the tender age of seven years old, young Søren was gifted a sword or more specifically. It was accompanied by these words from his grandfather: 'You must learn to protect, young lord, for your life and that of your family will depend on it.' As a young child he could not make any sense of his grandfather's words, but he took the sword with great gratitude and thanked his grandparent for his generosity. What he did not know at the time, is that the rapier came with rigorous training to teach him how to wield it. The beginning of said training was rough for the young lordling and he went to bed bruised and battered a lot. But slowly but surely he learned. He learned to block and parry and riposte. And he learned languages when he wasn't working on his mathematics, which he loved.
    Years went by and the little lord grew up next to his older siblings as the youngest in line. This also meant there was nothing for him to inherit when he came of age. With 3 brothers and 2 sisters it would be a miracle if he could get anything more than some housing and a fancy title he would be bored of sooner rather than later. Søren's parents took pity on their youngest and made another decision for him: he was to be wed to a Dutch lady and to join her in her own country.

    [1369] ✧ MARRIAGE ✦
    The match his parents made for him was with a Dutch lady named Ida van Wyngaerden who is seventeen years of age at the time. Although not his style, their parents throw a huge wedding feast for the two newlyweds. Søren did not know his new bride all that well, but he did find her attractive. They find a communal language in German, the language came easier to Ida than English did.
    On their wedding night, Søren did not touch his now wife. He took her to the bed, her lip trembling as the 3 year older man took her by the hand. What he did next, did surprise her. The Dane sat his wife down on the side of the bed, and took a chair himself. An awkward moment ensued before he started talking in German: 'So listen, I won't force myself onto you. I want you to get comfortable with me before we get into the things THEY want us to do.'
    This surprises his wife, she had expected for him to just go for it. She had stopped trembling by then and held out a hand as a peace offering.
    'At least sleep in the bed that was meant for us?' she asked, noticing he was trying to leave her be. Søren fell in love for the first time that night, with the girl that was now his wife.

    [1373] ✧ POLITICS ✦
    It took the young nobleman around 4 years to actually learn enough of the local language. It was so similar to German, but at the same time, nothing alike at all. He promised himself and Ida that he would only start his career in the political scene if he could speak the language without totally embarrassing himself. It did not take Søren 4 years to actually learn the language, but that's the point where he felt that he totally mastered it.
    Until that point he tried to keep up with the politics in the area, listening in as much as he could. He was disappointed he could not take his wife to translate for him in the beginning, but it did make it so he started understanding fairly quick what the people were telling each other and more importantly: what their problems were.
    On other days he would talk to the people that fell under Baron van Wyngaerden's jurisdiction to listen to them and understand them better. This was frowned upon a lot by the other nobles, but very much so appreciated by the farmers and the craftsmen in town.
    In 1373 he entered the political scene, with the help of his wife. She helped him make connections at formal functions by talking to the politician's wives and then afterwards introducing them to Søren, growing their network of people and with it the nobleman's position in local politics. It brings a nice wage for the family to spend and they move from the van Wyngaerden family home to their own house away from prying eyes. They liked their privacy. The pair takes on one servant maid and a groundskeeper.

    [1390] ✧ STRANGER ✦
    Somewhere in the year 1390, at age 41, Søren meets a young man named Helias. Reveling in the amazing conversation he had with the assumed younger man, spoiler alert: he got his ass charmed by a vampire without knowing, he told his wife about his newfound friend. He invites Helias into his home, giving him a place to sleep and come back to during his stay in their country. Helias was grateful or so it seemed to the van Wyngaerden-Jorgensen's. What they did not know, was that by taking in Helias, they had painted a target on their backs. They continued to house in for almost 2 years. He lived with the family of 3 like a talented fourth family member, who often brought music and knowledge to their house.
    Søren liked discussing politics and maintained his English with Helias, as Ida still wasn't the best at it and Helias was obviously terrific at it.

    [1392] ✧ DISASTER ✦
    One night, Søren's hospitality catches up with him and the hunters have had enough of the politician harboring a dangerous individual in the sanctity of his home. An attack was launched on his house, where hunters violently broke into their home at night. There were somewhere around 10 people there. Some inside of the house, some outside.
    Søren was studying another mathematical problem when they launched their offense and grabbed the first weapon he could find: an iron poke. He tried to run toward where his wife and daughter are sleeping, but was intercepted by a pair of hunters who engaged him in battle. Søren with his poke, held his own against the hunters, which was impressive to say the least. But two hunters against one human is just not fair and he was pushed back in the end.
    Before the battle was over, the other pairs dragged down the bodies of his wife and daughter into the living room. Their throats slit, his wife's eyes still open in terror. Like she was killed mid scream. Seeing this image, Søren went into a frenzy, jumping the hunter closest to him. Driving his iron poke through his windpipe in blind rage, totally disregarding the second fiend in the room, who stabs him in the back. It hurt like a bitch, but in his state, amped up on adrenalin, he charges again like a lunatic. Only to get stabbed again, in the front this time, by his grandfather's rapier.
    The weapon punctured his lung and the band of hunters, excluding the one he murdered, not having found Helias, left his home. Leaving Søren to gurgle out labored breaths, assuming that one of the pained exhales would be the last like the man that helped vampires deserved in their minds.

    [1392] ✧ THYMOS ✦
    'You must learn to protect, young lord, for your life and that of your family will depend on it.' The sentence replayed in Søren's head over and over. He tried to ignore the rattling breaths and the warm blood running over his back. Desperately he fought to get back up, to help his Ida and his daughter. He collapsed again in a frustrated groan, his energy and breath fading fast. This is where Helias entered the room anew. Finding the place where he lived in dissaray and the master of the house on the floor, fading. In Søren's mind the moment could've lasted a lifetime instead of a few seconds. As soon as he saw the vampire, his consciousness faded. Like he wanted to leave it to him, now that he was here. But instead, the vampire feeds him his own blood. Afterwards killing the man in a swift mercy, which was very unlike him.

    Awakening was like a tidal wave of memories hitting his face. Thinking back on his Thymos-addled brain finding nourishment in their poor personnel. They didn't deserve it, but they couldn't really resist. It's not that he could feed on his own family, a bittersweet thought, since they reeked of death already.
    When the frenzy left him he just sat back down next to Helias, who has stayed close enough for him to find the other man. All Søren could do at the time is stare at his home, now just an empty house. It was dark, but he could see it well.

    [1392] ✧ REBIRTH ✦
    After his Thymos, Søren payed his last respects to his beloved wife and child. He felt like he shattered in a thousand pieces, but could not cry. Søren knew what he had become the moment he came to. He has unclasped the necklace he has gifted his wife as a wedding gift. It had been a family heirloom, but he would be unable to pass it on, so he put it on. The simple emerald, tucked away under his clothes. He put the teddy bear with his daughter, ignoring the blood trail underneath his feet. With eyes looking nowhere he sets his home ablaze, sending his lovely wife and sweet child to whatever deity deserves them and the hunter to hopefully the worst hell imaginable.

    I want to go back
    To a time before it was
    Too late.

    I'll never be
    that me again

    My feelings?
    Oh, don't worry about those,
    nobody else does.

    My thoughts were
    Destroying me.
    I tried not to think
    But the silence
    Was a killer too.

    It's immortality
    my darlings

    May God have mercy
    on my enemies
    'cause I won't

    In the end
    All I learned
    Was how
    To be strong

    I wonder
    what I look like
    in your eyes

          Adriaen van Wyngaerden

    [1401] ✧ MOURNING ✦
    Since he staged his own death with the body of the hunter he killed, he couldn't go with his old name anymore. Besides, that name is on a headstone, he could never look at it the same again. As a new name he chose Adriaen van Wyngaerden. He wanted honor his wife by taking her maiden name.
    In the next few years Adriaen feels like he needs to relearn everything. He never was much of an instinctive person, but he had worked and studied hard for his place in the world. It felt the same for him now: don't walk in the sun for the first few years, cover every inch of your body until that point, this is how you mentally fortify yourself and so on. Adriaen felt like he was cramming again to impress another noble. The only difference being that this time a misstep could cost him his life.
    He does stay in the Netherlands with Helias, trying to work himself through the waves of his grief. He noticed that a certain times he'd annoy Helias with his sadness. When he realized this, he would keep his grief until he was alone so he could be in peace. It did make him feel a little bit lonely and at times pissed at his paramount, but he also understood that for Helias the priorities were different.
    Adriaen helped out Helias wherever he could at the time though. Which was a challenge as a 'young' vampire. A lot of his time is spent studying during the day and lending a hand during the night or on days where the weather was exceptionally bad (snow excluded).

    [1492] ✧ SOUTH ✦
    Adriaen, loyal as he was, kept following his paramount in his path down South together with the rest of the subjects. It had been a long time since he was the youngest of the group and he tried to help keep them in line as much as possible. He also found that having Helias as a paramount had its perks. Being able to keep people out. Sometimes he'd stay behind for a bit or branch off, but he almost always returned quite quickly. If the signs pointed to danger, Adriaen would never leave Helias' side.

    [1502] ✧ SUPPORT ✦
    After all of Helias' work in Greece, he just up and left after changing the princess. Adriaen understood his para had other priorities, but he could not bring himself to abandon her totally. So in a slightly loaded vocal scuffle, Adriaen told Helias he would stay behind himself to help the girl. Since he already proved himself to his paramount he was allowed to do so and he settled himself in the house they had been occupying since they got there.
    Adriaen helped Katherina by giving her access to the house. After Helias' leave, Adriaen cleared out his own room and stayed into the one his para had occupied before so Kat could have a house to return to after her day of work. He helped her strengthen herself as a vampire, extending the lessons of his paramount to the newest subject. He tried to be the confidant Kat needed at the time and if she would need extra hands, he'd gladly offer whatever help he could give. They end up growing a lot closer and developing an intense bond. He felt like Kat could be his daughter and would give a lot to make sure her life was easier.
    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt
    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt
    Adrian Vynall

    [1526] ✧ REUNITED ✦
    Adrian rejoins Helias in Ireland after Kat decides to go to Italy. Throughout the years, he'll stay at Helias' side again, doing whatever is needed of him. During his time in Ireland, Adriaen switches his name to Adrian Vynall to make sure his name accommodated the local language. Throughout the century, Adrian will travel to places where mathematical breakthroughs are made, so he can study the source material, leaving Helias with his own paramount. At the end of the century he left for a bit to study Wright's Certaine Errors in England and stayed there for a bit until 1600.

    [1600] ✧ SLAUGHTER ✦
    Somewhere at the start of the new century, Adrian felt a panicked pang from his paramount. The vampire immediately packed up his things and left England for Ireland. Adrian instantly knew something was going on and that he had to be back at the earliest occasion. The signal left Adrian antsy throughout his travels, because it was quite unlike Helias to just send out a signal like that.
    When he arrived at the place he felt his para resided, he walked in to see a bloodbath. All Helias' other subjects were strewn across the floor, decapitated bodies left and right, save for Katherina who was still standing. The walls, Helias and Kat might as well have been painted red. His paramount ran up to him, still enraged from his earlier endeavors. Helias asked Adrian where he had been and the other explained where and that he wasn't aware he needed to be back. Which he actually wouldn't have known if not for the blip Helias had sent out. It did not satisfy his para and he wriggled himself into Adrian's mind. All Helias could find was the memory of Adrian rushing back as soon as the message came in. Helias left Adrian on the floor, still in pain from the intrusion, but Adrian had relinquished his control as soon as Helias tried to pry, to protect himself and because he trusted his paramount.
    In the end he got up and followed Kat and Helias outside, sulking.

    [1606] ✧ CROSSING ✦
    Adrian decided to follow his paramount to another continent in the hope to find some peace and quiet that Europe wasn't giving them. Their group now being reduced to the trio, made it more easy to cross the ocean unnoticed. Adrian did like the prospect of building up a life somewhere else, away from the trauma he had suffered in the past, a clean sheet away from the prying eyes of hunters.

    [1620] ✧ HUNTERS ✦
    Alas, rest was not in the stars for them as after 14 years of relative peace, the hunters arrived in Greenstone to haunt them yet again.

    It was written in the stars
    that we three
    would collide.

    Adrian ✧ 'You're just gonna leave her here? You want her to burn up in the sun or something? She's a public figure, Helias...'
    Helias ✦ 'She could handle herself before, she can handle herself now'
    Adrian ✧ 'She could handle herself in a context she knew. As a human.'
    Helias ✦ 'What do you want me to do? Hold her hand?'
    Adrian ✧ 'Give her some guidance, as a start? You're basically throwing a bird out of the nest, but the bird is still in the egg.'
    Helias ✦ laughs at that: 'Guidance is a luxury few of us can afford - let alone deserve.'
    Adrian ✧ 'Fine. If you don't want to do it. Let me. Leave me behind. As soon as I think she actually has her footing, I'll find you.'
    Helias ✦ 'I'm sure she can find her footing in the gutter, but I've never told you where to go, so I won't tell you now.'
    Adrian ✧ 'Do you trust me?'

                                                    Adrian to Helias on leaving Kat behind by herself

    -------☾ Extra ☽

    Danish (mother tongue) ✦ Dutch (learned in his 20's, now native) ✦ English (Learned in childhood) ✦ French (through Helias) ✦ German (Learned in childhood)

    Adrian mostly worked as a bookkeeper if he took on long term jobs. Sometimes when he didn't know how long they'd stay in a place, he'd take on odd jobs.
    When he left his estate in The Netherlands, he also took all the money and valuables he had with him, so he had enough funds to go with.

    Adrian's favorite colors are night blue and emerald green.

    Mathematics ✦ Moments of peace ✦ Astronomy ✦ Books ✦ Music ✦ Problems that solve themselves ✦ Dinner etiquette

    Cloudy days ✦ Hunters ✦ Betrayal ✦ Unhappy Helias ✦ Chatty drunks

    At this moment Adrian is mostly questioning. After having only one love (and a lot of trauma) he's lost himself a bit too much to love again anytime soon.

    Adrian's spirit animal is the Atlas Moth. Like the Atlas moth, Adrian embodies resilience and endurance. With a lifespan of only a few weeks, the moth symbolizes the fleeting nature of existence, which fits well with Adrian's past.

    Am I walking toward something
    I should be running away from?

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt

    Ardeur de la vie
    Sentier de gloire

    Vois sur ton chemin
    Gamins oubliés, égarés
    Donne-leur la main

    Pour les mener vers d'autres lendemains

    lange sentence om de hele regel te vullen zodat het fatsoenlijk uitlijnt

    ☾ Relationships ☽

    Helias ✧ His paramount, the one who he's loyal to, he's Helias' right hand, his oldest friend, someone he puts a lot of trust in

    Katherina ✧ Father-daughter bond, his protégée and friend, someone he can confide in

    Crake ✧ A human he has a lot of sympathy for, helps him out from time to time by talking about the trauma, will drag him up from the gutter to put him to bed if he's drunk

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 feb 2024 - 17:51 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque




    The Affeble

    Jun. 16th





    "It could have been worse!"


    "Why do you always jinx us!"

    The first thing you'd notice about Tama is is unprecedented optimism. It doesn't matter how bad a situation is, according to the boy it could always get worse and that wouldn't be the first time he jinxed it by saying the thought out loud. He is always very friendly and like spending time with people and making new friends. Tamanend believes that everyone is inherently good, some just decide to make some bad choices that lead to not as great actions, but everyone can be redeemed and deserves respect, friendship or help. They might just need some help with making better choices. Quotes like "Oh it's okay, it was just a misunderstanding." or "It's not that bad." can often be heard from the boy as he says them with a smile.





    Tamanend's drive to meet new people stems from an innate curiosity he has had all his life. Learning new things has always been something he enjoyed. As a kid Tama would always ask questions to everyone about everything. His mind easily collecting and storing all answers for later recall. Born in a world were keeping written records was not something that had been invented yet, Tama had to rely solely on his own mind and on sometimes a couple of pictographs to remember everything he learned. He can accurately recall many stories of his tribe, methods to manufacture a variety of things and all manner of medicinal and ceremonial uses for native plants. This extends to quickly learning new skills and picking up information like languages.





    Freedom is something Tamanend desires. From exploring the local area as a kid to not wanting to be tied down in marriage, Tama has a spirit that doesn't like being stationary. The young Tamanend often went places he wasn't supposed to be and seeing things that weren't for his eyes. He likes to try new things and go on adventures, trying to find new and interesting experiences, collecting new knowledge along the way. For now Greenstone is still interesting enough, but it wouldn't surprise anyone if Tama tries to venture across the large ocean somewhere in the future since he wants to know what is out there. He isn't one to look back and be sad for the times that have past, no Tama is glad for everything he has gained.




    All in all, the combination of factors that drive Tamanend can be summed up as someone who is highly charismatic and intelligent, but seriously lacking in the wisdom department. His tendency to explain bad things away make him often naive to the bigger picture that is going on. Combine that with having to communicate in a foreign language and thus lacking the nuance for phenomenons like sarcasm or joke-answers, which makes him gullible to say the least. He is quick to trust people, still believing they are good at heart even when they clearly done bad things. This often gives him a child-like demeanor in a clearly adult body, especially when this is comined with his wonder for the world as a whole.





    ⋆。˚☾˚。⋆𓃦 ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆

    ⋆。˚☾˚。⋆𓃦 ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆

    "Doesn't the ocean just call out to you to find out what's beyond?"


    "No idiot! The ocean always screams that it's dangerous!"


    Yes, necklace
    Cherokee Jack



    Tamanend looks pretty typical for his age and the area, but that makes him look quite strange in a town occupied by many European settlers. His skin is a natural golden brown, no sun required and his hair is straight and jet black. Though he has let it grow out instead of keeping with the traditional Lenape hairstyles. He has brown eyes, often filled with a sense of wonder as he walks through life. His height is nothing to speak of, not long, not short, just average. He does wear clothes, though they are very different from the European wardrobe that was brought to Greenstone by ships, prefering to stick to his natural and traditional garb. In the warm months he often chooses to not wear shirts, keeping with his tribe's way of dressing, though he has adopted the use of trousers or shorts all year round. His skin shows many light scars from old scrapes and small hunting accidents and some bigger ones where it looks like someone ripped up pieces of his skin. Tama wears a traditional wampum necklace

    "Look at all those weird light-skin people! They have some crazy big canoes!"


    "We should get back, I don't trust those people at all."

    Tama's life started out as normal in late spring. The sun was high in the sky and temperatures were starting to feel like summer when Tama was born. His baby cries quickly changed into smiles, always loving the company of people and interacting with anyone who came to see him. Though this was not surprising since he was born under the Elk totem. His friendly nature inspired the name Tamanend which turned out to be very fitting. As a kid Tama played around a lot with the others from Tùkwsit-clan he was born into. The curiosity he has now started early. With his mother being one of the healers, plants were always around him and it sparked some sort of fascination. The respect each part was given and the care that was used when preparing them or when helping others has always stayed with Tamanend. The young boy started bringing home little bits of all kind of different plants and asking what they were used for before pretending to prepare them and use them to treat problems. His fascination with the medicinal world did not go unnoticed, whilst everyone in his tribe knew basic medicine it was strange for a boy to know to be this interested as it was generally the job of women.

    The first major event happend when Tama was nine. At the coast near his village, strange canoes started to come on land, weird light skinned people coming out of them. Together with many of the neighboring villages and tribes his father and his uncle protected their land, sharing only a small bit of land with the light-skins. Whilst the light-skins were supposed to be left alone, Tamanend couldn't keep his curiosity from piquing, immediately interested in the new people that were not yet his friends. He started to visit the new Dutch settlements in secret, first keeping his distance and just observing before daring to get closer. Eventually some of the Dutch started to notice him and began interacting with the young boy. They were amazed with how quickly Tama picked up their language, after picking up bits and pieces in their first few interactions some of them started to teach him in earnest. Pointing at all kinds of things and exchanging names from Munsi and Dutch before moving on to short sentences. Over the course of the winter Tama had many visits with the friendly Dutch people, learning enough Dutch to get basic concepts across and express important desires. Though his time with the Dutch stopped when some of their less friendly companions decided Tamanend would be a great bargaining chip and capturing him.

    Luckily, Tama escaped before turning ten, returning to his tribe after a month of captivity. From that point on he was forbidden to go anywhere near the settlers. Not that he had much time for playing around anymore. His warrior and builder training started in earnest as his uncle and to a lesser extend his father were teaching him new things almost every day. Learning hunting, fighting, farming, fishing, building and a lot about different ceremonies and stories, Tama had enough to keep his mind and his body busy and away from the Dutch. He also kept up with the extra lessons his mother gave him on medicine and eventually becoming a valued and skilled member of the tribe. Though before he could become a proper adult, Tamanend needed to undergo his spiritual journey. After the innitial ceremony Tama traveled alone to a large rock in a clearing in the forest, chosen for him by the village elders. Four days and four nights he fasted, entering a meditative state praying and calling for visions to come to him. Tama barely remembers any details from this journey, but the elders explained his visions, saying he was going to be a bridge between people, helping all whilst the wolf-spirit would give him the courage to do so and protect him from danger he would face in order to connect to those he loves.

    At the age of seventeen it was time to get married. As was customary within the Lenape community, Tamanend married outside of his own tribe. Having met a lovely young lady, Weènchipah, from the Pële-clan a bit to the south of his own on one of the larger gatherings, Tama moved south after marriage, being welcomed into her clan and learning their Unami-dialect and customs. Whilst the marriage was fine and his wife was lovely, it all just felt to structured. Especially after his youth turning from exploring to learning and his adulthood going from learning to just doing, he started to get antsy. Off course, he had some standards to uphold, resulting in their first child, Oratam, when he was nineteen and their second one, Tamaqua, six seasons later. But even being a father and seeing his kids grow up, was not enough to satisfy his curiosity.

    Rumors about a village on the other side of the large forest finally came to his ears. The town supposedly housed many light-skins, something which immediately piqued Tama's interest. A season after Tamaqua was born, Tamanend made the first trek through the forest looking for the light-skins. But always just to look from a distance. A trek he made many more times with increasing frequency, slowly starting to interact with some of the people that frequented the forest, until just after his twentieth birthday when he made the final trek to, what he later learned to be Greenstone. That day he packed all his possessions and said goodbye to his wife and kids, fully taking up residence in Greenstone. At the edge of the forest, near the harbor Tama decided to build his own little house, completely in the style of his tribe, choosing this place as he could easily watch the ships in the harbor. Since barely anyone spoke Dutch he had to quickly learn English, but luckily there were people who were willing to actively teach him the new language, making it go way faster than last time he had to learn such a foreign language. He just his physical labor and herbalist skills to provide for the community and earn some money, a new concept to the boy. His friendly nature got him caught up in some less then ideal situations with some of the vampires of Montadon, though his faith might change soon as he became quick friends with one of the newest people to arrive in Greenstone.

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    "Dude! Stop interrupting our hunt, this way we'll never catch something for dinner."


    "But learning new things is just so much more fun!"

    Tamanend holds a bit of a weird position within Greenstone. As a human he is clearly lower in the pecking order than the other groups fighting for dominance and the sense of superiority many Europeans possess isn't helping with this. Though he has some very useful skills that are getting recognized more and more and his ever-friendly nature and way of interacting with people has made sure he gained some friends, though not all of them as genuine as Tama believes them to be.


    Due to his variety in skills Tama works a wide range of jobs depending on what is needed. He can help with building wooden structures, prepare the land for farming and go fishing or hunting. Besides physical labor, Tama is a skilled herbalist who practices traditional medicine. Knowing how to treat many ailments and especially knowing what the native plants are and how they can be used has gained him some extra work as people come to him with their problems. Whilst there are more skilled physicians among the settlers, many of the native plants are foreign to them, allowing Tamanend to have a slight edge over them in some cases. When treating someone, Tama does this in the tribe's way, freshly preparing the medicine and including a small ceremony, in his own home.


    Over the course of his life, Tama has already learned three languages. First off all, he speaks the Lenape language, of which the Munsi dialect is his mother tongue and he learned the northern-Unami dialect from the clan of his wife when he got married. This makes that he also has mutual-understanding with people speaking the southern-Unami dialect as the three dialects are close enough. When he was a kid, he learned the beginnings of Dutch. In this language he can still communicate basic ideas and desires enough for rough conversations, though he is rusty as he hasn't spoken much Dutch since his childhood. Lastly, Tama has learned English, this time learning a foreign language in much more detail and being immersed in it for about a year now means he has picked it up quite well. Though more advanced concepts such as sarcasm or jokes would often be lost to him.
    Tama has also never learned to read or write as Lenape doesn't have a script, he learned Dutch from pointing and speaking and for English he didn't need it as his primary goal was to understand people and reading and writing is still not a skill most people have.

    "Everyone needs to eat, they can't help it they need human blood."


    "That doesn't mean you have to endure their suffering!"

    Lachlan Carmichael
    For Tama their first meeting was when Lachlan just came off of the ship. Tama had watched the ship come slowly closer and closer before eventually docking as he made his way closer to the pier. He had watched as the different people disembarked, curious about who would come to join the community. When Lachlan made his way onto land Tama had to do a double take, something about the man had immediately piqued his interest. Tama wanted to know what stories Lachlan held as he defintely seemed to be the most interesting of everyone coming of that ship. Later that evening, after Lachlan had time to settle Tama had started a conversation, clearly curious about everything Lachlan had to tell him. This blossomed into a quick friendship when Tamanend learned of the well of knowledge that was inside Lachlan's mind.

    Madalena Belfiore
    Madalena was Tamanend's main English teacher when he came to Greenstone to settle there. Meeting randomly one evening shortly after arriving, Tama was allowed to live in her place until he finished his own house when he finally made clear that he didn't have a place yet. This resulted in many nighttime lessons which allowed him to quickly pick up the language and get an understanding of the going ons in Greenstone. They are still friendly, though over the year Tama has branched out a bit regarding his friend group.

    Nessa Craven
    Tama isn't particularly happy about being a vampire snack, though he still goes through with it disregarding his own feelings for the action. Vampires also need to eat to survive and other people surely cannot deal with it as Tama can so it is better if he sometimes offers up his body. Nessa is one of the vampires that like the taste of the Lenape. Tamanend doesn't know that much about the woman even though he has attempted to hold some friendly conversation. At least the scars Nessa leaves are some of the cleaner ones.

    Robert Frankson
    Blacksmithing is something that clearly fascinates Tama. It is a skill not known within his own tribe, yet, and therefor almost like magic. When not at work himself, Tamanend loves to watch Robert at work. Over the course of many visits, Tama and Robert have become friends. Whilst the blacksmith was suspicious at first of the new set of eyes looking at his work, he quickly came around when he noticed the wonder and fascination Tamanend had when looking and the Lenape asking interested questions only helped to put Robert at easy and tell about his own passion.

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    [ bericht aangepast op 18 feb 2024 - 19:31 ]

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.

    Ik log na maanden (of jaren?) weer in om even mijn complimenten te geven voor jullie scrumdiddliumptious-as-heck looking characters.

    The execution? 10/10
    My jaw? On the floor.


    Give me my baby boi for occasional shitposts and also a male hunter (not community) tho bc I need to give myself too much to do, to do anything anyways.

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Frisk schreef:

    Give me my baby boi for occasional shitposts and also a male hunter (not community) tho bc I need to give myself too much to do, to do anything anyways.

